
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · ภาพยนตร์
46 Chs

Tomorrow Never Knows: Part 4



Violet liked to think she was type of person who could handle anything. When bullets started flying because a couple assholes decided to shoot up a neighborhood just take a breath and duck for cover. When an asshole Alpha makes moves and stupidly attempts to assault her, grab the nearest object and use it as a weapon. When a battered Omega starts crying because her trauma still affects her tremendously, Violet nods along and keeps her heart in check.

This though, what she was hearing on the other side of the open bathroom door, scared the shit out of her. Sitting on the cold, wet floor of the shower, Violet huddled together in the fetal position with her fingers childishly shoved in her ears, humming random melodies from various songs to drown out the noise of a loud, raucous blowjob. The cold water from the shower helped tremendously, hence why she was now back in the shower. The gulping sounds accompanied with the groans coming from Bucky did terrible things to Violet, things she didn't understand and didn't want anything to do with.

The sensitive area between her legs was throbbing, and though her brain understood that to be a sign of major arousal, her body was completely freaking out over the prospect. The only time she's ever felt an inkling of arousal is when she was in heat, and it was almost always overshadowed by the sheer pain of her uterus practically caving in on itself. The only times Violet could remember there not being any severe pain was her first few heats the year she presented as an Omega, and the last one that was prematurely started the night of Halloween by Bucky and Natasha.

Oh God, please don't let her still be in heat, or whatever Darcy dosed her with. Please don't let this be happening. They'll take advantage of it, push her down and turn into their mindless puppet. Please don't let this be happening!

A gut-wrenching groan of arousal sounded from the bedroom, and the pulsing between her legs tripled in its intensity. She remembered what Natasha was doing before Violet was able to pull herself together and run back to the shower. Lithely sinking to her knees while fondling his dick. Violet wasn't stupid, she knew from Darcy and Jessica exactly what that meant thanks to a bunch of gross, drunken conversations. She could picture exactly what Natasha was doing to earn that massive groan but refused to. Instead she stuck fingers deeper into her ears and hummed the Game of Thrones theme song to herself, squeezing her legs tighter together with hope that the pulsing will stop. If she didn't hear it maybe it would go away.

Funnily enough, it did.

After the unruly groan from Bucky, there wasn't a sound apart from the cold shower spray and the humming of her own voice. After a moment or to she risked opening her eyes and surveying her surroundings, removing her fingers and listening for any sound. There was none, just the running water. She sighed with relief, but the throbbing in her clit and the aching feeling deep inside affected her too much to relax fully.

She wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her head against her knees. She hoped they would just leave her, let her sleep in the bathroom like a dog instead of coming to claim her. For this one instance, she'd prefer being treated like an animal. It made everything less confusing that way.

There was a creaking sound from a bit away from her, dashing her hopes. She hunched in on herself, attempting to become a ball of fear and suppressed arousal. Just go away, please go away and leave her in her distressed state.

It was not meant to be.

"Violet," Natasha's sultry voice spoke gently, echoing throughout the marble bathroom. She tensed up tighter as a result, dipping her head further to hide behind her knees. A beat of silence, deafening with the suspense. Violet made no movements, remaining as still as she could. Another few beats of silence, each as deafening as the first.

Then the water to the shower was turned off, and Violet cringed.

She didn't look up, too scared of what was going to happen if she did. So much for her earlier epiphany. When it comes to sex, she's turns into the cowardly lion but with everything else she's fucking Xena Warrior Princess? What's wrong with her?

"Violet," a deep voice spoke. A man's voice. Bucky's voice. He was right in front of her, the one who turned off the shower.

Violet's eyes opened in shock, but she refused to look up.

"We're not going to hurt you," Bucky continued, sounding closer, like he was gently and carefully moving towards her. "Come on out so we can get some clothes on you."

She shook her head. No way was she going to look at him after what she saw, after what she heard. It was too mortifying.

Oh God, could he smell how turned on she was? Could Natasha?! Fuck!

"Violet," his voice went softer, fingers just barely touching the top of her head, "please."

She shook her head once more, terrified of what was to come.

"Oh Violet," Natasha's sultry voice entered the fray, a smile evident from her tone, "you do smell delectable."

Violet impossibly tensed up even more, on the verge of crying again. She couldn't let it happen. Not again. She had her crying session, let all her emotions come out, and now it's time to be the chick who takes no shit like she knows she can be. She can do this; she can face them. She's not the cowardly lion, she's not Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter, and she's certainly not that Benny dude from The Mummy movie with Brendan Fraser. Violet is not a coward.

