
Son of the Dragon Gods

A fanfic where Issei is the son of Ophis and Great Red

LazyKiller1632 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
46 Chs

Kuoh Academy


I could feel their energies the moment I walked into the building.

"Devils huh" I mumbled and it wasn't just one or two devil signatures I could sense but many others as well. If I remember correctly, Tannin oji-san said that there were two high class devils in charge of overseeing the city of Kuoh. Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri.

"hmm so the two biggest signatures must be the high-class devils Rias and Sona while the rest of them must be their peerage members." I thought to myself. It shouldn't be surprising considering that my father told me that this place was considered devil territory. Therefore, it should not be a surprising factor that devils would be living here as well. To my benefit, it would seem that they are not very strong.

How do I know that? Very simple. One of the very first skills that Tannin and my dad pounded into me was the ability to determine one's strength based on their aura. Much can be learned from reading one's aura. You can tell a person's race, emotions and, for high level beings, it can help you sense your enemies next move. For example, an increase in aura, however light, signals a potential attack from the enemy. That's how Tannin shishou managed to beat me many times despite the fact that I became stronger than him. It is indeed a formidable ability that can be the deciding factor between victory and defeat. Anyways, this was how I was able to sense the devils as soon as I stepped foot inside the school. It is a bit strange to be attending a school with devils considering my past encounters with them but Tannin assured me that both of them were among the few he knew that were decent devils. He met them when they were younger and being introduced by their siblings as the heir to their families so I trust in his judgement. Anyways, one should not judge one's race simply due to the actions of a few miscreants. Just because some devils had done despicable things to him should automatically condemn the rest of the devil's race. If I did do so, then I would be no different than those assholes who persecuted my race due to seeing us as evil beings out of fear for our strength.

In any case, while the devils currently attending school aren't strong, their siblings however are a different story entirely. Sirzechs Gremory or Lucifer as he called now and Serafall Leviathan previously Sitri are two of the four leading figures of the Underworld and it is no secret that both have a massive sister complex. They would both go to war against anyone who dares lay a finger on them and Tannin warned him that they are both very powerful. Especially Sirzechs who is considered an abnormality amongst devils. Some say he is a God wearing the skin of a devil. That's how powerful he is and even Tannin admitted to him years ago that Sirzechs is definitely stronger than him. Should it come to a fight, shishou assured me that all of them would take his side. My parents would also join in, which would obviously be overkill. As happy as that made me, it is the last thing I want to happen as it would undermine all of the hard work my uncle did to bring back our species from the brink of extinction. If a fight were to happen, all it would do is bring unnecessary contempt towards our race and even if we won, many of the younglings… my friends would die. Simply the image sends a shiver down my spine. I will never lose someone close to me ever again. That is the reason why I went through such brutal training in the first place. I will simply lay low and avoid the devils as best as I can. I am here to obtain an education because that is what aunty Shuri wanted for me and I will not put it to waste.

Unfortunately, it seems reality hate me because in order to get my schedule, I needed to present myself to the Student Counsel president and low and behold, it brings me straight to the devils I was told to avoid.

"huuh… why me" I thought to myself. It couldn't be helped. I just had to hope they are not able to sense what I am. I also learned to conceal my presence and suppress my aura during my training. In order to lay low, it is invaluable ability so I had to learn it. Funny thing is, it took me a long time to be able to master it and when I did, I thought that I was hot shit until Tannin revealed that almost every one in the supernatural world is able to this especially higher-class beings. It made sense, otherwise the entire human race would have learned long ago that they are not alone in this world causing widespread panic or in the worst case a war between Humanity and the Supernatural which is something no one needed. Anyways, it was time to meet my maker as they say and hope nothing goes wrong.


"Come in." I heard a voice say from behind the door so I opened and entered the room.

"Good morning, my name is Hyoudou Issei and I am a new transfer student. I've been told to come here in order to receive my schedule." In front of me was a young bespectacled woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes. This must be Sona Sitri, one of the two high class devils Tannin shishou warned me about. She seemed to be working on a few documents related to the school. It seems she takes her work very seriously. I did not expect that. It was then that she redirected her attention towards me.

