
Solo leveling: The Son of the Shadow Monarch Accidently Went back Time

One day from the far future ,There was a very young boy name Su-ho living with the best and most fearful hunters in Korea Sung jin-woo and Cha hae-in his parents. Suddenly on the current day when his parents were busy on something, a black portal swirling around his room appeared before him. He begun to have curiosity on his eyes staring at the mysterious thing appeared in his room, he crawl slowly near it and when he face it, he touch the portal, starting to be strangely weird. After that, a shadow hand grab the young boy, dragged him unto the portal and found himself inside a Gate. I don't own solo leveling so enjoy.

KingSavior_1st · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Unknown Assailant

...At the U. S...

A black portal appeared between buildings, a stinky environment with trashes, cats and mouse roaming around the portal.

A single man wearing a hip-to-toe of black like cloak, pitch black pants and a pair black shiny shoes, with a mask covering his face from the world.


He came out from the portal, step the dirty ground with his bare shoes walking through the pathway.

"Let's start shall we"

... At the house of the female hunter...

The woman was holding of two set of clothes on her palm, the 1st one was a scarlet red dress and the 2nd was sky blueish dress. she ask the young boy for which is set is better.

"Su-ho which do you prefer this or this"

"That" he pointed out the scarlet dress.

"This one?... I don't know if its suits me right but I'll try wearing it out"

She went to her room and silently wearing her new dress for a short while.

Then she went out with her dress on.

"How do I look?"

"Mama beautiful"

"Really? if it's really suit me, well I should wear this often"

A sudden knock came to her front door, three times with a familiar male voice sounded on the other side.

"Hello Cha, I'm here"



"Crap! I have to change quick!" her thoughts.

She immediately run towards her room and change her outfit quickly.

"Coming!" she shouted.

When she finished changing, she hurriedly rush to her front door and open.

"Oh? Jin-woo, what brings you here?"

"Why are you looking a little pail did something happen?"


"Alright if you insist?" said in confuse.

"I kinda wonder why though that why she became nervous all the sudden" his thoughts.

After when he entered her home, the first thing he saw was a boy sitting on the carpet playing his toys. He smiled with a grin.

"Su-ho I'm here"


The boy casually stood up, rushing to his young father.

"Papa, let's play"

"Alright... what game?"

"Hide and seek"


He remain silent, stayed blank for while.

"What's wrong Jin-woo"

"Nothing its just that... Nevermind"

She went silent in confused.

"Su-ho lets play another game"

"What game?" he replied.

"You'll see"


"Cha you'll be joining too"

The blonde woman became confuse, looking dumbfounded on her face staring at the black hair man.

"Am I included?"

"Yeah, its not fun if it's only two of us"

She smiled and said.

"You sure know how to act childish despite your age"

"Actually am not doing this because am childish its because... I'm doing for Su-ho sake"He smiled brighter.

The woman went silent once more, in surprise by his words. She grin and said.

"Alright if you say so"

"By the way Cha"


"You know I love you right"

"Ah! Why did you say that all the sudden"

"Its because your still nervous whenever I'm around"

"Am I?"

"Yes... I can tell about your expression earlier and even your heartbeat getting faster"

"My heartbeat?! He can hear that too?" her thoughts.

"Sorry...I'm not good with relationships with guys before, All I did was reject them"

"But you did not reject me on that day, why thought" he smiled.

"I kinda have... Hard to explain..." her cheeks turn bright red.

"Is that so..." he smirked.

"Why are you smirking about" she ask in embarrassed while blushing hard.,

"Nothing" he smirked.

"Anyway... I have to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"Can I call you Oppa from now on" she spoke nervously.

"Hmmm... Sure, I prefer you calling me that, other than my name" he smiled and respond.

"Are you Ok with it?"

"Yes... after all your my girlfriend. it's natural to call each other nicknames between couples right" he smiled

"I guess..."

Then a sudden ring of vibration came from phone ringing.

