
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
171 Chs


Of all the harebrained schemes that fucking Christmas cake rabbit goddess could came up with she just had to do the one thing that I couldn't use in front of people.

Don't get me wrong, the Kāma in my hand was a powerful weapon. One that could push me to the upper ranks of the shinobi without any training, it was something that would more than likely save my ass in the coming days. But it had one tiny weeny problem.

It worked by covering my body with marks coming from a seal on my body. The closest thing to this the Konoha knew of was the fucking cursed seal of the world's most renowned mad scientist slash pedophile.

So yeah, it was something that I absolutely could not allow anyone from the village to see if I valued my life. Which I did since there were lots of things that I was fond of in life. Like barbecue, women, books, fights, women, tea, nature and did I mention women?

"Man, this sucks." I said as I placed the fingerless gloves on my hand in order to conceal the mark and left to do some training.


"First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace!" I intoned as I swung my katana. The Breath of Moon, arguably the strongest Breathing style other than the original Breath of Sun, it felt incredible to use it. With each swing of my sword I could see a trail much like the moonlight following the blade. It was beautiful.

But not enough.

I was far too slow. From the memories of Michikatsu I knew that I was pathetically slow compared to Yoriichi. I had all of Michikatsu's skills, which were taken even further by the chakra circulating in my body, yet I wasn't anywhere near Yoriichi; who wasn't even at the level of a Kage!

No, no I needed to calm down. All of this frustration about my power was merely a reaction to my meeting with Kaguya. An encounter with a powerful being I shouldn't have met for a long time, it had made me question the power I currently had. That wouldn't do. I needed to calm down, a calm head would allow me to train and assimilate my templates better.

Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in… Breathe out…

"Hey!" No matter who claims what, I did not scream like a girl. I did make an impressive demonstration of my jumping power as a shinobi though.

"Hahaha, did I scare you?" I turned around to see a girl around my age with short black hair and red eyes, she was also slightly shorter than me. It took me a second before I realized who she was.

"Mirai-san." I greeted her with a nod, completely ignoring the existence of the last few seconds.

"Oh you know me? Well of course you do, I am pretty amazing after all!" The granddaughter of the current Hokage said with a hand on her chin and I could swear that her nose was getting longer with each word. Hana ga takai ka?

"You were on the year ahead of me." I said, stopping her tirade of complimenting herself.

"Hmm, ok. And you are?" She asked with a hand on her hip, guess she did not like me interrupting her bragging.

"Yanagi Shingetsu." I answered as I sheathed my blade.

"Shingetsu then, are you training? You shouldn't train just by yourself, where is your team?" She asked as she looked around, he words would have been far more hurtful if it hadn't been me though.


"I don't have a team. Our instructor failed us." He said with a shrug and Mirai had to stop herself from going wide eyed and ask the name of the moron who had failed him.

She had been watching him for a while now and this guy was obviously talented with a sword. As in ridiculously talented, and she was saying that while knowing how good her sensei's friend Yugao-san was. His skills were definitely above that of a genin with a blade.

And somebody had failed him?! Oh she hoped that whoever did that was getting chewed out by her gramps, the hell were they thinking? Weren't they supposed to be making sure anyone with potential was properly trained in order to help the village recover from Kyuubi incident and the Uchiha Massacre?!

"You're pretty damn good though." In the end Mirai decided to simply put her frustrations in the back of her mind, ready to unload them to her gramps later on, and tried to make some idle conversation.

"Not good enough, I am still far too inexperienced." Shingetsu said with a shake of his head and Mirai wondered how exactly being inexperienced was a fault for a newly graduated genin.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that, experience will come after you start taking missions." She tried to wave his concerns off, it wasn't natural for someone with so much talent being such a downer.

"Can I take any missions outside of the village though? Since I don't have a team." Shit, that was actually a good question.

"Don't worry, it will be fine!" She said with a bright smile as she tried to not show her own worries, which seemed to have failed going by the dull look Shingetsu was giving her.

"More importantly, what was that style you were using? I never saw anything like it, it was like a light was following your blade?" She asked with excitement, it was very intriguing after all. As far as she knew, the only one who's blade emitted a light was the late White Fang Hatake Sakumo; so how did Shingetsu do it?

"It's called Breath of the Moon. I learned it from some scrolls my parents left behind." He said and Mirai made another note to find out more about his parents, it wasn't exactly normal for civilians to carry scrolls with sword styles after all. But more importantly…

"Hey Shingetsu, wanna spar?"

…she wanted to see that style in action!



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