"Greetings Issei Hyoudou. My name is Sona Shitori and I am the current Student council president of the school. On my right is Tsubaki Shinra and she is my vice president" she said pointing to another young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and light brown eyes. She was calmly standing right behind Sona with a serious expression but if you payed very close attention, one could see that she was in a position to defend her king should the need arise. Of course, I was not going to instigate anything.

"I have your schedule right here. You are in class 2A and the teacher has already been notified of your arrival. Class has already started but since this is your first day, you will be excused for being late." She said waking Issei up from his monologue while taking a piece of paper containing his schedule and handing it over to him.

"Here is your schedule and everything pertaining to your education is listed there. I hope you have a nice day, Issei Hyoudou."

"Thank you very much Sona-kaichou. I will be heading right away to class then. Have a nice day Sona-kaichou, Shinra-senpai" he said bowing slightly in order to be as respectful as possible and exited the room.

When Issei left the room, Sona looked towards her queen.

"What did you think about him?"

"hmm. He is definitely not normal. Disregarding his lack of aura, my gut is telling me that he is not a normal human." She answered truthfully which gained a nod from Sona sharing her sentiment.

"Same here. Issei Hyoudou is indeed very strong. Although he may have been trying to hide it, it felt as if I was stuck in a room with a predator." Sona calmly stated.

"What should we do Kaichou?" asked Shinra.

Sona folded her hands under her chin and thought about it before replying "For now, there is no need to do anything. From what I see, he did not come bearing hostile intentions otherwise he would have done something by now. In addition, we do not know anything about his capabilities and I will not risk your lives on a futile endeavor." She explained

"But are we really supposed to do nothing. How about contacting Serafall-sama. I have no doubt she would help us." Asked a worried Shinra but was immediately rebuked by her king

"No. If we contact my sister, there is little doubt that she will intervene but you know as well as I do that, she tends to blow things out of proportion when my safety comes into play. We must take care of this by ourselves. Rias and I are in charge of this territory and it is our responsibility to keep it safe. If I need to ask for my sister's help every time something came up then… my dream will always remain a dream. I do not want to give those old farts of a council even more reasons to deny me my goals." She said the last with more emotions letting go of her usual calm demeanor.

Shinra nodded, sadly understanding what her king meant.

Recomposing herself, Sona continued "In any case, As we have no idea of his intentions here, we will only contact my sister as a last resort should we discover that he means ill will to the people of this city. For now, you can continue working on your duties. I will inform Rias know of the situation."

"Very well, Kaichou." Shinra nodded and left the room.

Left alone in her office, Sona sighed and once again grabbed issei profile staring at his picture

"Issei Hyoudou. Just who are you?" she wondered.

The man in question was making his way towards his class thinking back on his interactions with the devils

"I think it went alright although it does seem that they were on guard against me" I thought to myself. I could tell from their expressions that they were weary of me but luckily, they did not decide to automatically attack him. It would have ended badly… for them. Still, the point for coming here is to receive an education just as aunty Shuri wanted and causing trouble with the devils will not allow me to do that so for now it would seem that everything is fine… hopefully.

I finally made my way to the entrance of my class.


I knocked on the door and the teacher opened it.

"Hello, I'm the new transfer student, Issei Hyoudou." He introduced himself.

"Ah yes, I've been expecting you Hyoudou-san. Please come in and I will introduce you to the class. As this is your first day, you will be excused for being late but in the future, please do take care to arrive on time." The teacher said which got a nod from Issei as they both entered class.

As soon as he entered class, he could hear everyone talking about him thanks to his enhanced hearing even though they were all murmuring quietly.

"Oh my god! Is he a new student?"

"He is so hot."

"I can practically visualize his muscles through his cloths."

"I hope he is single."

"A new prince. I wouldn't mind doing anything he asks me too."

The girls were singing praises about him while some were actually drooling over his body. The boys however were singing a different tune.

"oh no, not another one."

"Holy shit, look at how ripped he is."

"I sure wouldn't want to mess with him."

"It's not fair."

He simply sighed as he made his way to the center of class.

"Alright students, as you can see we have a new transfer student among us. His name is Issei Hyoudou and I hope you will all get along with him nicely and make him feel welcomed." That would honestly not be problem amongst the girls.

"Alright class, if you have any question for your new classmate, now is the time to ask." Many hands, mostly the girls, were raised after the teacher's suggestion so Issei pointed one of the girls who stood from her seat

"What made you come to Japan?" she asked

"Well, I used to live here 8 years ago but circumstances forced me and my family to move away. However, now that everything is fine, we decided to move back here so that I may receive an education." He answered then pointed to another student.