"Jin- I mean Oppa your phone is ringing"

"Huh? I Wonder who's calling me at this time?"

"Is it your mom?"

"No, Mom knows I left for the guild"

"but instead your here"

"Lets just keep it as a secret for a while until I told them about us"

"Kindly answer your phone, your making me embarrassed"

"Hahaha ok"

He grabbed his phone and answered.

"Yes, this is Hunter Sung Jin-woo. Who is this?"

"Oh! Hunter Sung you answered"


"Hunter Sung about the result"

"You have it?"

"Yes kindly come here, this afternoon"

"Why not this time"

"I'm unavailable right now, we're kinda have a major short problem here at our hospital"

"What's wrong?"

"We'll... We got our hands full because of the patient. Don't worry, I'll be meeting you this afternoon on the time we finished. I hope you understand, what I was trying to say"

"It's fine, I understand, the patient must come first before us. We can wait"

"I appreciate your concern, Hunter Sung"

"Sure, no problem"

The phone call ended.

The man was sitted seriously straightforward looking intense.

"I wanted to go their now and make it quick for the result however Holy water of life is limited use I can't use it on someone. I don't know what kind of sickness the patient has... but I might help them with beru's healing ability. Whatever since we have a lot of time on our hands there is something I wanted to go with her"

He turn his head looking at the blonde woman and said.

"It looks like we're going to wait until afternoon so do you have plans this morning?"

"I wish but I don't have any?"

"What about a family date"

"Family date?"

"Since we're bringing Su-ho along. We're going to enjoy ourselves for a shortwhile "

"I see... Ok but do you know we're going to"

"I don't know if its a good idea but at least we have some fun before we go to the hospital"

"What is it"

"Its not a surprise if I tell you, right"

"Wait, Its a surprise?"

"Yeah... "

"Papa! when are we gonna play" he yelled out.

"What about now"

"What?" she said dumbfounded.

He instantly grabbed the blonde woman and the young boy on his palm, pulling them unto his chest.

"Oppa, what are you doing?"

"You'll see"

Shadow Exchange

... Few hours later at the U. S. A...

On the building of the top guild of the U. S, there was a man sitting on the golden couch drinking a bottle of wine.

He was a huge man with his blonde hair shape like lion, and his muscles is on a different level that he can rip off an S-rank hunter easily with his bare hands. He is the most greatest hunter in the country who ever exist, enjoyed his time on his office.

"Ah, its nice to drink a nice quality wine on my time of peace"

A creak sound came to his office widenly opened, then a blonde woman enters and ask.

"May I enter sir?"

"Yes... Come in"

She entered the office, walking straight, going to approach the Goliath.

"What is it this time?" he ask.

"We'll sir, according to the report, our raid team from the previous gate have been wipeout, unconscious" she replied.

"Oh? And who's the trouble maker we got here" He smiled with a cold glare.

"It was an unidentified assailant, who is responsible for the lost cause of our members"

"Unidentified assailant? No tracks, or any background"

"No, there's none. This unidentified assailant is pretty unknown, we tried everything we could find about it but we got nothing"

"Who ever he is, that lowly insect must have death wish, does he not know that those members belong to my guild"

"We currently don't know, the reports said that this unknown foe is quite strong that he was able to defeat a few S-rank hunters"

"Hmm strong you say? Did anyone witness him of how does he look like?"

"Certainly yes, one witness has seen the scene.


"Well, the unknown assailant was wearing a hoody black cloak and a mask, he was also wielding dual red daggers"

"Red daggers?" his thoughts.

"Is something wrong sir?"

"Nothing, It must be my imagination"

"Anyway, what is your response to this kind of situation"

He went silent for a moment thinking what should he to respond this situation he has now. He ask.

"Are you sure, he's unknown?"

"Without a doubt"

"I see... "

Then he stood up going close to the glass window, staring outside the night city.

"This mystery assassin must be one of those high intelligent monsters"

"It's quite possible, if only we can just get this unknown identity"

"Its also possible that this guy is Suspect S we're been looking for, but No matter. monster or not, I certainly crush that insect to pieces" he said in excitement.

