

Will you dare to face your deepest fears, fight for your beliefs and say no to the Devil? This is the question that the protagonists of this book have asked themselves and they have also been forced to have a strength that they have never had before. In each story, we can see how the protagonists have the worst of their struggles against evil and how in the middle of that fight, they have lost their loved ones. Nobody knows what will happen in the end; but, they have to be brave and face their most feared fears and fight them. What they could not imagine is that evil has a thousand faces and a thousand forms and ways of presenting itself to us, persuading us to do what they want and submitting to their will, so that finally, they drag us to hell. This book talks about how all this takes place in a house that has been abandoned for years and nobody knows why; but, this woman who tells the story, will tell in detail the reasons why the house suffers and what are the unresolved issues of each ghost and will help them to have the peace they have been looking for. Is the person who speaks a ghost or someone who may have contact with ghosts?

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Since I started walking and the moment, they started giving me dolls, I always saw them as my friends, with whom I could sleep, play, bathe with them, go to the pool with them; in short, do everything with them. On one hand, dolls are the best gifts that any child can have, and that makes them even more meaningful.

On the other hand, I have always believed that dolls would never have life because they are not made of flesh and blood but I was wrong.

There are dolls like "Chucky", "Dolly Dearest" or "Annabelle", who came to life, thanks to the fact that there are bad people who, through these dolls, could take revenge on all the people who betrayed them and kill all the people who they could kill.

But the dolls in this story came to life for other reasons; although some of the dolls came to life just like the dolls, these dolls are scarier than any other doll and the evil of these dolls is something that no one has been able to explain well how much it increased.

Of all the stories these ghosts and the people around them had to face, nothing compares to this story and what they had to face.

This story is different from the other stories because, in this story, there is everything: cursed dolls, Pact with the Devil, VALAK, voodoo, witchcraft, Satanism, human sacrifices, cursed cemeteries and the famous OUIJA.

If someone has seen all the movies on Friday the 13th, they will realize that this story has a similarity to what happened to Jason Voorhees in his childhood, because it has a relationship with this story.

My family has not known the real reason why everything bad has happened in the house that is now abandoned but, the truth is that, everything bad has happened there and everything has as intervention, the help of the Devil and VALAK.

This story is the most important fight of all, because in this fight, everyone will have to fight for their lives and this will be a fight not only between good and evil; but also, a fight for the soul of each one of them. The last person who inhabited the house was a whole family named Wainwright. At that time, they were respected for having a solid marriage, who had eight children and who lived with their grandparents, uncles and cousins.

There were a total of fourteen people and despite being a large number who lived in the house, they got along well with each other and were very loved by their friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.

They had attended all the meetings and parties that their neighbors and acquaintances had organized and all the people who knew them felt that they could count on them for everything including, in good times and bad. Everyone knew that they were fascinated by creating dolls and each time they did it, the dolls were more and more perfect.

His friends who frequented the house could see the whole process of creating the dolls and were fascinated as they were, they had the ease of making them. When people visited the house, they saw those dolls and they were fascinated with them; especially children who loved dolls.

But there was a problem and that is, those dolls were not for sale. Everyone was saddened when they found out that the dolls, no matter how beautiful or perfect they were, were not for sale.

Despite that, people did not care and kept going through the house, just for the dolls and to be able to have a good conversation with the creators of the dolls.

As usual, people cannot live in peace, if they are not fighting or slandering someone and this would not be the exception, because someone had spread a rumor that the Wainwright family practiced witchcraft and that they are not like that; rather, it is a facade to hide who they really are and are hiding their real purposes.

Someone had heard a voice that had told him that lie about the Wainwrights and that person, he decided to listen to that voice. That person decided that people had the right to find out who the Wainwrights really were; so, he decided to publicize that rumor.

As always, people decided to believe the rumors; instead of finding out if those rumors were true and the people who believed in their innocence would soon turn against them. At first, it was difficult for people who knew them to believe these rumors but, as the rumors began to increase every day, they had no choice but to believe those rumors. It had reached a point where; they could no longer turn a deaf ear to the rumors and decided to face this situation that no longer had a return.

Everyone wanted to see if the rumors of witchcraft were true; so, they had to come up with a plan to check and corroborate that rumor. They decided to have a barbecue day in one of the houses that they, who had a sea in which they could bathe.

When they had everything ready, they went to the house to invite them and they, innocently, went to the barbecue, without thinking that this invitation was false and hypocritical on their part.

It all happened quietly and peacefully for the Wainwrights but for other people it was a stormy day, for their doubts about the Wainwrights grew as the hours passed. While all the children were in the sea, bathing and having fun, the Wainwright children watched them have fun on the seashore.