With a deep breath, and the inevitable thought of I'm going to regret this floating through her mind, Violet looked up. It was shy, barely raising her head above her knees. It was just enough to make eye contact with Bucky and Natasha, and in Violet's mind that was more than enough. Crimson and Burnt Sienna eyes bored into Violet's. Bucky looked concerned while Natasha just looked lustfully happy. Violet tried to appear bold but failed miserably when she averted her eyes once more.

She couldn't do this. Bullets, asshole alphas, and death she could handle. This though, the sex and lust these two were practically surrounded with, including their scents, she could not handle. The whiskey in Bucky's scent dampened as the tartness of the apples intensified while the cayenne and saffron intensified in Natasha's. It was overwhelming, so overwhelming that Violet started having serious doubts about whether or not she was actually in heat from how it was affecting her. She hoped she wasn't, if she were there'd be no hope for her. She'd be either mated or dead by dawn.

"Violet," Natasha started speaking, tone significantly softer than before, the sultriness depleted as she addressed the Omega. "I made you a promise, remember?"

Violet did remember, but after nearly walking in on their blatant show of affection, she wasn't sure if it applied anymore. She was painfully aware that she was at their mercy, aware that they were in a lustful mood which made everything worse because she was inconveniently turned on by their antics, and couldn't stop the sudden memory of Bucky's groan no matter how hard she tried. His gentle voice and calm words contrasting with the urgent need from his wild moan. Therefore, Violet remained silent. Promise be damned.

A warm hand touched her shoulder, a cold hand tangled in her hair ever so slightly.

"Please," Bucky's voice was a whisper away, so much closer than she expected, "please look at me."

With a sigh, dread filling her heart, Violet did.

His face was inches away from hers, surprising her. Her body reacted by flinching away only to be stopped by the shower wall behind her. His fingers slid from her damp locks as a result, his metal hand moving to gently brush her cheek instead. Down those cold fingers went until they caught the edge of the tape over her mouth.

Swiftly, yet carefully, he pulled it from her lips, leaving Violet shocked beyond imagining.

She straightened up at the action, watching as he crushed the tape in his grip and threw it out of the shower. Crimson eyes never leaving hers. She bit her lip, bringing a hand up to brush away the foreign feeling of the air kissing her suffocated skin caused by the adhesive on the tape. It was really gone; he really took it off.

His metal hand grasped hers, gently pulling it away from her shocked expression.

"Let's get you some clothes, and warm you up. Okay?"

She stared at him for a long moment. Was this some form of cruel manipulation? Some ploy to get her to trust him before they have their way with her. Was he being truthful, honest in his intentions? She remained skeptical, uncertain of what to do. Ultimately, she opted for the simplest option.

She nodded, conceding to his request.

The corners of his lips quirked into a smile, relieved smile. His human hand slid down her arm to grasp her other hand before standing up, and gently pulling her with him. She stood unsteadily, wincing at the soreness in her body and the spasms in her legs. He caught her in his embrace while keeping a safe distance between their bodies.

Natasha, however, was not so keen on distance between her and Violet.

Bucky gently helped her out of the shower and into Natasha's waiting grasp. The salacious Alpha pulled Violet into her embrace, wrapping a firm arm around Violet's lower back and grabbing her left hand with a smile. Her actions remained as sultry and lustful as they ever were, but the burnt sienna gaze told a different story. They were concerned.

"I have the perfect outfit for you," Natasha started, the black silk of her robe stroking Violet's exposed skin as the Alpha walked with her towards the bedroom. "not too baggy but just big enough to make you feel comfortable. Soft too."

Violet didn't respond, shoulders hunching as she struggled to walk.

The main light was out again in the main bedroom. Just like the bathroom, candles were lit and burning bright all throughout the room. It was big, nearly double the size of her own. There were no shades of blue or gold. Black, red, and grey were the choice colors in here. Grey pillows, black sheets, and a voluminous blood red comforter among the King-sized bed. The dark wood paneling of the floor was cold to the touch. There were no papers or bits of class, only missing chunks from where Bucky's hands took refuge during their sexual act.

They cleaned up quickly.

On the opposite end of the room was a gigantic window that revealed the view of the city and its bright lights. Black curtains with scarlet red symbols patterning the fabric. An hourglass and a star repeated over and over again in the same sequence. An interesting choice. Across from the bed was a large platinum screen tv surrounded by cabinets filled with drawers, books, and metal boxes with locks on them. To her left were two sets of double doors on either side of the bed, undoubtedly his and her closets, or perhaps a single closet meant for both? If it was the latter, that was a huge closet. Violet briefly wondered why they could possibly need a closet like that when Natasha suddenly directed her towards it.

