
Son of the Dragon Gods

A fanfic where Issei is the son of Ophis and Great Red

LazyKiller1632 · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Heartfelt Reunion

Anger, pain, sorrow, and relief all boiled to a rise in Akeno's heart.

Memories of her past started resurfacing all at once. From the times they spent together, the time he protected her against the stray devils even at the cost of his well being to the day she somehow survived the blast.

Throughout the years, she journeyed throughout Japan using her skills to purify evil spirits that she learned from her mother in order to survive, doing so for a year and a half. When she stumbled into a certain town, Akeno indirectly saved a human that was contracted with a Devil from the Gremory Clan. Fearing that the Devils would kill her due to her Fallen Angel heritage and due to her previous encounters with them, Akeno decided to hide from them. Unfortunately, she had wandered into the territory of the Himejima Clan, who were still after her life and the life of her father. She could recall the events as if it were yesterday. She remembered how she was about to be killed until she was saved by Rias and Agrippa who was showing the young heiress around the territory she would be inheriting. After much negotiation, Akeno was allowed to be free in exchange for never entering Himejima territory and second, to always stay with Rias. Luckily, she was allowed to keep her mother's family name of Himejima. In time, when Rias received her evil pieces, she accepted her offer at becoming her very first servant as her Queen. She never regretted that choice because she considered Rias not only as her best friend but also as family and it only grew with the addition of Koneko, Kiba and eventually Matsuda.

However, while she was eternally grateful to the Gremory Clan, Akeno couldn't help but imagine what it could have been like if she had lived with Issei. When she thought about it, only bitterness and anger came to mind. How many days did she wish to wake up the next morning and find Issei coming to her rescue? Lamentably, her wishes were always shattered the next day when she woke up and found herself alone and afraid.

These were many questions that Akeno would never stop asking when she was younger. Had her supposed best friend forgotten all about her and continued to live on his life. She had grown bitter and angry when nobody from her past had come to save her, nor did it seem like anyone was searching for her. She had learned how to fight from a young age and was always able to sense presences.

During her time spent wondering, she never once felt Issei presence in Japan. Unfortunately, she did not know that he and his parents moved to Tannin's territory for safety.

She remembered the times Issei told her how important she was to him. Was everything he told her a lie? Did he also hate her because of her black wings? Is that why he never came to look for her. Her grief and anguish slowly twisted her thoughts about her lifelong friend until it resulted in feelings of hatred towards the very man she came to love. The very same feeling she held for her father whom she believed to be the cause of all this pain. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin which is why it is sometimes more likely to hate someone you love than hating someone you don't, especially when you feel betrayed by that person. She could not understand why Issei had given up on her after everything they had been through.

Now, in present time, she finally had the opportunity to find out from the man himself after all these years. There was so much that she had wanted to say to Issei, specifically. For years she had withheld her bitterness and now, she could finally get the burning, itching, and unbearable pain of words off of her chest. Unlike her father, who Akeno wanted to avoid, she wanted to confront the Issei.

The other members were very stunned by how upset Akeno looked. Of course, they were unaware of her past with Issei because she had never mentioned it.

"Akeno, what's wrong?" asked a worried Rias but it seemed like Akeno was in her own world and did not respond.

"Issei" she muttered under her breath before she bolted out of the doorway deciding to find him. She was gone within the blink of an eye.

"Holy crap, I've never seen fukubuchou like this" said a startled Matsuda. His sentiment was also mirrored by the little white-haired girl next to him.

"Akeno, wait!" Rias tried to go after her friend only to be stopped by Kiba.

"Please wait Buchou. This seems to be personal for Akeno-fukubuchou. There is a chance that she has encountered this person before." Kiba presumed based on her reaction to Issei being here.

"But shouldn't we go to make sure nothing goes awry. You saw how upset she was. Isn't there a small chance that she may attack him for something he did?" asked a worried Matsuda as he stood up from the couch.

"No, Akeno is not that irresponsible no matter what her emotional state is. She is my queen and I have the utmost confidence that she wouldn't do something like that." Rias immediately rejected that notion although it did not stop her from worrying about her queen.

A red gauntlet suddenly materialized over Matsuda's right arm and a strong voice could be heard from within

["I hope what you say is true… From what I can sense, that dragon is extremely powerful and you all stand no chance against him."] said Ddraig causing everyone a small tinge of fear although Matsuda was also a bit peeved.

"geez, thanks for the vote of confidence Ddraig". Ddraig snorted in response

["I am simply stating the facts Partner, although I'm sure you all already sensed his power and understand the truth of my words"]. No one could say anything to refute him since he was right.

With a heavy sigh Rias said "We just have to have faith in her. Hopefully, when she comes back, she will open up to us and explain what is going on." Everyone nodded and decided to believe in their friend.

