
Soulbound Retribution: A Tale of Yin and Yang

It is a gripping fantasy web novel filled with twists, betrayals, and unexpected alliances, set against the backdrop of modern China. It's a tale of a morally ambiguous hero seeking retribution through the power of soul-swapping, all while navigating the intricate threads of Chinese mythology and mysticism. Will Li Wei find redemption, or will revenge consume him entirely? Only time will reveal the true cost of his choices in a world where the line between good and evil is as thin as a soul's connection to its body.

marvel_away · สมัยใหม่
23 Chs

Chapter 5 - The Hunter's Past

The alliance between Li Wei, Zhang Tao, and Hua Jian remained a delicate equilibrium, sustained by their shared goal shattering the enigmatic curse that bound their lives. As they delved further into their mission, they encountered the intricate tapestry of the supernatural in Shanghai.

Their relentless pursuit of the demon that had terrorized the city led them through winding alleys, forgotten temples, and sacred shrines. The boundary between the mortal realm and the mystical became increasingly porous, and every step seemed to uncover another layer of concealed peril.

One moonlit night, as they followed a trail that led them into a haunted forest on the city's outskirts, their resolve was tested by an arcane challenge of a scale hitherto unknown. The trees, sentient and malevolent, twisted and contorted into grotesque forms. Phantasmal spirits flitted through the leaves, their ethereal laughter reverberating in the stillness of the night.

Drawing upon his extensive knowledge of mysticism, Zhang Tao invoked protective wards to shield them from the forest's malevolent magic. Hua Jian, unwavering in his determination, stood as a sentinel, his keen eyes scanning the shifting shadows for signs of danger.

Li Wei, though a novice in matters of the supernatural, felt her pendant pulse with latent energy. She sensed that it held the key to their safety, a power she was only beginning to fathom.

As they ventured deeper into the haunted woods, the oppressive atmosphere weighed upon them. It was then that Hua Jian, the stoic demon hunter, chose to unveil his past and the motivations that had compelled him to dedicate his life to the relentless pursuit of demons.

His voice carried a haunting timbre as he began his narrative. "I was not always a demon hunter. Once, I led a tranquil existence in a small village near Shanghai. However, that tranquility was forever shattered one fateful night when a demon descended upon our village."

Li Wei, Zhang Tao, and Mei Ling listened in rapt silence as Hua Jian recounted the horrors of that ill-fated night. The demon, a monstrous and malevolent entity, had wrought havoc and despair, claiming the lives of many, including Hua Jian's family.

"After that tragic night, I swore an oath to hunt down demons and protect others from suffering the same fate," Hua Jian continued. "I embarked on a journey of learning the ancient arts of demon hunting, gaining expertise in combat, demon lore, and specialized weaponry."

Mei Ling's normally impassive demeanor betrayed a hint of sympathy as he regarded Hua Jian. It was a rare glimpse of humanity in the woman who had once been Li Wei's closest friend.

Hua Jian's revelation deepened the complexity of their alliance. Li Wei comprehended that beneath the tough exterior of the demon hunter lay a man driven by grief and an unswerving sense of duty and purpose. This duty was now inexorably entwined with their own quest for vengeance and freedom from the curse.

As they journeyed through the eerie forest, fraught with danger, they came upon the demon's lair—a decrepit shrine hidden deep within the woods. The demon, a grotesque and monstrous creature with fiery, malevolent eyes, guarded a sinister artifact.

The ensuing battle was a symphony of chaos and ferocity. Zhang Tao's mastery of ancient rituals and incantations clashed with the demon's malevolent magic. Hua Jian, wielding his sword with unwavering precision, engaged in a deadly dance of steel and shadows. Mei Ling's dark energy crackled through the air, forming a tempestuous storm.

Li Wei, driven by her nascent understanding of the pendant's power, summoned a focused burst of energy. The creature howled in agony as it was engulfed in a blinding and searing light, disintegrating into ash and smoke.

The demon vanquished, and the artifact secured, Li Wei felt a surge of triumph. Their alliance had held firm through the trials they had faced, and they had inched closer to breaking the curse.

As they departed from the haunted forest, Zhang Tao turned to Hua Jian with gratitude. "Your tale and your assistance in capturing the demon have been invaluable. We are a step closer to helping them break the curse."

Hua Jian nodded solemnly, his gaze reflecting a sense of closure. "Our paths have converged, and I will see this through to the end. But prepare yourselves, for the final reckoning with the curse will be the greatest challenge we have encountered."

Their journey continued, marked by a growing sense of camaraderie among the unlikely allies. Zhang Tao, the Taoist sorcerer, held the key to unlocking the pendant's latent potential. Hua Jian, the demon hunter, was driven by a profound sense of duty and loss. Mei Ling, once a dear friend, remained an enigmatic enigma in their quest.

The curse that bound their destinies had yet to be fully unraveled, and the trials ahead remained daunting. Nevertheless, united by their shared destiny, they forged onward, resolute in the face of whatever challenges lay ahead. The pasts of each member of the group had brought them to this pivotal moment, and the future remained a canvas waiting to be painted with their shared determination and destiny—a destiny that would ultimately determine their fates.

Hi, Im the author of this book.

I wanted your earnest feedback about a topic.

Li Wei and Mei Ling has body/soul swaped into each other bodies. Li Wei is a man and Mei Ling is a woman. SInce the swap they have exchanged their sex. So should I write Li Wei who is obviously a girl as (he/him) or (she/her). The same regarding Mei Ling. When I get your feedback I will change it.

marvel_awaycreators' thoughts