That event seemed disconcerting to all the people who were there at the time and insisted the children to go into the sea. The children did not want to say no and kindly jumped into the sea.

But what no one knew is that the children did not know how to swim and drowned. The Wainwright adults, seeing that scene, immediately went to their children to take them out of the sea and save them, but it was too late, because they were dead.

All the people who were close to them told the Wainwright adults to do magic or witchcraft to bring their children back to life.

The upset Wainwrights asked them the following: "Did you invite us just to see if we are witches? Is that why they pretended to be our friends? We do not want you to come near us anymore and if by chance you pass by, continue on your way because we never want to hear from you again."

After saying that, the Wainwrights left, taking the bodies of their children, nephews, and grandchildren. Sorry for what they did, they wanted to make up for the mistake by helping them in whatever way they needed but, they did not want anyone's help.

The Wainwrights spent a month in mourning, locked in the house, without seeing anyone and closed windows, curtains, and doors so that no one would disturb them. No matter what attempts they made to get close to them, they could not because none of them leaned out the window for no reason.

At that time, they did not stop asking themselves: "Why have they treated us that way? What did we do to be treated so miserably? They never had respect for us. Are we worth so little to them? "

These are some of the many questions that had been asked throughout that month that they were locked up. They could not understand the reasons that led them to do what they did and that, because of these rumors, the Wainwright children are dead.

After the death of the little ones, they began to grow in them, many questions without answers and doubts without any solution.

They really did not know what to think about it and the only thing they could do about it is mourn and after that, walk away from everyone and rely solely on them.

After the month of mourning that they had where they could mourn and calmly say goodbye to their loved ones, they did their usual things; but, without opening anything. The reason why they still did not dare to leave the house, because they did not feel safe to do so.

It took two weeks for them, little by little, to leave the house without any fear. When they started to leave the house, who were once friends of them, tried to approach them to apologize for the way they have behaved with them but none of them wanted to listen to them and they pretended not to be with them.

They are still hurt by the way they were treated and because of them, they lost their respective children. While the Wainwright family avoided having contact with them again, those people who until recently were their friends, did everything to make them forgive but in vain because the Wainwrights did not want to know anything about them.

It took four months for things to get worse and he made them commit the most terrible of sins. During those four months, he did nothing again as he was before and the air in the environment became dense and difficult to breathe for everyone. As is the custom in these misfortunes, all this started again with a rumor.

A rumor that made people lose their senses and their devotion to God. This time, the rumor that had spread like wildfire, was the following: "The Wainwrights not only practiced black magic or made voodoo dolls; but also, that, thanks to them, the children were disappearing."

Indeed, at that time, the children were disappearing and within two weeks, the police found them dead on the outskirts of the city, but the Wainwrights were not to blame for any of this. The people and the police simply got carried away by the rumors and did nothing to check whether they were true or not.

This time, they did not plan anything, they simply went to the Wainwright house and annoyed, they took them out of the house. When they managed to get everyone out of the house, they nailed them and tied them to a cross; after that, they decided to set them on fire.

While they were burning, the patriarch of the family, said the following: "In life, we were good and they treated us unfairly; now, we will come back to life, with the help of the Devil and VALAK, we will use the dolls as our new bodies and we will take revenge on each one of you and my children and nephews, they will also come back to life.

On the other hand, the house that we have been living up to this moment is going to be cursed and all those who try to occupy or destroy it will end up dead, not only for us; but also, for all the ghosts that still inhabit the house.

Finally, no one will be safe from us. The only exception we can make is to keep babies and children away from our revenge by sending them away from you. "

After saying that, they were burned to death and the people who were with them at that time were relieved to see how they burned and died.

But what nobody knew is that those words would have a mortal impact on each of them and that they would end up begging for their lives.

A year had passed since that dreadful event, and no one paid any attention to what the Wainwright family patriarch had said before he died.

A year in which the words were blown away by the wind and they made their lives as if nothing had happened and decided to destroy the house and turn it into an event hall.

As the inauguration of the events room, they decided to celebrate the children's birthdays, to make the two celebrations together that are: the inauguration of the house and the birthdays of all the children.

Everyone was happy with the idea that they did not want to waste any more time and began with the preparations for the party that had to be ready before this Saturday.

Saturday arrived and everyone was excited about the party they had organized for the children and the opening party of the place.

Everyone was happy, celebrating one of the many events that were going to be held in that place.

In the afternoon, the grown-ups had come together to give the children the dolls that the Wainwright family had created years ago but, with some improvements in the figures.

The children were happy to have received dolls as a birthday present.

