
SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

What would you do if you had the chance to go to a world of your choosing with the perfect start and unlimited possibilities? well, that is what our MC received. This is a story following the birth of the strongest trainer to ever walk the planet. going region by region, league by league, champion by champion in order to chase after his ever-fleeting sense of accomplishment. Fans scream out his name every time he enters the arena, opponents forfeit when they meet his gaze, his combat style, unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes. Soaring above the sky itself his figure fades from the eyes of all those who he has defeated, never to catch up. Will there ever be anyone equal to him? join the discord https://discord.gg/ZexRV5gqu9 hey guys this is my first ever fanfic and novel in general, I'm not doing this seriously just for fun. i did take inspiration from various works like "journey towards greatness" since I like their way of doing it. Not a Harem!!!!! i don't own any of the characters except OC's and I do not own the cover of the novel

Plug_O_Stien · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
242 Chs

ketchup it is

Instead of recalling Krabby, Ash took an unanticipated step, one that had become a treasured trademark of his style over the years. He sprinted across the field, kneeling down to embrace his small yet formidable crab Pokémon. This unusual display of affection elicited a collective "aww" from the audience, their cheers morphing into a heartwarming hum of appreciation.

With a bright smile, Ash patted Krabby on its shell. His eyes sparkled with gratitude, mirroring the strong bond he shared with his Pokémon. Moments like these weren't merely for victories but for acknowledging the bravery and resilience of his companions.

The crowd, moved by this heartfelt interaction, applauded once more before settling back into their seats, awaiting the next Pokémon from Ash's adversary. The intensity of the battle was back, the air taut with anticipation.

Meanwhile, in the commentator's booth, the analysts began their detailed breakdown of the intense showdown that had just unfolded.

"What a remarkable bout we've witnessed!" James exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice. "And it all boiled down to Ash's daring choice of Pokémon and his impeccable timing."

"Absolutely," Elesa agreed, her eyes scanning the replay screen. "If you look at the critical points, the decision to use Harden right as the Wing Attack was about to land turned the tide early on. It wasn't just a matter of defense, but using that move as an effective counter-attack."

"And let's not forget that incredible deflection of the Air Cutter using Vice Grip!" James added. "An impressive display of Krabby's potential and Ash's quick thinking. Most trainers might've opted to dodge, but Ash... he chose to grasp the danger head-on."

The Elsa nodded, "Also, his final call of Guillotine at that precise moment just as Golbat was reeling from the Bubble Beam... it was a stroke of genius. Ash certainly knows how to maximize the use of his Pokémon's abilities."

The crowd listened intently, their understanding of the battlefield's dynamics deepening as the commentators dissected the strategies used. It painted a clear picture of the elements that defined Ash Ketchum's victory - a blend of courage, clever timing, and the unparalleled bond between a Trainer and his Pokémon.

As the crowd held its breath, both trainers resumed their positions on opposite ends of the field, their gazes locked in an unspoken challenge. The energy was palpable, the crowd on the edge of their seats, waiting for the next Pokémon to be called.

"Krabby," Ash murmured, pulling back from their embrace, "You did great." There was a pride in his eyes, the kind that comes from sharing victory with a trusted companion. Krabby chirped in response, a spark of mutual respect passing between the two.

The crowd watched in rapt attention as the opponent reached for his second Pokéball, his face a mask of determination. "Let's see how you handle this one, Ketchum!" he roared, throwing the sphere high into the air.

A flash of light burst forth as the second Pokémon was revealed. "Nidoking!" The cry of the hefty Ground/Poison-type Pokémon echoed through the arena, as it stomped the earth, sending shivers through the battlefield.

"He's brought out a Nidoking!" James shouted, the crowd erupting into a chorus of 'oohs' and 'aahs'. "This is definitely an escalation! Let's see how Ash responds to this heavyweight!"

But Ash merely grinned, tightening his grip on Krabby's Pokéball. He knew the stakes had been raised, and the real challenge was just beginning. Still, as he looked back at his small, brave Krabby, his confidence didn't waver.

This was his battlefield. He was ready for anything.

The wind whistled across the plains, carrying with it the tension of the approaching showdown. The sun cast long shadows over the grassy arena, a silent audience to the clash of wills about to commence. Once again, the spectators held their breath, eyes fixed on the field, hearts pounding in anticipation of the next exhilarating chapter of the Kanto League.

With the mighty Nidoking standing defiantly on the other side of the field, Ash sensed the critical moment of the battle had arrived. He looked down at Krabby, whose eyes mirrored his determination. A cheer swelled from the crowd as they anticipated the next stage of this thrilling duel.

"Now, Nidoking! Use Earthquake!" Ash's adversary commanded, confidence seeping into his voice. The large Pokémon stomped, and a seismic shudder rippled through the battlefield. The crowd gasped as a wave of dust engulfed the field, reducing visibility to mere silhouettes.

Ash knew he had to act quickly. "Krabby, Bubble Beam towards the ground!" As instructed, Krabby spewed bubbles at the grassy floor, creating a cushioning layer against the impending quake.