"What are your hobbies?" Issei rubbed his chin thinking for an answer because saying flying with dragons would not exactly paint him in a bright image so he improvised.

"hmm, I would say that I like to train, practice martial arts, reading and hanging out with friends I guess." That answers why he was so ripped but it also piqued the curiosity of other students

"Have you ever tried studying in swordsmanship like kendo, for instance" asked a pink haired girl. That question got most of the girl's attention since most of them belonged to the kendo club and they would love for him to join. Unfortunately, the answer they got was not the one they wanted

"I'm afraid not. My style is mostly centered around using my fists and I do not think I would be any good with a sword." He answered then pointed to another girl.

"Are you single?" she curiously asked. What she didn't know is that the question unknowingly caused a pang of agony because it reminded him of someone… he lost but he was still able to suppress his emotions and answer the question

"Yes, I am single but at the moment I am not looking to enter a relationship" he said breaking the hearts of many women in the room while cheering up the boys in the room. One of the boys suddenly stood up and asked

"Which part of the female body do you prefer, breasts or butts?"

"W…W What?" was the only response that came out of a surprised Issei who had no idea how to answer that question, even causing him to blush a bit which the girls found adorable. Luckily, he was saved by the interference of the teacher

"Motohama, please refrain from asking such immoral questions and Hyoudou, you do not need to answer such a question. That will be all for the welcoming questions." Showing his appreciation with a slight nod, Issei then headed towards his seat and the teacher resumed class.

The rest of the day went by swimmingly and the lessons were not to hard to grasp. Although my introduction could have gone a bit better, it was not even the craziest part of the day. During lunch, I had practically every club trying to recruit me even though I wasn't planning on joining any. It got so bad that I had to run away from that crazy mob of students. It was the first time I've ever seen humans as scary. Luckily, they gave up by the end of the day so I packed my things and got ready to leave for home. As I was leaving however, I could feel a pair of eyes looking over me as I was leaving. I could tell that it was the two devils, Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri. I do not know what they want but for now, it is better to ignore them and leave them be.

Up on the second floor, looking outside the window were the two devils in question surveying Issei.

"So that is the boy you mentioned, Issei Hyoudou I presume" asked a crimson haired beauty as her eyes followed the retreating Issei.

"Yes, it is. Unfortunately, he is a total mystery." Answered Sona with a stoic expression. Rias raised a brow as she turned her attention to her friend.

"You could not find any information on him?"

Sona shakes her head "On the contrary, I've found quite a bit of information. Parents, date of birth, where he went to school, places he's been and so on. Everything points to him being a normal person but… my gut is telling that he is anything but normal. Being in the room with him felt as if I was trapped in there with a predator and he is definitely stronger than he appears to be." What Sona does not realize is that all the information she found was "created" by Great-red in order to blend in more naturally.

"Do you know if he plans to cause any trouble?" This territory was placed under her and Sona's care and she would be damned if she let anybody create issues here.

"Based on our previous conversation and investigation, I do not think he is here with malicious intent. If he wanted to cause trouble, he would have already done it long ago but instead he is attending our school. He's been here for several weeks and has not caused any trouble since. However, we should not let our guard down and try to figure out what he is up to." Sona explained making Rias nod in understanding.

"I see. In any case, I was planning on sending Koneko-chan to keep an eye on him. With any luck, she might be able to determine who or better yet what he is." Said Rias.

"Very well, but please be careful. I need to get back to my duties but if you need help, just let me know and I will aid you to the best of my abilities". Rias thanked her friend who proceeded to take her leave. Rias then made her way towards the old school building where her clubroom resides in. There she found her rook, Koneko eating a few sweets. Koneko Toujou is a petite girl with white hair and gold eyes. The front of her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead, while the back has a short bob cut. She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on both sides of her hair.


"Hai, Rias-buchou." Koneko redirected her attention to her king.

"I need you to follow Issei Hyoudou and if possible, find out what he is. You have the best senses out of all of us so I can only rely on you for this task. However, be very careful when tailing him. He is a complete mystery to us so if you feel he is onto you then you are to withdraw immediately and report to me. I do not want you to needlessly risk you life on such a thing" she said with concern over her servants well being.