"Go ahead and get changed in there. You may shut the door, but don't take too long." Natasha gestured to the nearest set of double doors, winking as she leaned away from Violet to grab a folded stack of clothes from the edge of the bed. "James and I tend to be quite unpleasant when we don't get enough sleep."

"Must not get sleep very much," Violet retorted before she could stop herself.

Natasha chuckled, handing Violet the bundle, "I gather you don't either."

Violet gave no response.

The moment the bundle was in her hands, Violet briskly moved towards the closet and shut the doors behind her. Natasha chuckled once more at Violet's action but made no other sound as Violet stripped off the towel and haphazardly unfolded the pile in her hands.

For Natasha's standards, the clothes she picked out were comfy and fit for sleep. For Violet's standards, it was not. Violet considered comfy sleepwear to be men's shirts and basketball shorts that were 4 sizes too big for her and required a triple knot at her waist to keep the pajamas from falling at any given moment. She like the swish they made whenever she moved. Apparently, Natasha considered white cotton crop top that was barely a size above Violet's along with men's black boxer shorts that fit her just right. That was it. No underwear, no bra, nothing. Just the shirt and men's underwear.

Despite her annoyance at the selection, she quickly changed into them. Barely any clothes were a far better choice than no clothes at all. She'll take what she can get. Desperately trying not to focus on how much the clothes smelled like each alpha, particularly the bottoms, Violet picked up the towel from the floor and bravely walked back into the main room.

Bucky was already on the bed, sitting on the edge with her feet touching the hardwood floor and his elbows resting on his knees. Those crimson eyes met hers when she emerged from the closet, back straightening up as she entered the room and headed straight for the bathroom. Natasha stopped her before she made it two steps, pushing away from the wall she was leaning against next to the closet door.

Please don't let her have been peeking?

"Where do you think you're going?" The Alpha smiled, pulling the reluctant Omega towards the bed, "we have a lot to talk about."

"Putting this up," Violet held up the damp towel in her hand, "and then heading to bed."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that," Natasha grabbed the towel from Violet and threw it aside, "and since you're room is being deep cleaned after Betty's sudden labor from yesterday, you'll be staying with us tonight."

Violet blinked, her mind going blank for the briefest of moments as it tried to play catch up with what Natasha just said. Was this for real? Did Natasha really mean that? Natasha thought back to the last hour and realized that yes, this bitch really meant that. The feral, pissed off animal look she wore in the mirror when trying to defeat the growing fear inside of her returned with a vengeance. Everything that's happened in the last however many hours, from the invasion all the way to this moment right here, was too much to bear. She really expected Violet to just go to sleep in her bed after how she treated her, after everything she's done to her?!

No fucking way!

"Are you nuts?" Violet asked vehemently, fists clenching while she leaned forward slightly, instinctually getting into Natasha's space.

Natasha smirked at Violet, mimicking Violet's movements to a T. "For you and James? Always."

"Clearly if you think I'm actually going to just waltz right into that bed and let you assholes take even more advantage of me after everything you've already done tonight."

"First of all, you agreed to do as I said in return for Darcy's protection from us," Natasha cut off Violet's tirade before it had a chance to begin, cocking an eyebrow as a result, "second of all, the deal's not over yet which means you and I both have to follow through until dawn."

"Which is when exactly? After you tie me up and gag me again? After you strip me down and ogle my naked body against my will again? Or how about drugging me and sending me into another early heat? That was a delight. Confining myself in a bathroom the size of a fucking porta potty for three days while dying of thirst and screaming in pain is certainly what I call a typical Friday night . . . in HELL!" Violet shouted, unknowingly getting closer to Natasha as did so.

Natasha mimicked her movements once more, her smirk fading ever so slightly, "we tied you up to prevent unnecessary harm while the drugs were being weaned from your system. You can double check with both Peter, FRIDAY, and Wanda if you so wish. They were all part of the process and agreed it was for the best concerning your ailing health. I gagged you because your voice distracted James and charmed the soldier, preventing him from keeping the soldier at bay. The easiest way to ensure he came back was to silence you, which I realize now I should have explained to you earlier. For that, I apologize." Natasha eyes softened at the apology, lulling a disbelieving Violet in before hardening once more, "as for the drugs, and I know this offers little assurance to you, but they were not meant to kickstart your heat. They were administered in order to put you at ease while we transported both you and Peter to the tower-"

"Put me at ease?" Violet interrupted, scoffing at Natasha, "what an eloquent way of saying you intended to knock me out with drugs and kidnap me."

