
Soul of humanity

cross posted from FF, In the dark void between the worlds there are dark creatures and the only thing humanity have to beat them back is the power of will and the terrible determination to prevail , from divine punishment to the world of dxd, marcus acker, may bring a chance to the nameles human, a chance of freedom and the end of the supernatural.

efrain_tarin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Into the void.


The next thing I knew, I was floating in an endless void filled with light dots everywhere, and even though my consciousness remained, I could not move nor speak, just feel the cold and contemplate the sea of stars all around me in the endless immaculate void, time passed for what felt like weeks, for how long, I could not certainly know, but I waited there floating as nothing but a mind, reminiscing of the past and having a run for all kind of crazy thoughts out of boredom.

For whatever reason, my mind felt sharper than before, my memory was all at my figurative fingertips, every instant of my life, my childhood, my sunny young days, and the horrors of the late part of the wars, the smile of my mother, the birth of my children, even the fastidious math classes at university, it was just there ready to be seen, it was overwhelming in the beginning, but I compartmentalized the best I could, bringing sense to the chaos, and regaining control over my own mind, with nothing but the movie of my life and the contemplation of the void to entertain myself, and so I waited and thought for God knows how long.

Until at a moment, something changed and I was brought over to an empty spacious blue room with a chair sitting in ankle deep iridescent water, and I felt a body again, or the sensation of one at least, to see a black-haired woman barely out of her teen days with a strange, revealing outfit, mostly a bikini of sorts, adorned all in gold, red eyes staring straight at me, unflinching, un-moving, just staring with a scowl in the brow.

"For the cockroach you are, I didn´t give you credit enough, being tossed to the void between worlds for so long would have made any other worm dissipate, the previous offenders were easier to punish, but nonetheless, here you are causing me problems... AGAIN"

spoke the weird twin-tailed girl in front of me with more venom than a snake and a voice as soft as a sandpaper at the end.

I wanted to question who was she, and what was the meaning of the accusation, rudeness was palpable from the brat, a thought occurred and that stopped me, but it couldn´t possibly be, maybe the void finally fried my brain, or was radiation residues messing with me for it was impossible...she can, not be.

"ohhhh but I AM, little worm, so you remember ME, and yes, you cannot speak, for I have muted you, to read your mind is weirdly enough so keep shut, are you defective? are you crazy? why is your mind so weird?"

It was... the useless goddess number two, Ishtar, If I could just move, I would have face-palmed for how ridiculous It was.

"Hey, how dare you call me, number two? ME, you think that aqua is better than me? in your dreams, MORTAL, what do you know of the heavenly beings anyway?"

ranted the so-called goddess without rebutting her uselessness and huffing as a boiling kettle. 

"I am indeed Inanna, wonder goddess of beauty, fertility, and venus, and for a while now, the goddess in charge of sending people to their resting places in this sector or to their assigned charge shall they reach the outer realms, the place where you currently are"

That was weird, just how did I manage to get to the outer realms? what are the outer realms? I am sure I died, was just crossing my mind when she sneered and cut me out.

"Don´t flatter yourself WORM, for it was I, who brought you here, it was not a merit of yours, I had to break some rules to drop you into the void, and still here you are, won´t you just die already? why do you keep causing me troubles, don´t you have a consciousness of how little you are? you are in front of a TRUE goddess, not the cheap imitations from the worlds, you understand?, they are CHEAP"

'This self-appointed goddess, this useless goddess, this bitch¡'

I ranted in my mind to be rudely interrupted again.

"There it is... you again, insulting me, mistreating me, you should be adoring me and you are mocking me, how dare you do it again"

´this woman is crazy, way worse than the game depiction'

"You cannot get away with it as the gold one did, even that stupid clay got away with it but NO MORE"

Said the demented one with a glint of madness sparkling deep in her eyes, all light that should be, was not there.

"YOU ... my wonderful piece of mortal FILTH, you are the last one remaining, no one else that dared to mock me remains, every. Single. one. of your cronies dropped and erased by the void, to the last one of THEM"

she kept on ranting as a crazed light came to her eyes and the voice was deep as the abyss at some words, more suited to an eldrich abomination, than to a lady, far less a supposed goddess of beauty, while lecturing and stalking my chair like a bird of prey, walking in circles around and talking of the unfairness of the worlds, over how, she had pulled the strings to get every player of FGO that had spoken ill of her, everyone that missed her event and the developers that made her flat, she got us all.

a petty creature that took her revenge in the afterlife on the souls of the ones that wronged her, a monster that bent the rules to get her wish, a selfish goddess just like in the mythos of my memories.

