

Ryan is a smart mouthed, potty mouthed guy who doesn't take crap from anyone. He's talented and won't be anyones victim seeing as he has a black belt in Karate but what happens when he meets Aden? Aden is a werewolf and the next alpha of his pack, The Swiftclaw Pack. Aden isn't used to anyone talking back to him and if he wants something, he gets it. How will he handle things when he realized Ryan is his mate and won't back down from challenging him?

James_Silver_6915 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 9

Soon after going to my room, Jodie walked in and lay down on the bed behind me and wrapped her arms around me to let me know she was there for me. She didn't say a word and just held me as I lay motionless staring blankly at the wall. Jodie finally said "We don't even know that you ARE pregnant. Let's find out how long we have to wait until a pregnancy test can be done accurately seeing as you're both werewolves. She had a good point so we went to the pack clinic and Dr. Shaw took us right back recognizing me and Jodie. We got back to the exam room and Dr. Shaw saw my mate mark and asked "I'm assuming you want to know about werewolf male pregnancies?" I replied "How long do I have to wait to get an accurate pregnancy test result?" Dr. Shaw said "Actually with us, the gestation is only 3 months so you are already detectable if you ARE pregnant. Most Luna's get pregnant the first time but not all." I replied "I'm hoping I'm not pregnant right now, can you run the test please?" Dr. Shaw draws blood and then gives me a home pregnancy test to go pee on as well so we will have a blood and urine test to get the results without a doubt and we will even do a sonogram to be extra sure.

I came back out with the stick and sat it on the counter and Jodie began timing it. Dr. Shaw came back in and waited for the stick to change and then said "Well Luna, both tests came back negative but I want to do a sonogram to be sure, there should be a marble sized glob of cells if you are pregnant. The doctor ran the wand over my stomach after putting the gel on me and there was no glob, I lucked out and am not pregnant. I thanked the doctor and we left. When we got outside, there stood Aden, his parents, my mom, Russ, and Jodie's parents looking at me expectantly. I smiled and said "Not pregnant thankfully. Maybe in a few years, after college but not until then will I be ok with being pregnant. Aden looked so sad and just turned and walked away without a word.

I sighed and followed him. When I caught up to him I said "I'm sorry if you wanted me to be pregnant. I suddenly felt waves of anger rolling off Aden and he said through gritted teeth "No you're not. You got what you want. You're not pregnant with my unwanted child. Don't pretend to care that I'm devastated about the child I thought I was going to have and now find out he or she never existed. You would make a horrible mother anyway and who would even know it was mine?" That pissed me off and we went round and round for almost 2 hours and finally I said "You know what…if you can't see why I don't want to be 18 and have a kid and lose out on my future then forget it and if you doubt my promise to you and my integrity and feel that I'm a lying slut then screw it. I don't want to be Luna, I'll move back into my old house with my mom and you can go fuck YOURSELF next time…maybe YOU'LL get pregnant. I bet that sucks to hear now hu?" I didn't give him a chance to respond and walked away back home. I told his parents as I walked by them in a loud angry voice "Go find a new Luna, I'm going back home as soon as I hire some movers. If he wants to act like a selfish child then I'm certainly not going to be with him. I need a man, not a child."

The next day the movers showed up and mom and I moved back to our old house. The McGowans and the pack tried to convince me to stay but I refused and even Aden seemed to agree with me that I should go because he never said a word to me. Mom managed to get her old job back and I attended college and as an extracurricular I joined the glee club and the choir.

It's been 4 years since I left Aden and I've seen the rest of our old group around campus but we don't speak. Jodie and I speak when she isn't with Russ which is almost never. I graduate today and am extremely nervous as I arrive at the school for graduation. A man walks over to me in a nice business suit and holds out his hand with his business card while saying "Hi Ryan, My name is Emmett Thompson and I'm from ZEVO Records and we've been watching you for a while now. You seem to get a lot of solo performances with your college show quire and you dance pretty well too. How would you like a record deal? We'll have songs written for you for your first album and then if you want to start writing your own, you can try for the second album." I was so excited and dumbfounded but managed to find my voice and said "I would be honored Mr. Thompson." He waved me off and said "Please, call me Emmett. I have the names of several agents in L.A. that you can choose from when we get back to L.A.. I'd like us to both leave here tomorrow morning if you can settle your affairs here by then." I replied "Sure, I can do that. Here's my cell number, text me the details and I'll meet you at the airport." He smiled and said "You've got it Ryan. I'll see you in the morning and congrats on graduating college. What did you get your degree in?" I replied "Music and Business Management." He chuckled and said "You could be an agent yourself. Maybe you don't need an agent. You can represent yourself if you want." I smiled and said "It would certainly save me some money."

