
Siphon -The Flash

That night, the particle accelerator exploded, and the world changed. A realm unknown to humanity emerged—it was the era of dark tidings. On that very night, a lonely soul drifted to Central City, left alone shivering in the cold night. It was the very same night when Caitlin Snow lost her fiancé, but also managed to find someone else. This is the story of how Nathan awoke with no memories prior to this, possessing new powers in a strange world. [⚠️Due to the misleading tone of the synopsis, many people have assumed that MC and Caitlin are a thing. They aren't, and if it's any consolation, they are never going to be.⚠️] --- [Cover is A.I generated and edited by myself.] [Current update rate is: 3/week; will increase in the near future]

Drifting_Embers · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
17 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Awakening

To Nathan it was all over in a burst of light, the feeling of light weightedness and then cold. The road he lay on was as cold as ice and he shivered, his eyes split open to take in the darkness drowning the whole city.

'Where am I? Who am I?,' The questions would remain unanswered for Nathan found not a single soul near him. He knew not the cause of his predicament neither the solution. So, he curled his naked body like a turtle to shield himself from the unnatural cold.

The time seemed to pass unnaturally slowly as he waited for the images to disappear. Of light sweeping through the cosmos erasing everything that ever came across its path. He had no idea of what it was, but it seemed something terrible and probably the cause of his amnesia.

Nathan groaned, his gut suddenly issuing a painful sound of hunger. The pain wasn't normal though, Nathan thought, as it seemed to burn a hole in his body.


That's what Nathan felt burning inside him. The cold chill lingering not any longer as he felt boiling hot magma seemed to course from his brain to his body. Nathan wanted to scream, to call for help but his body refused to listen, laying limp on the cold hard concrete as he spasmed and twitched like a fish on the frying pan.

He thought he heard something but the voice was lost on him, as his consciousness grew hazy and he found himself drifting in the darkness.


To Caitlin Snow the day had been the most terrible one ever. She had lost everything, all in a single night. Her reputation, her career, and most of all her fiance. Even hours later Caitlin stood still as a stone gazing at the blast door in the core chamber. Her gaze vacant but not a single tear left her eyes.

Sometime later, the cold doctor left the building and made her way back home. She didn't take her car and instead walked on the road feeling the cold breeze brushing against her skin.

Suddenly, in the distance a light seemed to shimmer and she stopped in her tracks trying the discern the hard-to-see silhouette of a person. Feeling that she might be needed, the ever kind but cold doctor almost ran towards the neede.

There lying on the road was a young man, his body naked and spasming in uncontrollable intensity. The nakedness of the man didn't phase the professional doctor who tried to yell and hold the man. It seemed to have worked or maybe something else did, as the man suddenly fell limp on the ground, unconscious.

"What to do now?" To Caitlin, the logical solution was to take the man to to the hospital but she had seen a sort of luminous glow shinning all around his skin. She wasn't sure the hospital could help. Thinking of this, she made up her mind.


The everlasting darkness consumed everything within, drowing and lost for all eternity. Suddenly, Nathan found himself drowing within this very same darkness. It was weird feeling of falling and remaining standstill. The concept of direction had no meaning, and neither did time or space as he seemed to have spend an eternity and yet infinitely small amount of time here.

It started with a glow that grew brighter, like a beacon of hope, the shining star burning a whole through the veil of darkness. He gazed at the ball of glowing light, a mix of colors blending into perfect white and growing ever the bigger as he drew near.

Soon his vision had all but a single object to gaze upon, the star seemed to expand for infinity and Nathan lost himself within it. There was no heat as he expected just a soft sensation, as if he were in sauna taking the time of his life.

His body seemed to glow and take in more of the brightness and something within him clicked and Nathan woke up.

It was no longer the cold hard concrete and he was no longer the naked man. Nathan found to his bewilderment that he lay on a bed–not the hospital one–and he wore a silky pyjamas underneath the quilt that lay draped over him.

"Oh, you are awake." The clear crisp sound caused him to turn to look toward the door, where a blonde woman stood with a tray in her hand.

"Who are you?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. He needed to know.

Caitlin paused for a moment before putting the tray on the bedside table, and said, "My name is Dr. Caitlin Snow, I work at the S.T.A.R labs."

"Now, who are you?" Her eyes fixed on him and Nathan felt something in them, but he wasn't sure what.

"I... I don't know, I don't remember -?" He grabbed his throbbing head as he tried to remember but to no avail.

"Don't try too hard, it seems you are suffering from PTA." The doctor grabbed his head and Nathan let go, feeling the pain leaving his head. She asked, "At least, do you remember your name?"

He paused for a moment and thought and then it came to him, "I think it's Nathaniel, Nathaniel Williams."

"Well how about some breakfast first, before we assess your situation." Suddenly a plate was shoved on his lap and Nathan found himself growing hungry looking at the steaming hot coffee and bread.