He grip harder the holder of the glass, and broke it into pieces

"Tell every member of the scavenger guild, search the unidentified assailant you speak off. If you ever notify him, let me know"

"Understood Sir"


"Hmmm.. "

"Call Hunter Sung Jin-woo, he may need to know about this"

... Back at South korea...

"Hey, Oppa is this the place?"

"Yeah, why? you don't like it?"

"No I didn't say that it's just that a I did not expect to visit this place"

"Really I know it's not really romantic-"

"Actually am not disappointed at all"


"The truth is when I was still a little girl. Me and my sister played here"


"Yeah... Even though it's not fun for me anymore, I still wanted to visit here just once or twice"

He remain silent with a smile on his chin.

"Papa, Mama lets go! Su-ho want to play now"

"Ok, ok wait for us"

After spending a lot of time together, playing with his girlfriend and the young boy at the world of fun where they stop by. They played each game stations for awhile until they stop after almost time for lunch.

"Cha, let's go grab a lunch before we're heading to the hospital"

"Sure... what restaurant would you like to prefer?"

"Let's see... What about that restaurant" he pointed out.

"Ok. Su-ho are you hungry?"

"Su-ho hungry"

"Do you want to eat there?"

He nodded.

"Looks like, Su-ho agreed. lets go"

"Sure" he smiled and replied.

...At China...

Noisy, Noisy, Noisy

Few Chairmans of China are gathered on one big table, even the seven star Hunter Liu Zhigang is there. They were having a meeting about a certain topic from the live footage at South Korea, scheming for there future plans.

"Alright gentlemen, let's start"

"Have you all seen the footage from last 2 weeks ago"

"Yes... That kid has already awaken as a hunter despite such age"

"Not only that, the boy turns out to be a new powerful hunter that manage to summon out a god of destruction who can kill with only just blade like centipede to kill it"

"Like he is some kind of mage type hunter"

"Agreed, its quite valuable if he's on our country"

"But those Koreans bastard tried to tricked us with an excuse, hopefully for us were not fools"

"Indeed, we can't let those bastard have him. We have to do something"

"Yes, we must take action immediately"

"You mean capturing him by all means"


"Wow hold up! Seriously capture? you mean abduct right?... You sure talk big for someone so small, Chairman" the seven star said.

"Why? is there a problem?"

"Obviously yes, every single damn chairman inside this room sounds like a damn kidnapper, planning to seize an innocent child from other country... in specific 'South Korea' "


The rest of the chairman drank their dried saliva in shallow surprise when he said it at loud.

"I would rather kill monsters from the gate for the sake of the country, no matter the class, A or S however snatching someone's child is not my job" he grin.

"This is for our military and hunter power, If we can just get that power, we could be unstoppable"

"I don't agree with this"


"The country power we have is already enough with the hunters and military merged, its already unstoppable. I only came here because I was invited, not becoming a kidnapper"

"Why can't you see it, Hunter Liu Zhigang, The boy we saw has Overwhelming talent, its even possible that he surpass among the S-rank hunters No... National authority. If we get him in our hands, the current china will become more powerful"

"Ok, what if you successfully captured or whatever your saying an innocent child, what will you do with him?"


He sights in a bad mood.

"Your really are a shazi"

"Excuse me!"

"Don't be stupid... Have you all not reconsidered that south Korea has a powerful hunter on there side"

"You mean the new S-rank mage hunter?"

"Isn't that obvious, idiot... Only a fool would step that territory and your all planning to abduct a single child who just got awaken" he smirk.

"We have you, the seven star of China, Our national hunter and our hero"

"Hah! Do you think I could stand a chance against Hunter Sung Jin-woo, in your dreams" he said.

"Be cooperate with us Hunter Liu Zhigang, we gotta do something about this, the Koreans are gaining power"

"Like I care, I would rather not fight someone stronger than me other than taking orders from the corrupt chairmans"



"Because of you?... Oh please, I don't remember those kinds of moments not even little came to my mind"


"Looks like its a waste of time, I should go"he said while he stood up and left the table meeting.

