
Chapter -1

In a small house , everyone was waiting for breakfast to be served as it was past breakfast time when a girl in her teen came with the breakfast and start serving.

" why is breakfast so late ? See because of you your brother and father are late for their work . They have an important meeting and you ruined their morning, if something bad happened today then see what I'm gonna do to you . " a women in her thirties warned her.

" Mom...i.. Also..have exam today ." the girl said hesitantly.

" so what ? " said her mom.

" why do you hate me ? what have i even done wrong . I always did what you told me to the point that i don't even know what are my likes or dislikes anymore in hope that one day you'll love me too like you love brother but all i get is hate and just hate ." she said raising her voice a bit high being emotionally overwhelmed.

" siya! don't you dare raise you voice on you mother. This girl really is a bad omen ruined our mood in the morning itself . God know what'll happen in the day ." said her father. She ran picking her bag out of the house to school with tear in her eye but as soon as she was exist her house she got hit by a car . Listening to commotion outside her family also came out .

I was laying on the road unable to move . I can feel liquid maybe my blood around me . My eyes scanning people that surrounding me searching for my family in hope that atleast now they'll show some concern and care to me but this hope was also broken when i saw them standing their having only hatred and disgust in their eyes. With my broken hope my eye started to get heavy ' finally it's the end ' with this thought my eyes closes for eternity.


Far away from here, a beautiful palace was in choes as their empress has being in labour for hours and still their were no sign of child being born any sooner . On top of every things non of the imperial family is in palace . After what feel like eternity cries of a baby were heard from the chamber and everyone sighed in relief.

I was floating surrounded by darkness. I could feel the pain by every second it was increasing but why was i still feeling pain didn't i died if not then a...i couldn't thinks more pain is too much to bare . All i want is to be out of here God please you never listen to me but please for once let me out of here i can't take it anymore . soon a ray of light surround me and the pain was gone . Cries of a baby can be heard maybe someone's baby was crying but who cares all that matter was my pain has gone and i was at warm place my eyes were still close but i could hear people talk with joy and could feel a hand caressing my head but Who would do that i don't have anyone you care about me . I want to open my eyes to see but was too tried and sleep win over my curiosity.