The person in question was scouring around the school trying to find Issei but with no success. Using a few spells to hide her presence, she began to search the city.

In the shopping district, Issei made his way towards a familiar flower shop. Going in, he spotted the very same women who gave him directions to find his school just the other day. She also spotted him and came to greet him.

"Oh my, it's you. How are you doing today? I hope you made it in time for school." She asked Issei.

"I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking and thank you for helping me find my school. I wasn't able to make it on time but I was excused for being late due to it being my first day Miss... I'm sorry I forgot to ask for your name." He said scratching the back of his head. This resulted in a small giggle from the shop lady.

"It is no problem son. My name is Chelia Suzuki" she extended her arm which Issei shook.

"Suzuki… where have I heard that name before" Issei remembered having heard it somewhere until his mind clicked and remembered his meeting with the devils and she did say previously that her son attended the same school as him so it wasn't hard to connect the dots.

"It is a pleasure to meet you miss Suzuki. By any chance, is your son's name Matsuda?" he asked her and he got his answer in the form of a nod

"Yes, he is! I take it, you met him at school?" she asked excitingly.

"Yes, I have. I met him at his club. Plus, it was hard not to hear about him based on the rumors going around at school" he said causing Chelia to sigh knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"huuuh…So I take it you heard how my son is the incarnation of lust alongside his other friend Motohama-san." It was Issei turn to giggle at her statement.

"Amongst other things, but I do not judge people solely based on their interests. I judge them based on their character and actions and so far, your son hasn't done anything to make me believe he is a bad person. Everyone is entitled the right to pursue whatever they want. Everyone is unique and each of us possesses certain virtues that makes us who we are. Your son's lust is but one part of who he is so until I get to know him better, I will not judge him. Plus, he was raised by a wonderful woman like you, so there is no way he will not turn out great." He told her with as much sincerity as he could.

"Oh my… quite the charmer, aren't you? Thank you very much for that. You are right and no matter what anyone thinks of him, he is my son and I will always love him no matter what kind person he turns out to be and I know that there are people out there who accept my son for who he is which I am eternally grateful for. It is also my hope that the two of you can become friends" she said with a smile and he responded with one of his own.

"If we have a chance to get to know each other, I'm sure we can become friends."

"Thank you. Now, I'm pretty you did simply drop by to have this conversation so, how can I help you today?" she asked

"I'm looking to buy some flowers today."

"Well, aren't you a romantic? Who's the special lady?" she asked with a lot of enthusiasm, not knowing the circumstances. Although, she was technically not wrong because he was buying flowers for two very special ladies.

"They are for my aunt and her daughter who… passed away years ago." He said smiling sadly causing Chelia to gasp, feeling really bad for what she said

"Oh, my condolences, I did not mean to sound…" although she was interrupted by a small wave of Issei hand.

"Please don't worry about. You could not have known so it is of no trouble." He said trying to reassure her which seemed to work.

"Thank you. In that case, please take a look around and when you made your choice, come to me and I will give you a discount. Please think of it as both a sign of gratitude and apology on my behalf" she said with an expression that told Issei that he was not going to convince her otherwise so he thanked her for her generosity and went ahead to ponder his choices.

"Hmm, which flowers should I buy for them" he mused as he explored all his options. After much thought, he decided to buy white lilies and violets. After gathering the bouquet of flowers and waving goodbye at Chelia, Issei steeled himself as he made his to a place of deep remembrance.

Unknown to him, Akeno managed to trace his signature and after using her magic to hide her presence, she quickly followed pursuit as discreetly as she could to see where he was going. For as long as she can remember, she blamed her father for the tragedy that occurred to her mother as well as herself but another part of her also blamed Issei who she feels did not look for her during her years of wondering. She wanted to find out the truth. She followed him to the place she did not expect to see again, her previous home.

Issei made his way up the stairs and entered the shrine until he stopped in front of two gravestones. He smiled when he saw that there were already flowers placed in front of the graves meaning his parents and most likely his uncle had already visited to pay their respects. Ever since the shrine had been rebuilt by the fallen angels, his parents, mainly his mother always came by and maintained the place as best as they could. For his mother, it was a way to stay connected to Shuri and remember all the times they spent together. She did all this, not only as a courtesy to her first friend but also out of guilt. Both she and Great-red felt that part of this tragedy was their fault. Had they accompanied Akeno's family back home themselves, none of this would have happened and so, year after year, they kept apologising in front of Shuri's and Akeno's gravesites even though Barakiel kept telling them that it wasn't their fault. He could not say anything because he himself felt guilty for what happened. If he had made it just a little bit sooner, all of this could have been avoided. Of course, no one blamed him because he was a child at the time and it was the adult's responsibility to protect them or at least that is what his parents told him.

