
Sky Storm

Wolf_Knight · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

But before I could sell it I would have to go thought the day and wait for dark to go out. I went to speak to my parents and told me in more detail what would happen. They stated by telling me that I would meet someone in a couple of days. They said it was very important that  got along well with him and that I should be kind and show him around when he came. As soon as that me parents told me to leave and so I did. 

I went out into the garden. The garden was beautiful and full of flowers. I sat down on the grass in the middle of the garden. I saw bruds and other small creatures. Then I heard a weird sound. I went up to the wall to see if I could hear. I heard nothing for awhile. I pulled myself up to see what I could see. I saw a creature running by and after it was a young boy around my age. I got down so no one would see.

I ran into my room and without a world I watch as he went after the creature. He had a sword in hand a shield in the other the shelf had the symbol of the fire kingdom it was weird could this have been the people who my parents were telling me about. It couldn't have been they said they won't be here for a couple of days. In a blink of an eye the creature and the boy were gone far ahead. I thought all well it can't me. The next thing I know my sister came in. As she came into the room I could tell she was in a heart. She said to get ready for the guest and to came quickly. She also said that it was very important and that I should wear my beat dress. Then she left and closed the door behind her. 

I went through my dress and found my white and light blue dress. I put on the dress and then brushed my hair. I went down stairs. When I got outside I saw the boy from before but now he was somehow different. He was dressed like a royal. He Had light red hair and his suit had the fire kingdom symbol. Next to him were his parents. They were dressed nicely and were greeting us nicely. Then they announced their name "KING AND QUEEN OF THE FIRE KINGDOM". Then there son "THERE SON PRINCE OF THE FIRE KINGDOM". I was so surprised why didn't my parents tell me. They sat across my family my parents dismissed my sisters. 

Then after they left they told me to show the prince around the castle. I showed him the in and outs of the castle. I showed him the garden and we walked around the castle wall. He asked me some questions like my age and about my family and kingdom. I answered him with a smile after all my parents said to me nice and to him. I don't know how important he can be to family and kingdom. Later I went back to my parents and the king and queen of the fire kingdom along with their son. I went back to my room closed the door and went fast asleep.