

Ryan is a smart mouthed, potty mouthed guy who doesn't take crap from anyone. He's talented and won't be anyones victim seeing as he has a black belt in Karate but what happens when he meets Aden? Aden is a werewolf and the next alpha of his pack, The Swiftclaw Pack. Aden isn't used to anyone talking back to him and if he wants something, he gets it. How will he handle things when he realized Ryan is his mate and won't back down from challenging him?

James_Silver_6915 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

I stepped inside the house I haven't been inside in almost 6 years and went up to the bedroom that held the memories of my life before I went off to achieve my dreams. I started putting away my clothes and reminiscing with myself about all the crazy times I had back in high school and college when there was a sudden knock on the door. I simply said "Enter." The door opened and in walked Aden. He smiled nervously and asked "How can I possibly ask you to forgive me for the way I treated you and the things I said to you 6 years ago? If I could go back in time and stop myself from saying it all I would. I love you too much to ever risk losing you again babe. So, can you forgive me?" I was shocked and said "Did you just say you love me?" He smiled and said "Absolutely. You have an incredibly big heart and care for everyone. You have the courage and tenacity to go after your dreams and you took the world by storm to make your dreams come true. You're the most amazing person I have ever met, that's the truth." I replied "That's sweet I appreciate everything you just said, however here's the deal, I can't just forgive and forget right this moment but in time I can forgive you if you show me that you truly regret what you said and won't ever do it again because as you see, I can survive just fine on my own if I have to. Don't underestimate me again baby, ok? I don't want to have to leave again for longer than the concert tours for my next albums because that's all I plan to leave for in the furure, the recording of the albums and the tours. We're 24 now, adults with real life experience and once we manage to reconcile completely we can consider having a child when our relationship is back on stable footing." I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist and hug him while he wraps his around my chest and we both take deep breaths of each others scents.

Aden helps me put my things away and asks "So, now that you're back are you going to resume your Luna duties?" I smiled and said "Yes, I'm sure doing both of our jobs is taking its toll on you." He nodded yes and said "Thank the Moon Goddess because I am so tired and I think if I spend 1 more day with 10 hours of paperwork I may scream." I chuckled and said "I need to get a staff I guess." Aden gulps and said "I kinda stole Samantha Pope while you were gone. She's my assistant now. Sorry babe, I needed the help and I had no idea when or if you might come back." I smiled reassuringly and said "That's fine baby, I'll get my mom if she's willing and Jodie to take Samantha's old position." Suddenly I heard behind me "And just what position is that?" I turned and saw Jodie standing there with my mom. I said "Well, my mom was my assistant and your mom was her assistant." My mom then said "How about you make Jodie your assistant and I'll be her assistant since she's younger and can handle the workload better." I asked "Jodie, will you be able to handle the job with all your kids?" Aden then said "We have daycare that the Luna maintains the staff. That's why the Luna makes so much more than the alpha because you take so much out of your salary for services that are beneficial to the pack like free daycare." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose saying "This is going to be a stressful job isn't it?" They all actually laughed at me while nodding. Jodie finally said "Ok, I'll do it but don't get bitchy with me Ryan because so help me I will put you in your place, Luna or not." I just said "Yea, yea, yea" and made a mock talking gesture with my hand. Mom went to put in her call her boss but said "You're not quitting again right?" I chuckled and said "No, I'm here until I retire from this job when my future oldest son takes over and then, who knows."

Aden raised a brow at my last statement and asked "Oldest son?" I smiled and said "I have every confidence that we'll work everything out seeing as we are mates and my wolf Alex is going crazy right now just being near you and at the thought of having your pups." He's such a horny little wolf, sometimes it drives me crazy but I love the goofy wolf." Aden growled slightly and said "Did the horny little wolf control himself while you were gone?" I smiled innocently and asked "Why…whatever do you mean Aden?" Jodie said warningly "Ryan!" I chuckled and said "He growled so I decided to have fun with it girl. Don't ruin my fun…GAH! Yes, of course we controlled ourselves even with gorgeous men throwing themselves at me, even a few celebrities who I won't mention." Aden said "Good" but still had a growl to his voice. I sighed and said "Aden, you aren't doing well in showing me that you changed and that you're sorry. Thinking I would do something like that is not much different than when you called me a slut all those years ago when you're the only person I have ever been with. Keep it up and you'll have a Luna who can barely stand you." He calmed down and looked a bit scared and said "I'm sorry Ryan, my wolf, (I can't remember if I ever gave Aden's wolf a name but this is it now) Axel, just got jealous when he thought of other men hitting on you." I said "I understand but you also have to trust that even when I'm furious at you as I was when I left, I'm not interested in doing anything like that with anyone but you."