Laying out the two bouquets of flowers in front of their graves, Issei performed his prayers and began to talk to them as he did every year not knowing that he had been followed by Akeno herself.

"Hello Aunty Shuri." Akeno widened her eyes when she heard what Issei said. She could not believe that they had erected a grave for her mother.

"How have you been? In case you were wondering, I've been doing alright and so have my parents but I'm sure I did not need to tell you that considering that they came by to visit you before I did. A long time has passed since you had been unfairly taken away from us. My parents and I moved away to Tannin's home and I've spent the last nine years training with everyone to become stronger so that something like this never happens again. It was so grueling that it felt as if I were in the worst pits of Hell."

He let a small giggle

"hmhm although I'm sure I don't need to tell you that. I still remember the time when you came by to visit one time during my training with my dad and reprimanded him for training me way to hard. I also haven't forgotten all of the lessons you taught me. From tables manner to the time you even taught me how to dance. All the times you spent teasing me and Akeno. All of the days we spent together as a family were the most memorable moments of my life and I will always remember them." Issei spoke as if her spirit were right in front of him.

"As you know, we recently moved back to our old house here in Kuoh. Although it hurts to walk in and out every day because this place reminds me of everyone I lost. Thankfully, I've had a lot of support over the years and although I'm not sure what to expect from life I'll do my best to move forward just like I vowed to you all those years ago. I also enrolled into Kuoh academy and getting an education just like you wished for me. Apparently, it is under the supervision of two heiresses but uncle Tannin promised me that they are not like the devils who attacked us so you don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself just fine. Besides I met with the devils and they seemed nice."

His tone suddenly turned somber.

"Uncle Barakiel is still as serious as ever but… ever since you died, he has gotten a lot more sullen. He spent every day crying over you and Akeno and there was nothing I or my parents could do to help him. He no longer laughs like he used to with my dad and he no longer smiles. Even worse, due to his grief, he attempted suicide and if it weren't for my dad, he would have succeeded… It broke my heart to see him like that and even though we managed to stop him, he hasn't been the same since. I'm so sorry auntie that we cannot help him find closure. Only you can." Issei put his hand on Shuri's gravestone and made a request with tears dropping from his face unable to hold his sadness anymore.

"Please help uncle Barakiel, auntie. He is slowly and slowly becoming a machine. His words do not seem to hold much emotion anymore so please… help him." Issei prayed to his aunt.

Wiping away his tears, he moved towards the other grave. Akeno was wondering who they could have buried next to her mom.

"Akeno…" he spoke glumly. Akeno gasped and widened her eyes in surprise at what she heard. This has been the least of her expectation. "Did Issei think I died. Is that why he hasn't been looking for me?" she thought to herself now quickly paying the outmost attention to what he was saying

"I miss you so very much. Not a single day goes by that I don't remember our days as children. I missed playing with you and I missed spending time with you. I still remember, to this very day, the moment you and aunty Shuri were taken away from us. Everyone tried to search for you. When uncle Barakiel and other Fallen Angels came to look at the Shrine…they found nothing. The whole shrine got reduced to nothing. Even my parents secretly went in to search for you two but with no success" Issei's voice shook, causing Akeno's heart to soften.

"I'm not sure if you remember but today is my birthday… Quite the irony is it not? A day meant for celebration and happiness has turned into one filled with nothing but misery and sadness. There are so many things I never got to tell you which I regret every single day." He paused taking a moment to breath before continuing

"I never got the chance to express how much you mean to me. You were always there for me when we were kids. You may know this but… you saved me back when we first met. You were a ray of light shining at the end of the tunnel, piercing the darkness and saving me from a life of sorrow and loneliness. You accepted me as a friend when no one else would even take the time of day to look at me. I'm so pathetic. You've done… so so much for me and I couldn't be there when you needed me the most. I never got to tell you how much I loved you. That is why I can never forgive myself for failing to protect you like I promised." Akeno gasped when she heard that. "w what…Issei loves me" Akeno's head started to spin as any feelings of anger within her quickly dissipated as her old romantic feelings for him suddenly surfaced upon seeing that they were reciprocated. However, watching Issei heave and cry was very heartbreaking. To see him blame himself over something that was beyond his control… was not right.

"There are times when I can't help but think that what happened to you was… my fault. Dragons are beings of power and power attracts both allies and enemies towards us. I can't help but think that the only reason such misfortune hit you and your family was because you associated yourself with me." Akeno could tell that he was clearing sobbing further breaking her heart as he continued "You did not deserve this… none of you did. I… some part of me, sometimes wishes that… you never met me in the first place. Perhaps then… you would still be together with your family. Aunty Shuri would still be alive and uncle Barakiel wouldn't be grieving the loss of his family every day" he said rubbing off his never-ending tears.