"Tch! stupid asshole" he murmured.

The seven star glared intense and throws out a glass from the table, shooting at the wall right beside his face of a chairman who murmured earlier, almost got hit by his sudden strike.


The chairman panic in terrified look on his face, that he thought he was about to die.


Then he instantly appeared in front of him and grabbed his neck, gripping harder.

"What did you just say" he glare.


"I know you said something appropriate, and I don't like it. I should show you something terrifying that you don't want to see"

"Please! Spare me!"

The big chairman with a scar on his face shouted out at the seven star trying to stop him from further accidents that made the other chairman feel scared.

"Enough! hunter Liu Zhigang. If this is a waste in your eyes, you can happily leave whenever you want"

He turn his head and said.

"Hmm... You want to argue with me as well?"

"Hell no, you know I stood no chance against you even my own guild so I would rather not lose my members or my life, am still too old for that" he grin.

"Good thing, you understand"he smiled.

He let go the neck of the chairman and left going to the exit.

"See you later, old geezers" he wave at them.

When he stood by the door of the exit, he gave them a cold glare with a smile of his chin and said with a warning.

"Oh, by the way. fair warning... By the time you successfully captured the boy, it will fail eventually, and you'll be excuted like ants just like he did with japan and jeju island"


....At the hospital...

Both hunters and a young boy has visited the hospital for the result. When they entered there was a doctor waiting on the middle of the hallway, standing.

"Oh! hunter Sung and Hunter Cha, you came. Come this way"


They followed the doctor, guiding to his office, still walking in the hallway.

The man look nervous in a calm face, walking straight ahead. The woman beside him notice something off so she ask.

"Oppa, I haven't seen you so nervous before, are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm alright... Its just that, I just got this feeling that something bad coming"

"You sure?"

"Not quite"

"Maybe your just exaggerating, Oppa" she smiled.

"Yeah your right?"

Then a sudden approached coming close to the doctor who guides them to his office. It was a single woman with a black ponytail ask the doctor.

"Doctor? Is my husband gonna be alright?"

"Your the woman from before? "

"Yes... is he gonna be ok? '

"Actually mam... he'll be fine as long he got enough rest for now"

"Thank goodness"

"However, there is a possibility that he'll be gone in a matter of hours if we don't kept an eye on him"

"How long will he..."

"Likely tomorrow" he slowly spoke out in sad tone.

The woman started to be petrified like statue, standing in struggle shake to her whole body feeling the intense sadness. she's about to cry in a matter of seconds while looking down to the ground.

"No that can't be... Dear!"She cried out.

"Am sorry... we tried however we can to save him but his disease is on the final stage"

She lift her head and ask.

"Final stage?"

He remain silent.

"Its too late"

The woman was utterly shock.

"Hah... I see so that how it is" she said while she cried louder at the hallway.

The doctor turn with a sad expression on his face and said to the Monarch.

"Am sorry Hunter Sung for listening this, its none of your business"

"Its Alright... "

The young boy grabbed the Monarch jacket and shouted.


The Monarch responded to him and replied.

"Su-ho, what's the matter?"

"Su-ho feel sad for that wuman"

He smiled when he said it at loud, he kneel down to his knees and reply.

"Is that so... Do you want me to help her?"

He nodded.

"Ok, if that's what you want, I gladly to"

The woman said in confuse.


The Monarch stood up and said it to the doctor.

"Doc, can we see the patient?"

"What are you talking about Hunter Sung?"

"I've decided to save her husband"

"Wait! Hunter Sung! the patient has cancer and not only that its already too late"

"Don't worry, I'll definitely can cure his disease"

"What?! you can cure a disease that is already on the final stage?! No man have that kind medicine or healing magic on such impossible disease"

"I can I sure you, it will"

The woman was shock with hope that the most powerful hunter in the world is going to save her husband.