"As for your heat," Natasha continued, stepping into Violet's personal space. Their noses almost touching, her hand reaching out to pull on the hem of Violet's shirt. "I assure you the next one will not be quite such a . . . painful experience for you. We will make sure of it without crossing your boundaries."

Violet's eyes widened, fear creeping back into her heart as she understood what Natasha was implying. "No," she replied meekly. The thought of being at their mercy in her current state was terrifying enough. To be at their mercy when she was actually in heat was officially her new nightmare.

"Heats are unavoidable, even with suppressants at play." Natasha gently grabbed Violet's face, trapping her in their surprisingly gentle grip when Violet attempted to back away. "As much as you don't want to think about it, you have to understand the inevitability here."

"Inevitable my ass," Violet grabbed Natasha's wrists, attempting to struggle out of the former assassin's grip, "there's only two things in life that are inevitable. Death and time. Death greets us all, and time keeps moving forward after we're burned and rotting in the ground."

The Alpha sighed, "such a bleak outlook for someone so determined to run headfirst into it."

Violet rolls her eyes, attempting to push the Alpha away, "maybe that's why Life hates me and puts me into fucked up situations like this. Punishment for stepping on her toes or some shit?"

Natasha smirked, "when you put it like that, maybe she's just tired of you passing her by and leaving her in the dust. Tell me, when's the last time you enjoyed life for you instead of helping someone else enjoy theirs?"

Violet let out a shocked laugh, stunned at the Alpha's audacity, "Halloween Night five years ago. I made Billy go to the festival with me to help him lighten up. Instead I got him tortured and slaughtered like a pig. Yay for me."

Natasha lost her smirk, head tilting back slightly as she appraised Violet. "It's not your fault that we found him."

Violet scoffed, "if I hadn't forced him out of the apartment, how much longer would he have had? If what you say is true?"

"We ransacked his apartment for hours while you two were gone," Bucky spoke up, earning the attention of the two women standing off in front of him. "The only reason we found him was because he was stupid enough to get caught on camera using the subway instead of hailing a cab, which if it were up to me would have been the safer option for both of you. Less cameras to capture you and more people to hide behind that way. As you well know." Bucky nodded respectfully to Violet as he finished up.

"I use the subway all the time." Violet attempted to defend her late brother.

"And yet for five years FRIDAY never caught you," Bucky added in a gentle tone. "And that was with your picture too."

"And we caught Billy within 6 hours," Natasha's thumb brushed across Violet's cheek, "I always knew he'd never make it as an Avenger."

Violet froze, staring at her in shock, "wait- what? He wanted to what?"

Natasha's hands moved down to grasp Violet's shoulders, thumbs just barely catching her scent glands and sending terrible shivers through her spine. "Like I said earlier, we have a lot to talk about. Luckily for us," she started guiding Violet to the bed who was currently too distracted and stunned to stop it, "we have all the time in the world to talk about your brother and the work he did for us. Right now, we have a more pressing issue we need to start discussing. Your heat."

"You're not allowed to be apart of it, end of discussion." Violet replied bluntly, speaking in a tone that meant to put an end to the conversation before it could get started.

"The end of the discussion will be when all three of us, plus two of your trusted parties, have had their say.

"Two trusted parties?" Violet asked with an incredulous expression while Natasha pushed her to sit on the bed next to Bucky. Violet was too lost in her confusion to comprehend what was going on, but that didn't stop Bucky and Natasha form moving to sit as close on either side of her as they could.

Natasha nodded, "Peter and Wanda, of course."

Violet's brow furrowed with concern, "why are they suddenly part of this?"

"Because we," Natasha gestured to Bucky before including herself, "agreed that you would feel much more comfortable about this if your friends were included in the process and helped insure your best interests. You don't know us well enough to trust us. All you know is what you've seen and experienced from our actions, and our actions reasonably don't paint us in a favorable light when it comes to your opinion."

"No shit Sherlock," Violet retorted passionately.

"For that," Bucky continued Natasha's statement before Violet had the chance to pile on, "we want you to feel as comfortable about this as possible. If that means involving Peter and Wanda, then so be it."