The dust settled, revealing Krabby unscathed. The audience erupted into cheers. "Another exceptional maneuver!" Elesa exclaimed. "Krabby managed to dampen the impact of Earthquake by using Bubble Beam as a buffer. Astounding strategy!"

"Now, Nidoking, Poison Sting!" The adversary, not willing to lose momentum, launched his next attack. Nidoking roared, its horn glowing a deep purple before firing a barrage of toxic needles towards Krabby.

"Quick, Krabby, use Protect!" Ash commanded. A translucent barrier emerged around Krabby, the Poison Sting bouncing harmlessly off. The spectators clapped and whistled, their excitement peaking with each successful defense.

"Ash is not just defending, he's controlling the pace of the battle," James noted. "He's reading his opponent's moves and countering effectively. That's high-level battling."

"But he can't win on defense alone," Elesa chimed in, "Let's see how he plans to tackle this Nidoking."

Ash's gaze flickered towards Krabby. He knew they had been purely defensive, but it was time to go on the offensive. With the crowd's roaring encouragement echoing in his ears, he readied himself, his eyes ablaze with resolve.

"We've got this, Krabby," Ash said, a determined grin on his face. "Time to take control of this ba--"

Nidoking suddenly snorted, digging its feet into the earth before charging towards Krabby at an impossible speed. A tense silence fell over the crowd. Then, with a deafening roar, the adversary commanded, "Nidoking, use Mega Punch!"

The colossal Pokémon reared back, its clawed fist glowing with terrifying energy. Krabby's eyes widened as the massive fist came crashing down towards it, creating a mini cyclone that ripped through the grassy battlefield.

"Krabby, dodge it!" Ash yelled, finally reacting to the sudden apearance of the purple giant. But it was too late. The Mega Punch made contact, and Krabby bounced off the ground and was sent flying, landing with a harsh thud. An anguished gasp echoed through the crowd.

"A massive blow by Nidoking!" cried James, his voice heavy. "Krabby is down!"

Ash watched as Krabby struggled to get up, its usual vibrant energy replaced by shaky movements. His heart pounded in his chest. He had to be the rock that Krabby could lean on. Swallowing his rising worry, he offered a thumbs-up to his battered companion.

"We're not done yet, Krabby!" His words carried a strength he hoped would fuel Krabby's fighting spirit.

"Nidoking, finish this with Double Kick!" The adversary, sensing victory, yelled out his next command. Nidoking, following the order, lunged towards the weakened Krabby.

"No, Krabby!" Ash cried, "Use Vice Grip on its leg!" In a last-ditch attempt to turn the tide, Krabby latched onto Nidoking's incoming leg with a Vice Grip, halting the Double Kick midway.

But the power behind Nidoking's movement was immense, and Krabby was dragged across the ground, its pincers locked tightly. The crowd gasped in horror, fearing the worst.

"Now, Krabby!" Ash's voice rang out, full of desperate hope. "Guillotine!" Despite the strain, Krabby's pincer glowed ominously, aiming to deal a devastating blow to Nidoking's trapped leg.

But would it be enough to flip the scenario? The crowd held their breath, their eyes fixed on the fierce struggle playing out in the middle of the battlefield. The tension was palpable, the outcome balancing on the edge of a knife.

Just as Nidoking tried to shake Krabby off, the Guillotine move landed. An intense burst of energy exploded from the point of contact, propelling Krabby away while Nidoking roared in pain, stumbling backward.

"An unexpected twist! Krabby pulls off a desperate Guillotine!" James voice soared over the stunned silence, shattering it into a thunderous applause from the crowd.

But the toll of the exchange was visible. Krabby lay panting heavily, and Nidoking limped, nursing its wounded leg. Both Pokémon were nearing their limits. Ash's heart pounded in his chest, but his faith in Krabby never wavered. He lifted his hand, ready to give the next command.

Before he could, his adversary barked, "Nidoking, use Thrash!" Despite its injured leg, Nidoking lunged forward, driven by a final surge of energy. It thrashed about, its movements wild but devastatingly powerful.

"Krabby, try to dodge and use Stomp!" Ash called out. Krabby tried to scuttle away, but Nidoking's wild rampage was too unpredictable, too chaotic. Krabby was hit and sent flying back once again, this time skidding across the ground, landing near Ash's feet.

Ash knelt, his heart sinking as he saw Krabby struggling to rise, its movements feeble. But there was a stubborn spark in its eyes that stopped Ash from recalling it to its Pokéball. He felt a lump in his throat. "Krabby, can you continue?" Ash asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Krabby slowly got to its feet, its eyes still holding that fiery determination. The audience watched in awed silence, deeply moved by the display of sheer tenacity. Ash's heart swelled with pride. "Alright, then. Let's finish this together."

"Watch out, Ash! Nidoking is not done yet!" James' warning rang out as Nidoking, though visibly worn out, launched itself for another Thrash.

"Krabby, Harden!" At Ash's command, Krabby's body glowed, hardening its exterior just as Nidoking crashed into it.

The dust kicked up by the impact swirled, creating a smokescreen that obscured the audience's view. The atmosphere was thick with suspense, everyone's breath hitched as they waited for the dust to settle, their hearts hammering in their chests. The outcome of this clash would decide the direction of the battle. The tension was unbearable, the silence deafening.