At eight o'clock in the evening, each family began to say goodbye, along with the children who were happy for their birthday party and for the gifts they had received.

What no one had imagined is that these dolls were owned by the entire Wainwright family and that, thanks to their asking the Devil and VALAK for help, they were able to come back to life.

While everyone was sleeping, the Wainwrights began to come back to life, because they knew they were inside those dolls. They got up from the place where they were and once on the floor, they began to inspect the house where they were.

But they knew that something was missing and that something is to find themselves and that is what they did next. They left the house, looking for each member of their own family.

When they were able to meet again, they embraced and began to see the body they had acquired, when they came back to life.

The Wainwrights were happy to be together and little by little, they remembered how they died and the promise of revenge that the Patriarch of the family had made before he died.

Suddenly, they felt a deep hatred for all the people who did everything to lead to their death and the little trust they had in them.

On the other hand, they were sad to remember that, before all the bad things started to happen, they were good and had blindly trusted people.

Really, they could not contain the hatred and anger that had grown within them and they had to carry out revenge; so that, they can rest in peace.

The first thing they had and should do is protect the babies and children and keep them as far away as possible from their revenge on each of the relatives.

The Wainwrights began to each go to every house, take the babies and sleeping children out of the house and put them in the cars. When they achieved their goal, they drove as far as possible from that place until they reached a home for orphaned children.

The moment they managed to leave the babies and children inside that house, they returned to begin with revenge against each of them who humiliated and killed them.

They knew that, for now, they could do nothing and had to wait for the right moment when they let down their guard to begin their revenge. The next day, the parents woke up to the news that their children were not at home.

They were all like crazy looking everywhere for them, they even went to the police to help them in the search. While that was happening, the Wainwrights who were leaning out of the window, saw with a huge smile drawn on their respective mouths, the despair they were feeling.

The Wainwrights knew they had to start revenge now, before they find their respective children. They decided to wait for the week to end, to start taking revenge on each of them but, they left a paper on the dresser in each of their rooms that said the following: "Did you miss me?", written by each one of them.

The next day, when they woke up, they saw that paper, they took it and when they read what the paper said, they could not believe what they had seen and what they had just read and worst of all, they recognized that letter and knew it was from the Wainwright. But they were already dead and there was no human power that could bring them back to life.

Then and for reasons of fate, they remembered the threat that the Wainwright family patriarch had launched a year ago and were speechless.

"It can't be that they managed to come back to life," they said among themselves and without being able to believe what was happening.

As if they had agreed, they met in what was once the Wainwright home to talk about what happened recently.

No one could believe that the Wainwrights had come back to life, because if they did, the Wainwrights would take revenge on all the people who hurt, humiliated, and killed them.

Really, they were afraid of that possibility that they did not know what to do. So, they thanked God that their children were not there, to be part of that revenge, if it is true that the Wainwrights were alive.

They had to check it out and they knew they had to go to the cemetery and see their corpses. Without waiting any longer, they all went directly to the cemetery to verify that they were dead and not alive as they were thinking.

When they reached the cemetery; in particular, to the place where they were buried, they noticed that there was nothing unusual about the place and they left in peace.

As they were leaving the cemetery, they saw that their respective cars had the following written: "We are alive."

They could not stop looking at that sign, because it is something they didn't know what to do with.

They were really scared by what was written on their respective cars and at the same time, they were immobile and trembling from that writing.

"Who are alive? Why are they doing this to us? What do they want from us?" Were some of the many questions they had at that time.

While they were asking these questions, the Wainwrights were at the other end of the street, witnessing it all and laughing like never, as they saw each other's anguish and despair.

The Wainwrights knew they could not be out on the streets for long, enjoying the anguish and despair of others; rather, they had to return home immediately, to continue their plan of revenge.

As soon as they returned home, the first thing they did was smash all the picture frames that were in the house, destroy the pictures, cut off the electricity, hide the phones and smash the computers and laptops, otherwise they would not they had none of that, they did not have the means to communicate with others.

After that, they went to what was once their home and felt homesick. As they went through each place, they could not prevent the tears from coming out without being able to control them, because in that house, they spent the best moments of their lives as a family and in each place, every happy and sad moment they had there was impregnated.

They did not want anyone to enter what was once their house and decided to set fire to the house, with everything that was inside. The moment they were going to do it, they decided no, because they were going to fire up the house but, with them inside her.

While the house was on fire, they immediately went to every place they owned and set all those places on fire. To end this act of terror and revenge, in the middle of the street, they wrote the following in blood: "You are the following"

At the time they were doing all of that, they had not realized that the person who was their first friend was seeing everything.

