
Solo leveling: The Son of the Shadow Monarch Accidently Went back Time

One day from the far future ,There was a very young boy name Su-ho living with the best and most fearful hunters in Korea Sung jin-woo and Cha hae-in his parents. Suddenly on the current day when his parents were busy on something, a black portal swirling around his room appeared before him. He begun to have curiosity on his eyes staring at the mysterious thing appeared in his room, he crawl slowly near it and when he face it, he touch the portal, starting to be strangely weird. After that, a shadow hand grab the young boy, dragged him unto the portal and found himself inside a Gate. I don't own solo leveling so enjoy.

KingSavior_1st · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

'Cutted Scene'

A raid team comprised of 20 hunters just came out from the gate with deep exhaustion, however the S-ranks didn't get tired but boredom. They were 3 S-ranks and 17 A-ranks exited, finally finished their job.

"Hwuaah! Am totally exhausted. Does everybody want to drink with me at the bar"

"Are you really that exhausted? You didn't fight seriously the monster boss"

"Yeah... I gotta admit, he was pretty weak for a boss"

"So in other terms... You're just bored"

"Hey! am really exhausted ok! Don't underestimate my tiredness"

"Sure whatever sir"

"Anyway, Your in charge the bill right?"

"Of course, I'm a man of promise. I can't let you guys hanging while me drinking a bar alone is quite boring without people I know around"

"Alright Bois! You heard the man"


When they still walking on the alley, they have suddenly approached a single man standing before them, alone in the middle of the road between buildings. He was wearing a black cloak with a hoody, a pair of black shoes and a mask to his face covering it. The hunters halt as they were standing still doing nothing but stare at him looking dumbfounded.

"Hey look! there's a person"

"Why is an person like him doing here?"

"I don't why but something off"

"You felt it too"

"Yeah that man is not your ordinary hunter alright, I can sense it but I can't tell if he's strong or not"

"Me neither"

A single hunter shouted with a very loud voice pointed out the mask man.

"Hey you! what are you doing here. This place is off limits no civilian are not allowed to enter or get near the gate, its dangerous so you better get back home"

The man remain silent after hearing loud voice of a hunter shouted at him till he answered with a low tone.

"Is that so... "

The hunters became dumbfounded and replied.

"What do you mean 'that so?' "

"Are you an idiot or something, this area is off limits so get the hell out over here" he shouted with grin.

The mask man remain silent again as the hunters begun to gone mad.

Then an S-rank hunter decided to handle the man in front of him. He patted the shoulder of another hunter and walk pass by him.

'Hey guys, stay back I'll handle it from here'he grin.

The other hunters murmured each other ears with a smirk of laughter show on their faces that an S-rank hunter is going close to the mask man.

"He's dead for sure"


"This is the reason why no hunter wanted to face the scavenger guild"

"There's one thought"

"Yeah, that guy is serious however this one... is a goner"

"Hey! Wait!"

When The S-rank approach the mask man. He stand close, face-to-face with a smirk of threat to his disgust face.

"Oi! do you understand what your doing, hah pal" he smirked.

The mask man remain silent.

"We're supposed to be in a party with my friends so move maggot"

Another moment of silence .

The hunter became too eager and fuming about him, being quiet when he was still talking so he warned him again.

"Just so you know, This area is our property, the Scavenger guild. If you don't get the hell out of our way then..."he smirked.

The mask man still remain speechless as the hunter went near to his side ear and whispered.

"I'll tear you to shred" he smirked again.

Even though he heard his warning he still won't budge a thing but standing before him like he was nothing. The hunter became too piss off while he kept on eye at him like madman and decided to kill him instead.

"How long are you gonna kept your mouth shut? hah"

The mask man planned  to ask the hunter and so he said with a lower tone.

"I have one question for you?"

The hunter in front of the mask man became impatiently act on his own and raise his arm till he strike with his powerful bare fist headed to his mask.

"Do you think I got a damn about your question, I would rather kill you instead off answer your stupid question" he grin cruelty.


A large of flying dust blown away on the middle of the night by one fist, did much a small amount damage on the surrounding area however when the dust slowly faded away. The mask man still stand without a scratch to his clothes while his left hand blocked his sudden strike without moving a budge to his body.


The S-rank hunter surprisingly became confuse and terrified by it, looking at the mask man with his eyes wide open, started to fear the mask man with his body shake heavily.

"What the?!"

The mask man begun to show his true colors with wide spread of eternal darkness slowly spread out to his back, overcomely fierce mad shown behind his mask.

"You got some nerve for attacking me without answers, If it were a normal human instead of me , they would be dead by now"

"Did you just block?! Impossible!"

"I'll let you witness something terrifying before you go sleep to nothingness"

"What did you just say?"

Afterwards, behind the mask man shadow, suddenly spread out with purple dark aura, face like death expanding before an S-rank hunter who started to fear it while his bare legs shake heavily like an earthquake. He said in fear.

"What is this... This aura... "

"Its time to teach you a lesson... Human" he said in anger.

The hunters on the background begun to have fear on their shaken eyes and panic while reading the situation on what they store in front of them

"Who the fuck is this dude?!"

"Its one of those colonial high intelligent monsters!"

"If its a monster, kill him!"

All hunters started to exterminate the threat, charging in with brute force, to assist the S-rank hunter who stood in front of him already. The mask man heard what they say about him.

"Me?.. A monster? ... Do you think am the only monster stands before you"

The S-rank hunter strike again in fear as the mask man dodge it with instinct and strike him back with only a fist directly unto to the stomach.


