
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · ภาพยนตร์
46 Chs

Omega Night: Part 2

Avengers Tower


This was a bad idea. Violet knew it, Peter knew it, even blitzed out Darcy knew it, but here the three were hiding in Violet's closet wearing mischievous grins and holding various assortments of rope, tape, and handcuffs. Darcy randomly had them on her, neither Violet nor Peter wanted to know how that happened and thankfully Darcy didn't tell them. They waited patiently, listening for the footsteps and concerned voices of Wanda and Jarvis.

Violet was sweating. Not from nervousness of excitement, but like she had a fever without the sickly feeling and general hallucinations that comes with it. She was just boiling tonight, so much that she was overcome with relieving the burden of most of her clothes. Starting with her jacket and shirt, and just before they came in, she ripped off her sweats, leaving her in only her black sports bra and matching biker shorts. She was going to put on a tank-top once this was done though because her nakedness was making Peter uncomfortable, but not until after they were done here. She also felt abnormally good. A floating, weightless feeling spread throughout her body, encouraging the carefree attitude that suddenly encapsulated her.

Normally Violet wouldn't pull stuff like this. Sure, she had a penchant for little pranks now and again. Scaring Peter on Halloween, rescuing mistreated gorillas from a zoo, "improving" a few street signs with some stupid decal or street art, simple stuff like that. What the three were planning on doing was far out of range for what Violet was comfortable with, and certainly Peter with his goody two shoes nature and gentle heart. Still, they were doing it.

Voices suddenly appeared out the door. Darcy giggled to herself, the handcuffs jiggling within her grasp. Peter breathed deeply, a sheepish grin on his face while turning the roll of tape in his hands. Violet remained steady, unmoving, gripping the rope tightly in her grasp. The three waited, patient and calm like a predator seeking its prey.

"Violet?" Wanda called, stepping deeper into the room.

"Mr. Parker? Ms. Violet?" Jarvis's calm, accented voice quickly followed Wanda's, appearing just as Wanda did.

The three were watching through the crack between the shut doors. Violet kneeling at the bottom, Peter crouched in the middle, and Darcy standing tall next to the pair at the top. The pair only needed to take a few more steps and then the three Omegas would have them.

A little more. Just a little more. A bead of sweat fell down the side of Violet's determined face.

"Ms. Lewis? What on earth are you doing in the closet?" Jarvis asked, turning fully to scold Darcy.

They burst through the doors, shouting out an indistinguishable war cry as they lunged at the pair awaiting them. Both were immensely shocked at the state of the Omegas. Wanda screamed as Peter brandished the tape and tackled her to the floor. Darcy grinned as she swung the handcuffs at Jarvis's head, knocking him to the floor with a pained yelp. Violet quickly swooped in, grabbing Jarvis's arm and pulling him close to Wanda's struggling form.

"Peter! What are you doing!" Wanda shouted from her trapped position on the floor.

"Having fun! Violet and I are going to battle it out tonight and you aren't stopping us!"

Wanda's eyes went wide, "what do you mean battle it out?! What are you two-"

"No time to explain!" Violet interrupted with a smirk, quickly getting to work a she tied the Alpha and Omega together with their backs pressed against one another. Peter pulled out the tape roll and used it to bind Wanda's left hand and Jarvis's right hand together while Darcy looped the hand cuffs through an open chink in the floor, then cuffing their other hands in good measure, chaining them to the floor. Violet had a brief idea of why the chink was in the floor and quickly decided to ignore it.

Wanda attempted to fight back, but Jarvis was a bit too dazed to do so. The three Omegas made short work of the pair on the floor. The only thing left to do was put tape over their mouths. Peter readied it, biting off proportionate pieces and handing them to Violet, who gave one of the pieces to Darcy.

"Here you go," she winked, making Darcy grin in response.

The brash and careless Omega kneeled before Jarvis's dazed form and smiled broadly, "this is for all the times you lied to me about my Stevie's missions." With a smile, she smoothed out the tape on Jarvis's mouth, intensifying his horrified expression.

Violet kneeled before Wanda, who looked both shocked and betrayed.

Violet shrugged, "don't worry it's only for a few hours. We'll let you out in no time."

"Violet, this isn't you. Tying people up and leaving them behind is not the person you are." Wanda insisted, attempting to reason with Violet. A fool's folly if anything.

"Wanda, I'm drinking like a sailor his first night back on land, and a prisoner who's free for the first time in decades. Only I'm not actually free. I'm a prisoner in a technological prison disguising itself like a five-star hotel with little to no way of escaping. So, until that part of my situation changes, I'm going to drink until I forget. And then I'm going to drink until I have fun." She patted Wanda's shoulder, "in the meantime, enjoy the company of one of my captors. Try to avoid kissing his ass if you get free."