"Very well Buchou. I will get to it immediately" she said while nodding and left the premises to follow her target.

"Ara ara, where is our little Koneko-chan running off to." Rias turned her attention to the new arrival. She was beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure that matches Rias figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair is usually tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place.

"I sent her to keep an eye on a potential troublemaker that Sona warned me about Akeno". The unknown voice now revealed to be none other than Akeno herself who grew up to be a beautiful woman.

"Oh is that so. I wouldn't mind having a little fun. I have a new technique I was dying to test out ufufu" she said in a sadistic tone making Rias sigh knowing her queens sadistic nature

"Hopefully, it does not come to that. Anyways did you prepare the chess board?"

"Yes I have and I also prepared a new blend of tea. I hope you'll like it."

(SURPRISE AKENO'S ALIVE. Of course everyone knew this already lol :P)

Strolling along the streets, Issei was making his way back home after a long day at school. Or, at least, that was the plan if it weren't for his little tracker following him since he left the school.

"huh, well so much for not drawing attention." Issei thought to himself with a sigh of defeat. He was trying to lay low and avoid the devils as much as he could, yet it seems fate had other plans for him. As far as he could tell, he did not do anything that would lead to exposure so either he underestimated the devils ability or they do did for every new student which makes no sense.

"Oh well, let's see if I can shake her off" thought Issei as he made his way into a more crowded place. He shifted between places. From the shopping mall to the bookshop. He also went in the arcade and yet he could still feel the same devil signature following him which honestly impressed him a great deal. She was able to follow him in crowded places despite the fact that he was concealing his presence which was very hard to do. This meant that she must be exceptionally talented at tracking people.

"Impressive. It seems that there is no way to shake her off. Well… time for Plan B, it seems" Leaving the arcade he walked forwards until he made a right turn towards the pathway that leads to the park.

Seeing that she lost sight of her target, Koneko slowly picked up the pace but still remained a good distance from him. Making the same right turn, she was shocked when she saw that Issei had disappeared. She did not understand what was going on.


She heard something land right behind her and turned her head backwards only to be face to face with Issei who had his arms crossed, annoyed at being followed.

"Why are you following me?" glared Issei. Koneko took a step back and looked up at the towering giant. She could not believe that she was discovered despite how careful she was tailing him. There was no indication that showed that he was onto her so the only reason she could think of was that he had amazing senses just like hers. Her instincts were going haywire warning her to get away from this dangerous entity. She could see why Rias and Sona were very careful with matters concerning him.

"I'm not following you" she tried to play dumb hoping beyond hope that he would buy it.

It didn't work.

"Please don't lie to me. You have been following me since the moment I stepped out of school" Issei gave her the answer she was dreading. She could feel his annoyance exuding out from his body as his aura slowly increased around him.

"How…?" was the only word that came of her mouth.

He spoke again after a short pause.

"You were hiding pretty good there. I could barely sense your presence when you were following me which is really impressive, by the way. Unfortunately, I am very good at sensing people around me and I could feel your gaze as you tailed. Plus, it wasn't that hard to figure out considering that you were the only devil signature in a crowd of normal people. You should take heed to be careful next time." He warned her before getting to the question he really wanted to ask.

"Did your master have you follow me around?"

The girl did not respond. She merely kept her stoic expression untouched and remained silent. But deep down, she was frightened. He even knew that she was a devil which really shocked her. Unfortunately, Issei noticed her trembling slightly indicating her fear of him. Sighing, he reigned in his aura back into himself hoping to ease her. Seeing her take a breath and her body relax showed that it worked.

"sigh… Look, I am not here to cause any harm to any devils or the people in this city. I am simply trying to receive an education just like any other students. As long as you do not perform any malicious act against me, I swear to you that I will not cause you any trouble. Can you please pass along this message to your king?" He smiled at her hoping to express his sincerity although her stoic expression made it hard to see if it worked but after a moment's pause, she nodded her head positively.

"Thank you." He then placed a hand in his pocket rummaging to get something causing Koneko to put her guard up thinking he was planning to do something only to be surprised when he took out a piece of chocolate.

"Think of this as a small peace offering to show my sincerity." He said placing the sweet in front of her.

"How did…" she said before being interrupted by Issei's giggle.

