
Sophia Knight

Can her past withstand his present and future? Read about Sophia and Parker to find out.

Lola_Crowns · Urban
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19 Chs

chapter 11

"Good evening sir" Sophia greeted me shyly "can this woman be more beautiful" I asked my subconscious "Good evening beautiful"

Parker's P.O.V

I replied her taking my seat. I could see her blush and her cheeks becoming red like a tomato. I smirked knowing that at least I have this small effect on her.

I didn't take my eyes off Sophia once not even for a second.

I watched the way she chewed her food in a hurry like she haven't eaten in hundred days, she even asked for more to my surprise.

I can tell from the way she's eaten that she is not like those models or actresses that only take salad and water or eat like a bird.

She didn't even notice that I was staring at her as she's too engrossed in keeping her stomach full. "I guess I'll need to make sure that there's always enough food at home because I don't want my Angel to starve" I made a mental note of that.

I could see Jadel winking and smiling at me from a distance. "Eat your food" she mouthed and gestured with her hands. I have forgotten that a plate is even in front of me.

After Sophia finished eating, she stood up to take a plate to the kitchen but Jadel stopped her. "Thank you Jadel but I can do this and also help with the dishes" she said with a finality in her tone that Jadel couldn't help but give up and smiled at her.


Sophia and I were both seated in the living room and watching a show on the television. I can't remember the last time I watched a TV show last. I could see here smiling from the side of my eyes.

I cleared my throat gaining her attention as she's too focused on the show like she has not seen a TV before.

"Sophia, we'll leave by 7am. I just wanted you to know so that you can get ready on time because I don't condone lateness.

You also need to sleep early so that you can wake up early without you looking worn out" I told her with a straight face hinting her that it is time to go to bed.

"OK sir" she replied lightly standing on her feet. "Good night sir" she said walking away.

"One more thing Sophia" I said making her stop on her track "you can only call me Parker, I don't wanna hear the word sir from you again" I told her not liking that she addresses me with SIR

"Alright Mr...she quickly corrected herself "Alright Parker" she said and walked away. I switched off the television and followed behind her. She reached in front of her door at the same time I reached mine.

I could see the surprised look on her face. I reached down to her face as I'm way taller than her,  cupping her chin with my thumb and index finger.

Those beautiful pink full lips of hers are so inviting but I need to control my self because Parker Jnr. is already making my pants tighter, instead I removed a loosed strand of her hair from her face and kissed her forehead.

"Good night Angel" I said opening the door and entered my room living her confused and blushing at the same time.

Unknown P.O.V

It's been about a year I've been searching for this bitch, she thinks she can escape from me like that but I'll prove to her why I'm the head.

I picked my phone up dialing a number on speed dial "did you find any lead"? I barked on the phone.

"No boss but I'm sure we'll soon find her" he said on the other side of the line.

"Shut the fuck up, that's the same stupid shit you've been telling me for a year now" I replied at him angrily hitting my fist harshly on the table.

"Listen here you prick, if you don't find her in the next one month, I'll slice your body into pieces and feed them to the birds, do you fucking understand me?" I informed him still with my angry tone. I hung up the call not waiting for his response.

Wait till I get my hands on you ICE, you'll regret ever leaving. I puffed out the smoke of my cigarette with a sinister smile on my face. Till we meet again ICE.

Sophia's P.O.V

I woke up with my alarm ringing annoyingly in my ears. It's been a while I slept peacefully without having those horrible nightmares.

I guess changing environment and sleeping in a more soft and comfortable bed can change a lot of things.

Remembering Parker's words last night about his dislike to lateness, I hurriedly got out of bed to take a shower and prepare for work. Yeah...speaking of work... I still can't believe that I'm now Parker's P.A.

How can someone move from being a cleaner to a P.A within the span of 24 hours.

This is what people mean by FROM GRASS TO GRACE. I picked out a black pencil skirt and a blue shirt with a bow around the neck.

I coiled my hair a little with a coiling iron and applied my usual eyeliner and mascara but instead of the usual lip balm, I used a red lipstick and completed my dressing with a 4 inches heel.

After everything, I looked at myself in the mirror not believing my eyes. I don't know I can still look this great cause it's been a while I put so much effort in my dressing.

I hope I didn't over do it though.

I took out my long strapped back and made my way down stairs. I've not heard the sound of the door opening, so that means I'm not late and Parker is still in his room.

"Good morning Sophia" Jadel greeted me as I entered the kitchen to get some water to drink "good morning Jadel" I replied giving her a slight hug. "I hope you had a comfortable night?" Jadel asked with a smile on her beautiful face.

Looking at her closely, we have the same face structure and eye color, we could be mistaken as mother and daughter in public. "Yes, I had a comfortable night, thank you very much" I replied her cutting my thoughts off.

We heard the sound of footsteps approaching and we both turned our heads to the direction of the sound "that must be Parker" Jadel said moving towards the entrance of the kitchen.

I followed suit and was met with a breath taking view. Parker was dressed in a Dark navy blue Armani suit with his middle hair gelled back to stop it from falling onto his forehead, a pair of beautiful shiny shoes, and his beautiful Rolex wrist watch.

Damn this man is so gorgeous with his beautiful eyes and perfect face structure.

"Sophia...Sophia" Jadel tapped my shoulder lightly bringing me out of my thoughts. My face immediately light up with embarrassment, I can't believe I was caught checking my boss out.

"Go--good morning Parker" I greeted him stuttering out my words.

"Good morning Sophia" he greeted back with a small smile gracing his lips. Damn...that beautiful smile knocked the breath out of my lungs.

We just stared at each other for what felt a second but it's actually more than 2 minutes as.

Jadel cleared her throat getting us out of our trance "we should go now before we get late which I don't want to happen" Parker said walking away towards the entrance of the house.


Sorry for the late update...I just need to be mentally stable. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you all
