
Sky Storm

Wolf_Knight · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 2

They asked who I was. In the end I said my names is Stromy. But their time was up. I was spouted to question them not the other way around. "Why are you doing around here!" I asked. Finally one of them said they were doing some training before the competition to get into a top school and that they would only take five students this year. My final question was how they had gotten there. They said that they had gone wording and ran into these part unintentionally. I told then to leave and never come back. They ran away without looking back. 

I wonder if they saw my hair something alike. I hope they didn't realize who I was. I could get into so much trouble then. I went back to the treehouse and layed down. I looked up into the sky. I could the stars brightly. I was there for awhile and then I thought about what my parents had told me about this morning. " EVERYTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE " they said. "YOUR GOING TO GO SOON" they said. Maybe I should go to the competition and get into that school. I heard that they had a good school and one could study swordsman and magic. I also heard that the students get to go on adventures as part of school. And one could learn to tame wild creatures.

 I opened my eyes and thought for a minute about what my parents had told me. I don't want to leave and not just because I will miss home but the reason that I will leave is honorable I don't even want to think about it now. The school competition is less than a week. By then I should be able to get ready for it. I need a new sword and clothing and maybe a cloke. I got up, it was late and I should go back home before someone sees I'm gone.

 I left my sword and put on my clothing again. Then I ran off into away and past the wall. I jumped into my bedroom window and thankfully no one saw me. As I closed the widow I looked up into sky at star one more time before I went to bed and closed my eyes. I had a dream that night I was off on a journey. I thought that I could do anything. But when I woke up it was all gone. It was nothing more than just a dream. 

That is when I had made up my mind. I will go and show them what I'm made up of. I got ready early that day. My parents wanted to talk to me about my feature and how it would all change. My parents think it would be for the best but I don't think so. I thought that before I went to talk with me parents. I looked through my thing and found some useless things around my room. I thought that if I could them I could buy some clothing. I also thought that I could get any money to have made a sword for me in the esque that it would be a present for one of my sisters. But before I could sell it I would have to go through today and wait for dark to go out.