

Roger Desilva. My old customer was thrusting me from the back. I was enduring pain by closing my eyes, which was a bloody mistake yet again. The same enchanting smile popped up in my mind, which I have been trying to get rid of for the past 5 years, but until today was not successful. Before I could figure out that mingling was different from snatching, it was too late. He came like a wind swift, my world upside down, and vanished without a trace. I became a victim. Do we deserve this? Do I deserve this? I lost everything, but till now I have not been successful in getting rid of his thoughts. For the past 5 years, I have been trying, but he keeps winning when I will finally be free. I can't blame him for sure, but does he have the audacity to ask for my forgiveness at least once? Will he ever show up?

callmepriya · แฟนตาซี
74 Chs


Roger texted me and informed me to clear my schedule this weekend, which was tomorrow; not to forget, I don't have a dam to clear any. By replying as ok, I resume my work. I was happy; it's been a long time since I heard from him. He was caught up with a lot of things, and I get that. Thank God, I needed a break from everything that was going on, and Roger was a perfect diversion.

After finishing my work, I went to my flat, and after chatting for a few minutes with Roger, I was off to bed.

The next day, I went to work. I received a text from Roger saying that he had already arrived and was waiting for me. I tried to finish my work as soon as possible. Around 5 p.m., I left the restaurant by bidding goodbye to David.

After reaching the hotel, I was making my way toward the room, but I found Roger at the door waiting for me with the luggage. What the hell? Please don't tell me he was going back. I need this break for fuck's sake. I received his call a few minutes earlier. What the hell might have happened within a few minutes? "Hey, what's with the suitcase? Are we going anywhere?" "Sorry Gray, not us; I am going. I received a call from my secretary just now; I need to go back. There is some problem with the company I am running, and it needs my attention. I can't ignore it, and it's kind of a major problem. I am really sorry, Gray. I will make it up next time." "Yeah, sure, I guess. Take care then." "You too, Gray; once again, sorry. Bye. I will call you." "Bye, take care."

And that's it; water was poured on my fucking weekend. Roger was gone. What the hell is happening these days? Everything is getting ruined. At least I was lucky in terms of sex, and these days everything turns out the way it turned out with Roger. Is this a bloody coincidence? I pray for it. By cursing, I made my way toward the pub. I can't go this way to my flat without removing my frustration.

I was in the gay pub, sipping my drinks. As I was scrutinizing my surroundings, I could make out that most of the crowd's eyes were on me. I can't be more thankful to the horny bastards than ever. I need to get laid in any case. It's not because I am horny; it's the only thing that keeps me sane, makes me forget everything for a few minutes, and after releasing, I feel brand new and fucking refreshing.

I started receiving drink offers that I didn't deny from anyone. Whenever I was at any pub, I hardly paid for my drinks, a perk of being handsome. After a few minutes, one guy approached me and introduced himself as Martin. Don't bother to give any further details besides your name. In the first place, I don't want to know anything, not even his name. My intention is clear; he has to blow my mind for a few minutes and make me forget everything.

I whispered to Martin what I wanted, and we headed toward the washroom. I really don't prefer making out in the washroom, but today is an exception for everything. As soon as we entered, I was pinged on the wall, he was equally desperate, and Martin started kissing me. His hands were working on my belt and my hands on his pants, and then the door was opened abruptly. We were shocked and gave a pause to everything.

One guy was standing at the door and spoke to Martin, "I am a cop, and you need to come with me. There was a murder at your building; we need you for an inquiry." "What murder? I am not fucking aware of anything." "Come with me, and I will give you all the information you are asking for, and you are the prime suspect." What the hell? I was shocked. "What the hell? What the hell with timing? Give me a few minutes, and I will come with you." "We are talking about murder, and you want to finish your make-out session." By turning toward, me, "You knew him before, and were you involved too?" And that's it. I started sweating; my mood was completely gone. Is this bastard, was a murderer? Wow, thank God I didn't go to his flat when he offered. Damn, what the hell? I explained everything to the cop, and after checking my ID, he left me to go, and yeah, the next thing I knew, I was running from the pub.

When I came outside, no other cops were waiting—not even a fucking car. Has that cop parked his car somewhere else? He is really a cop. Why the hell should I give a dam? I need to get the hell out of this place. After reaching the flat, I took a cold shower, and after having dinner, I went to bed. Damn, that was close. He didn't look like a murderer but looks could be deceiving. In no time, I slept off.

