
Someone Journey

I'm too lazy to put synopsis so here disclaimer {A/N: the cringness is strong in this one, the hole too, and you know the rules, grammar: OH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!!!? -disclaimer: I didn't own anything all of the anime are from their respective owners, and the MC are mine.) and this is wish full fillment didn't expect someone to read this.

Just_A_Creature · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

chapter 7 the fight with Sakura, AKA Medea of Modern World.

in this story Sakura is a villain but she has her reason, I will explain it after the end of the grail war


I look at Kagane and all of my team, now my team has this formation.

Shirou Emiya team,

front line: Shirou Emiya, Chastiefol, Enkidu.

the rear: Shirou EMIYA, Chastiefol, Saber, Rin, and Illyasviel Von Einzbern, Berserker: Meliodas.

Kagane team consists of.

front line: Kagane(A.K.A Gilgamesh.) and all of her weapons in the treasury.

The rear:.....where is Kotomine?

and we have agreement that we will fight three day after, I really need to know her Noble Phantasm, or that was the thing they said that is the symbol of weakness and strong point of Servant.

so now I'm stalk--*cough* I mean investigate how can I win against her and I need to know her Noble Phantasm first.

so this day she wear pink huh? um nothing, let us continue our investigation.


aren't she pretty much look like a normal girl?

but sometimes I will see her in front of my house and stole something from it, and the way she use the strange Golden Gate is dangerous, I mean she shot a strange weapon, I ask my future self that tell everyone that he is EMIYA but everyone call him Archer for not to confuse, his answer are, "Golden Gate? you mean Gate of Babylon? that thing said to have every treasure that 'Human's' create, and it last weapons is a strange sword with a drill shape. it can't be recreate."

that all I got, and I concluded that the Noble Phantasm of Kagane is 'Drill-Shape' sword, and when I concluded someone come in to my house, Sakura, at first the Red Aura got hid pretty good but now it full expose.

"So it is this day? the day where you would try to kill me? Sakura-chan?" I ask with a chill expression and I hid my command seal, pretty sure that was what it call, I mean really? why no one try to hid this?

"ufufufu, Senpai really know me best" She said with a dangerous expression?

"I'm sorry but I didn't intend to die young, Medea of modern world." I said while sitting in my couch with a fearless expression.

"You really acting to cool, Senpai, but I want to aSk Of yOu WhEre HaVe YoU HEarD tHaT?" she ask with a sca~~~ry expression.

"well, I have my own way." I said and walking in to the kitchen and look down on her, one thing that my future self tell me and it was the only thing that could be call, good is that, he teach me how to use my Reality Marble.

then suddenly the house glow in bright light before in my hand are knife now it a giant Khyber(Zangetsu in Shikai form)

"fufufu, Senpai, you don't think I would fight by myself do you?" She said then whisper something.

"of course not, I mean I'm pretty sure no one stupid enough to come to the house of Magus Killer without a plan am I right?" I said while looking for a chance to tackle her down.

"Yes, you are right Senpai. now by my command seal, I summon you, Salter." she said then the bright lights once again cover my house, I look up and saw a girl that looks exactly like Saber but with cream-blond hair, wore a black cloth as if to say, 'I'm opposite of her'

"yahhhhh, this will be troublesome but you really think I won't have anything prepare for something like assassination? afraid not. now I should say the word that will activate the trap." I said.

Salter and Sakura put on a guard while looking around the house to see if there any trap that they activate.

"First From:Chastiefol" I said while throwing the knife at them, you think I wouldn't upgrade my Chastiefol? of course not, I modify it to the point it can be use in a daily routine.

Sakura and Salter see the knife have a relief expression until it becomes a huge spear and hit them in the face, I take this chance and running in to the forest.

I wait for 5 minutes and then they follow me in to the forest, Bad Move, if someone knows that one my Element is Nature what would they think?

then they started to separate to find me, now the hentai, Vine edition start, just kidding,

"Tie them tree," I whisper to the tree.

then Sakura got tie by the vine of tree, but Salter can escape well, sure.

"SALTER USE YOUR NOBLE PHANTASM!!!" She shout out, it seem she is too desperate or frustrated?

"Yes, master

Cry out.

It is time to fall to the ground.

Hammer of the Vile King.

Overturn the aurora.

Swallow the light!

Excalibur Morgan"!

shit, I didn't take this in to consideration!!!!

Just kidding.

"Second Form:Guardian"

Chastiefol suddenly fly and get in front of me then it start to became humanoid, a bear like a moss come out and start to protect me from Excalibur Morgan.

and it success.{A/N: damn plot armour.}

"Hah, I'm really a successful person, well, that sword is pretty cool, so..... I'm gonna take it. Excalibur Morgan."

Sakura and Salter and look in my way, and startle to see Excalibur Morgan in my hand, I mean I'm a incarnation of sword right?

then I swing the sword down, a Black Bright Light cover the path that I swing and annihilate anything in it path, but it seem they escaped, somehow, is this is the so call BS of life?

"MASTER ARE YOU OKAY!!!!???" my servant ask me and Rin look at the sword in my hand with ? jealousy? nah, pretty sure it not.

"well, I'm pretty fine, and you pretty much didn't do anything, everyone should go and rest, I need to recover and Research my Reality Marble first." I said while entering my underground base.

I place Excalibur Morgan in the middle of my base. I look at the left side of my underground, I'm pretty sure there was someone looking at my fight, but I already tell all the tree, water and Sky, if there are someone spying on me, Strike it.

(The Person who Spying on MC PoV)

a fat and ugly man looking around to see if someone was looking at him, then when he sure there was no one looking he laughing out loud.


then suddenly there was a weapon pierce the man without a care, the man starting to lost conciseness, but before he die he saw a beautiful blond long hair woman look at him, then she said.

"I don't think a mongrel like you should be near him, AfTeR aLl I aM tHe OnLy oNe ThAt cAn gO ToUcH HiM"

that was the last word the man heard before he go in to an sleep, an eternal sleep.

"it the next day huh? I should propose to him in the fight where I'm winning and say that if he marry me, I would spare other. after all he can't win me if the weapons he created became mine, isn't it?"

then she take out Chastiefol from her Golden Gate.

— come back to our lovely MC——

I faint, well, that to be expected, although my magical energy is endless but to take out those amount of infinite in a body that can't handle it.

then I feel like something touching my head, or to be precise my nose, I open my eyes and what I saw shock me to no end, and endless garden, I like this place already, then I look to see the person who tap me with his/her staff.

I saw a man? wearing a finest white hood, his? long staff, his? hair is wavy white that shine in rainbow under the sun.

"hello there"


{A/N: you don't know what I prepared for you Girlgamesh, and everyone might think 'why the fuck Sakura and Salter can escape!!?' then you don't know what it means to be call as Medea of Modern World? well I will explain it in later date, and why the fuck Gilgamesh aka Kagane have Chastiefol? well, her gate contain EVERY treasure that HUMAN MADE enough?}