When they noticed her presence, they decided to go directly to her, so as not to leave witnesses of what they had done.

At the right moment when they decided to run after her to catch her, she started running and screamed for them to save her but, in vain, because there was no one at that time.

The worst persecution that nobody had ever thought could happen began, because the poor thing had to do everything to save her life and tell her friends what she had seen.

This car chase started. While the lady was driving like crazy so that they wouldn't catch her, the others were driving and laughing to see that no matter what attempts she made to get rid of them, she would never succeed, because they would do everything to catch her.

The car chase lasted forty minutes, of which the poor thing had no choice but to escape from the car and start running. As the lady ran, she kept screaming to save her and the Wainwrights who were inside the bodies of the dolls were chasing her with guns and knives.

During the time that this persecution lasted, the Wainwrights did not stop shooting at him and one of the shots hit him in the right leg. The lady made a sound, and they began to laugh and in a more diabolical voice, they said the following: "You will never flee from us"

While the Wainwrights were saying that, the lady saw that she had VALAK next to her and on the other side, ABBADON. Unable to take any longer, the lady began to scream but from the terror that seeing these two demonic entities had caused her.

As if it were a mirage, the lady managed to see the chariot of death, which was approaching where she was. Little by little, she was surrounded by Azazyel, Semyazza, Yekun, Kesabel, Gadrel, Penemue, Kasyade, Asmodeo, and Astaroth.

Now when he was thinking of fleeing, Can Cerbero appears, ending with the painting of terror and with twelve of many of the Devil's demons. When two of those demons were breaking the circle, the lady thought she could escape; but he stopped when he saw the dolls who came to life and who were none other than the Wainwrights.

The poor lady tried to escape but, in vain because none of them would let her out of that circle. Then, the patriarch of the Wainwright family, went directly to the lady and made a good cut in both her legs, so that she began to bleed.

After that and with the help of four members of his family, he managed to cut his throat. The lady could not move or speak, because they had frozen her so she wouldn't move; far from it, to scream for help.

By the time the lady got down on her knees and was holding onto her neck, the Wainwrights took advantage and grabbed her hair and dragged her down the avenue.

All that way, it was covered in blood and no matter how hard the lady tried to reach them to beg them to spare her life, it was useless, because she could not move as she had previously.

When they reached the house where they had lived when they were human, they dragged her into the living room and entered with them, all the demons and the death cart that was outside, waiting to carry the soul of the woman.

"Before killing you and I think you already suspect it, we are the Wainwright and precisely in this house, we are going to kill you, as you killed our innocence and our happiness, and we are going to do the same with each one of them"

When they finished saying that to her, they began to dismember her and after that, the chariot of death took her to hell.

The Wainwright: like the other demons, they cleaned the house; so that, no one would suspect what had happened in that place. When the other people returned to their respective houses, they noticed that there was an eerie silence and that their friend of the soul was not there, as was usual, to greet them.

They were surprised not to see her on their return; especially her husband who thought something bad must have happened to him. It is not for less; since, everyone who knew her knew that she was always there to receive them and received them with a smile.

Immediately, they went in search of their good friend who, still did not show signs of being well and alive. As much as they searched for it, they could not find it. It was already night and the search continued; but, little by little, they began to abandon the search.

Everyone except her husband who did not lose hope of finding her alive. While all that was happening, the Wainwrights were preparing their revenge against them.

They had bought enough gasoline and matches to set the whole city on fire, and they had bought cables, devices to electrocute people, and more knives and guns.

The first family who went home did not know what awaited them there. When they entered his house, there was nothing strange or unusual about it and everything was calm and in order.

The Wainwrights had to wait until they were asleep to carry out revenge on them. When they fell fast asleep, the Wainwright family members immediately went to the house where their parents were.

Once united, they began to organize everything to get revenge on them, that same night. The first thing they did was tie them from head to toe; so that they cannot flee, while doing what they had planned to do to each of them.

The moment they opened their eyes, they noticed that they were tied up and that the dolls were around the bed. They could not believe what they were seeing, and the worst of the situation was that the dolls had knives in their hands and with them were VALAK and all the demons.

No matter how much they screamed, they could not free themselves from the ropes; far from it, get out of that situation gracefully.

Deep in their hearts, they knew they were going to die that very night and that feeling, they were truly terrified.

"Who are they? Why are they doing this? " Asked the lord of Lawrence, patriarch of the house.

"We are the ones who were the Wainwright in life and who, because of you, are dead and have come back to life, to take revenge on you," said the patriarch of the Wainwright family.

When they finished listening to what they said, they could not believe anything that was happening.

They could not believe that they managed to come back to life and that they were in front of them; at the same time, they knew that they would fulfill the oath of vengeance they made before they died.