He smiled and started to step forward again but I held my hand out holding him at arm's length with a hand on his chest and said "When we work things out. Until then, hugs are ok. He sighed but nodded and wrapped me in a big hug. Jodie finally said "Ok, I'll be your assistant as long as your mom is my assistant and I get plenty of training. I smirk and say "I thought Russ took care of that part." She blushes deeply as everyone laughs, even Russ as he walks in with the kids as we walked down the stairs to the living room. Russ said "I heard that and I sure did." Jodie scoffed and said "I think I'm the one who did the training. Watch…I guess somebody doesn't want to get laid any time in the next 5 years." Russ paled and said "I'm sorry my love, you definitely trained me…well." We all laughed at a hopeful blushing Russ. Jodie just smirked at him then said "That's what I thought."

My mom said "I can help train you but we'll need the old Luna's assistant because I may not remember it all." Jodie and my mom disappeared to go get the old Luna's assistant and took the kids with them. Russ walked over and gave me a hug and said "Welcome home man! How does it feel to be home after all those years as a big star?" I smiled and said "It's good so far I guess. I do miss the big cities a bit already but my family is here, all of you, so I'll get over missing the city. Russ hugs me again and says "AWWW! I'm so touched" and wipes a fake tear away. I replied "Touched in the head maybe. I see you still have the same creepy smile." Russ acted affronted as Aden chuckled.

I then looked at Aden and said "You better show me to my office so I can set up everything the way I want it." Aden said "Well, first you have to choose new office furniture, until then you have to use your home office. The outgoing Luna gets to keep her office furniture when she retires. Your office is empty." I sigh and say "Well, let's go pick out the furniture, there's still plenty of time today before stores close. Russ, do you mind cleaning the office for me while we're gone? Thanks man" and I walk out dragging Aden with me. I can hear Russ still sputtering as I close the front door and tell Aden to get in as I hop into my driver seat. As soon as he closes the door I take off with him scrambling to get his seatbelt on. I see Russ finally coming out my front door in my rearview mirror.

We get to the furniture store and I pick everything out. I pay the store enough extra to get it delivered immediately so they are loading it all up into their truck preparing to follow us back to the pack house. I also ordered a new bed like my bed in L.A. for both me and my mom. Aden linked the pack that if anyone wanted our old beds that they could go take them. Some teens that wanted bigger beds wanted them so Russ met them at my house so they could take them away. Everything was delivered to my office and home so I went to my office and stocked the office supplied I might need in the places I wanted them. Aden brought in all of the paperwork he had in his office that I should have been doing all these years. I filed things in my filing cabinet and the things that still needed to be done were placed in the 'In' basket. All paperwork was to be copied 2 times so I had the original, the pack had a copy and whoever the paperwork was about had a copy. Seems straight forward and Jodie or my mom would be making the copies and filing everything for me so I just have to read and approve or deny whatever the paperwork is about.

I also have to keep in close contact with pack members to make sure their needs are being met, especially the children. I called an architect friend of mine with Aden sitting there and asked him to come by as soon as he could and then headed back outside. Aden didn't ask anything, he just followed and observed me. I found a spot between my house and the pack house that was the perfect size but still left my view of the pack house clear. I linked Jodie and she and my mother showed up a few minutes later. Jodie asks "What's up Ry?" I smiled and said "I want this area roped off, an area of around 150'wide and long." Jodie then asks while Aden still watches me "Ok, can I ask why?" I smiled and said "A surprise for the entire pack that you'll get use out of…trust me." Mom smirked and said "I already know what it is." I laughed and said "I figured you might since you raised me. I also want to build a new medical center next to the pack house equipped with the most modern equipment available so please rope off that area as well. I want the architect to know how much space he has to work with for each project."