The S-rank hunter was blown away into the wall, unconsciously with deep shed of blood came out.

The rest of the hunters shock in terrified while not moving a single glance of muscle do anything but shake in traumatic. They said.

"How can he beat an S-rank with only one fist... This is crazy"

"No matter how much he takes. He's the best tanks among the S-rank on the guild but that guy single handedly taken him out like he was nothing"


"Don't waver, there's two S-rank left. We can handle him by our selves"

"Sir! Are you sure! That guy just beat an S-rank tank by just one punch"

"I don't know however we know that S-rank like us won't beat down easily"

"Your not joking, right?"

He remain silent in fear.

The mask man turn his head with bright purple aura eyes came out behind the mask man and said.

"Are you done? if not then... I'll go first"

"Everyone Charge! Don't let him strike us first we must take action immediately"


The hunters attack everything they can in order stop the mask man but he didn't move a single muscle instead he simultaneously dodge every move from all the total hunters have participated.

Sling! Slang!




They tried everything they could to attack but when, in a few minutes they stop attacking with exhaustion. The mask man stood perfectly, no scratches were left on his cloak and no damage to his body. The hunters widen there shocking eyes and said terriblely scared.

"He just dodge"

"Your kidding me.."

"No actual damage at all"

"Just who is this fucker"

"Don't ask idiot we must stop him at all cost" S-rank hunter said.

The mask man started to talk again with immense power shown to the background.

"Monsters are not the only dangerous creatures who live beside us. Hunters are also a threat due to their awakening. if becoming a superior human, means to hurt its own kind from receiving overwhelming power then..."

He raise fort his daggers just apparently appeared unto his palm, ready to steady his movements.

"Here he comes!"


Then when he steady to strike, he vanish in sight of the rest hunters.

"He vanish?!"

"Everyone watch out, he's gonna knock one of us out!"

When the hunters look everywhere on the surroundings being aware, the S-rank who commanded earlier was ambush from behind with a whispering voice came to his ear.

"Hunters are also monsters... "

The S-rank hunter widen his pupil as he look behind and got stab in the stomach feeling the intense pain.


The hunters just found out the painful voice coming from behind. They saw an S-rank hunter was stabbed in the stomach by an unknown assailant who appeared out of nowhere.

They begun to feel the fear of despair from the mask man in front of them till one magician panic in lost control of his fear while casting an explosion magic straight at the mask man.



On the other side, the hunters sought along with the civilian who just saw it near by, a huge and loud explosion to the corner of the street where the scavengers members raid the gate.

"What the hell?!"

"An explosion?"

"Quick! lets check it up"


After the explosion on the same place many hunters where unconscious lying on the ground even the S-rank were knock out by an single person. Then an single hunter stood up injured, still trembling.

The mask man was about to left the place till a sudden scared hunter shouted at him.

"You... what are you? Are your really human or a monster?"

He replied with a scary expression.


"Then... what is the point of knocking us all out?"

"It's not my fault for you tried to kill me, I'm just merely asking the question that I wanted to know"

"What's the question you wanted to ask?" he said in tremble.

He remain silent for a moment till he replied.

"Do you know the person goes by the name..."


"What?" he said in confuse.

"It looks like you don't know him either"

He twist his body to the opposite direction, walking each step till again he was called twice by the same hunter.


He halt at the stood of the alley while he slowly turn his head towards the scared hunter with open ears.

"I don't know who is this person your looking for, but...

He remainly listen to his speak without a word came out yet.

"That name... Its obviously korean isn't?"

The mask man stayed quiet again till he respond.

"I guess so... Thank you for your cooperation"

"Wait! You stabbed one of my comrades, did you really kill them?"

He replied again.

"Don't worry... I didn't really took it seriously. The weapon I use is just a normal dagger... Hunters like them can survive this much"

"How can a normal dagger?..."

"Its better you don't know anything than realizing it"

The hunter hang his mouth in shock till he suddenly felt tired while his mind went dizzy blank going to be unconscious this moment.

"Uh! Why do I feel dizzy all the sudden"

As the hunter fell to the ground, barely conscious he look at the mask man, trying to reach his foot.

The mask man stare with a sigh and left going anyway to the alley, starting to disappear in front of him that some darkness flows through him begin to reshape like some kind of portal.

"You need to sleep and forget what happen here"

Then the hunter went to sleep as the mask man disappeared in thin air with no trace left behind.

... Reappear at the other location...

The young woman was conered by multiple disgusting criminals surrounded her to the middle of tge alley, shouting for need of help.


"Look at the beautiful young body, it looks good, lets bang her"


The young woman continued to shout in afraid with heavy quake started to shake in her leg.


"Come on little girl, don't be shy"

"We just want to have fun with you"


"Your voice its pointless. This area is pretty much empty even you shouted the people from afar they won't hear you"

"That's not true!"

"Your welcome try, no matter what you do, they won't hear a thing"

"Its your fault for going this way, litte girl... Now then.. Lets have some fun while we're here"

The young woman kneel to her knees starting to have less hope of resistance.

"Am I gonna die... No there gonna partake my body... If only someone out there can save me from this tragedy then I might be able run away and escape... Please anybody save me" her thoughts.


Then a sudden deep tone came out between darkness with crawling purple aura shown in front of them.

"It looks like I have to deal with this before I go south do I"

The criminals looked infuriated to their face and said.


"Who the fuck are you!"

The unknown man replied with desperate anger.

"Am just a stranger that will seize your life without any hesitation"

Next chapter...