
Skyrim x Witcher: Tale of Chronicle Explorers

— Excitement courses through William as he looks at the two physical game discs he just purchased. It's been a while since he heard his friends rave about the games, and they've already completed them on their own. Notably, the game itself is already 8 years old. After switching on his computer, his attention wanders to the numerous novels and manga lining the bookshelves, with a particular focus on the sections dedicated to BNHA and AOT. Soon, his eyes shift to the side, where the Witcher 3 game is neatly stored. Once he boots up the computer, he proceeds to install the game and immerses himself in it day and night, taking advantage of the summer holiday. However, on a fateful day, while strolling through the streets of his hometown, he finds his gaze drawn to the sky. A bright yellow light begins to intensify, capturing his attention, and before he can even process a final thought, William engulfed in a sudden cold darkness. — Extra Tags: Slow Paced, Magical Research, Divination, Skyrim, Witcher 3, World Not Revolving Around MC, Friendship, Political War, Minimum Presence of Deity. Possible Future Tags: Adventure, Action, Tomb Diving, High Rock, Nilfgaardian, Historic Perseverance, Developing Own Magic. My main focus in this fanfic is to fleshed-out the lore of both of this franchise (Skyrim and Witcher), and how the culture of these two people there is interacting with one another. If you search for MC that solely focused in achieving divinity, this fanfic is not it. But I also know that I will most likely put disasters upon disasters after another to make the world more interesting. So, even though power level is not my focused, I will still make the MC to improve himself further. As to why he wants to improve himself, that you must read. Since, it counts as spoiler by my standard of seeing things. —   For now, the chapters are shortened to be 1000 words so that I can collect advance chapters. —

swamp_dune_forest · วิดีโอเกม
68 Chs

Possible Path.

If he can sum up what he was doing that allowed him to have deduction that is so powerful, it is that he accidentally made a spell with hand signs as the core mechanic. This leaves him with a bitter taste in his mouth, realizing that he was not able to notice this even though he has always used it since he was just a babe.

Shaking his head because there is nothing he can do about it, as everything in the past is already in the past, William releases his connected fingers and turns to Margarita.

"Thank you, senior, for the guidance. If not for you, I might not be able to resonate my Magicka this quickly."

Smiling, she returned the gratitude with even more gratitude, saying, "No, it is me who needs to be thankful. Talking with you relieves some of this lady's burden. Anyway, come, let's go back to the library. I need to help you find other books that Tissaia wrote."

Pausing, she then continues, "And a couple of other books with different authors that I think will open more of your perspective. It is good for newcomers like you who want to create their own method, you know."

With that, he then starts walking and follows Margarita after taking his two katana leaning against the snowy wall. At the same time, he closes his eyes to enter that state again without using his hand signs, wanting to practice and reduce the time that his Magicka resonates with the surrounding world.

This makes him constantly stumble with another student on the way there, prompting him to apologize again and again profusely. But, what can he say? He is too giddy and excited to finally be able to learn magic and step up the ladder of power level.

So, by the time he arrives at the library, he has already shortened it to just four minutes instead of the fifteen minutes it took in the first try. After talking with the Argonian earlier and wearing the bracelet, he finally enters and strides toward Margarita in the distance, who has already picked up some of the books.

But a couple of steps into that direction, he glances down toward his right hand where the Dimeritium bracelet that he equipped earlier is. Frowning because he can feel that the pores of his skin feel sluggish compared to before, he tries to channel the Magicka to produce a spark of fire.

However, not a second later that he wanted to do that, his blood in which Magicka wanted to flow out of the hands suddenly freezes, unable to travel further. This, in turn, makes his veins all around the bracelet become black. Seeing such a sight and the discomfort that comes along with it, he then stops trying to channel some of his magic.

The black veins return back to normal, and William finally figures out why this metal is the bane of all mages. He thought that only Chaos Sorcerers would be affected by it, but it seems, no, everyone that has anything to do with mysticism is equal in front of this metal.

Tapping the metal, William mumbles and continues his walking, saying, "It's okay. Sooner or later, I will understand everything about you."

It's already been fifteen minutes since William and Margarita started walking around the library, finding every book that will help him reach the Journeyman level. Now, the two of them are engaged in small talk, with Margarita mostly asking him for advice on how to handle the shits that life keeps throwing at her.

This makes it easier for William to steer the conversation in the direction he hopes, that Aretuza and all of its stunning and beautiful inhabitants will not be destroyed. And sure enough, after minutes went by, the poorly disguised rectoress, in terms of being sneaky rather than magical, finally touches on those topics.

Playing with the stacks of books in front of her, Margarita continues to ask, "So then, theoretically, how can she ensure her hundreds of children's safety? Their mansion is the only thing powerful enough to handle the storm. But even then, it was still ransacked by the bandits. And she knows that there will be another bandit attack. So, how? How can I?"

Rubbing his chin and ignoring the sudden change of the third-person perspective, William talks slowly, "Well… I think, the best answer is… abandon that mansion."

"WHAT?! She can't do that! It is her home!"

Looking around them where the students are not bothered by the loud shout, maybe because of the grand Muffle spell that's enchanted within the library, William then prepares for his stage play.

Raising his arms up in the air in exaggeration, he pretends to be annoyed, saying, "Then what can they do? It is not like she can just vanish the mansion into thin air like the Psijic Order did with their island. She is just a normal lady with a lot of money and free time on her hands."

Pausing, William then continues, "Even then, if she somehow manages to become a mage in the short period of time, she too must think about those orphanage children that are disconnected from the outside world."

Frowning with sadness in his eyes, William gives the final piece of advice that is the very best for this beautiful sorceress and all of her students.

"And somehow, if the children agree with her mother, wanting to sacrifice their socialization. Then there is no other choice for her but to become a witch. A witch that lives hidden from the rest of the world and only comes out because she wants to do something. And maybe, she can also teach some of those children to become witches as well. Making them into a group of witches that somehow have their code of conduct."

Chuckling, seemingly amused by the idea, William then continues, "Maybe, in the future, people will see these young children flying through the sky. Hmm, now that I think about it, hundreds of witches popped out of nowhere need to be given a name. Flying Witches? Forgotten Sorceresses? Crones of Mages? Hahaha, the last one is a good one."

Coming out of her deep contemplation, Margarita chuckles and lightly slaps William's shoulders, saying, "Stop it, it's not funny."