Emmett left and suddenly Aden was standing behind me. He said "So, you're finally making your dreams come true. I'm proud of you Ryan and very happy for you. I'll be cheering the loudest at your first concert so be looking for me." I smiled and gave him a quick hug while thanking him. I said "I hope you get the family full of kids you want and if not, someday I'll be back and if you feel anything for me and are still single then who knows what time may bring." Aden replied "I'll be waiting for you then. I'll never love anyone but you so please live your dream and come back to me someday." I said "If you really mean that then I'll definitely be back for you one day. Take good care of the pack and please keep an eye on my mom. I worry about her being alone for however long I'll be gone." Aden said "Don't worry; I plan to ask her to move back to your house in the territory. I gave it to you and it's yours. If she refuses then my family and I will visit her constantly and I'll put a guard detail on her to keep her safe regardless." I gave him a quick chaste kiss while holding back tears and said "Thank you Aden, you big oaf. I'm happy we met even with all that has happened." Aden agreed and then we went our separate ways for the graduation ceremony.

Graduation went really well and even with Aden and I broken up, his family and the pack still cheered for me which was touching. When I looked out, my mom was sitting with them and knew she'd be ok while I was gone. That night mom and I stayed home and had a few drinks while going through pictures and talking about all the fun we've had over the years even when it was just the two of us. I told her about going to L.A. and she was so happy for me but I could see the sadness behind her smile. I finally said "Mom, Aden signed that house over to me, I'd like you to go live there near them. Jodie will be nearby with Russ and Aden said he'd drop by to visit with you whenever you wanted." She sighed and said "You're not their Luna anymore, why would I need to?" I sighed and said "I still smell like a Luna to other werewolves and this house smells like me so that puts you in danger. Aden said he's going to assign a security detail to you from now on to make sure you're safe regardless of where you decide to live. It will be a larger force if you live here and a smaller one in the pack territory." She sighed and said "Alright, I'll go but I'm not moving again after this unless it's to your fabulous mansion in L.A." I laughed and said "If I have one, you know you'll be welcome there any time."

The night flew by and I text Aden to let him know my mom would be moving back to the house he gave me. He replied 'Ok' and then said 'You are still our Luna and your back pay is now in your account I kept doing the Luna work so you could still get your money. Please be careful in L.A., I don't want you to get hurt.' I replied 'Aden, you didn't have to do that but thank you for showing my how much you still care.' I was actually crying as I sent that message. Aden then said 'Open your window so I can hold you before you leave please.' I didn't even bat an eye and went to the window and opened it and Aden slid in effortlessly. He held me and after a while he asked "How are you going to stop people from realizing that you aren't aging like a normal human?" I smiled, went to my backpack and pulled out a helmet that I repainted and replaced the dark visor with a clear one that was one way glass so I could see out but they couldn't see in. It was painted to look like a large golden wolf head and even had a spot to hook up a wireless microphone and I had a ski mask to wear under it for when I��m recording in the studio. I said "I'm going to come across very Lady Gaga/the robot from LMFAO with the theatricality of it and the mystery of what I look like under the helmet will drive people crazy. Hahaha." Aden smiled and said "Clever as always babe. Let us know when you have your first concert and I'll fly the entire family out to watch." I kissed him and then said "You've got a deal. I've really missed you Aden. Keep in touch with me and when I get back, maybe we can try again." Aden smiled and agreed. He stayed for a while longer and then left.

I went to bed and woke up bright and early. Mom took me to the airport and we had a tearful goodbye. I got my ticket and Emmett and I boarded our plane. I told him about how I wanted to keep my real name and face hidden and depend on my musical talents alone and he thought it was genius when I pulled out the helmet and ski mask. He ask what I would call myself and I said "The Golden Wolf." He loved it so it was agreed. When we got to L.A. we went to the house I was staying in for the time being to drop off my stuff and then he had me put on my mask and helmet in the limo on the way to the studio so he could show me around and introduce me to people that would be important to my success. They gave me copies of the lyrics for the songs that would be on my new album. They actually adjusted a song to incorporate The Golden Wolf persona because this is my debut album and should reflect me. I practiced the songs for a week to perfect them and put my own flair on the music and lyrics.