The next day, I went earlier to work than usual. I wanted to tell everything to David. As usual, David came on time and made his way to the kitchen. After finishing my chores, I joined him. "You know, yesterday Roger abruptly left. Before coming and after reaching, he was calling and texting me like 100 times." "If I remember properly, that was not the first time; he had done that before. Why are you pointing now?" "Yeah, but before I didn't feel strange, but yesterday it was kind of strange. The requests on every website have been reduced. I am getting only a few that are from old, horny bastards; at least their age would be above 80. I am not getting what the hell is happening these days." "Of course," "What, what do you mean?" "Nothing go on; what else?" "Yesterday, I went to a gay pub, as I wanted to remove my frustration. I got many approaches and thought of finishing soon, so we made our way to the washroom. We were fucking having a kissing session, and a cop came and took that guy. He was a fucking murderer; can you believe that? Dam, I was lucky yesterday by any chance if I had gone to his apartment." "Yeah, you are." "Hey, what's with that voice? I am bloody serious. You are taking it so lightly. Nothing is a made-up story of mine. Trust me. "I know Gray." "You were not shocked; why so?" "I don't know; I want to be, but I don't know. Trust me." "At least tell me, do you think it's a fucking coincidence? I am not able to digest anything that's going on. I was at least lucky in terms of sex these days; nothing is working, and I am not getting why." "You know, sometimes use your brain less as you are not going to find anything. Concentrate on work. For now, that's the best solution." "Usually in this type of situation, you would give me an offer, right? You would try to utilize it to your best, I mean at least verbally. What the hell is wrong with you and everyone?" "Gray," "Yes," "Please go and continue with your work. The customer would start showing up at any time. "Fine." That came in a harsh tone, and I started cleaning the plates.

I wanted to tell everything Gray; that bastard was probably his ex or whoever was a big lunatic, but that bastard locked me from every side, so spilling anything was not at all possible. I can't help Gray in any way, but I will be on his side no matter what in the future.

I was annoyed by everything that was happening and irritated by David's behavior. I wanted to believe it was nothing, bound to happen someday, but every fucking thing started happening after that bastard showed up. Can it be a coincidence?

When I reached the floor once again, I was enraged. What the hell is wrong with this fucking bastard? Always fucking end up on my doorstep. "What the hell is your problem? Why the hell are you ending up on my doorstep?" I was burning in anger. "What's the matter, not happy to see me?" "Why would I be happy? Are you fucking daydreaming?" "That hurt, you know. Really hurts." With a fucking smile. What the hell? "Like seriously, fuck off from my place. This is my place; don't show up whenever the hell you want." "Why are you mad? If I remember properly from the past few days, I have been a damn good boy." "Whatever you have done in the past will be lost forever, so fucking don't show up. I don't want to see you anymore. Got it," "At least, will you hear me out?" "I am not interested; are you not getting that?" "First hear me out, then I will be on my way. Hardly, it will take a few minutes." "Why the hell are you annoying?" "I am not, but for some reason, you are getting annoyed." That only made me cough. "And do you think I don't have any bloody reason to get annoyed?" "Yeah, there are possibilities." "Possibilities, unbelievable." "Gray, hear me out." "Don't fucking call me by that nickname." "Fine. Grayson, hear me out, ok? First, open the dam door." I was staring at him intensely, and I couldn't hold it for more than a minute. Always, I would be the first to avert my eyes. This was the fucking case from Day 1. Without any other option, I opened the door and made my way to the couch. As usual, he was in front of me only to test my patience.

"Spit it out and get lost." "Oh god, your resentment toward me is killing me." "Are you done? Will you start talking?" "Well, yeah, I have come up with a business deal." "What was your fucking problem? I don't want to associate with you, and you fucking come up with a business deal. Like seriously." "Hear me out, will you?" I made a gesture to go on. I was fucking tired of speaking with him, and it's turning exhausting. I need to save this energy, as he is bound to piss me off." "So, as I was saying, there is a business proposal. Like win-win, both of us." I was not doing anything but sucking up everything. "I am constructing a house—a big mansion. Work has begun way back, but it's taking a long time. I was not getting where the hell this was heading. I was curious and irritated at the same time. So, I was thinking of staying a few months here. I am going to pay rent at 1:10. I don't mind." "Are you done? You got your eyes sight clear right—was there any fucking to-let sign board anywhere? Did I give any advertising anywhere?" "No, I came up with this idea. It's a win-win situation. I am paying you more than the market value of rent." "Are you hearing me? I am not fucking renting my apartment to anyone. If I also think about it, why the hell will I get involved with you again? Are you out of your mind?" "It's a business deal; keep your personal prejudice aside." "Unbelievable. You are the most shameless bastard I have ever come across. Listen, you fucking asshole. There is no to-let sign anywhere. I am not going to rent my apartment. "You got two rooms, one you are using, and your parents' are eloped, so the other room is vacant. No one is occupied; let me occupy; I will pay the rent." "Tell me in which language I should make you understand that I don't want any tenant, not a bastard like you." "Common, the other room is vacant." "Let it be it's fucking my flat and my room." "It's a waste, right? I am going to make use of it. I am not going to stick here for a long period of time. Once the construction is done, I will get going." "Whatever, you will get an apartment or stay in a bloody five-star hotel. You got fucking enough money; why the hell are you bothering me?" Oh god, please get me a break from this bastard.

