
J’zargo Encounter.

After talking more with Margarita about various topics, she finally says her goodbye, leaving him alone with only a stack of books as their remembrance of connection. He doesn't know when he will meet her again, but he is sure it will take a long time.

Thanking the Rectoress of Aretuza from the bottom of his heart for guiding him to have the right perspective to start his arcane journey, he then starts bringing the stack of books to the librarian's counter.

But after knowing that he needed to pay Septims if he wanted to borrow all of these books, William decided to place them back on the shelves. The reason is that he needs to be frugal in his spending and doesn't have the luxury to even pay for anything that is not related to his survival or the core expenditures of his study. Moreover, he can always go back to the library if he forgets the material that's in those books.

So, after writing on the piece of parchment that was bought from the Argonian about all of the books and author titles, he placed all of them back into the shelves and walked out of the library with his two katana strapped to his waist and his knowledge increasing.

Walking towards the front of the lower-level castle, William then starts practicing to enter that state again where his Magicka is resonating with the surrounding. Until he is able to just do it by the time his eyelids close completely, with the end goal of hoping that he can do it even when his eyes are open.

"State of Resonance" is what he will be calling it from this point onward. Even though many authors and people who have similar methods, such as him, have already given it names like "Observing the Law" by many Scholars of Julianos or "Linking to Aetherius" by Irlav Jarol in his books, Margarita suggested that he name it for himself.

Because she told him that it will train his mind to make a habit of modifying or creating something new, instead of just blindly following what others are saying. So that later down the line, he is able to develop an entirely new method from start to finish to advance his arcane abilities, in the hope that he may be able to create an entirely new school of magic.

With one such example being Azra Nightwielder, the pioneer of Shadow Magic, that Margarita told him about to motivate him to create his own. Even though it makes him cringe, seeing her treating him like a child, William still acknowledges the effort to broaden his horizon.

But he knows it will take unyielding dedication, persistent effort, and enormous talent to do it. Because not just anyone can create their own school of magic, as history tells the hard, cold reality that it will only fall between Alteration, Restoration, Illusion, Destruction, Conjuration, and Mysticism created by the Psijic Order.

With the last one on the verge of being absorbed by other schools of magic, given the ambiguous nature of the spells that can be categorized with any other of that school.

Arriving at the front of the castle after crossing four long halls, William sees Za'bil talking with a Breton that he assumes to be the replacement for him. Not far from there, stood another Khajiit very similar to what is portrayed in the game, eating some kind of chocolate cupcake, waiting for his brother to finish what he was doing.

Walking closer toward them, and thinking about an appropriate word to say as an introduction, William doesn't need to worry because the chattery box Dragonborn comes to the rescue.

"Ah, his junior William! Come, come, let Za'bil introduce you to his brother!"

With extra hand movements that are too excessive even for him, Za'bil introduces him, "J'zargo, this is William. William, this is J'zargo."

Looking him up and down, the Journeyman who dabbles in the school of destruction says with an intimidating demeanor but fails miserably considering the chocolate still plastered on his mouth.

"Another new Aspirant wanting to become a mage, yes? Tell him, did you already sense the Magicka?"

"Brother! That is not—"

"Yes, I have. I got some help from one of the passing seniors in the Arcanaeum."

Now, that revelation makes both of them surprised. For one, J'zargo is not expecting much from the newcomer, while Za'bil knows it's just four hours since he met William, and he has already made this much progress.

"You have?! Wow, you are talented! It's only this morning that you came to this College, and yet you already can sense the Magicka! Good job, William!"

"Quarter day, huh? Impressive. But not as impressive as J'zargo. He only does it in under an hour."

Just chuckling, William then starts his conversation with Za'Bil while the three of them walk out of the castle. After talking quite a bit, he finally learns that the mansion he will be staying in is owned by Anna Henrietta, the princess of Toussaint.

The members of the study group are close enough that Anna has entrusted the mansion to them. Moreover, with her luxurious wealth, Za'bil is sure that she would not mind if William lives there, judging by how the Khajiit has the mansion key and full access to the servants there.

"Wait. You both will not stay in the mansion?"

Stretching his head in embarrassment, Za'bil answers, "Well… Yes. It is easier to stay in the Hall of Attainment. He can fortify his Magicka and do experiments there much faster. So, yeah, we will not stay at Anna's mansion."

Finishing wiping his mouth, J'zargo chimed in, "It is okay, Aspirant, don't be jealous. You will soon enough reach his Journeymen level, it only takes four years."

Ignoring the smug undertone coming from J'zargo, William points forward, "Is that the mansion?"

A very big mansion in the distance that does not lose out to the Jarl's longhouse, with a snowy mansion grounds that stretches for hundreds of meters, is what he sees. While he usually takes in the sight and enjoys the view, his gaze couldn't help but focus on the many Khajiit caravans that are stationed in that courtyard.

"Huh? Aunty Ezabi already came back from Toussaint?"

Chuckling maniacally, J'zargo takes out another cupcake from his bag, "Hehehe, yes… with a lot of sweets this time. And he himself already secured all of this Chocolate Soufflé. J'zargo wonders if all of the other members finished with their choice of dessert."

With a complexion of terror, Za'bil shouts his indignation, "YOU CHEATING BASTARD!"

Running on all fours with Alteration added on top of that, William sees his new friend zipping past them like an overpowered cheetah into the mansion. At the same time, he rubs his ears from the lingering shout, glad that it's not a Thu'um. Well, almost a Thu'um, now William can feel the magic in the air that travels with the shout.

"Hehehehe. Come, William, let's enter the mansion. The feast will not wait for us to be ready."

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