
Someone Journey

I'm too lazy to put synopsis so here disclaimer {A/N: the cringness is strong in this one, the hole too, and you know the rules, grammar: OH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!!!? -disclaimer: I didn't own anything all of the anime are from their respective owners, and the MC are mine.) and this is wish full fillment didn't expect someone to read this.

Just_A_Creature · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 6 my little sister wait! it my big sister!!? what the fuck!!!? is you want to be big sis or little sis?

finally it come back to 1000+ mark, I hate you guy.


I look at the reaction of the people around me, the Archer guy just look like he saw stranger, Rin just look as if someone has betrayed her, Kagane look like she having fun, a really fun time, and Enkidu just look at their reaction like me while looking at Kagane with a little sad expression.


"wait? is this the so call flag?" I ask but others just sigh and going outside,

I call out Chastiefol then starting to walk out of the church and see something I didn't expect, a yellow hair young boy fighting with Saber.

"I didn't expect to fight such a warrior like you as a Berserker." Saber said while looking at the young blond hair man, Meliodas.

"Well well well, I also didn't expect for someone to take my power head on too." The young blond man that I mark as Meliodas said.

"ah! there is onee-chan!!" someone said.

I and my Team turn to look at her directions while Meliodas look at my direction, he saw Chastiefol but didn't say anything, as the spear don't have any spirit like the true Chastiefol of king.

"well, is that my little sister? I mean sure Kiritsugu do tell me he will go and find her, but I didn't see him come back, so probably die by the hand of Einzbern." I said with a chill expression but my thoughts are the opposite of it.

'It seem I need to delete some family from the face of earth.' I thought while looking at the shock Iliya? yeah pretty sure that her name.

"What do you mean Kiritsugu? you mean that Magus killer!!? and Help MEEE!!" Rin shout asking me while throwing some rock at Meliodas however those Rock come back at Rin

yeah that the signal I need to know that, it THAT Meliodas.

"Yeah, that my adoptive father, what? you don't know? I mean almost everyone in here know about it? right guy?" I ask my servant and Kagane.

all of them shake their heads except Kagane.

"well, let not talk about it, and leave him to me, everything that is categorize as magic is impossible to hit him." I said while taking out my spare Chastiefol, I have three Chastiefol, first for a main weapon, second for sneak attack, third for the sneak attack if the first sneak attack fail.

"You all stand back, let me show you, your master POWHA, and I need to at least activate that thing once in awhile too." I said to my friend or should I call team?

then the fight of strange Master Vs Meliodas.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? a war or a duel? or a fight in one side." Meliodas said to me.

"Of course it a duel, if I not prove to them that I worthy to use them, then that mean I'm just all bark and no bite, so let start shall we?"

the wind is blowing in my direction at the same time it also pass everyone, as if the world itself want to see the conclusion of this fight, the bird are singing all around the sky, the sky cry tear of joy.

I and Meliodas look at each other for awhile, then the two of us move at the same time, we use our fist to punch at each other, however, before the punch connect I vanish from that place.

I look down at Meliodas before throwing Chastiefol at him but he just counter Chastiefol in it spear form back.

"well, I will lie if I say that I didn't expect it, but no complaints, fifth from:increase" I mutter out the name.

then everyone see that the spear vanish look around and ask me where is the spear, except Meliodas who still in the stance of full counter, then suddenly everyone see a mini spear version of Chastiefol hit Meliodas constantly, Meliodas try to full counter it my way, but I just command it to go back to Meliodas, however do you think fight with the demon king is easy?

Meliodas just point his hand at the sky before there was a massive dark ball form on top of his hand. I look at this just give a wry smile.

"well, it seem I really will lose if I don't use it. Divine Form." I said while looking at Meliodas.

then suddenly there was a light come from Chastiefol and everyone see that instead of the normal Steel one, it becomes golden that give off a divine feeling.

"First Form:Chastiefol Sabaki no Yari"

I load my prana up at Chastiefol before throwing it at Meliodas, well, he can't be kill anyway, he is curse to be immortal, to the soul and body.

after the spear make a contact with Meliodas body there was a massive explosion happen before it got engulf by dark light, and come out is Meliodas, unscathed too, can you please just pretend to be injured?

"well, I know this would happen and I don't have any immortal killing weapons, so I will just make it in peaceful way, Iliya Nee-chan? or Imouto? WHAT THE FUCK KIRITSUGU!!! HOW DID YOU FUCK WITH YOUR WIFE AND YOUR CHILD ARE OLDER THAN ME BUT STILL SMALLER THAN ME!!!!!!!!?????"

(in afterlife)

"I feel someone cursing at me it probably Shirou again, after all he has really bad mouth." Kiritsugu

"who is Shirou dear?"

(coming Back to Mc)

"so here the letter of Kiritsugu Emiya, and what should I call you? I mean, it just too awkward for me to call you Onee-chan." I said while handing the letter to Iliya.

after she read the letter, she start to cry, yeah pretty sure everyone is too emotional, really they really, *sniff* I'm not crying, not at all.

"you ca*sniff*n call me, Iliya, *sniff* Onee-chan" she said while looking at Meliodas, but Meliodas just take a chill time and roast a chicken there, somehow I feel like I need to flee.

"heyo guys, do you want some?" Meliodas ask everyone, I want to ask, how the heck can he be Berserker if he still know what is he doing?

everyone, except me and Kagane nod.

then I create a barrier to make everyone can't escape from there, my motto is, 'What is easy, make it impossible, what is impossible make it double.'

{A/N: Yah, pretty sure I didn't create this MC who the fuck like thing to be harder, right?}

"so what your true name Kagane?" I ask Kagane because if what Enkidu told me, then servant would have a true name.

"my true name? make me an ice cream and I will tell you." she said while looking at the desperate people in the barrier that can't come out and need to eat all of Meliodas food.

"well, sure, I mean I know someone would ask for Ice cream so I have it, just in advance." I said while taking out a cool box.

"Umm, I knew it, you prepare for almost everything didn't you?" she exclaimed.

the people in the barrier now look like a zombie who found they target and want to eat it brain.

(The loading of the strange screen.)

[Wait for Admin to be active]