His words had caused something in Akeno to finally snap. She couldn't help but cry as well when she heard the truth of his past and his feelings. For so many years, she thought that Issei and the others had merely forgot about her. Ever since the day her mother died, her mind had convinced her that people detested and mistreated her because of her half-human, half-Fallen Angel heritage.

Almost immediately, any negative thoughts about Issei evaporated. It was surprising that it was so easy but when Akeno sensed the truth and emotion in Issei's confessions, she was overridden by her heart.

"Although my parents would murder me for saying this; if I could trade my life to give you back both of your lives so you could live happily with uncle, then I would do so in a heartbeat. I would happily die so you and your mother could live again."

This was the last straw for Akeno. Her heart could no longer bare to hear his self-destroying words anymore.

"If you weren't in my life then it would have been meaningless." She said bursting out of her hiding place.

Issei suddenly jolted at the sound of Akeno's voice and turned around to see her standing right in front of him. At first, he believed that he was simply hallucinating, that this was a result of his accumulating despair and regrets, wishing to see her once more. However, his senses suddenly came back online and his instincts told him that it was indeed the love of his life standing right in front of him. Her scent, her aura, her presence, everything about her points to the inevitable conclusion that he so desperately prayed for all his life, that she was alive and well. A shower of tears, that he was barely holding in came tumbling down his face as he called out to her still not processing that this is reality.

"A.. Akeno, is… is that really you?" he said weakly, still deeply afraid that this was all a hallucination and nothing more but his worries were immediately relieved when she looked at him with the beautiful smile that made very single light in a room look dim and weak.

"Yes, Issei, it's really me." she stated with some tears coming out from her as well.

"H.. How?" Issei was extremely shocked that he could barely speak properly

"I do not know how but I survived the blast."

At this point he did not care how so, with a sudden burst of speed that she didn't know he had, he quickly embraced her into his chest.

"Thank the heavens that you are alive." She could hear him crying on her shoulders as he continued "Words can't even begin to describe how happy I am right now that you are OK. If this is in fact a dream, then I never want to wake up" Even though it was not possible, he tightened even more Akeno into his embrace as if fearing that should he let her go, she will vanish once more from his life and that is not something he would be able to handle.

"This is not a dream Issei. It really is me and I am so happy to see you again, to hold you in my arms. I missed you so… so much" reassured Akeno as best as she could emphasizing how happy she was to see him again.

"I heard everything you said Issei." This caused a massive blush to appear on Issei's face. He said so many things and to think she was right beside him. If Tannin were here, he would both laugh his ass off and smack me for letting my guard down. Akeno stepped forward until she was face to face with Issei. She finally took noticed how much he grew since the last time she saw him. He is a lot taller than he once was, almost being a head bigger than her. He is also a lot more robust then he used to be causing a blush to surface before recomposing herself since this was not the time for that.

"I don't blame you for anything anymore. It's true that I thought, at first, that you and everyone else abandoned me due to my fallen angel heritage but after seeing your confession, I knew I was wrong. I now know the truth Issei and… I don't blame you. I can't blame you for something that was clearly beyond your control and now that I think about it with a clearer mind, my anger was misplaced. I guess… I just needed an outlet, somebody to blame or I was going to go insane from my mother's death. So, let me say this. I'm sorry for letting you suffer for so long. I was so bitter about everything that I started to hate all of you but now I don't hold anything against you because it was not your fault so please…" she dug her head into Issei's chest, looking up to him with tearful eyes.

"Please don't say that you want to die. It hurts to hear the man that I love say that. If you died, I'd want to die too. So please, for my sake and for my mother's, don't let go of life." Akeno confessed to Issei, who was stunned and flabbergasted.

"You, what?" Issei could not believe what he just heard and needed to reconfirm it. He was afraid that his sorrow had affected his mind and he was simply hearing things.

However, Akeno gladly repeated herself. "I love you, Issei." She then kissed him on the mouth. Surprised, Issei lost himself as he became entranced by the soothing passion that Akeno transmitted to him. He gave in to the kiss and returned it with as much passion as he could, embracing her with the same warmth she did with him. He even unfurled his 4 winged and enveloped the both of them in it. It was as if time itself had stopped for him and all he could sense was Akeno. After a while they separated still in bliss at the kiss they shared.

"Can you please say your feelings to me, it one more time Issei." Asked Akeno earning Issei a smile as he lifted her chin so he could stare at her beautiful violet eyes he missed so very much.

"I love you so much Akeno. Now and until death do us part." He expressed with all his heart earning a blush from Akeno. They then once again shared a kiss of timeless passion cementing their love for one another