I mind linked the pack after Aden explained how and said "Pack meeting Thursday night at 7pm. I will have some announcements to make. Thank you." The next thing I know I hear Irving, Aden's dad add "We will also be holding the transfer of power ceremony that night so attendance is not optional." I just rolled my eyes and Aden and Russ laughed as Irving walked up behind me saying "I saw that eye roll and watch it because you're not Luna until Thursday night." I smiled at Irving and said "True, I apologize Irving, I didn't realize you were there or I obviously wouldn't have done that." They all laughed and then we all followed Irving into the pack house for dinner but there was smoke coming from the kitchen. I ran in and saw some new cooks frantic in the kitchen with a bunch of burnt food. Irving was about to yell but I put my hand on his shoulder and said "I've got this; you guys must have starved while I was gone." Aden and Irving chuckled and I walked into the kitchen.

When the new cooks saw me they stopped and immediately bowed their heads and said "Hello Luna." I smiled at them and said "Please don't bow to me. Now, I see you guys are having trouble. Mind if I teach you how to work this kitchen and not let it work you?" They all nodded no, they don't mind. I moved around after scrubbing the dirty dishes they made and started a new meal. It needs to be fast and easy so I decided on chili cheese dogs with homemade chili and fries. I tossed the hotdogs in a pot to boil then tossed the ground beef in a skillet to brown and some tomato paste and water in a pot to make the sauce of the chili. I sautéed the onions and tossed them in the sauce, drained the ground beef and tossed it in the sauce and tossed in the kidney beans while I pulled the hotdogs off the oven, drained them and stuck them in a serving pan that I placed in the warmer oven. I tossed the fries in the deep fryers and pulled them up and salted them when ready and pulled the chili off the stove at the same time. I placed everything in serving dishes and served while the cooks took notes the entire time. When I finished serving Aden's mom Samantha said "The same old Ryan, back as if no time passed at all." Mom said "Ooooo you made your homemade chili to go on top of the dogs." The shredded cheese was already sitting there as well. I smiled and said "Of course I did, canned chili tastes like dog food. So…you guys really let the kitchen go when I left hu? The grocery list is empty, the inventory board is still in my handwriting, the dinner menu of the day is still the last meal I made here until now."

Irving said "We have more important things to worry about than the kitchen Ryan." I glared at him and said "Ok, kitchen staff please come here." They came into the room and said "Yes Luna?" I smiled and said "Would you be willing to do me a huge favor tomorrow that I'll pay you back for?" They all nodded yes. I said "Good, thank you. I'd like you to go to my home in L.A. and pack up the kitchen while I have another crew pack up the rest of the house but I want the kitchen things brought here. You'll be gone for a few days and I'll charter a private jet to take you and bring you back with the stuff you pack up. Don't worry about your kitchen duties here, the alphas just volunteered to run the kitchen while you're gone. Didn't they Samantha? Jodie? Mom?" All three women had big smirks on their faces and said "Yep." Samantha then said "I'm inviting the entire pack over for dinner tomorrow, Can we come eat at your house Ryan? I smiled sweetly and said "Of course, I can't have my future mother-in-law being poisoned by her own husband and son. Although I have a feeling the medical center will be busy so get plenty of rest in case we're needed to help with patients." Irving angrily said "I never agreed to let you use the pack or our staff for your personal business." I replied "Either you allow it and take over their duties or I refuse to take over as Luna." Aden cut his father off with a terrified look and said "WE'LL DO IT." Irving looked at me and said "Fine. You're going to make a very tough Luna. I'm beginning to wonder if our enemies will fear you more than Aden." I laughed and said "I'm more dangerous now that I'm a wolf with my black belt. Even if he went into wolf form I should be able to hold my own." Aden raised a brow at me and said "Babe…your head is getting a bit swollen." Everyone laughed including me and I said "Yea well I may as well make the most of the just returned home good will mentality that seems to be going on here."