After an hour of getting to understand the situation better, Caitlin came to understand that the man infront of her really didn't remember anything. Nathaniel as it seems to have forgotten everything but his name and she didn't think it a coincidence that it happened on the accursed night that the particle accelerator exploded.

Despite the fact that she held no responsibility for the cause of the explosion, the doctor deemed it necessary that she take care of this person who had lost his own identity partly due to her.

In the end, she convinced the young sandy blonde haired man to come with her to the star labs. After all, the only person she thought would be help was Dr. Harrison Wells.

Nathan had readily agreed after she assured him that she will help find his past. The duo left early in the morning to meet the infamous Dr. Wells who lay in the central city hospital where they met Dr. Ambers. After learning of the fact that Harrison Wells has lost his legs and was to remain a cripple all his life, Caitlin felt a conflicting feeling rise within her.

"So, who is this Dr. Wells?" Asked Nathan as the two moved through the hallway.

Caitlin looked back at him, trying to discern if he was lying, she couldn't so she answered, "Currently the most hated man in the Central City, thanks to whom many people suffered a loss."

"Do you hate him too?"

"I... I think this is it, let's go inside." She knocked on the door twice and they moved in with Nathan following a step behind.


"Harrison Wells" glanced outside the window, watching the morning sun rise through the clouds to announce the beginning of a new day, or for him the beginning of his plan to go back home. Today all he felt was happiness, yet at the same time he cursed the fate for giving him the best chance to end his greatest enemy yet leaving him with nothing to do.

"Fate..." He scoffed. Time will come when The Flash will die by his hands, he will make sure of it.

The knock followed by the screeching of the door opening made him turn his head towards the newcomers. "Dr. Snow, what are you doing here? You should've stayed at home."

He watched as Caitlin entered followed by someone that he didn't recognise. "And this is?"

"Hello, Dr. Wells. I heard the doctor say about your legs, I am sorry." She had a hint of frostiness in her voice but he didn't miss the concern.

He smiled, taking his glasses off, "This is what I've brought on myself, Dr. Snow. It is my retribution."

Caitlin moved to the side taking a glance at the sheets covering his legs, then said, "I know this is not the best time or place to talk about this matter, but I think that Nathan here, might have suffered some sort of amnesia due to particle accelerator explosion."

Wells stilled and looked back at the man who looked around him as if seeing something for the first time. His thoughts churning, he said, "Mr. Nathan, do you not recall anything of your life."

That seemed to have caught the young man's attention as he jerked his head toward the doctor and said, "Oh, apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Nathan by the way. I have heard somethings about you."

"Well, nothing good I presume." He shook the man's hand and asked once more, "So what is it that you think I can help with Dr. Snow?"

After Caitlin explained the general circumstance, and asked him to help find Nathan's identity, Wells fell in deep thought. "It's not that I don't want to help, but such matters should be left to the police. My help wouldn't prove substantial in that regard."

Caitlin seemed to have expected him saying so she quickly stated, "If it were just that, I wouldn't have come to you either. However, yesterday when I found him, I saw him glow; like literally give off the light."

"Wait! I did?!" Nathan asked in shock.

Wells also stopped in his tracks and after a moment of consideration he said, "So what you are saying is that he might have been affected by the particle accelerator, is that it?"

"Yes." She confirmed.

Nathan stood still at the sidelines watching the exchange as if the matter had nothing to do with him. Clearly the two seemed to not regard his existence and instead talking in some scientific lingo that he was somewhat able to understand, which confused him further.

After a lengthy discussion, Wells had agreed to help Nathan himself. As it was, it would clearly take him more than a few days to be discharged from the hospital and S.T.A.R labs was still undergoing cleaning process.

In the mean time Caitlin agreed to let him stay with her. Nathan feeling that it was best to follow the duo's instructions for the time being decided to live with her.

Despite having been grief stricken, Caitlin had taken him to shop once more, urging him to buy a few pears of undergarments. It was a good thing that she had a few clothes of her deceased fiance which more than fit him.

Just like that Nathaniel Williams started living the life he would have never expected, except that he didn't know that.

Authors Note:

A few things to note: Now I don't know if after the S.T.A.R labs explosion the employees had stayed behind to clean up the mess or left to tend to their physical and emotional wounds; for the sake of the plot I'll just have Caitlin be the one to leave after Dr. Wells was taken to the hospital.

Caitlin not taking Nathan to the hospital was in part to due his situation not being as threatening as one would expect, another due to him glowing like a lantern fish. But mostly it was for the sake of plot.

Why take him to Harrison Wells? Now Caitlin might harbor resentment towards the doctor but doesn't mean she loathes him such. In her opinion, having Wells check up on Nathan would be better.

Overall certain parts lacked cohesion, somethings felt forced but it was all for the sake of plot development. I can't promise you a great fic, but I will do my best to keep work as good as possible. For that I need your support; drop a kudos if you are on AO3, bookmark and like if you are on Scribble Hub. That will be all for this chapter.