
★ ANOTHER LOVER........★


( melting his icy heart...)

Chapter 7❣️8

A dark room with red candles lighting up the place a bit. A witch came into view. She had black hair and long nails.

She was busy feeding on a human heart, blood dripping on her fingers as she took large bites from it.

A troll came in and bowed before the witch. Maleficent, the most powerful and evil witch, please grant me permission to relay a message my queen.

Speak, she said lazily licking the blood that dripped on her hands.

My queen, there is a lynx living in the ice lord's palace, the troll said with his head bowed.

Maleficent's eyes glowed an ominous red. What did you say? How sure are you? If you are relaying false information, I won't hesitate to have your organs for dinner.

Your evilness, far be it from me to deceive you. It is confirmed my queen. She is now a slave to the ice lord and he is very well aware of what she is, the troll said, beads of sweat formed on his face.

Maleficent stood up, a wide grin on her face. I haven't heard such good news in a hundred years, she cackles loudly.

Is my spy still in the palace walls? Maleficent asked.

Yes my queen, they are two currently in the palace ready for your orders, the troll replied.

Good!! Finally, I can become more powerful, I have already used seven lives out of the nine I got from the last lynx I had captured. Plus, her energy would make me invincible. I can finally take my revenge on Darren for what he did to me years ago, she said folding her fist tightly.

Make the spies aware, I want that lynx at any cost!

Yes my queen, the troll said and walked away.


Derek stood in the training arena. He was shirtless sweat all over his body. He was busy training.

Avia was watching from the distance and she was quite impressed.

Will you keep sneaking peeks at me while I train? He asked and faced her direction.

Avia slowly came out of the corner fiddling with her fingers.

I just....um... I wanted to clean up but you were busy so... I wanted to watch, please don't be angry, Avia mumbled.

It's okay, besides it's boring to train by myself, why don't we train together, I mean you are a supernatural right? Derek said and Avia nodded sheepishly.

But I don't know how to use my powers to fight. I've actually never used it until the day I was caught by the ice lord, Avia mumbled staring at the ground.

Hmmm, but you know how to bring out your claws don't you?

Yes I can, Avia replied and brought out her claws.

I heard lynxes have ultra vision and can turn invisible, Derek said.

Wait, really??? I thought my claws and agility were my only powers, Avia mumbled staring at her claws.

Try it, focus really hard and try to see through that wall over there, Derek said pointing behind them.

Avia faced the wall and squinted really hard trying to see through the wall. Her face turned red like a tomato and Derek burst into laughter.

Why are you laughing? It's not easy. Avia scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Such attitude! Derek said and she quickly apologies.

That's fine, I shouldn't have laughed. Your energy must not be concentrated since you haven't used it in a while now. Why don't I train you so you can learn to fight and unlock your powers?

Really!!! Avia squealed happily. I would be really grateful, thank you so much Mr werewolf

It's Derek!

Okay Derek, I'm Avia and I promise to work hard. Thank you, she said and ran away grinning from ear to ear.

So cute! Derek mumbled and ruffled his hair.


Lauren sat down on the dining chair. She was directly facing Darren who was enjoying his meal.

Why did you bring her here? You usually don't do things like this, she asked him.

Stop interrupting my meal and focus on yours, you know I don't like unnecessary questions, Darren said raising his fork from his plate to his mouth.

She's a lynx isn't she? Did you bring her here to take her lives for yourself? Lauren said.

Immediately Darren's eyes turned blue and all the drinks on the table turned to ice.

He stood up and walked away. Lauren sighed, tapping her temple with her index finger.

Calix came over and sat on the dining table. He used his fire powers to melt the ice.

Anaya is coming today! Calix said and Lauren eyes widened.

Today???? Oh my goodness!


Avia was busy sweeping when a car drove into the palace. The driver drove on the pile of leaves and they fell all around, littering the already cleaned areas.

What the hell!! Avia mumbled under her breath.

The car halted and a lady came out of the car. She wasn't dressed like someone from around here. She wore sunglasses, a mini skirt and crop top. She wore high knee boots and held a Gucci handbag.

Avia was totally dumbstruck. She must have come from the human realm, Avia mumbled.

Never a dull moment with Mr p stories on zero seven zero three eight seven four five one one nine

The human realm is separate from the realm of the supernaturals. But humans who were once slaves to the supernaturals were staying in their realm and reproducing. The supernaturals seem to be living in medieval times while humans surrounded themselves with technology.

Although some supernaturals live among the humans, they hide their identities.

Hey you! Come here, the lady said gesturing to Avia.

Avia walked towards her and she threw her beg at Avia.

Take this and follow me, she said and walked ahead.

Avia rolled her eyes and dragged the bag inside.

As she walked in, she conjured up fireflies in the whole palace to announce her arrival.

In no time, Everyone came out to welcome her except for Darren.

Welcome Anaya, how was your trip to the human realm? Lauren said

It was great, the humans sure know how to have fun, Anaya said smiling.

Where is Darren? He should have been the first person to welcome me, she groaned childishly.

Darren walked in and immediately he saw the fireflies he set them ablaze.

Darren! She half yelled and Darren pocketed his hands.

What are you wearing? He muttered as she ran to hug him.

Do you like it? You said it was beautiful when we went on our last trip to the human realm, Anaya said

It doesn't suit you, take it off, Darren said and a mischievous smile cropped on Anaya's face.

Will you help me take it off? She said and Avia choked on nothing.

All eyes went to her as her cough echoed through the room. She covered her face with her hair in embarrassment

Why did I have to cough? She mumbled under her breath.