
Somnolence on a cloudy day

"Librarian-turned-roadkill." They should have written that on my obituary; I was hit by a car after all. Although, I suppose I shouldn't really worry about that right now, seeing as I've been shoved inside the body of a baby. By the way I have a twin. He has purple hair. So do I and it's natural too. See where I'm going with this? A KHR fanfic [M] for cussing, sex, and incest (later)

Night_Ink · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Meeting our caretakers (first impressions? could have been better)

After the Baby-Snatcher fiasco, I had been on high alert. I knew that the clinic was shady—but damn. This is honestly starting to feel like a plot to an overly elaborate story.

On the other hand—yay for the power of love! Ever since that man came in—let's be honest, no one blinked an eye— Squishy's been more protective of me than I've ever seen him. I've honestly been relishing the number of cuddles he's had with me. He'd been so cute with a pout on his face during feeding time because he'd been jealous of the nurse holding me.

Currently, we're in one of our sacred nap-time sessions when a pair of unfamiliar women came through the nursery door. One had a face that disturbingly resembled a rat with red hair. She was wearing a plain dark blue dress with white stockings and a pair of high heels that did no favors for her already abysmal height. The other, a toadish face (that could give Professor Umbridge a run for her money), had on a white shirt and black pencil skirt. Her hair was a rather mousy black and swept up into a relatively neat bun.

"W-where are they," stuttered the rat-like one. "I don't know,"the toad harshly whispered, "check the charts!"

Huh, I mused, they sure do look nervous. I turn my head back to Squishy and ignore them. However, as they start to walk towards us, trepidation crawls up my spine. My twin whines after a few seconds of stillness which consequently draws the unwanted attention of the two women.

When they had come into seeing distance they had frozen in shock. "My god!" Rat whispered, "Sonya, can you see him?"

"Y-yeah." the toad answered. They both held on to each other staring at our crib.

Pfft. Inwardly, I rolled my eyes at them. It's as if they were looking at monsters. Well, at least I got a name(I'm still gonna call her Toad, maybe Ms. Toad?).

When they were able to see our chart, they paled even further. Ms. Rat whispered in a frightened tone, "It's him. What are we going to do? We don't even know where the other one is!" Turning towards Ms. Toad "We can't just leave him here! The clinic will call." A grimace grows on Ms. Toad's face at that statement.

"There's nothing that can be done. The best we can do is move him away from the others and hope for the best."

It took me a second to figure out what they were whispering about. They must be from the orphanage the nurses were talking about. When the women were quibbling about us, Squishy had woken up and was squishing his head in the curve of my neck. Probably to block out the annoying sounds of their annoying voices. I would have done the same honestly, but I have to figure out what they want, so ignoring them was out of the question. Doesn't mean I have to stop cuddling though.

As I listened so more I realized that there was a similar pattern as to how the nurses spoke when talking about us. They had always referred to us as him, as in Squishy, despite me being right next to him. Unless I voluntarily catch their attention to get fed, I'm practically invisible. That was the only reason why the creepy doctor had noticed us both.

Well isn't that ironic, it's the same as Before. I suppose it doesn't matter though, as long as I have Squishy I don't care about the others.

When I turned my head to observe them, Ms. Toad had locked eyes with me for some reason. She froze immediately, as still as a statue her eyes had gone through various emotions that flashed by too fast for me to interpret. When she had finished all I could see was her dazed and cloudy eyes. "Irina?" Ms. Rat questioned, "What's wrong?" Following her partner's gaze, her eyes landed on mine. The moment her eyes made contact, she went through the same motions as the other.

I wonder what they see.

Wanting to break this awkward silence, I took my chance to yawn. As I shifted a little they flinched as if slapped. Immediately, dismissing their previous reactions, they continued their fussing.

The door had opened at that moment, causing the two to stop squabbling. Stepping into the room was an extremely tall man (what's with all these tall people?) dressed in a white button-down, black trousers, and a white lab coat.

"Have you seen them yet?" he asked amused "They're not hard to miss." When he got closer, his features became clearer; dark brown eyes, brown curly hair with a tan complexion paired up with a rather muscular build would make him for a rather attractive man if not for his dangerous aura. He's probably one of the doctors who regularly knocks out unruly patients without gas.

As Mr. Brown—sue me, I know it's not creative—asked them, the two women fidget under his inquiry. "Y-yes we have, but is it necessary to take them in?" Ms. Rat questioned timidly "They're so... abnormal." As if I hadn't noticed Ms. Rat. Thank you for that confirmation of our obvious features.

Smiling, with a condescending tilt of his eyes, he answered "But of course you do. After all," he paused and continued in a threatening tone "it is part of the deal. Business is business, I'm sure you understand." The increasingly pale women could only nod in fear.

After some minutes of going over what information was needed, we were taken out of our crib and into the uncomfortable arms of the two frightened women. We were carried out of the room and towards the entrance of the building. Squishy and I caused a fuss from being separated at first, but we calmed down after they placed us together in the backseat of a car when they had finally left the clinic—well, it's more like a clinic on steroids since it was practically a hospital with the amount of space and people in the building.

Goodbye clinic. I'll miss your absurdly strong doctors and well-built nurses taking down people thrice their size.

I had forgotten how the outside world had looked and was extremely nervous about who we'll meet. With a sigh, I turn toward Squishy and reach out to squeeze his tiny hand to calm my nerves. I haven't talked to anyone in so long. Forget talking to people as an adult, how am I supposed to have a conversation with kids. Being a baby is a legit reason for not talking. As I get older though, won't people start to question it?



I don't have to!

Nodding my head my mind flashes to all those times the nurses avoided or passed by me. I don't have to change anything, being myself is more than enough to ward them off.

As if knowing that I solved a problem, Squishy giggled and clapped, rewarding me with a hug and kiss that I shyly returned.

"Aaapagooo" he softly mumbled, absolutely delighted when I initiated cuddle time.

Nodding sagely, I agreed, "Aaapagooo", cuddle time is the best—aside from nap time of course.


The babies' new caretakers―dubbed Ms. Rat and Toad—had observed their new charges' interactions with feeling greatly disturbed. Both of them had thought it was extremely unnatural for them to be so aware of their surroundings at such an age. Not to mention, their exotic coloring. They had acted as expected of babies(instincts, buried deep, quickly whispering about the younger but leaving just as fast, leaving them to focus more on the older). As long as they feed and clothe them they should be fine on their own. Neither of them wanted to be left

alone with twins unnatural as them.

As if hearing their thoughts, the twins had turned to look at them in unison. Inwardly panicking, the caretakers tried their utmost best to ignore them.


When I had felt a gaze aimed at us, I turned unknowingly alongside my twin. Observing our caretakers, I took note of their pale complexion and nervousness. I narrowed my eyes in confusion; I didn't know what had caused them to be like this. Maybe they were just too stressed today. Inwardly shrugging, I look out the window, observing the passing scenery. After a couple of monotonous minutes looking at buildings, I slowly grew more and more sluggish. Giving up on staying awake, I shut my heavy eyelids and succumbed to Morpheus' embrace.

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