"It wasn't hard to recognize you considering all the talk I hear at school. The "mascot" of the Academy I believe they all called you, Toujou Koneko. They also talked about your love of sweets which is how I knew. Before you ask, I did not buy these specifically for you. I bought them for me but I prefer to give it away as a gesture of good will if it will let us start on the right foot."

Koneko hesitated a bit before Issei simply shrugged "Well, if you don't want it, I guess I'll eat it myself." But before he could pull back his, in the blink of an eye, Koneko swiftly took the chocolate for herself and started munching on it. Issei almost laughed at the scene. She reminded him of a miniature version of his mother when it came to sweets. Issei waited until she finished eating the chocolate before deciding to part ways.

"It is getting a bit late so I will be taking my leave. Please believe me when I say that I mean no harm to anyone and I hope you can relay that to your king." He said before extending his hand with a smile to the small devil.

"It's been a pleasure to make your acquaintance, even though it wasn't in the best circumstance." He said causing her to reveal a brief smile before shaking Issei hand. Once they separated, they parted ways. Koneko had to return to Rias to explain the situation and relay his message. Although her assignment did not go as planned, it did reveal that Issei knew of the supernatural world and based on what she sensed, he was definitely not human. Seeing her leave in the direction of the academy, Issei sighed before turning in the opposite direction and headed home. He had no doubt that the devils will want to speak to him, most likely to find out what he is but for the moment, it had been a long day and he just wanted to get back home and rest.

After a few minutes of walking, he finally made his way home.

"I'm home" he said as he entered his house. He could spot his mother cooking dinner in the kitchen. She immediately turned around to greet her son with a warm smile.

"Welcome home Issei. Dinner is almost ready. It should be ready in about 15 to 20 minutes. How was your first day at school." She asked excitingly. Issei looked around

"It was… an interesting day. Where is dad?"

"You father is taking care of a few things back with Tannin but he should be back any minute now. Why? Did something happen?" she asked with a tinge of worry.

"Sigh… yeah you could say that" he said before sensing a magic circle. Issei turned and saw a familiar figure appear when the magic circle died out. It was his dad.

"Hey son, how was your first day at school?" he asked his son ruffling the top of his head. Slowly removing his father's hand from his head, he turned his attention towards his father

"Like I told mom, it was an interesting day overall but… something did happen." He said, this time looking towards both his parents. His father's expression then turned serious.

"What happened?" Issei then proceeded to explain everything that occurred especially his little meeting and conversation with Koneko Toujou.

"I told that I am only here to receive an education and not hurt anyone. I think I managed to get her to believe me so I believe that she will relay my message to her king but it is safe to say that the devils are trying to dig up information about me." He finished explaining as his father and mother were both taking in everything he said.

"I see. Well, we knew it was only a matter of time before they got curious but I didn't expect it would be this soon. Maybe they are still being extra cautious due to the incident so many years ago" Great-red speculated as he rubbed his chin.

"Based on your meeting, it is safe to assume that the devils are aware that you are not human which means you have to be extra careful when dealing with them." Added Ophis.

"No doubt the devils will approach Issei for answers now that they know he isn't human. I believe it is fine for you to reveal the truth with matters regarding your identity in order to satisfy their curiosity. If asked about your origins, just say that you were born to high class dragons who lived in seclusion amongst the humans which is honestly not that far from the truth. Just don't reveal that you are the son of dragon gods or I can guarantee that this will be the least of our worries."

Issei nodded, effectively ending their conversation just in time as the food was ready.

Meanwhile, Koneko arrived back to school around the same time Issei arrived home. She made her way towards the old school building where she knew her king would be waiting. She walked upstairs and eventually arrived at the entrance of their clubroom.

Knock Knock

She knocked the door.

"Come in." she heard her king say as she entered the room. She could see that Rias was alone in front her desk. Most likely she sent everyone else home while waiting for her.

Rias looked at her and greeted her with a charming smile.

"Welcome back, Koneko-chan. Were you able to learn anything new about Issei Hyoudou." She asked getting straight to the point.

"Hai, I did Buchou. From what I can tell, although I could not pinpoint what race he is, my instincts keep telling that he isn't human." Koneko stated before pausing letting her king understand things. At least, this got confirmation of what she and Sona suspected so at the very least it was worthwhile news. Unfortunately, Koneko wasn't finished.

