

With Jayden Williams out of the country, Emily Styles went for a sleepover and the popular Alexander Blake just had to be there. what will happen if Emily starts getting the attention of her secret crush? will cheating come in,or will her self control remain untouched? If you are looking for a hot, funny and interesting high school romance or teen fiction, you are at the right place.

davidson_chinyere · วัยรุ่น
9 Chs


Third persons POV

"What do you mean by that?" Emily shouted.

"Actually, I want him to know you are mine." He said sounding like a psycho.

"Are you serious right now? You know we can't be doing this and if there is anybody that wants to call me his, it's Jayden because he is my boyfriend." She quoted as she stood up and he followed suit.

"I know this might be late but the thing is, I have always had feelings for you. Infact, what am I saying? I still have feelings for you." He said.

"and I will get you no matter what." He added in his mind.

Emily was not really surprised by what she was hearing from him but she was also surprised because it was from Xander.

"Well, I don't even Know what to say. Like, I'm so confused right now" Emily said.

"Don't let any doubt in,just go with the flow."he replied smiling and she couldn't resist checking out his dimples.

I really can't fall for this guy. It might not end well.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he noticed her change of mood when she looked away.

"Nothing...ummm, this is getting really awkward."  She muttered as she sat down on the bed.


Meanwhile outside the room

"Do you see what is going on Austin? She obviously likes him and there is no doubt she wants him too and you can never be him." Steph said as she moved closer to Austin.

"You really need to shut your mouth. I always get what I want and this case cannot be different." He said with a smirk.

"Well, that doesn't change the fact that you can never compete with Xander.

So, I will give you this one advice to just let her go and you can have me all to yourself." She added as she placed her hand on his shoulder seductively.

"What's wrong with you?!" He shouted as he pushed her and started walking away.

"Stop forcing yourself Austin, She will never like you." She screamed as she stomped out of the place.

As Austin got outside, he continued thinking of the next plan to carry out in getting Emily.

"I think I have an idea." He said laughing to himself.


" Morning." Xander said as he was coming down from the stairs.

Emily raised her head to reply before she caught Austin's gaze on her.

"Hi." He said smiling.

"Hi." She replied before turning her focus back to what she was eating which was fries and fish stew, topping it with bacon and chilled milk.

She loves her protein way too much.

"What a nice breakfast we've got here" Xander said secretly seeking for attention and he finally got it when Emily glanced at him.

He winked at her and she couldn't stop blushing.

As they continued eating, she was still stealing small glances at Xander.

After breakfast, Emily went back to the room to take a shower .

As she finished showering, she came out of the bathroom and her phone beeped then she raised it from the nightstand to check what it was.

"...you look really cute in your Mickey mouse pyjamas....."  The message read and there was a smirking emoji.

She laughed as she dropped her phone and started applying body lotion.

She suspected the message was from Xander but she wasn't sure and besides, who else would it be?

  As the door opened, she quickly wrapped herself in her towel but it turned out to be Kelly.

"What's up?" Kelly asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing ,just trying to put on some clothes." She replied as she removed her ear plugs from the bed.

"Alright,I came up to tell you that we are playing basketball downstairs and you can come join us if you want." She said with a smile.

Emily and Kelly have never been close friends but they flow along just fine.

"Just give me few minutes, I will be down there with you all." Emily said.

"Okay, we will be waiting for you." Kelly replied with a warm smile as she left the room.


I quickly changed into my black thighlenght sport short and sport bra then I packed my hair up in a ponytail. I decided to skip any makeup because I'm going down there to sweat.

I put on my black matching canvas to complete the outfit before going downstairs with my phone and earplugs which turned out to be useless because, there is already music down here.

I sighted Santana and her best friend and they happen to be wearing the same thing as me just that theirs were of different colours.

As they both sighted me, they started walking towards my direction.

I don't even want to know what they have to say this time.

I started walking towards another direction.

I haven't seen Xander since I came downstairs so I decided to search quietly for him with my eyes.

"Hey, wait up." I heard Santana shout from behind me but I ignored her. When I heard it for the second time, I decided to turn.

"What do you want?" I asked the both of them but it came out harsher than I meant it to.

They both turned and exchanged a confused look.

" We can see you are wearing the same cloth as ours,that's nice." Santana said smiling her obviously fake smile.

"Okay?" I questioned and proceeded to walk away.

I can't believe they stopped me for this rubbish.

"Well,that was not the main reason I came here to talk to you.

I have been noticing some strange moves in you and Xander and I know I don't need to tell you but since you have decided to misbehave, I will tell you up straight.

Stay away from my guy,you really don't want to know what will happen if you don't." She said before leaving with her best friend.

Why didn't she wait for me to reply her? Piece of trash.

"Wow, what a nice show that was." Austin said as he walked towards me.

I really don't need this right now.

I ignored him and continued walking forward.

"Wait Emily, there is something important I will like to tell you."he said grinning.

"I'm all ears"I replied as I stopped walking and turned to face him.

He brought out his phone and played a video.