The patriarch of the Wainwright family, had with him, a machete, and a saw. Without waiting any longer, he began to dismember them with the saw and with the machete, tore their hearts out.

During that process, the four members who were part of the Lawrence family, did not stop asking for help and begging not to be hurt; much less, that they hurt their children.

The Wainwrights decided to ignore, as they in life, did not heed the constant pleas of the Wainwrights. During that massacre, blood began to splatter everywhere, causing the entire Lawrence family to die instantly.

Once dead, they did not mind cleaning up the crime scene, because they set the house on fire with them inside it. VALAK and the other demons, put the Lawrence family in the chariot of death that took them directly to hell.

After that, each of the Wainwright family, returned to the houses, not to raise suspicions; except for the patriarch of the family, who had nowhere to go. His wife told him to go home with him and he did. As the Wainwrights were heading to their respective houses, the neighbors came out of their houses, after smelling the smoke.

When they got out, they could see that the Lawrence house was on fire. They did everything to put out the fire; but, in vain, because the fire had already consumed a large part of the house and they could do nothing about it.

After a few minutes, the fire brigade and the police came but, they couldn't do anything because the fire had already consumed the house and there was no sign that anyone was alive.

While all that was happening, the Wainwrights who were on the roof watching it all were happy to see everyone's anguish to save the Laws and the house, but to no avail.

For the next two families, they asked Mr. Boogie and VALAK to help them with these two families. Before killing these two families, Mr. Boogie drew how they had to die, and the others had to carry out that drawing.

All the Wainwrights and VALAKs carried out Mr. Boogie's plan. Each member of the family was tied up and waited until they were awake to begin butchering them without anesthesia.

But, before dismembering them, the first thing they did was cut their throats so they could not scream so loud. The Wainwrights began to dismember each one of them and VALAK and his demons, had the task of putting the souls to the carriage of death to take them directly to hell.

No matter how loud they yelled for help, they knew that it was impossible for someone to come to their aid, because they were up to the task so that no one would come to their aid.

When they finished dismembering them, they set fire to the place so that there is no incriminating evidence and so that no one begins to suspect anything.

Neighbors came out of their houses scared, after smelling the smoke that they did not know where it came from. They did everything to put out the fire but, in vain, because the fire had spread throughout the house and had grown so large that it was impossible to put it out.

The horror that the neighbors had experienced when they saw that scene of terror, is something they had never experienced and for the first time in their lives, they knelt, in the middle of the street, to ask God to have mercy on them. The following weeks, all the neighbors could not sleep; far from being alone at home, because of what had happened recently. There was not a day that they did not go to church to pray and ask to be cared for.

One by one he was dying dismembered and without finding his remains, to be able to bury them. The few survivors took refuge in my family's house and put all kinds of protection, so that nothing bad happens to them.

But things got out of control, because evil was loose and there was no one who could save them from that situation. The moment they looked out the window, they saw that they were approaching the house, thousands of dolls and they were all armed.

As much as they rubbed their eyes because they could not believe what they were seeing, it didn't take them long to realize that what they were seeing was true and that they had to do something about it.

Luckily for the survivors, there was a person who had knowledge about the occult, and everything related to the paranormal and they asked them, what was all this due to?

The woman who knew about all this, replied: "Those dolls are the Wainwright family and just as they said before they died, they came back to life because they made a Pact with the Devil and he helped them to come back to life and now, they are taking revenge on all the people who, in life, humiliated them and put them through situations that they never thought would happen. "

And one of the people asked: "And what does that mean?", Afraid of hearing the dreaded answer.

The woman answered the following: "Death for you and without survivors."

Everyone who listened to the conversation began to feel fear, because they knew that that night is the end of them. The Wainwrights did not want to wait any longer and full of hatred and thirsty for revenge, they began to carry out their revenge against all the people who had to do with their death.

Regardless of the protection they put around the house, to avoid being killed were in vain, because the Wainwrights with the help of VALAK and their demons, managed to destroy the protection that the house had.

When they managed to destroy the protection, they had put around the house, they quickly began their revenge on them. As the Wainwrights did not want anyone to escape their revenge, the only thing they did is lock all the doors and windows with no possibility that they could get out and after that, they set fire to the house with them inside.

For every soul that made it out of the house, VALAK and his demons caught them and put them on the chariot of death to be taken to hell. When the Wainwrights achieved their goal of getting revenge on all the people who hurt and humiliated them, they went straight to hell.

The following day, the police were the scene of the events; but they found nothing and no one and they returned to the police station.

For everyone, that place is nothing more than a ghost place, which never existed.