"Sir Sung, are you going to save my husband"

He nodded.

"I... I don't have enough money for your Caliber, it might rude of me if we don't give you anything"

"I don't need anything, Am doing for your husband sake on my own accord"


"Don't worry about it"

She went cold silent.

"However, I have two conditions"

"What is it?"

"On my first condition, Don't tell anybody, friends or family about this. there's reason I have kept this secret for a long time"

"Ok, I promise"

"However the second condition is important..."

He explained all about the second condition in secrecy.


"I understand, Thank you, please save my husband"

He nodded.



"Send me their, now"

"As you wish, follow me"

He turn his head towards his lover and ask.

"Cha hae-in?"

She replied with a smile.

"You don't need to tell me I know, just hurry back ok"


The monarch and the rest went to the patients room while the blonde woman and the young boy satted down on the waiting bench.


The time they arrived the doctors as well the wife of the patient stayed behind, standing near the patients room.

"Doc, turn off the security camera, if you may"

"Yes Hunter Sung"

When the doctor grabbed his phone, the monarch entered without hesitation.

"I wonder what kind of miracle he can do to help your husband"

"I heard he save his mother from eternal sleep"

"Yes, It was a miracle that he managed to save her mom and the chairman"

"Wait! he save the chairman"

"Crap, I shouldn't have tell you" he said with sweats.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone just like I promised"

The monarch entered the patient's room with no witnesses around, he grabbed from his storage space.

"It's time to wake up sir, your wife is waiting for you" he said in low tone.

Few minutes has come to pass...

The monarch exited the room. The doctor and the patient's wife stare in curiosity.

"Is it finished?"

He did not respond the direct answer but instead he replied.

"Doc? Lets go"


"Don't worry he'll be fine now" he Whispered.

"As... you say so?" he Whispered back.

The wife didn't know what happened inside so she shouted.

"Sir Sung, is he gonna be wake up?"

He twist his whole body towards the woman with a response.

"Let's see if he does, on tomorrow" he smiled.

Then he started walking along with the doctor continued where they left off. The woman begun to cry happily towards the man who saved her love one.

"Thank you, thank you very much, am forever grateful to my heart content" she cried out happily.

He did not respond to her anything but instead he just walk like it never happen.


The moment he arrived, the blonde woman stood from the bench and ask.

"Oppa, is it done?"

"Yeah, let's go"



When the three of them entered the doctor's office, they satted down on the couch while the doctor is grabbing the results from his desk.

The monarch got a sudden chill of heaviness to his whole body like there was a boulder to his back. He said to her.

"I gotta admit, my body feels heavy"


"I actually don't know?"

She got glimps and understand on what he was saying so she laugh lowly and covered her mouth.

"Why are you laughing about?" he ask.

"Nothing... its just that.."she chuckled.

"What?" he started to blush as the blonde woman continued to grin.

"Your nervous thats all" she said.

The monarch stunned while he blush in embarrassment.

"Please stop laughing, Its embarrassing"

"Its ok to embarrass when your with me ok" she grin with her sweet smile.

"Sure whatever" he replied.

The doctor found the result from his desk, grabbing it to his palm and walk straight towards the couple.

"Hunter Sung and Hunter Cha thanks for waiting"

The room went silent as the doctor satted down to his chair, starting to explain.

"Before we start, are you ready to face reality even though it's unbelievable"

"Yes of course"

She nodded.

"Well... As for the result. We kinda have some misunderstanding when we saw the result"


"We actually don't know why, It has to be some error that our laboratory has use for many purposes however this... Its the first time we have been confused to describe this DNA"

"What DNA?"

"Before I say anything I have one question"

"What is it?"

The doctor went silent as he patiently waited to get right words to speak to the both of them. He said finally.

"Have you ever intercourse with Cha hae-in lately or have not?" he slowly spoke.

The couple went cold silent with a weird expression shown both of there faces, that there's something wrong on what he ask.


The doctor did remain calm, once he said it to them without any threats to himself like we was scared of something.

