
Sophia Knight

Can her past withstand his present and future? Read about Sophia and Parker to find out.

Lola_Crowns · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs

chapter 10

maybe staying in a new house will decrease my nightmares"

Sophia's P.O.V

I thought to myself feeling a little bit relieved. By the time I finished packing, it was already 4:30pm.

I went to quickly have a shower and a change of clothes. Once it was 5:00pm, I heard a knock on the door.

I am not surprised how he knew my address because I filled the address block in the form I filled when getting the job as a cleaner.

I opened the front door and was met with a very handsome face "but not as handsome as your boss" my subconscious told me.

"Good evening ma'am, I'm here to take you to Mr Parker's house" he said slightly bowing his head.

"Sophia..just call me Sophia" I said to him not being comfortable being addressed as MA'AM. "Alright ma'a__Sophia" he said smiling sheepishly.

I brought out my medium sized box and a cardboard box. He gently put it in the car 's trunck and turned towards me looking around, "Is this all?" he asked.

I nodded my head indicating that no more luggage to carry.


"We're here ma'am" he said holding the door opened for me. I didn't even realize that we've stopped as I was too lost in my thoughts.

I was expecting to see a mansion but I was met with a beautiful simple looking house.

"Wow, it's so beautiful" I said being flabbergasted by the beauty of the house. I heard the driver chuckled behind me.

"Thanks for bringing me Mr.. I trailed off wanting him to say his name, "Chase, I'm Chase" he said smiling.

The front door was opened by a petite woman that seems to be in her middle forties with gray and black hair.

"Good evening ma'am" I greeted the woman who is just standing there smiling down at me.

"Oh dear, you're much more beautiful than I imagined" she said hugging me making me surprised my her actions and why did she say I'm beautiful in person? I guess that's a question to be treated later on.

I hugged her back awkwardly. "You're welcome" she said removing her hands from my back. "I guess you must be tired, I'll show you to your room" she said leading the way.

We climbed the stairs and made our way to the right hall and stopped at the second door by the left.

She opened the door and gestured for me to enter "this is your room" she said smiling softly at me.

The room decoration is really beautiful. It is way bigger than the room in my old apartment or my whole apartment at large.

"Oh...slow down...you just packed out today and you're already referring to your apartment as old" my subconscious told me blankly.

I noticed most of the decorations were done in blue "my favorite color" I thought to myself ".

Relax and freshen up, I'll go prepare you something to eat" she said while still smiling at me.

"Thank you Mrs...i said wanting to know her name "just call me Jadel" she said.

"I'm Sophia" I told her my name also. "Oh dear, I already know your name and other things including your favorite color, that's why the room is decorated in blue, he won't stop speaking about you" she rambled out. I just stared at her with a confused face.

"Alright, I'll leave you now to settle down, I'll come get you for dinner later on" she said and walked out of the room closing the door gently behind her.

I guess living here won't be that bad for me.

Parker's P.O.V

I was in the study working on some files when I heard the sound of a car stopping in front of the house. I guess Chase have arrived with my Angel.

I went to the window with my hands in my pants pocket to take a look at her and saw her staring at the house like a kid that was given a box of chocolate.

Most of the women I've been with are materialistic, wanting a beautiful mansion, an expensive car and all sort of things but here she is looking at my beautiful but medium sized house like it's the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.

I saw Chase smiling at her "why the hell is he smiling at my Angel, if not that he is a trustworthy employee, I would fired him right away.

I should be the one smiling at her. I walked away from the window so as not to let my anger take the best of me.

I already told Jadel to arrange a room for her and decorate it in blue color because that's my Angel's favourite color, also making sure that her room is beside mine.

Ever since my mom left I and my dad when I was young, Jadel was the only woman I took serious in my life. Even though she was my nanny, I see her as a mother figure.

That day when I saw Sophia, I told Jadel about her and she was so happy that finally a woman captured my heart, yeah you heard me right; she has captured my heart without her even knowing with that beautiful face of hers.

I walked back to my table and continued working on the files. A knock echoed through the room signaling that someone is at the door "come in" I said.

"Parker, it's time for dinner, you should eat and have some rest, you've been working all day" I heard Jadel say followed by her foot steps.

I dropped my pen and rubbed my temples "Alright, I'll be down in a minute" I replied Jadel.

On my way to the dinning room, I heard the soft laughter of my Angel which made my steps falter and my heart skip.

Gosh, this woman is gonna be the death of me.

"Oh..you're here, I'll serve your food now, Sophia you should also sit down, thank you for helping me set the table" I heard Jadel say gesturing for me to sit down.

  "Good evening sir" Sophia greeted me shyly. "Can this woman be more beautiful" I asked my subconscious

"Good evening beautiful"

How do you see this chapter? Please I'm always opened for your opinions and corrections.
