
★ HEART THROB.........★


( melting his icy heart...)

Chapter 19❣️20


I'm so elated. Finally! That wretch is were she belongs. I can have Darren all to myself. It's been more than two hours since I threw her into the dark cell. She must have been devoured by a creature or some guards might have decided to have her...who cares what happens to her.

I carry a tray of liquor to Darren's room. My dress is the normal length but it reveal a good portion of my breasts and tightened right at my waist revealing my curves.

If I can get Darren to spend a night with me, I will be one step closer to having him forever.

I push open the door gently. Darren is currently at his favorite spot... Beside the balcony. I drop the tray on the side table and hug him from behind.


I can feel Anaya's breasts on my back. She is hugging me tightly, pressing her breasts against my back.

I removed her hand and turned to face her. What do you want Anaya? I ask her. I came to have a drink with you, it's been too long since we've spent time with each other, she says.

I am not in the mood Anaya, I say but she completely ignored it and pulled me to the bed. She made me sit down and she sat next to me.

Here, she say holding out a cup of liquor. From it's smell, I know that it's very strong but she should know that this is not enough to knock me out.

After a while of liquor and silence, she placed her head on my shoulder. Why don't you want to accept my love yet you tolerate my advances, Why? She asked me.

You have the right to love me and you are my friend so I don't want to break your heart. I've already made it clear that I don't love you back. Very soon you will come to terms with it, till then do whatever makes you sleep at night, I replied her.

She raised her head and faced me. Anything? She asked and I raised my left brow. She leans in and presses her lips against mine. I didn't respond and she didn't take it further, after a while she disengaged and her eyes were welling up with tears.


He just sits there with his poker face despite my tears. I know he isn't someone who would go against his decision for a couple of tears.

He lets me come close and do as I please but he won't let me into his heart. It hurts a lot. Kissing him right now felt like sweet sorrow. He didn't respond, he just let me do what I want.

I won't give up, there is already a room in your heart for me, I just need to switch to the right room and trust me, it'll happen soon.

I stand up but the liquor seems to be in effect. I stumble back but he used his powers to stop me from falling. He carries me up in his arms and takes me to my room.

If only he'd take it further. I guess I have to do all the work. As he places me on my bed, I draw him to myself and claimed his lips. It tastes so good and I couldn't help myself. I moved my hands to take of his shirt but he held my hand and pulled me away from him.

You are drunk right now, get some rest Anaya, he says and covers me with the blanket before walking away.

I placed my right index finger on my lips. His lips on mine felt like heaven. I can't wait to have another taste. I think I'm addicted!


As I walked out of my room, I couldn't sense Avia's energy. After dropping Anaya in her room, I walk up to Avia's room but I still couldn't sense it.

Did she go out again? It's not safe outside the palace walls especially for her.

I try looking for her energy but it proves futile. I move further down before I could get a faint whiff of her scent.

I trail it and it led to the dark cell, why the hell is she in this place? I summon three guards standing at the entrance.

Where is the lynx? I asked and one of them stepped forward.

My lord, she has been placed in the deepest part of the dark cell, he answered. Why ??

She stole lady Anaya's diamond necklace, it was found in her room my lord, he answered.

Even if she stole, why put her in the dark cell? Anaya is so immature. She must have done this out of spite.

First of all, I need to get Avia out of here. I lit a touch and go in, two guards accompanied me.

Walking past the monsters that were locked up, their deadly gazes fell on me. One of them reaches out his hands between the bars and tries to grab my shirt. Big mistake

I froze his hand and it kept moving until his entire body was covered in ice. I emitted a powerful force and it shattered his icey body into pieces.

Immediately, all others recede to the dark corners of their cells.* scoff * Pathetic

As I follow her scent,. It divides. She must have been moved else where. I ignore the faint scent and move towards the other, I could now feel her energy and she seems tired.

I noticed that it wasn't a cell but the guards quarters. As I push open the door, what I see shocks me to my core.

Avia was sitting on the bed while two guards were lying at a corner.

Their faces were covered with claw marks as well as their chests. One was clutching his d*ck and I could already tell what they must have tried to do.

Although I am livid that they tried to touch her but I'm also impressed that she was able to take care of herself.

Immediately she saw me, she stood up and bowed her head. My lord, she greets, her hands covered with blood.

Bring them along, I order the two guards behind me. Come with me, I say to Avia before walking out, everyone else trailing behind me.

As I entered into the palace,my cold wind carries my message. Calix and Derek arrived as well.

Anaya came down last, I can understand, she must still be tipsy from the liquor.

I use my powers to lift her and bring her faster down. I send cold winds into her body to make her sober.

Why did you summon us Darren and what is this thief doing here? Anaya asked and my anger starts to resurface.

Why did you call her a thief Anaya? Derek asked her, anger laced in every word.

She stole my family's heirloom, our Neel diamond necklace! Anaya answers back and I could feel the tension in the air.

What rubbish! Derek yells angrily and Calix held his shoulder to calm him down.

It's not just an accusation. Ask Lauren. We found the necklace in her room while carrying out a search, Anaya said and Lauren nodded in affirmation.

I could feel Avia's heartbeat double and her fear is making me more angry about this situation.


Enough! Darren says and immediately everyone kept mute. Did you steal the necklace? He asks Avia and she shakes her head in denial.

How dare you? Are you implying that Lauren and I are lying? You little wretch! I yell and use my powers to push her but it disperses before it can even reach her.

Darren is once again protecting this girl. Don't do something you will regret later Anaya, he say to me.

Let's see the heirloom in question, he says and I bit my lower lip slightly. I lead everyone to my room and brought out the chest that contains the diamond necklace.

Is this where the necklace is kept? Darren asked and I nodded in affirmation.

Avia, try to open it , he said and Avia sheepishly walked up to the chest to try and open it and it almost burnt her hand.

You can see clearly now, there is no way Avia would have been able to steal it because I know that your family heirloom is kept safe in a magic chest that only your family or those given permission can open.

So this proves that Avia didn't do it. I expected such a mistake from Anaya but not you Lauren, Darren says and I could see the remorse in Lauren's eyes.

I'm sorry Avia for the misunderstanding, please forgive me, Lauren says and Avia nodded with her gaze fixed on the floor.

Apologize! Darren says in a firm tone and I know it's directed at me. Sorry, I say reluctantly because I know that Darren doesn't like to repeat himself.

Since your jewelry is back in your possession, I will forget about this mistake, but don't expect me to be so forgiving next time, he says and I noticed his eyes glowing.

Everyone must have already realized that I did this. If I didn't have such a good relationship with Darren, I would have been thrown out of the palace

I had to bow my head in shame all because of that wretch. Everyone walks out of the room, each person giving me a disappointed look.

I feel so belittled!


Darren is tugging at my heart strings. He has once again saved me. He restored my reputation. Even when the chest burnt my hands, immediately I felt a cold sensation on that hand and it cooled instantly.

Today has been quite eventful. I finally put my training into practice on those useless guards. I place my head down on my bed and closed my eyes.

The cloaked creature appeared in my mind and I quickly opened my eyes. Who was that creature? And I could feel his energy lingering around.

Does that mean he is no longer in the cell? I stand up from the bed and follow the energy all the way to the garden.

Suddenly I felt someone at my back and it held my mouth and pulled me into the bushes.