Violet stared at Bucky, and he stared back. With the memory of the dagger-like eyes crossing her mind, Violet wasn't as scared by the crimson anymore. If anything, pairing it with the gentle tone he was using, she felt almost comforted by them.

What was wrong with her?! He was the enemy! Think Violet, think!!

She couldn't though. It felt like the fear and anger she's been running on for the last few hours suddenly let her drained and completely empty. Her body started dipping forward, Violet nearly unaware it was happening until Bucky reached out and caught her. In the same movement he swept her up into his arms and proceeded to lay her out in the middle of the bed. Natasha quickly pulled down the bedspread and sheet before Bucky set her down. With a brief, eager smile shared between them, the Alphas quickly joined the drained Omega who was now even more confused than before.

"What's happening?" She mumbled to herself, unknowing if they could hear her or not.

"You're worn out sweetie," Natasha whispered in her ear, kissing her temple, "happens to everyone, even Alphas and Betas alike."

"It's been a long and hard few days for you. Quite frankly I'm surprised you were able to stay up for this long." Bucky cut in, sliding his metal arm under the pillows to grab Natasha's free hand.

"You're quite the fighter, sweet Violet. I can't wait to see what else you'll do." Natasha breathed, cuddling up to Violet's weakened body.

"Beat your ass is what I'll do," Violet mumbled intelligibly, eyes closing of their own accord.

"Heal up first," Natasha smiled, resting her head on Violet's chest, "we'll talk about your heat in the morning when you wake up."

Violet mumbled something else, but it was indistinguishable. Natasha squeezed James metallic hand and grinned at her lover, who smiled softly back while tentatively wrapping a protective arm around Violet's waist.

Violet went to sleep completely unaware of everything that was occurring outside of the Alphas room. She didn't know that Tony forced his affection on Peter and coaxed her wonderful brother into a dreamless sleep in his bed. Didn't know that even though Peter was confused and afraid of what was going to happen, he snuggled up to Tony and fell asleep feeling safe and wanted. She didn't know Bruce and Betty were planning on naming their newborn child after her and Peter for their extraordinary help when she went into labor.

Didn't know that Wanda convinced them that they were the true heroes for they were the ones who got Wanda to her and let the Avengers, Bruce in particular, back in the tower. She didn't know Wanda was a crying mess after the whole ordeal and sought comfort with Jarvis who responded by holding her close and whispering words of encouragement while treating her to a wonderful snack and slow dancing to Adele's rendition of "Lovesong". Didn't know they danced and leaned on each other for hours on end, only stopping when the sadness finally left Wanda's eyes and she smiled without pain tainting its beauty.

She didn't know that Darcy still sat on the edge of her bed wearing the same clothes from Omega night, throat burning from thirst and eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep, waiting for her Alpha to come claim her. Didn't know Steve was sitting on one of the couches in the living area, sketching out a rough picture of Violet and her wild eyes standing up to the three Alphas, an amiable smile on his face. She didn't know that was the first time he sketched a person in years. She didn't know he's never sketched Darcy, no matter how many times she's made him laugh and forget about everything and everyone. She didn't know she was the third woman he's ever sketched in his entire life. The first being Peggy, a former flame who was too good for him, the next being Natasha, respect and admiration fueling his desire to capture his trusted friend on paper, and now Violet. Mostly he draws landscapes and buildings, only including people he greatly admires. She didn't know how much he was starting to admire her.

She didn't know Clint was singing her praises and boasting about her to his wife and husband over the phone while checking up on their kids. Didn't know Thor and Loki were currently flying back to address a specific situation involving a foreign adversary they required help in handling. Didn't know a certain team of weirdos and wackjobs were also enroute to the tower, a group led by a carefree nutjob named Peter Quill and a sarcastic engineer who went by Rocket.

She didn't know Karen and Foggy were on the verge of shutting down the law firm due to Matt's unexplained absence and lack of clients thanks to the Avengers spoiling their hard-earned reputation. Didn't know Pietro was working himself to death just so he wouldn't go home to an empty, barren house where his sister will never return. Didn't know Jessica was in the hospital getting stitches while the police read her rights after almost beating an Alpha to death with her whiskey bottle. She didn't know Matt and Sam teamed up and were now in Rochester talking with the second most influential presence in the entire world.

She didn't know she had amassed an entire group of allies working hard to save her and Peter from the Avengers. She didn't know Logan, a man she barely remembered from her childhood, was leading the cause and reaching out to Frank. She didn't know Frank was doing recon for the Avengers, looking into the mysterious Insight and Omega 13 while they prepared to take them on. She didn't know the insane mercenary called Deadpool was currently writing her love notes and practiced French braiding her hair because he thought she was a badass.