"Listen, Gray. Sorry, Grayson. If that were the case, I would not bother to approach you, right? Why do I prefer this place? The first point. This is a shabby area, not luxurious, so no paparazzi or any other idiots would bother me. From the first day, these media and paparazzi were kind of tortures, so I needed to avoid them. The second point is that you are getting a handful of money. I am not getting what's the problem over here." 

Trust me, I am exhausted. Done for a few days with this bastard, he drained without fucking doing anything. The AC was still running, but I was sweating, and I was cooling my body using my shirt. "Listen, bastard, if you want any fucking shabby apartment, you will fucking get shabbier than this. You can fucking buy as long as you have enough money and stay over there. Whatever may be the case, it's not my headache. I am not renting my flat, ok? Get the hell out." "Common, only for a few days." "Not even a day I am going to let you stay over here, got it." "Gray, common, I don't want to use any other means. I want to deal directly with you. Don't make me force you." "What the fuck do you mean?" "I want to stay Gray, so I am going to make sure of it; just a few months, think over it." "No, not in any case; get the hell out of here." "OK, if this is your final decision, I will get going. From tomorrow on, be prepared to face the media and paparazzi." "What? Hey, what the hell are you talking about?" "It's been a few years since you were living peacefully, and that will be disturbed from tomorrow." "What the hell are you talking about? What the hell are you planning?" "To give a statement to the media with our picture stating that you are my boyfriend, don't you think it's fucking sensational, and everyone will be behind you? Trust me, every damn individual. What about girls? I am their heartthrob; will they let you breathe peacefully? Oh, not to forget the media; they will suck your blood. And once again, your past will show up. Are you ready for everything, Grayson?" Is he fucking serious? What a heartless bastard! Barely, I am out of the picture, especially from these media. Once again, he was trying to draw attention toward me, and I needed to go through a nightmare. "Are you human or fucking disguised as a monster?" I was fuming, wanting to throw this bastard out of my flat by holding his collar. Why the fuck is he doing this to me? I am fucking minding my business; can't he let me? "Gray, hardly a few months, it will pass in a blink of an eye. Agree to this arrangement." "You can fucking purchase whatever you want. If you want to stay in this apartment, there are so many vacant flats. You can talk to the owner and do whatever you want." "Why the hell will I waste money when you are staying? Also, one room is vacant, and that's sufficient for me. Gray, common, we are not going anywhere encircling, so agree with this. Hardly a few months, trust me, I will be out of your apartment and also of your life." "Why is nothing making any sense? My flat and you are making the decision. How the hell am I going to face you every day when I want to stab you to death?" "You can stab me; I am giving you an opportunity. I don't mind at all, and I am not going to budge from my proposal. So, Gray, what's your decision? Everything is in your favor; what more do you want? Shall I draw the agreement? A few months, Gray, trust me." "What plan do you have on your mind? Are you trying to snatch this flat too?" "No, it's too small; you can keep it." "It's too small and shabby, but you still want to stay over here. Unbelievable." "Sometimes things don't need to make sense, Gray." "Stop using that fucking nickname." "So, shall I draw the agreement? We both can sign it." "Don't draw any bullshit thing and do whatever you want for only a fucking few months." "Yes, only a few months."

I didn't leave with any energy for the day. My energy was successfully drained thanks to this bastard. I want him dead, but I don't have the energy to stab him. Trust me, neither I was able to utter one more word. Facing him started to feel more exhausting and I made my way to my room. I ended up agreeing. Wow, just great. It will be for fucking a few months; still, how the hell am I going to face that bastard?