"and you see, it is not a small thing, it is an important part of myself... you hear me, is all about breasts, is because of you and the accursed game, that the perception of me changed and the concept changed so you all made me flat, the realm of the spirits and souls gave us power and is the source of stability, that is why you need to adore me, and to love me and to pray to me, how am I supposed to BE the goddess of seduction when you MADE ME A WASHING BOARD"

I am sure this is some important information that this idiot is just babbling and shouldn´t be spreading, the impact of my fellow gamer´s demise was somehow muted in here, it made it easier to handle, though empathy was not my forte, this place is making everything strange, I should feel rage, but is a calm rage in the back burner instead of my usual explosive anger, why?

"That´s because in here you are just a soul, dhhha, are you an idiot? in here, humans are as baren as can be, in here, being a soul make your passage to other realities easier, and whatever happens in here is permanent to the soul, isn´t that obvious? I should be able to destroy you and make a pile of trash out of you for what is next, but that damned protection of adonai won't let me, why would he? It is my right as a goddess to do as I please, why doesn't he understand it? you wronged me, you attacked me" 

whined the useless entity.

so, you mean the god of Christianity protects my soul? I was a christian before, but only in the name, I've never put a coin to the preach, nor to many of the things to practical use and went not so often to the church

"of course, he does, you are nothing special, all of your VERMIN RACE have the same protection, why won´t he gets it~~~? that is a waste of effort"

so, if you cannot harm us here, that is why you dropped us into the void? you useless one.

"But of course, that is the only way to get rid of you pesky human souls, HEY, there you are at it... mooou~~, to let you be consumed by the void beyond the veil or have you devoured, that was my brilliant plan, you see~~~, to have you dissolve into nothingness was the plan but for the love of anuk, you just won´t die, 400 thousand years and you just don´t die, why~~?"

snarled angrily at me the useless goddess and I was out of thoughts, 400 thousand years spent floating in nothing because of a temper tantrum.

"But that is good at the end I got a favor to pay but I can send out the last one of you personally, and you are special to me, you see~~"

as she said I got a chill running on the back of my mind, that sweet voice can only mean bad things

"You see, I remember, and in 20XX reddit post you insulted me and you debated me and you dared to bring the gold one into the argument when I WARNED YOU of divine retribution, even using my blessed name to warn you~ but you didn't LISTEN"

she all but spat to my face and I remembered the case, of a ridiculous argument on a shittpost page with a dumbass by the name *ishtarrulezth4w4rld69, ... crap.

"Yes YEEES~~~, it was ME, and do you remember the talk we had? the long hours you smashed my ego to the dust, and you had the gall the nerve THE FUCKING NERVE to say that a fem gilgamesh was better endowed than ME and could be better goddess than ME, that is when you made it PERSONAL so I am glad it came to this in the end"

The conversation flashed in my mind and was struck at the pettiness of this being

"Indeed, and now punishment has arrived, but you just don´t die, whyyyyyy~? but the plan came, why don´t I make you into a special case? for you see~~~ I had the brilliance to ask for this and thought I won´t be able to interfere beyond this point. It will be a glorious last punishment for you, as a commemoration for my brilliant vengeance I will send you off to another world, to be reincarnated, you get a cheat, another chance and all"

This can´t be good, you are worse than I thought if you are going to isekai me, you are not even a tractor.

A vein pulsated in her brow, the color of the skin turning blue, all the glow from the floor disappeared letting just the pair of blood red glowing.

"well~~~ you see VERMIN, it is not how normally works, we outer gods sent a champion of sorts to a world in order to reclaim it, to consume it, or to anchor us, to get believers, in this case, I will send you to a world of MY choice to teach you a lesson, the importance of breasts and beauty, and what you deprived of me in your collective heretic insurgence"

As she finished light returned to the room, time returned to flow and the sensation of breath was back

"There are many worlds, as there are derivations of concepts in the void, you saw them, and the realm of spirits and souls creates versions of things or something, I am not so sure of the details but that doesn´t matter, where you will go, another lesson will be given, a lesson of humility, see~~~ I can also be a guiding goddess, so you will go to KNOW YOUR PLACE YOU DAMN WORM"

after a pause to regain herself from the last sprout of rage she continues in a calmer manner, an artificial pause, a lie as true as the stillness of the sea in a storm, an eerie calmness that preludes the eternal sleep, with a smile that reached both her eyes and the happiness of a mischievous child on her face.

