
Sister's Best Friend

"I have to kiss my best friend this Friday!" "You mean OUR best friend?" Who knew that one show could change the whole show? All these years, Taylor had always viewed Joey like a brother, never a lover. He was her and Eleanor's (Taylor's twin sister) best friend since preschool. Will they only remain as best friends? Or will a simple school play change their perspectives, or maybe..feelings?

allen_stories · วัยรุ่น
28 Chs

Chapter 22

"I just wanted to see you," Joey states.

"Well, you didn't have to. I'm busy," Taylor says, shifting her vision back to her history book.

Joey sighs. It's obvious that Taylor is still mad at him about last night, yet he wasn't gonna let that go on any longer. Knowing well where his mistakes lies, Joey didn't want his friendship with Taylor to just "die" because of his stupid doings. By that, he told himself this morning that he wanted to make things clear with her, and also apologize.

Despite her ignorning his presence, Joey pulls out a seat across Taylor. Her eyes not for even a second leave her history book. Just by looking at her reading, he knew his presence really interrupted her reading. She doesn't look concentrate at all, even though she only has her eyes on the book.

"I'm sorry," Joey says. Though his apology probably sounds pathethic enough, he didn't intended for her to pity him. He just wanted to simply apologize.

Taylor didn't bother to answer. She just stayed silent. Her hazel eyes only focused on her history book, while her thin lips kept sealed, not letting out a single word.

Looking at her cold response, which Joey thought wasn't even a response, made him feel frustrated. He felt stupid for creating a messed up situation, but realizes that he couldn't force Taylor to forgive him if she doesn't want to. In the end, he had to take consequences for his actions, even if it includes having to deal with his broken friendship with Taylor.

"Look, I know I really messed up. I don't expect you to forgive me, since I am not justifying my mistakes," Joey says. "Take care, Tay."

With that final word, Joey stood from his seat and walked away, leaving the quiet library.

When he finally disappears out of sight, Taylor puts the book back on the table. She turns her head to look at the library door, knowing that Joey had left. Though she remained silent while he was talking the whole time, deep down she felt a stab in her heart when he walked away after saying his last words. Even though she is still mad at him after what happened, yet avoiding him didn't seem to make her feel any better. When she ignored him, it was because she was upset with him, but she wasn't even happy after doing it. Deep down, she wished for things to go back to the way it was, though it seemed impossible.

If what happened last night never happened, would things still be ok between us? Taylor thought.

A few hours later, after school...

At the soccer field...

Eleanor stoods in the middle of the soccer field after the final bell rang. The field is quiet, with no one around. Most of the students are already at the hallway exiting school, and that's why Eleanor chose this as the place for her to talk with Joey. She wants to have a special talk with him today, which involves the status of their relationship.


Eleanor turns her head to see Joey approaching her. She stood while staring at the young boy, with a bright smile already written on her face.

"Hi," Eleanor says. Her gaze shyly shifts away from Joey, but her smile remains.

"So..umm..what did you want to talk about?" Joey ask, though he had a feeling it was gonna be something that could turn into a possible drama. Yet, he had to face it.

"Oh...yeah," Eleanor says. She nervously turns her head away, struggling to let out the words she wanted to say to him. Turns out it's more difficult than what she expected.

Joey stood in front of the nervous Eleanor, waiting for her to say what she wanted to say. While at the same time, Joey had also prepared what he wanted to say to Eleanor, but rather chose to let her speak first.

"I hope that whatever happens, it won't affect on what we have now," Eleanor says. "Can you promise me that?"

"Sure, El," Joey says casually. Of course he thought it wouldn't be such a hard thing.

Eleanor takes a deep breath. She then stares into Joey's eyes in the process of gaining the courage to say what she wanted to say, in which he stares back.

"Joey, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

As expected, Joey had a feeling that this was what Eleanor wanted to say. By that, he wasn't too surprised. He knew that the kiss they had on Saturday night probably had an affect to this, and that he had to clear things now. It's bad enough that his relationship with Taylor went on bad terms. He doesn't want to ruin another friendship, especially with Eleanor.

"I'm sorry, El. But now, I don't want to change what we already have," Joey says. "You, Taylor, and I, we are all friends and I don't want to ruin anything about it."

"Why ruin? We can always give it a try," Eleanor says with a curious tone.

"Everything changes when positions change. Believe me, I don't think I could be a good boyfriend," Joey says, which he felt was true. Remembering the mistakes he made to the twins made him doubt himself if he was ready to be a boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, El," Joey says.

Eleanor sighs. Deep down she's hurt at his answer, but knew that she couldn't force him after he already gave her the answer to her question. Disappointed, but Eleanor knew that if to be lovers was impossible, it's good enough that they are already friends since younger.

"Ok, Joe. I understand," Eleanor says. "Thanks for your honesty."

"I hope this doesn't make things awkward in the future," Joey states. He is a bit afraid that his answer would eventually have an affect on his relationship with Eleanor.

"Of course not, Joe," Eleanor says. "Besides, didn't you promise me just now that no matter what happens it won't affect on what we have now?"

"Of course, El," Joey says. "Things won't change."

Eleanor gathers courage to form a small smile. A smile that she had gathered the courage to do so. Even though she was upset that Joey didn't want to be more than friends, for her it was enough that they are already friends.

To be continue...