With that, Violet put the tape on Wanda's mouth before she could respond. Smoothing it out with a surprisingly heavy heart, Violet turned to face her fellow captured Omegas.

"Let's go party."

Within ten minutes, Violet, Peter, and Darcy were dancing around in the living area like absolute lunatics to Joan Jett and the Blackhearts "I Hate Myself for Loving You" at the top of the speakers. Violet had a baseball bat she randomly found while on her way back to the living area, Darcy had a glass in hand along with a pile of glassware next to her, and Peter had a catchers mitt Violet gave him when she found the baseball bat standing next to Darcy.

"Batter up!" Darcy shouted in glee, halfheartedly throwing the glass while vivaciously dancing around the song.

The glass shattered when it impacted the force of the Violet's swing. Glass went everywhere, just as it did the first two times. All the Omegas laughed. Violet had her drink covered on the coffee table next to her. She stood on the couch and readied the baseball bat with glee. She uncovered the plate and took another big gulp of the drink, polishing it off before tossing it in the air, closing her eyes, and swing for the hills. She hit the glass, loving the feel of it shattering and the shards going everywhere.

She shouted in victory. Peter and Darcy joined her with their own shouts. The three raised their glasses to one another.

"To Omega Night!" Darcy shouted.

"Omega Night!" Peter and Violet reciprocated in unison.

Then the three drank heavily. For the next hour they polished off not one, but two bottles of rum with a various number of mixers and beers, wine in Darcy's case. Twice Peter almost peed his pants by almost not making it to the bathroom. Three times Darcy dropped her drink and needed to make a new one. Four times Violet slipped and fell into shattered glass, not feeling the pain as her tolerance to it grew throughout the hour. Peter and Darcy worked to get rid of the glass, but the marks remained in her skin thanks to her mostly naked state wearing only a sports bra and biker shorts. She still hadn't put on another shirt; it was just too hot.

"Can we do another Game of Thrones drinking game?" Peter shouted, almost slipping on broken glass when he came back from the bathroom.

"I got a better idea!" Darcy shouted, dancing over to the stereo and pressing pause on the tv. That was where the music was coming from. They tried having FRIDAY play music for them, but she wasn't answering. "Why don't we play two truths and a lie?"

"Ooh that sounds fun!" Peter quickly reciprocated, clapping with joy.

"Sweetie," Violet started in a drunken, higher pitched voice, "anything sounds fun to you right now."

"Definitely true," Peter responded in an equally drunk tone, "and I'm going to capitalize on it while I can."

Violet laughed, "whatever bro, I'm here if you need me."

She moved from her perch on the couch, clumsily maneuvering around the broken glass with her bare feet. Eventually, she settled in a chair far away from the broken, and both Peter and Darcy both took refuge their themselves. Smiling in deviance, the pair sat in the chairs next to Violet. She attempted to move away before succumbing to their forced company.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Compelling you to join the game," Darcy responded flawlessly, like she was sober instead of drunk like the other two. Maybe she was? Violet didn't care to find out. Life felt so much better when you didn't care where it took you. The journey was always more fun than the destination.


"C'mon! Let's play!" Darcy shouted, taking a spot right in front of Violet who rolled her eyes in response. Peter took the seat next to her while she polished off her drink. "Who wants to start?!"

"You," Violet gestured to Darcy, "your game, you start. I'm going to make another drink. You guys want any?"

"I'll finish off that bottle of Zinfandel if you don't mind," Darcy winked.

"Can I have another spiked root beer float?" Peter asked shyly, wiggling restlessly in his chair.

"Sure bro, no problem. Go ahead and get started, I'll be listening." Violet stated before heading over to the bar area.

Darcy cleared her throat, and quickly began. She started off relatively innocent with mundane options like, "My favorite color is green, I've been to Australia, I can't swim." Violet got the lie in seconds, proclaiming in a taunting tone, "your favorite color is blue because of your boyfriend's dreamy eyes, though when you're pissed at him it's brown because it reminds you of your Dad's sledgehammer." Peter's options were relatively similar, "I love science, my uncle is my hero, and I'm ambidextrous." He was right-handed, Violet and Darcy called that in unison.

Violet's options were the first where no one caught the lie, "I've broken my leg, my favorite band is Temper Trap, and I can play piano." Peter thought it was the band while Darcy was absolutely convinced it was the piano.

"No way! An edgy, badass chick like you playing Mozart and classical shit no one can make sense of? Bullshit! I call bullshit!" Darcy laughed, taking a deep, long sip of her wine.