"Your cheat will be the call to ordinance, a very high-level ability, a useless thing to the place you are going, I made sure of it, and you will be going as a human, no support system, no levels, and the blessing of course... as a goddess of fertility and love I must bless you~~"

a sadistic, dark smile appearing on her face as I just watched, getting gears upon gears rolling to get all the information I can, this bitch is getting her due another time.

 "You are welcome to try you worm, but returning to your gifts pffft~~, call to ordinance allows you to call any weapon, material or tool so long as its purpose is for war, anything you could think, so long as is conceptualized it can be brought to reality, I Inanna only give the best of the best~~~, this is a super OP ability (she opened her arms to emphasize the point while pushing out her smaller than A chest out) would make you a wonderful retail seller pffft~~ onlyyy~~~ if you could use magic for you see~~~, you would need to be born in that world to be able to use it, and magic is a must, but it is such a SHAME you will be sent as a child already instead instead of a soul to be born, you get my draft? a useless defenseless child without magic pfft~~~"

and then she lost it and laughed like a maniac for a while filling the room in echoes a cacophony of mismatched and the damned, bells of heaven in her giggles and the bark of Cerberus on the snorts, holding her stomach while doing so and rolling on the ground.

I hope you choke in your laugh your useless piece of sumerian crap

My rage was boiling in the back of what is now another partition of me, I think, somewhat, as I did with my memories before this bitch of a goddess came around, it´s been a decade or so since I had used the word bitch so much, and even more, since I had this kind of emotions, anger? yes, rage? of course, but this was even something beyond, but still, the idiot was very talkative, way too talkative reveling in her vengeance she left information that could be useful, that I will make useful.

"you see~~~ humans are far from the greatest creation of adonai, YOU are flawed, EMPTY, where the gods have our divinity at the core of our souls, you have NoThInG~~ even devils and daemons have demonic power in their core, but you ... you pitiful beings are hollowed, never gave a thought as to why, but most likely he forgot to put something in you, pfft~~ not so perfect and wonderful are you now? even your creations can't serve as cattle, soo much for the creator pff~~"

shrugging with a dismissive wave of the hand and a smug face.

"You will go to one of my favorite worlds, and you know why? because no one remembers the gold one, with no magic, no sacred gear, and a defective blocked ability"

she gave a genuine smile at that, an enticing beautiful bloom of the springtime of youth she so graciously emulated, if she didn't talk and whine that is, wait sacred gear? ho no no no no NO

"YEEES~~~~ (she chirped and giggled with joy at my dismay) you will go to dxd and just to rub it a little, call to ordinance can only give you non-combat-related things, and it is limited to giving you things without attributes so no magical, no divine, no demonic, and no mystic stuff for you ~~~ aren´t I great and merciful? hoo but the last part~ now my blessings, for one while there you cannot have children, indeed I will take your balls and sterilize the threat, aren't I wondrous?~~, aren´t I thoughtful?"


"You dare... YOU DARE?"

it was a stand-off of insults and screams with the discount Aqua or in my case thoughts in Captial Locked.

and with that, a piece of me was taken, a piece of my soul removed, away was my possible fatherhood in my new life.

"Then comes the second blessing and you should be grateful for that, is a rare giving, and a very important one, you see~~ your goddess of love is worried that being a child you cannot find love~~, If you survive the crashing that is, this blessing is the magnet, of a certain type that is, it makes your life interesting pfft~~~"

you are sick ishtar, crazy and sick, wait... what crashing?

"as is, I lost too much time with you, I won´t be able to interfere, but~~~~ I will be watching, make sure to amuse me in your first and last moments you vermin, and don´t forget to pray and adore me once there, if you survive, make me a temple, and give me offerings, I want sweet things~~I need all the believers that I can get after all, repairing what you did to my image takes effort, send rias my regards if you made it alive to canon, TADA~~~~ BYE~~~ my masterpiece and don´t forget to scream for me"

as she waved goodbye with a wink, I was levitated from the chair, first slowly into a pillar of light and then, I was yeeted at a speed I could not understand.


and so, with a scream of rage from the deepest part of my soul, I was kicked out of the outer realms into the nightmare that is boobworld.