
Slave To The King Of Beasts

Matured Content!!! Angela White, A human female was dragged and taken into the Megan palace of the beasts and forced to bow before the king of the beasts, but she refused. He was a jealous King, Ruler of the whole galaxy and jealous of all the humans as he refused them from having their own rulers. He enslaved all the human-males and all first daughters of the humans, as he stripped them off and paraded them n*ked to his kinds views, but then he fell for a new slave captured as her beauty magnetize his eyes. He felt to protect her, to kept her safe and to stop the enslavement of her people, but she hated him, the beasts and if given a chance, She would killed him herself for all the hurt and pains he caused her people and seek her revenge. Read to find out.

GoodnessChiamaka · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Cleaning The Royal Palace

The girls weren't uncomfortable seeing each other naked as they've all been stripped bare and paraded in front of large crowds, so they took multiple turns in taking their baths.

Angela finally tooks hers and was still feeling ashame to be naked with the other girls in the same bathroom staring at her.

She was so thick and has flat tiny stomach with curvy waist. She was damn hot and sexy and the girls had to pause their own baths when they saw her stripped to examine her shape and size.

Well she wasn't the only one thick in the room, Beatrice a new slave among their set, was also thick as she was kinda fat and has chubby stomach and big breast too, but Angela's stomach is flat and hips more curvy than Beatrice, and Beatrice isn't white like her as Beatrice only fair and not too yellow while Angela was white.

Beatrice was also a shy person and looking at her face, you can tell she isn't up to 20yrs of age.

Angela wears back her clothes and as they were instructed, They went upstairs to the second floor to have their breakfast.

As they arrived most of the other young women were already seated round their dinning table staring at them, as it seemed they arrived late.

Lady Annabelle also sat at the foremost head with another beast Lady seated beside her.

"You're all welcome." Lady Annabelle said as they took their respective seat on their dinning table of twelve seat.

"Well.. for the newcomers among us. I have to do a new introduction to you all again. Here sitting beside me is Lady Mandy Moore. As my second assistant is still on her maternity leave, Mandy will be filling in her gap as the dancing festival begins tomorrow" Lady Annabelle announces to them and some of the girls giggles, surprising Angela who stares at them.

"Well, the dancing festival is open to all humans and beast, but you know, some humans don't like participating in our event as they don't find us worthy to associate with. But that's aside, You girls are to prepare yourself as you will also be a witness to our tomorrow's evening event. I want you all to be in your best behaviors and not try to escape as the guards will also be watching. Any questions?" Lady Annabelle asked them and the girls shook their heads in unison.

One of the girls later stood up and she asks, "Excuse me my lady, are we to dance in the tomorrows event?."

"No, you all are only to witness the event and not participate in it" Lady Mandy coldly replied as she was more mean and unfriendly like Lady Annabelle and doesn't like the humans. The girl immediately sat down back and the hall became silent.

"Well since there's no other questions, we can now start eating. Tana please stand up and pick ten more ladies to assist you in serving the meals" Lady Annabelle instructs.

Tana stood up and stares around the tables. As the dinning hall looks more like a restaurant. She pointed out to nine ladies first, skipping Lora as she was still upset with Lora. Looking for the last lady to point, she glares at Angela as their eyes meet and points at a lady from the first set, sitting in front of Angela.

"Okay, you girls should be quick in serving all the breakfast, so we can all go out and sweep the field for tomorrow's event" Lady Annabelle Instructs them as Tana and the rest of the young ten young ladies in the hall dishes out their breakfast, serving it to the dinning table

Its a cooked jollof rice and Angela wonders who cooked it so early, for the large pot of jollof rice to be ready by 11am. They sat quietly and started eating their hot jollof rice that was served to them.

Tana purposely dished out small portion of Jollof rice to Angela plates as she was the one dishing out the meals per measurements, while the rest of the girls assisted her in carrying the tray of food and serving the plates to the dinning tables.

Lady Annabelle noticed the small portion of food and calls back the young lady carrying the meal to the new dinning table.