Violet rolled her eyes in response, glancing at Peter in amusement. He wore a drunken grin, blatantly revealing his glee at the situation. Violet looked back at Darcy with a knowing smirk.

"Want me to prove it?"

Darcy straightened up, "only if we make a little wager."

Violet rested her elbows on the table, clasping her hands together in front of her. "What would you like to bet?"

"If you're lying, I get to make out with you and grope your ass for five minutes."

"Was it with you and kissing me tonight? I only allowed it to happen the first time because you wanted to piss off the Avengers and I was game for it. One and done, that's it. That was the deal."

"And now I'm proposing a new one," Darcy grinned, shifting excitedly in her seat.

Violet laughed at her, rolling her eyes in disbelief, "fine. If either of you guys catch me in a single lie before the game is over tonight, I will make out with you and let you grope my body for five minutes."

"Yay!" Darcy rejoiced, clapping happily. "If we catch you in two, I get blindfold you for the whole five minutes."

Violet smirked, shrugging off the additional stipulation without too much worry, "fine by me. That's what happens if you catch me in two lies tonight, but I catch you in two, not including the first one, then you have to help me and Peter get out of the tower without being caught."

Peter gasped, hands quickly hiding the shocked grin on his face. Darcy's eyebrows flew into her hair, her body leaning back in surprise.

"Wow, I didn't take you for a heavy stakes player."

"Normally I'm not, but I am when those stakes mean getting our freedom back." Violet responded with a smile, sticking her hand out, "we got a deal?"

Darcy's eyes went melty as she gazed at Violet, "do I get a kiss goodbye?"

"Why would you need one when you can leave with us?"

"Because I might not leave with you," Darcy shrugged, "it's been my home for years. And though things tend to get rocky with Steve and I, he's my home and I love him. I wouldn't leave him for anything or anyone. But if you win, I will certainly help you get out of here. What do you say? Do I get a kiss goodbye?"

Violet nodded; her heart suddenly heavy as Darcy grasped her hand. "Looks like we got a deal."

"We do, now go ahead and fail to prove me wrong." Darcy winked, abruptly standing from the table.

Peter gave Violet a cute and dorky thumbs up as they followed Darcy to the piano with their drinks in hand, clumsily maneuvering around the broken glass scattered around the floor. Soon enough they were at the elegant piano with shiny black furnishing and leather cushioned bench. Violet handed her drink to Peter, stretched out her fingers and her back before glancing at Darcy, "any requests?"

"Nope, I don't want any of the songs I love to be butchered by your stubbornness."

Violet snorted, turning to face Peter, "how about you?"

"Play that Game of Thrones one you refuse to tell me which season it belongs to. The fast paced one that I'll apparently never get to hear in the show."

"Yeah because you keep re-watching the first season and the first four episodes of season two over and over again. The show officially ended months ago dude; you need to finish it before someone spoils it for you."

Peter pouted, "just play it please."

Violet rolled her eyes, wiggled her fingers before placing them on the appropriate keys, then started playing.

The song was short, not even two minutes long, but it did wonders for the three Omegas. Darcy's mouth dropped just as her eyes bugged out of her skull like a looney tune cartoon. Peter grinned, carefully swaying to the music and getting lost in the wonderful sounds. Violet was the most affected of all. It's been a while since she got to play and quite frankly, she was shocked that it was going so well. Muscle memory does wonders for one's psyche. She too got lost in the music she played. She didn't want to stop. She wanted to play forever and a day, never once regretting it.

Sadly, everything must come to an end, an eventually the song did. Once it was over, she reluctantly pulled her hands away from the keys and looked up to Darcy's shocked expression. Violet stood with a grin, grasping her drink and heading back over to the table, throwing over her shoulder "your turn Darcy!"

From that point on things got very hard, very quickly. Options ranging from dreams and wishes to favorite foods and continental destinations, making the choices of which could be the lie incredibly hard. Peter was so easy to catch though. Every time he got to his lie, he went all shifty and nervous. It was a good thing he wasn't part of Darcy and Violet's risky wager. Violet slowed down on her drinking, Darcy as well. Eyes rapt with attention when it came to the other. Each one had caught a lie from the other. Violet's lie was knowing how to ski, Darcy's was the ability to sing.

Peter was getting restless, and the three were running out of the things to say. The game was winding down, so it was now time to get to the nitty gritty. It was Darcy's turn.

She cleared her throat, "I want to get married in the Bahamas, my mother is a bitch, and I really want to kiss you."

Violet rolled her eyes, "that's what you got for me? Really?"

Darcy shrugged, "if it's too hard for you than I'm more than happy to take my win and move onto you."

