
★ DEAD MEAT.......★


( melting his icy heart...)

Chapter 9❣️10


why the hell did I have to cough? All those peering eyes are all focused on me. Wait a minute, is it a crime to cough? I shouldn't feel embarrassed for coughing. The situation was just bad.

Anaya narrowed her eyes at me with a disgusted look on her face. I felt like gouging her eyes out.

Hey you! Why are you just standing there! Take my bags to my room, Anaya said with a commanding tone and she rolled eyes at me

Sorry but that room is currently occupied by the lady you are talking to Naya, Derek retorted in a mocking tone, and I held myself from laughing at her face

What!!! Why would a maid be staying in my room... wait a darn minute. Does that mean she's been staying on Darren's floor, Anaya seethed, eyeing me like I was a piece of trash.

You can take the room on the opposite side. It's still going to be on that floor so please don't make a fuss, Princess Lauren said trying to calm her down. This so called Anaya is behaving like a pompous brat. The way she is clinging to Darren..... is she his betrothed or something more.

Well it doesn't matter to me..... I hate that ice freak. They both deserve each other.


Who is this wretch? And what is so special about her that she is staying on the same floor as Darren. Isn't she a slave?

I need a personal maid Darren, and I want her to do it, I ask. I need to clear my doubts.

Do what you like, Darren says in his usually nonchalant attitude. I'm somewhat relived. I don't want anyone getting close to my Darren. He belongs only to me.

I know he allows me to behave how I want because we are childhood friends but I want him to see me as a woman. I want his love and attention and I won't rest till I get it.

I only came back to this realm just for him. This girl will suffer in my hands. I don't know why but I don't trust the fact that she's here. I need to find out the whole truth.


Why would Darren agree to her demand. Anaya is a pain in the butt, she's definitely going to give Avia trouble. I feel bad for her. She's the only person I've been able to relate with.* Sigh *


Darren keeps confusing me.I glance over at Lauren. She seems to disapprove of Darren's decision.

This lynx is going to cause a lot of drama in this palace and she already has two people on her side. Derek also seems to have picked interest in her... either that or he just wants to get under Darren's skin.

I choose to remain neutral so that I can calm things down when the situation gets out of hand. Being Darren's right hand just got a lot more tasking.


I pull her bags up to her room. It is by the left while mine is at the right, with Darren's room in the middle.

As I entered, I notice that my room is a little bigger and a lot closer to Darren's room than hers. I could feel my lips curve into a smile but it faded as quickly as it came.

Anaya runs her index finger on the wooden table by the side. I want you to clean every nook and cranny of this room and I want it done in under 10 minutes or you're dead meat, she says in a bossy tone.

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10 minutes?? Really, Well I have nine lives to spare so do your worst bitch. I say in my head trying hard not to roll my eyes at her.

Yes Madam, I reply and immediately she creased her brows, frown lines forming on her forehead.

Did you just call me Madam?? Immediately she raises me up with a spell and I could feel the pressure on my neck.

How dare you address me like that! Henceforth you will address me as MY LADY, do you understand!!!!! She yells.

I nod my head in affirmation and she releases me. I fall hard on the floor and my already wounded elbow bled once more. I held my neck gasping softly for air. I'm sure my face must be red.

She walks out of the room, her boots making a stomping sound as she walked. I slowly get to my feet. With my agility, I think I can do this before 10 minutes but it takes a lot of energy. I look at my bleeding elbow and sigh.

The ice lord and that witch just love inflicting me with pain,don't they.....

I suddenly had an eerie feeling like something was watching me. I turn around but I didn't see anyone. The aura felt dark and disturbing. But it suddenly disappears.

What was that? Maybe it was another supernatural that passed by. I should focus on the task at hand.


As I put the finishing touches on my replica of the palace, I sense Anaya heading to my chambers.

I know why she's here, I was wondering what took her so long. My lips curve into a smile.

She walks in and I look up with a smile on my face. Welcome, please have a seat , I say and snap my fingers. In no time, the maids bring in a tray of biscuits and tea.

Things have changed in this palace since I left, she muttered and I smile before taking a sip of my tea.

The only change in this palace is the presence of Avia, I say without holding any serious expression.

Why is she here and most importantly why is she staying on the same floor as Darren? She asks me... the question I've been waiting for.

Well, from what I know... She used to be a slave of King Barney. She tried to escape during Darren's visit and I heard she also struck him across his face

What!!!! She dared lay hands on Darren and is still breathing?? She exclaims

Darren took her as his slave as a sort of punishment but she isn't ordinary..... she's a lynx, I say and watch her eyes widen.

Does he want to take her heart? She asks me.

I have no idea what is going on in my brother's head.

I'll find out, I will make sure to get to the bottom of this very soon, she says with determination in her eyes.

This is what I wanted, I can't find out what's going on in Darren's mind but I'm sure Anaya can get to the bottom of it.


Finally I'm done and just in the nick of time. Anaya walks in and throws me a spiteful glare. She runs her finger on the table and finds it spotless.

I'm sure she must be upset that I was able to complete the task.

Go and get me some seedless grapes immediately! She says and sits and the bed with her legs crossed.

As I proceed to walk out, her voice stops me. I want it freshly picked from the forest and I want it now! She says and I look out the window.

The sun is already setting, it'll be dark soon, I mumbled under my breath and she glares at me.

What are you waiting for? Go now! She screams and I bow and walk away.

As I walked out the gate, a chilling breeze blew, caressing my body. It was dangerous to go out alone to the forest, much less at night. I have no friends to go with me and I have no say in this palace.

I build up courage and walk towards the forest with hastened steps. The sooner I pick the grapes, the sooner I can return to the safe walls of the palace.

When I finally got to the grape vine yard the sun was almost gone and the moon could be seen already in the sky.

I hurriedly picked the grapes and in my hurry, I ran my hands against the thorns and blood seeped out.

I quickly wiped the blood on my gown and head out of the forest.

I suddenly hear the footsteps of something huge. Heavy breathing and ruffling of leaves. It seems to be heading in my direction. I'm too weak to use my powers, the last thing I need now is a confrontation with a monster.

I quickly hide behind the bushes and held my mouth.

I could feel it's energy and I tried to suppress mine. I peaked through the leaves and a dreadful site greeted my eyes.

It was a ghoul, it was tall and bulky. It had four eyes, two on either side of it's head. It resembled a hyena standing on two legs. It's claws were bigger than mine and looked unkempt. It was the definition of dreadful.

Suddenly it's eyes turned towards my direction. I quickly pull my head back, praying to the heavens that it didn't see me.

To my dismay, I heard it's footsteps walking slowly towards my direction.

I'm dead meat!