"However, there was a slight complication, Buchou." Rias tilted her head in confusion indirectly asking her what it was. She took a breath before proceeding

"Apparently he was aware of me following and… confronted me." She revealed. Rias went wide eyed with worry looking over her rook from head to toe.

"Oh no. Are you alright? Did he do anything to you? I swear on Satan's name that if he harmed you, I will make him rue the day he was ever born" she howled in anger but was quickly calmed down by Koneko who shook her head negatively.

"No, he did not hurt me. After confronting me, he asked me to relay a message to you that he does not bear any malicious intent to anyone here, whether devil or human and that he only came to receive an education. I could tell that he wasn't lying Buchou." She explained to Rias who breathed a sigh of relief that her precious servant was not harmed.

Based on what she was told, if he really wanted to harm her, he could have done so but instead he confronted her and let her walk away. At the very least, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Very well. Although it did not go as I expected, we still learned quite a bit about the boy. Unfortunately, I am not about to trust someone I never met so tomorrow I will have Kiba-kun and Matsuda-kun bring him to me for an introduction. I will determine for myself whether or not he is threat to the safety of everyone here. Anyways, Great work Koneko-chan. Go back home and get some rest." She told Koneko who nodded and took her leave. Rias sighed one last time and decided to head home as well to prepare for the inevitable meeting tomorrow with her new 'kouhai'.

The next day came by very quickly and ended just as fast and the time Issei dreaded came upon him. As lessons for the day ended, Issei was getting ready to go home until the blonde Devil boy had entered Issei's sight. With an invisible sighed, Issei mentally prepared himself knowing that the devils would come but why did it have to be today of all days. The blond put up his hand to shake Issei's and offered a smile.

Shaking hands, the two exchanged proper greetings.

"Hello, my name is Kiba Yuuto." He spoke.

"I'm Hyoudou Issei. It's a pleasure to meet you." Issei returned the polite greeting.

"Hyoudou-kun, I was wondering if you were busy at present." Kiba asked calmly.

"I'm not. Is there something that I can help you with?" Issei was pretty sure he knew what this was about but still decided to ask.

"Well, I'm a part of the Occult Research Club and my Club President wanted to speak with you. Would you be willing to come along?" Kiba asked politely. Issei knew that this would happen sooner or later considering that Rias had sent Toujou Koneko after him and most likely Toujou-san revealed their conversation so it was inevitable. Issei could sense that Kiba meant no ill will towards him so it would seem the princess simply wished to talk to him.

"Alright. I'd be happy to."

"Matsuda-kun, you can come as well. Buchou wants us all there." Kiba spoke making Matsuda raise from his seat.

"Alright, I'm coming. See you later Motohama-san." He said to the bespectacled man who seemed to be raging internally.

"I still cannot believe you were invited to join the Occult Research club. IT's NOT FAIR You lucky bastard!" asked a frenzied Motohama causing Matsuda to laugh.

"haha, don't worry! I'm sure your time will come eventually. By the way, I'll return the magazine you lent me tomorrow." he patted his friends back which only enraged him more but before he could spat out his insults Matsuda left with Kiba and Issei.

Issei got up and followed the Prince of Kuoh Academy to the Old School Building and was led up to the room where a certain crimson-haired girl awaited. Knocking on the door and opening it, Issei wasn't exactly surprised that he would encounter Rias Gremory.

"Welcome. Please come in." The Club President spoke politely with a gentle and relaxed tone. Kiba took his place near the window while Matsuda sat on the couch near Koneko, the girl who followed him before. He could also sense the presence of another devil in a different room. Although its presence was a bit different compared to the others, he decided to ignore it for now.

Now that Issei got a good look at her, he could see that she matched the description Tannin gave about her. A young beautiful woman with white skin, blue eyes but her most distinctive feature was no doubt her long crimson hair. However, that is not the only thing that grabbed his attention. She had a buxom figure that would be cause fantasies for most men and she also had the biggest breasts on campus by far causing him to blush slightly as he tried to redirect his gaze elsewhere. That was not missed by Rias who simply giggled at his reaction since this was not the first time someone reacted as such. Issei quickly recomposed himself and asked

"Thank you for inviting me. May I ask what you want from me?" Issei half-expected to receive accusation glares of suspicion from everyone in the room considering the fact that his conversation with the little kitty was most likely revealed but he only received looks of indifference.