"Your mother's not a bitch," Violet quickly added, "in your words, your mother is whore who takes dick for free so she doesn't feel empty inside."

Darcy froze, staring blankly at Violet's amused expression, "dammit, you do listen."

Violet leaned back in her chair, laughing hysterically and almost spilling her drink in the process. Peter gasped at Violet's words and looked at Darcy in shock, "how can you say that about your mother?!"

"Don't ask something you don't want to know the answer too." Darcy waved Peter off, taking a sip of wine before settling her focus on Violet. "Alright, you caught two of my lies. Congratulations. Now you have one more to go before the game is officially over."

Violet rubbed her eyes, wiping away the happy tears in the process, "okay, give me a second." Rolling her shoulders and straightening out back, spine blissfully popping in several places as she thought about some good facts from her life. "Alright, here goes. My mother was a drug addict who never wanted me, my Dad said I was a mistake, and I have the word Omega carved into my back, along with the number 13."

There was a beat of silence. Cruel, seemingly unending silence. Then glass shattered next to Violet, causing her to flinch and brace herself on instinct. She looked to where the glass broke, and her gaze rested on Peter's surprisingly sober eyes. His mouth was open slightly, those wonderful doe eyes switching back and forth between Violet's sky blues.

Violet sighed, reaching and gently taking Peter's hand in her grasp, "not everyone has a good life, Peter. Not everyone is a lucky as you, and that's okay." She squeezed his hand, smiling softly at him, "I'm okay."

"You shouldn't have had to go through that," he whispered, voice breaking slightly.

"You're right. I shouldn't have had to, but I did. And I'm stronger for it. Stronger and wiser with the ability to spare others from going through the same pain I did. That alone makes it all the more worth it." Her thumb caressed the back of his hand, "are you going to be okay?"

Peter didn't speak, merely nodded as he returned her grip with an inescapable one of his own. Violet smiled encouragingly to him before turning her attention back to Darcy. She looked a bit haunted, gnawing on her lip slightly before shaking off the dark feeling and smirking confidently. "You don't have Omega carved into your back. That bra might be functional and support what little god graced you with, which makes me super jealous by the way, but it doesn't do much in covering everything."

Darcy smirked, standing up from her seat and moving to stand behind Violet. Carefully, she grabbed the back of the bra and pulled it up. She laughed softly, "no words, just bloody marks and leftover glass."

Violet smirked, "you're right, it's not on my back." Standing up and quickly turning to face her fellow Omega while still holding Peter's hand, she lifted the right side of her sports bra and revealed what was hidden beneath it, "It's on my right side."

In messy, untrained scrawl, Omega and the number 13 stood out in stark contrast to her pale skin with it's red scarring. Peter gasped once more, eyes watering at the sight of it. Darcy's eyes widened, concern coloring her drunken expression. Violet stood resolute, firm in her decision to reveal the truth.

"You caught two of my lies, and I will do my part. But I caught two of your lies first, so you need to-" Violet was saying when a loud, pained moan interrupted her.

She released her sports bra, letting it fall back into place as the three turned to face the source of the sound. All of them reared back in shock at the unkempt and frazzled state of Dr. Betty Banner. Her eyes were wild, clothes in disarray, hair a chaotic mess, leaning heavily on the walls as she painfully meandered towards the drunken Omegas.

"Holy shit, I totally forgot about you!" Darcy shouted.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked fretfully.

"What happened?" Violet questioned, realizing something was terribly wrong.

Betty took a deep breath, looking dead into Violet's eyes.

"My water just broke, and I can't get into contact with Bruce or any of the Avengers. I can't even call the ambulance. FRIDAY's blocking all calls in and out of the building. I can't even leave the floor." Betty was whimpering by the end, hand pressed against her bulging belly. "We're trapped, and the baby's coming."

Violet really hated being right sometimes.


Middle of Nowhere

Smoke filled the cold air. Three feet deep snow covered the ground. Sparks and electrical shorting sounded throughout the area. The Quinjet lay on the freezing ground in shambles with no sign of life detected apart from the footprints leading away from the crash site and headed towards the nearest town. Remnants of weapons were left behind. Blood smeared the floor next to the couch and the along the glass windows of the cockpit area. No bodies to be found. No reason to believe any one had died. The only thing left behind was a surveillance video playing on a loop.

The video displayed the inside of the tower, only it wasn't showing the three Omegas anymore. Instead it was on the ground floor at the entrance of the tower. Bodies were strewn about, pools of blood and burn marks next to the corpses. The entry way was blown to bits, and a group of men wearing black, militaristic clothes came running. All bared the same symbol on their right sleeves. The symbol of a mystical monster that was very tricky, and nearly impossible to kill.

The symbol of HYDRA.