I was confused at first but when the video was over, my mouth was literally on the floor waiting to be picked up.

"Where did you get this from?" I asked him in a low tone.

"I don't kiss and tell but surely from the main source." He replied smirking and he looks really disgusting right now.

"Why are you doing this, what do you want from me?" I asked him furious.

"Right question but babygirl, I will like us to move to a place where no one can hear us.

So, we will be able to communicate freely." He replied then I followed him to a corner where no one would even come to or suspect anything.


As I came out of the house, I saw Emily looking hot as usual in her black sports cloth but she didn't look happy.

I can't even explain her facial expression.

Is that fear I can see?

"Who is she even talking to?" I asked myself as I looked closely and surprisingly, it was Austin.

I wonder what's going on.

I started moving forward towards them but they decided to change direction at that time.

I decided to follow them because this meeting is so unusual and I hope Austin doesn't want to do anything funny and I want to hear their discussion.

I don't even understand why she is with Austin. He is not someone she can be friends with.

He is my best friend and I know him like the back of my hand.

Well, it's not like I'm any different besides, as the saying goes "birds of the same feather flock together" but I am different when it comes to Emily.

As I followed the both of them quietly, they stopped and I stood in a place where they couldn't see me.

"Please Austin, you can't show Jayden this video.

He won't be happy with me if he finds out.

He will be heartbroken." Emily said almost in tears and it took me lots of self-control not to go there and punch Austin on his face because he is obviously hurting her emotionally but I wonder what video she is talking about.

"Why did you do it then?" Austin asked obviously furious.

What's wrong with him and why is he yelling at her?

"Austin, I didn't plan all these, It happened all of a sudden." Emily said already crying.

What the hell!!

"Are you crying Emily? I don't like seeing you cry." Austin said as he kept his phone inside his jeans pocket before moving closer to her and he held her face in his hands.

Whoa!okay, what's going on here?

From the look on Emily's face, she was obviously shocked and so was I .

"I really do like you Emily but I don't think you know that."he said as he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

He actually looked pained.

"I I ..do..n't....know." she stammered.

"I have always liked you and I will never do anything that will hurt you so be rest assured but you need to do something for me,okay?" He asked as he wiped the small tears that slipped from her eyes with his thumb.

"What do you want?"she asked looking at him innocently.

"Oh oh don't look at me like that. You can't make me feel guilty."he replied as his palms dropped from her face.

"I just finished confessing my feelings to you so, what do you expect?" He replied

"I don't understand." She said as she looked at him.

"What don't you understand? The thing is, I want us to have something between us and you know what that mean." He said smiling.

"But you know we can't." She replied in a low tone.

"We can." He said as he held his hand.

"Stop that." I said to the both of them from behind.

They were obviously shocked but Emily looked more relieved.

"What's going on here?" I asked looking straight at Austin.

Emily on the other hand moved to hug me and that brought a wide smile to my face but Austin didn't find it sweet. He looks so Jealous and that made me happy.

He can go to hell.

I released her from the hug then she moved to stand beside me.

"Wow, wow so now the co-culprit is here . This is getting really interesting but Xander,I will like to speak to you privately." He said as he sent a smirk to Emily.

I looked at Emily to be sure she is going to be okay if I go with Austin and she nodded positive so, I left with Austin after whispering to her that I will come to her room to see her if we are done talking.

"Just leave her to me. I know you don't really like her so, it's no big deal but I must say she really look smitten with you and I can imagine all the lies you must have told her." Austin said laughing but when he noticed I didn't find this amusing, he stopped laughing and looked at my face clearly surprised with my expression.

"Stop it Austin and don't look at me like you are surprised. You know I truly like Emily and I don't know what has gotten into you lately.

You seem to be getting annoying day by day. besides, I don't know when you started thinking about Emily in that manner." I replied angrily.

"Actually, I know you very well Xander, are you forgetting you are my best friend? I also know how girls fall on your feet and it won't take long before you dump Emily." Austin said tapping me gently on my shoulder.

"Why are you doing this Austin? I actually followed you here so, we could talk this out and you can stop your stupid game but you don't seem to be interested in listening to me." I replied.

"The truth is, I really like her and I think I am obsessed with her so, I can't leave her for another guy. Even if he turns out to be my best friend."Austin said seriously.

"I must confess, I'm really surprised you are saying this and I never suspected you had feelings for her." I said grinning.

He is my best friend and I really like him but I hope this is a joke.

"But I don't want you to show this to her boyfriend,you will ruin her relationship if you do that.

Let me figure this out first." I said to him.

"If I have to do that, I will because I want to have her as my girl and to myself." Austin replied shocking me.

"I thought you didn't do relationships." I stated.

"I want to do it now with her." He replied and I was really short of words. I don't even know what to say to him.

"You know what? Just leave her alone for the mean time,she is really in a bad place right now." I told him.

"Alright, I will do that for the mean time. I knew you would understand me and that's why I asked for this personal conversation." He said grinning as he rubbed his neck but I didn't grin back because I don't even know what's going on.

I left him and decided to go see Emily.


This is all for now

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