'I know its rude but I need to know' he said.

The couple remain silent with red cheeks of embarrassment shown to their true nature. They stare each other faces till they look away from each other to opposite direction, nervously.

"I... I have not yet did it with her... "

"Yes agreed... We didn't do anything rash, its too early for us"

The doctor became confuse on what's going so he pretended he understood.

"I see..."

"Why did you ask that absurd question"

"Its because we need to know if its connected to our result"


"You see... This is the first time we've been engaged an mutual Misunderstanding about this DNA for the last 3 weeks till we just found our result, likely we think its some kind of error"

The couple listen carefully to the doctor who is about explain more about the result.


"The DNA of both of your genes has possess the same DNA as the boy has"

"Wait! you mean?!" he becomely shock to his explanation.

"Yes... Mr. Sung and Ms. Hae-in. I think we have discovered, through our test that... This boy of yours and without a doubt is your biological son" The doctor said to them"

"Pardon?!" both said in confusingly dumbfounded.

"Don't be confuse either, we are too been confused about this as well"

"But how is this possible?"

"We don't know... We only know the boy's DNA, not his origin"

"Oh my god but I-... Not its the time to think about it" he went silent.

"No wonder he called me mama!" she shouted.

"I'm quite intrigued about this as well, this boy is like a blessing coming from the heavens that God bestowed you young couple"

The couple went silent as the room became too awkward.


"Ehm.. Its just my opinion, anyway am about say that... He is your pure blooded son"

"It has to be some error that you need to be corrected"

"I wish, sometimes its not and sometimes its true when you want a DNA test, it will never said a lie but truth is out"

Then the Monarch called out his one of his General on his mind and said.


He appeared by his side and said.

[What is your reason to call thy name, my liege]

{Lets talk privately when I'm done here}

[As you wish, thy liege]

As the man finished his short conversation to his new general, the woman beside him became blank in confuse with bright red cheeks came to her expression, like she became derange all the sudden, panicking about her situation that even she begun to randomly spoke her words from what her inner thoughts thinks.

"I have a son, but why... But I... No we didn't do it on bed yet, and yet I have a child. Why didn't I know this sooner that I have my own child since..." she said randomly.

The man panick trying to refrain her from further complications.

"Cha, its time to calm down"

"Is there anything you need to understand Hunter Sung or is it enough?"

The black hair man carried the blank woman to his arm while holding the boy's palm as he stood up going to the exit.

"I think we have enough, thanks for helping out"

"Don't worry we'll glad we managed to help your lost son"

"No.. He is... Fine, whatever"

"See you later Hunter Sung and Hunter Cha" the doctor said hid good byes.


As they exited the hospital, they stood by near the exit hallway, doing nothing while the blonde woman became calm once more.

"I can't believe he's our son" she said.

"Me neither... I kinda have hard time believing myself as well"

"I think I can't sleep tonight" she said.

"You want me to sleep with you" he ask.

"Sure but sleep on the couch, if you don't mind"

"No problem, I might accidentally-"

"Don't say another word please"

He remain silent as the woman became quiet as she blush hard when she's with him.

"Sorry... for bringing this out" he said.

"Don't be... I too as well"

....At the U. S....

There were two men on the helicopter bringing a camera, taking a video from what they seen so far. It was a massacre that one man killed many criminals and hunters on one road.





"At the west of us, near that building"

"Dammit! get us close to the target as much as possible, and call the members of the scavenger guild immediately!"


...On the west corner of U. S. A...

The man was stood among the stockpile of dead corpses of hunters, with sheeth of bloods coming from his dual short blade that cuts 15 hunters or most. He said.

"It looks like he's not here, where couldn't he have gone"

Next chapter... The attack

N/A:It looks like I finish it on time... Hell yeah!.. Oh yeah I forgot to put a scene where the S-rank hunters were knocked out by a mysterious Assailant don't worry its only that scene and then next chapter so... I hope you like this one...thanks for reading💥👍💥