The rest of dinner went by with the ladies and I chatting calmly while the guys were frantically trying to come up with meal plans for tomorrow and the other days with no staff. The ladies and I went for a walk and toured the pack lands. Pack members came up to me to welcome me back, to ask for autographs and to even ask for help. A little girl came up to me, she was maybe 6 years old and she had the hand of a little boy that looked a lot like her but only around 4 years old. She said "Excuse me Luna can you help us?" I knelt down after looking to Samantha first and finding her nodding in approval. I said "What can I help you with beautiful?" She blushed and her little brother giggled. She said "My name is Laura and this is my brother Jessie, our parents died a year ago just like others in the pack orphanage. Can you help my brother find a home even if you can't find one for me?" I got choked up and felt Samantha put her hand on my shoulder signaling me to hold it together. I took a deep breath and asked Samantha "How many are in the orphanage now?" She said "Sadly, around 32." I was furious and yelled through the mind link "PACK MEETING NOW! FAILURE TO ATTEND WILL RESULT IN BEING ON MY BAD SIDE!" I looked back down at a shaking Laura and Jessie and said "I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to scare you…I only meant to scare the other adults." They chuckled and I said "Will you take me to the orphanage?" Laura took my hand with her free one and we all followed her to the orphanage.

When we arrived, the orphanage was very nice but shouldn't be necessary in a pack like this. The children saw me and their eyes got as big as saucers. The staff ran up to me and said "I'm sorry for being unprepared for a visit Luna, we didn't know." I smiled and said "Please pack the children's belongings into their own bags as quickly as possible. We all have a meeting to attend." We all helped pack up the children's belongings then led them to the pack house. When we came in with all the children in tow we got many strange looks including from Irving and Aden on stage. I walked with my head held high and the other ladies just kept shrugging their shoulders at everyone. I brought all of the children on stage and began the meeting.

I smiled at the children who were looking at me. I said "Ok; let's fix this situation now before I lose all faith in the adults here right now. You all know that these children are orphaned members of this pack. How many of you want to adopt 1 or more but simply don't have the financial resources to do it?" Around 4 couples raised their hands and most said the same thing, they couldn't have children of their own and were struggling because of all of the bills they created while trying. I immediately said "I'll pay off those bills, bring them to me first thing in the morning. If that is all that was holding you up I hope you will now come speak to the children and hopefully one or more of the children will match well and bond with your wolves. Please go into the other room with the children and spend time with them until you figure out which children your wolves feel pulls toward." They all did and the orphanage staff took the children away into the next room. Once the children were gone I sighed and said "I'm truly disappointed in each and every one of you present here today. These children are our family, our pack and the children of your friends. Rather than trying to make a place in your homes and families for them, you put them in an orphanage that Luna Samantha I'm sure has been paying for without complaint because the woman is a saint." One man stood up and said "I don't see you adopting any of them Luna." I linked Jodie to bring Laura and Jessie back in and she did. When they were right in front of me I knelt down and said "Hey guys I have a question for you." I looked at Aden and he knew what I wanted and smiled while nodding yes. I asked "How would you like Alpha Aden to be your dad and me be your mom I guess?" Aden stepped up next to me facing the kids and knelt down next to me. Jessie said "Weally?!" I smiled sincerely and said with a chuckle "Weally!" They both yelled "YES" and jumped on us. I lifted Jessie up in my arms and Aden had Laura and I stepped back center stage and glared at the man who asked the question. I said "I'm not a hypocrite. If I'm not willing to do something myself, I won't ask you to do it. Aden and I aren't married or even living together yet but we just took in these two adorable children…OUR children. My wolf is already going crazy wanting me to shift so he can lick them to death." I heard chuckles from all around and Aden said "Axel is doing the same thing." I then continued "So, who is going to follow ours and the other 4 couples leads and help put all of these children in homes tonight?" The man who asked me the question held his hand out to his wife who stood and said "We will." About 20 couples stood up and I let them go join the group in the next room. I then said "As for those of you remaining who have the ability and resources that are still sitting here…don't ever ask me for a favor because I will have the answer 'Sorry not my problem' waiting for you." Meeting adjourned, I hope all these children get adopted. Goodnight to you all."

I smiled at mom who was beaming at me and said "Mom, you don't by chance have any of my old clothes from when I was a kid do you?" Mom sighed and said "No, sorry sweetheart." I looked to Samantha who had a similar look on her face. Jodie said "I've got some pajamas for the night and if needed they can have an outfit or two from my kids closets, they have plenty and out grow them fast. I hadn't noticed but nobody had left the meeting yet and several people came up, mainly women, obviously mothers and one representative said "Luna, we can't handle any more children ourselves BUT we can offer out children's extra clothing to the new parents and even some toys and even kid beds to help get everyone started. There were nods from everyone around the room and I smiled proudly at them and had a single tear drop down my face and Jessie wiped it and said "Why mommy cries?" I chuckled and said "I'm just happy to have as many good people in our pack as we do." Jodie took down the sizes of each orphan, starting with our two little cuties and once there was a complete list she made copies and handed them out. I said "We will put a box for each child out with their name. Our children won't need anything because we are going shopping tomorrow morning but if you want to give a pair of pajamas or a teddy bear or a doll, that's great." By the end of the night every child was adopted and every box was overflowing. Pack members helped the new parents carry the donated stuff home.