"Add more meals to these plate Tana, except you want to pick one from these" Lady Annabelle warns and the lady carried back the tray of food to Tana, while Tana refill and add more spoon full to each plates.

After their breakfast they were all ushered out to sweep the front of the royal castle, down to the field and clear all unwanted plants and weeds that had grown to wild to be seen in the palace. Angela was quiet all thru as she was also among the slaves that were to sweep and clean the front of the castle and the royal palace entirely, for the upcoming event.

Lady Annabelle selects them ten-ten each and assigned them to different sweeping angles, asking them to water the grounds first so there wouldn't be much dust circulated at the royal palace.

Angela's duty was to pluck out all the over grown weed after her team has swept their own assigned location. She stood with them staring at the magnificent building behind her and another of her roommate who she shares a bed with her, walks up to meet her.

"Angela what do you think they're doing in this building?" The girl whispers to her ear and Angela stares away from the magnificent building she was also seeing for the first time.

"I don't know Esther, as you're seeing this building for the first time, is the same thing as me. But it seems they're doing carpentry works in it as it sounds of hammers hitting hards on woods and the sound of woods hitting on the floor from the building" Angela replied as she smiles faintly, as it reminded her of her village boyfriend Alex Anderson who was into furniture making before he was abducted.

"Hmm, seems like" Esther responds.

"Heh, what are you two standing there discussing, face your works!" A guard who stood out in front of the Labour-house building warns as he stares at them seeing them gossiping.

He has been staring at the white looking human and couldn't seem to get his eyes of her, but she couldn't even face her duty and kept discussing with her colleague.

Angela stares at him and look away and she bent to pluck out the grass from the ground, surrounding the front of the magnificent labour-house and the guard's eyes travels to her back as she bends and he kept staring at her smooth legs and thighs and up to her buttocks as he was tempted to bend along with her and peeps into her parted legs.

Angela was totally unawares of her effect on him as she kept on plucking out the weeds together with her team mates as some had swept the frontage clean, remaining for them to pluck out all the weeds with their bare hands and pack it away.

She wonders why the royal family couldn't get them cutlass to make their works easier and faster, and rakes to gather all weeds they had pulled away.

She doubt they would be thru, even if the sun falls as they might continue to graze the land till the following day.

Just as she continues to bend and pluck out the weed, the guard standing in front of the magnificent labour house, calls out to his assistant inside the Labour-house with a whisper, "Amos, Amos, Come!" he whispers to his assistant who was in the hall of the labour house monitoring the works, where all the abducted human males where kept to do labour works and working.

"Come and and see this beauty" The guard whisper and Amos steps out.

Alex and some few inside the hall also overhead the guard and he knew he was talking about the human females that were slaves. He wanted to go out and peep on who the beauty was, but he thought against it and decides to continue in cutting the woods.

Amos steps out and remember the beauty plucking the grass with her colleagues.

"Oh she's the new slave i told you about that refuse to bow to his majesty until she was forced too."

"Really?" The guard questions as he licks his lips. "Then we should have her as part of her punishment" his eyes shone brighter red as he has red eyes.

"No!. His majesty warns we shouldn't go close to her or any of the new slaves until he decides" Amos warms remembering he also wanted to have her the first day he sets his eyes on her.

"Why would his majesty say that?. Does his majesty also want to have her too?" The guard questions and want to step down to go and meet her but Amos quickly stops him.

"Don't you dare to disobey his majesty orders Lucas!. They're still new and we don't fully know what they are capable of doing and they hates us, unlike the previous ones that are already used to liking us" Amos said.

"Oh!, you're right" Lucas sighs in frustration. How his muscles hardened and tense to have her underneath him.

"Hmm, fine, let's get back to monitoring the works." They stepped back into the labour house and slam the door hard.

Angela heard the sound of the door slammed and she turns to stare at her back, just then she saw the crown prince approaching with another beast guard following behind him, who seems like the spokesperson on the day of their training lesson. She quickly looks away from them, not wanting to greet the prince or any of them as he approach.