"First, I would like to thank you for coming Issei Hyoudou. My name is Rias Gremory and I believe you've already met my rook Koneko Toujou." She pointed towards the little white-haired girl who waved her hand to greet him earning him a smile in return from Issei with a nod of his head "I'll get straight to the point. I know that you know that we are devils." All of them revealed their bat like wings to prove the point before continuing "and I am well aware of the fact that you are not human. I've heard your conversation with Koneko-chan and I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and bring you here. So, I will ask you and if you really meant what you said to my rook then I hope you will answer truthfully when I ask you what are you?"

Issei decided that beating around the bush was useless. His parents already gave him permission to reveal what he was as long as he did not reveal the more important details. As long as he sates her curiosity, everything should be fine.

"Very well. As you already know my name is Issei Hyoudou and I am a dragon" Issei answered as he spawned two crimson scaly wings from his back. Those wings made him seem bigger than he actually was even though he was already bigger than any of them which was scary. Everyone was surprised at this revelation. None of them expected to have a dragon of all things joining their school. Rias was the most surprised. At worst, she expected him to be a youkai but not a dragon.

"a dragon? Seriously? Well… this certainly... complicates things" Rias knew that most dragons did not involve themselves with any factions save for a few like yu-long who journeyed everywhere with the original sun Wukong or Tannin who became a devil to save his people from extinction.

"Can you tell me who your parents are and what exactly are you doing here?" She was curious to find out as much as possible about him. With any luck, if

"I wasn't lying when I said that I came to this town to receive an education. I used to live here during my childhood but circumstances forced me and my family to move away and we only returned recently." Rias raised a brow curious what he meant.

"What circumstances would those be?" Issei shook his head negatively

"I'm very sorry but that is very personal so no offense, but I won't tell you" Issei vehemently declared to her and although it annoyed her, she could understand that had the rights to his own privacy and he didn't trust them enough to tell them that. Anyways, force was never the best way to go about things so she decided to drop the matter. She got what she was after and found out what he was so she didn't need to force the issue and make an enemy out of this man. If anything, she would love to have him as an ally and with any luck she might convince him to join her peerage. A being of his strength would be invaluable to her.

"No offense taken. Very well, then. However, let me clear on one issue. If you cause any trouble in my territory, there will be consequences. This place is under my protection and I will not tolerate any violent acts against the citizens here and this goes double for the other devils who live here. Remember that." Rias ended her talk with him on that note.

Issei nodded.

"I understand. If that will be all then I will take my leave then. I have a few things to take care of. It's been a pleasure to make your acquaintance Rias Gremory" he said, bowing his head as a sign of respect before leaving the clubroom and eventually the school.

Several minutes later, a certain black-haired young lady came out of a doorway that led into a different room, presumably a small kitchen, given how she came out with a tray of tea.

"Ara? Did your guest leave already, Buchou?" Akeno looked around and found that the guest that Rias had been waiting for was gone.

"Unfortunately, he did. Anyways what did the rest of you think about him?" she asked the rest of her peerage.

"I believe he is pretty friendly. I think we would get along just fine" began Kiba with his usual smile.

"I think so too. If he was evil, he would have taken me down the instance he figured out I was following him but instead he confronted me and gave me chocolate." Koneko gave her own stance on the subject.

"I don't know if I like the guy" Matsuda said, being the only one to offer a negative reply.

"And why is that Matsuda-kun" asked Rias wanting to understand her pawns reasoning.

"Because he is like a second Kiba except on god damned steroids. He just came yesterday and already all the girls are fangirling over him calling him their 'Second Prince' or something. He is stealing all of the girls. On top of that, he is a dragon. Some people have it all. IT'S NOT FAIR" whined Matsuda. Rias face palmed at her pawns answer forgetting of his perverted tendencies.

"Pervert" said Koneko with her usual stoic expression.

Akeno decided to enter the conversation

"Ara, a dragon, here? I did not expect that. What is this persons name" she asked. Rias turned her attention towards her queen to answer

"Oh right, I forgot you weren't told who we were dealing with. Anyways, his name is Issei Hyoudou and he is the newest transfer student that…" Unfortunately, she was interrupted by the sound of a tray dropping.

The tray Akeno was holding had clattered loudly to the floor as Akeno's eyes widened in shock.

"Issei's here"