
Son Gohan: reincarnated assassin

from the world of assassin a highly trained young soul transmigrated into a lifeless body of son Gohan. watch him dominate the Gods. the only Saiyan alive limitless potential master in combat and assassination MC is from a world where mana exists. how he used that process this world is to be seen. I am new to this writing thing and English is not my first language. I don't own Dragon Balls 2 chapter a week.

Ashish_Patra · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Part 3 : MC's POV

While I was doing the paper work let's see what was happening to our MC.


'where am I ?'

'Everything is so bright '


"so I died, didn't I"

Another soul [let's take him as Axel] "yes you did"

"Who is there?"

Axel "wow chill bro, you are dead and it will take some time to adjust to the environment of afterlife."

At that moment MC's eyes started to focus and he saw a beautiful town.

Axel "welcome to the afterlife, but I don't think you are going to stay here."

"What do you mean?"

Axel " bro you are one of the chosen ones who are allowed to transmigrate to someone's dead body and get a new chance in life , even though after some time it(memories of past life) gets a little blurry but seeing you it won't be a problem."

"Can I know who you are."

Axel " ahh.. I am Axel and I am from a world where dragon exist and we hunt them."

"You mean to say there are multiple worlds !!"

Axel "yes.."


Axel "looks like your world is selected, bye and best of luck."

MC is dumbfounded.



In the hall,

(MC you have been chosen to enter DB universe and I am going to help you sometimes.)

"What's this DB universe?"

(There is no need for me to answer that, after all you will be forgetting most of what you saw here.)


Ah the process has started.



After an hour

Our MC opens his eyes, he sees the surrounding areas.

After that he sees his tail and then a load of memory hit him like a truck.

He gained all of Son Gohan's memories and learned something about himself.

At that time I entered the picture and his attention snapped towards me.

(Hello Gohan.)


(I know you are not in the mood to pass time so let's keep it straight.)


(So in this world humans have more physical potential than your world and the power used in this universe is-)

" Ki"

(Yah you got his memories so you know the similarities.

The thing is that you are half Saiyan.)

"A worrier race with high power level, the more I train the more my power will be."

(Yes and a Saiyan's potential is limitless and they also possess many transformations.)


(Yes the first one is called Super Saiyan 1 and at its normal form it can give a 50 times multiplier to your strength and at its highest form it can give a 200 times multiplier.)

"How to train it?"

(You know how to train it.)

"To be able to use it without any problem??"

(That and further beyond, you have to absolutely master the form to be able to stay in that form for months even years.)

'So I can be so strong and I don't even have any limits.'

(Start to train, you have to take care of yourself and study too.)

"I will... wait can I achieve God-"

(Yes there is a form called Super Saiyan God)

(Anyways bye ,see you later kid.)

I disappeared before he can say anything else.

Let's see what he is going to do..

I don't own Dragon Ball 🐉