She didn't know any of this. Completely and utterly unaware of anything outside of her surroundings and seemingly inescapable situation. But she will soon enough, and that wasn't necessarily a good thing.

Logan knew something not even Charles Xavier and his fantastical brood of X-Men didn't know. Something that would crush Violet should she ever find out. A secret he's kept to himself for ten years, a secret that would need to be revealed in the right way before it got out in the worst way, a secret only Frank and Billy knew.

Logan knew it needed to be done, and he needed Frank here to do it. Charles had to be told, and since his Alpha was here then Erik needed to be filled in as well. It was a day Logan never wanted to arrive, and never thought would since Brea was reported missing the night Billy met his fateful end. Logan wholeheartedly believed that the kid was murdered and dropped at the bottom of the ocean, it was how the Avengers handle things nowadays. Yet there she was in that damn picture, alive and well, hugging a kid close to her side and smiling for the camera.

Five years she's survived. Five years she's out there on her own. Five years Logan could have manned up and took care of her if he had only known the truth.

Well, now Charles was going to find out the truth, along with a prominent member of his X-Men.

Everyone who knew Summers, or Cyclops as the kids referred to him, knew that he was a capable leader, one hell of a soldier, and loyal as can be. When it came to field missions, he was Xavier's right hand man. The guy anyone can depend on to see them through should everything fail, the guy who will do his damndest to make sure everyone is prepared so nothing goes off the rails, and the guy everyone determined was worth following. Hell, even Logan followed him, and that in itself was a testament to the man's character.

Then again, Logan's known the guy since before they joined the military. Logan to the army, Summers to the Air Force. They stayed in touch even when they ventured on different paths of life. Summers made a name for himself the right way, through hard work and dedication to his country. Logan lost hope and went the harder route, the path that led him to the Avengers and eventually self-exile. Two different walks of life that somehow kept them together.

Currently Logan was waiting for Frank to call back, taking residence in the study where they had that meeting at the asscrack of dawn. Charles and Erik were discussing certain things amongst themselves whilst waiting for Summers. He was due to arrive from his latest mission with his mate at any second. The mission involved those betas who were making waves with their anti-Alpha Superiority protests, making sure that the cameras were on them the whole world was watching.

Fat lot of good it will do. It'll take a miracle to change perception that's been ingrained people for hundreds of years. Logan wished them well but shrugged away their efforts. If anyone had a chance of doing it, he'd put his money on Charles and Summers.

Of course, none of that mattered now.

Just as Logan thought about calling Frank again, Summers strode into the study with a proud look on his face. Everything must have gone okay or else he would look pissed while trying not to show it. Brave face and all that shit. Charles looked most pleased to see his golden boy, a jealous glint flashing across Erik's expression, but no one would guess he was the golden boy just by looking at him.

His battle scars were on full display. Left eye nothing but glass, burned scars on the left side of his face, and his left wrist back in its brace. If his wrist was back in its brace, then his left shoulder must be killing him. Cold does that to metal holding bones together. Otherwise, his curly dark hair flopped elegantly on his head, the most recent dye job holding up particularly well. Jean must have had something to do with that. Even with the scars, his face was still stupidly handsome.

Summers was in a terrible plane accident roughly ten years ago. An accident that left him a mangled mess and with no memory of who he was. Logan only found him because he was in the area and caught the call on his radio by accident. Logan had been working with Charles for about a year at that point, but he already trusted the Professor. So, Logan took Summers there, and he's worked for him ever since.

Summers still doesn't remember anything before waking up from the crash. Not his family, not his friends, not even his work. Eventually he learned how to fly again, but he lost interest thanks to the aftermath of his last flight. All he knows is that his name is Scott Summers, he leads the X-Men, his oldest friend is Logan, and the world needed saving from tyrants and sadists. After a while, Logan and Frank agreed it was for the best, though Billy had his reservations about it.

Of course, Billy died before he had a chance to change their minds.

It was a terrible secret, one which divided Frank and Logan, driving them apart. It was no wonder Frank didn't answer Logan's calls. Why dredge up the past when no good can come of it?

Logan stared at Summers good eye. Dread and regret welled up in his chest as he looked at it. Sky blue, a color that's meant to be warm yet appeared so cold in the man. A genetic trait he passed onto his daughter.

Summers was short for Scott Summers, formerly known as Scott Abernathy.

Violet's dad.