Finally recording day arrived and it went off without a hitch. After that I was booked at parties the record label sponsored and other events as the entertainment and word spread quickly. My mom called me one day to tell me she saw me on the news back home and the entire pack was going crazy over The Golden Wolf, especially the signature howl at the end of a show. My record was finally released a few months later and I had 3 songs reach number 1 on the charts and my album was selling like hotcakes in no time. I finally scheduled my first tour and the first concert was being held in New York City. I told Aden and 3 months later it was time to fly out to perform for the concert. I flew out the day before to spend some time with everyone. I got to my hotel room and changed from my Golden Wolf outfit to regular street clothes and headed out to meet up with the family.

Aden apparently rented out a restaurant and when he said he was flying everyone out…he was serious. He brought virtually the entire pack along with my mom and Jodie and her parents. When they all saw me I was engulfed in hugs and congratulations were given more times than I can count. Everyone said how proud they were of me but I made sure they knew not to mention why around the staff. I told them about how I was already writing the songs for the next album when the restaurant staff were all out of earshot. Several had albums they wanted signed and I signed them when I saw nobody from the staff around.

The next night I made sure my mom, Jodie Aden and their parents along with Russ had backstage passes. I was in my dressing room before the show and had on some nice tight jeans and decided to just not wear a shirt. I bought a small golden wolf head pendant on a gold rope necklace back in L.A. when I first got there around the same time I got my golden wolf tattoo which I wore my helmet the entire time I was getting it. I put on my mask and helmet and walked out of my dressing room nervously. My plain black ski mask had been replaced with a golden one that looked like a wolf head as well, without the snout. The curtain was closed when I stepped on stage. When it opened the crowd went wild and the performance was flawless. People got excited when I pulled the helmet off, thinking they were about to see my face and then they saw the mask and groaned. Girls and guys were whistling at me and ogling me which had Aden fuming from backstage. I enjoyed his jealousy too much, I admit that but it was so fun riling him up.

After the show and some encores singing some very old songs that no longer had their copyright licenses active. I told the group to meet me at my hotel and to go on up to the penthouse suite when they got there. I'd be a bit late because I had to hang out with the vip people who were backstage with us. I put my helmet back on and joined the crowd. I finally get free and headed for my limo waving to the paparazzi as I got in. When I got to the hotel I went straight up to the penthouse and met my family, I let them all in and once the door was closed I took off the helmet and mask with a sigh of relief. I was a sweaty mess. I excused myself and took a quick shower and changed into some comfy sweats and t-shirt.

We all spent hours talking, joking around and having a great time. I invited them to all stay over; the penthouse had plenty of room. They agreed and I lent them all some comfy clothes from my wardrobe the record label sent over for me. I ordered a ton of pizza and made sure to answer the door in my helmet with everyone in another room so the pizza guy wouldn't see them. He freaked when he saw me and then placed the pizzas on the dining room table. I gave him a huge tip and he wanted my autograph so I signed his hat. Once he left the family came out of hiding chuckling about me struggling to sign The Golden Wolf on the hat.

We enjoyed the night but it was soon over and the next day I was flying out for my next concert in Boston. I toured the World and released several more albums over the course of the next 5 years and then finally decided to slow down. I started my own record label and a few other smaller businesses and even invested some of my money in stocks in companies like ZEVO and owned nearly 15% by the time I stopped. I lived my dream and became quite successful. Now I was ready to move on to the next stage of my life. I made a public announcement that I would be taking a hiatus for a few years to enjoy life with family and friends and maybe even start a family. People were sad and happy at the same time. I evaded the paparazzi and finally made it to my home town. The family didn't know I was coming today but I stopped at a car dealership and bought my dream car finally. I paid for the car in full, got the title and 30 day tags and tossed my luggage in the trunk and passenger seat and off I went flying through the streets of my home town.

When I pulled onto the pack territory I felt a pulse seem to bounce off me and suddenly heard a chorus of excited "Welcome back Luna!!!" I responded through the mind link with "Thank you everyone, it's good to be back." I went straight to my house and when I pulled up mom was waiting outside with most of the pack. Aden and Russ grabbed my bags and took them in while I was greeting the pack. Jodie walked up and said fairly loudly "Possibly start a family hu?" I smirked at her holding her youngest baby boy with her 3 year old daughter next to her and her 4 year old son. I knelt down and said "My goodness your mommy has been busy popping out an army hasn't she?" The kids nodded as the pack laughed and Jodie smacked me in the back of the head and said "You'll know my pain soon enough Mr. International Superstar." I chuckled and said "Yea well, only the people here know both of my identities." Suddenly a familiar set of arms snaked their way around my waist and a felt Aden put his face in the crook of my neck and take a deep breath while squeezing a bit tighter. Suddenly he was jerked away from me by our moms and his mom said "None of that, right now we will prepare a celebratory feast for the long awaited return of our rightful Luna.