Finally when we left, mom carried Laura because Jessie was NOT letting me go for anything. Aden carried the boxes and I asked the orphanage staff to accompany us home because I basically just cost them their jobs. When we got home the kids searched around the house and found my bedroom, they each climbed onto my bed and both said almost at the same moment "We're sleeping here." I chuckled and said "Oh really?! Who said you could steal my bed?" They giggled and Jessie said "We'll share." Mom and Aden laughed and Aden said "What about when Mommy and I get married? Where are you going to sleep then? If you want lots of brothers and sisters I'll need to be alone with mommy at night." I shot him a look and he chuckled while Laura asked "Why do you have to be alone with mommy for us to have more brothers and sisters?" Aden looked flustered and looked at me and I just shook my head letting him know he is on his own this time. He finally came up with "Because daddy has to plant a seed with mommy to grow into a baby in mommy's tummy until it's ready to meet us." My eyes couldn't be bulging any further than they were and mom and Samantha were laughing so hard they had to go downstairs. I said "Aden I can't believe you just said that. Ugh. Ok kids, time for a bath while Aunt Jodie digs some pajamas out of the box for you with Uncle Russ." They were staring at Jodie and Russ like they were gold. I said "Kids, you can talk to them and your grandparents after your bath, come on."

We got them bathed and then in their pajamas. I told Jodie to setup a children's clothing repository where parents could bring the clothes their kids outgrew so other kids can have them. The children spent a couple of hours getting to know their new grandparents and their new aunt, uncle and daddy. I figured I had more time to get them used to me but they were already stuck like glue to me and Alex was practically purring like a kitten which made me laugh. Everyone looked at me and I said "Sorry, Alex is so happy I think he may turn into a kitten and purr at any moment." They all laughed and Alex huffed at me. Finally it was time for everyone to leave and the children to go to bed. I had a long day as well with the travel and homecoming. I sighed and knew I needed another car, one with 4 doors and a back seat. We kissed my mom goodnight and Aden gave the kids a kiss and then game be a hug and a quick kiss before heading home. The kids and I went to bed and they stayed snuggled up to me all night long but I wouldn't change a thing.

The next morning Aden came and picked us up to go to the car dealership where I bought a new Silver Acura RLX and then we got them new beds for their bedrooms and had them delivered and bought toys and clothes until my trunk and Aden's was full as well as the rest of his SUV. We had lunch as a family at a little family restaurant in town and of course the waitress hit on Aden but what I didn't expect was Laura to toss her drink at the girl. The girl ran off to clean up as I apologized and Aden was looking shocked at Laura while I asked "Why did you do that sweetie?" She said "She was making funning faces at daddy that only you should mommy." I sighed and blushed as Aden smirked and then high fived Laura while they giggled. I said "Oh my god you are such a bad influence. I swear it's like I'm a single parent of 3 children…one REALLY big kid but still…" They all laughed as I rolled my eyes. The waitress came back with a new shirt on and eyed Laura in a way I didn't like one bit and I think Aden saw it to because he put her on his lap just as I asked "Can we have another waiter or waitress please? You make our daughter uncomfortable." She looked shocked at me and said "Of course sir, I'll get your new waiter."

The rest of the day went by just fine and we got everything put away in their new bedrooms and even gave the beds in those bedrooms away to other families in the pack. Aden decided to sit with the kids while I got my Luna duties done which took forever even with Jodie and my mom working with me on them. By the time we got home it was after 10pm and thankfully Aden already bathed them and put them to bed. I thanked him and he was about to leave and I just grabbed his hand and led him to my bedroom. I sat him down and took a shower. When I came back I didn't care since he already saw me naked before and just got dressed in some boxer briefs and a baggy t-shirt. I climbed into bed and then looked at him and said "Are you going to go take a shower and come to bed or just sit there?" He showered and came back with his briefs on and climbed into bed behind me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me snuggly against his chest.