

Roger Desilva. My old customer was thrusting me from the back. I was enduring pain by closing my eyes, which was a bloody mistake yet again. The same enchanting smile popped up in my mind, which I have been trying to get rid of for the past 5 years, but until today was not successful. Before I could figure out that mingling was different from snatching, it was too late. He came like a wind swift, my world upside down, and vanished without a trace. I became a victim. Do we deserve this? Do I deserve this? I lost everything, but till now I have not been successful in getting rid of his thoughts. For the past 5 years, I have been trying, but he keeps winning when I will finally be free. I can't blame him for sure, but does he have the audacity to ask for my forgiveness at least once? Will he ever show up?

callmepriya · Fantasy
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74 Chs


It's been a few days since the incident that took place at the farmhouse. I have not met Gray. I fear he may kill me on the spot. The rage he is carrying now can compel him to do any damn thing. That doesn't mean I am going to distance myself from him, I need a perfect time to meet him. Other things have already been arranged. I am aware of every goddam thing about Gray, and indeed, I have turned into a stalker.

I was working at the restaurant. It was pretty busy. At noon, we were free. I and David were in the kitchen area. David was preparing the lunch. I felt something was off. Was it only my intuition I was not getting? I started to feel eyes on me wherever the hell I was going, and when I checked my surroundings, I didn't find anything strange. My gut felt something was not right, and I was not able to put a finger on what it was. David was behaving in a different way. I mean, like, a buddy-or-mate way.

This sudden change in his behavior only made me question him directly, so I spoke. "Is everything okay?" He was stirring the vegetables, faced me, and with a smile, he spoke. "Of course. Why would you ask?" "I am feeling that you have changed so." "Again, why do you ask?" "You are not touchy. I mean, you would always find your way to touch or flirt with me, and for the past few days, you have been silent. I mean, you will talk means not flirty way." "Please don't tell me you are missing my touch and flirty behavior." "I didn't mean that way. As I have known you for the past 4 years or so, I am feeling odd." "Are you complaining?" "You know I am not; is everything okay?" "Everything is ok, baby. I have decided to give my 100% to my relationship." "If I am not wrong, nothing has stopped you before. Why suddenly?" "You are complaining. You are overanalyzing, Gray. I want to give my sincere effort to this relationship. Everything is going perfectly; I don't want to ruin anything." "Is that the only reason? If you are serious about this relationship, trust me. I am happy for you, but if you have any other reason, you can discuss it with me." "Of course I will. Trust me, I am serious with my boyfriend. So, yeah, someday everything should be stopped, right? I don't want him to get jealous over nothing." "I get it and am relieved too. I meant to ask this question a few days ago, but I held back. Thank God, it's nothing. I was worried for no reason, and I am happy for you." "Thank you, Gray. I guess someone entered; it might be a customer. Gray, can you take over the table?" "Yes, I will."

With that, I left the kitchen area. A customer walked in and took his place. As usual, I greeted him with a smile and took his order. While I turned my back, he slapped my ass. This was common, so I politely told him not to repeat it, but in return, I got only a smile from him. I made my way to the kitchen and gave the slip to David. David started preparing the order, and within 5 minutes, everything was ready. I took the same order and made my way to the customer. After placing the order in front of him, I was going back to the kitchen, and once again, he slapped my ass. This time I was pissed. "Sir, I told you not to repeat, and please keep your hand with you." In return, he spoke, "How much? I know you and your part-time job. I have come across your profile, so I am here not to eat this shitty food. So how much?" "I stopped dealing with old hags long before, so drop the idea." "You guys are choosy too; unbelievable. Common, I have money, and you are not doing it for free. I can throw you as much as you want on your face. Just quote your rate." "As I said, I have stopped dealing with old hags. Eat your food, pay the bill, and you know where the exit is." "Seriously, you are not only insulting me but also rejecting my offer. You are lucky; I am bloody generous. Why the hell are you playing hard to get card? After listening to the word 'money' you guys should be licking my foot, right?"

This fucking bastard is only testing my patience. I am politely rejecting him because he is a bloody customer. Can't he fucking get lost? "You should get going. There is no need to pay; the bill is on the restaurant." "Common, did I trigger you? I will throw a handful of money; trust me, today I need you." "Hey, old bastard, you are fucking my grandfather's age; get the fucking out of my sight." "Who the hell are you calling an old bastard, you fucking whore?" With that, he started attacking me, and by that time, David and others rushed toward me. Before he could do anything, David threw him out of the restaurant, and I was shocked by everything.

David rushed toward me and started checking on me, "Gray, are you ok?" "Yeah, yeah, I am. This is the first time something like this I have come across, and I am in shock. That's it." "Are you sure? You can take leave and go home." "No, no, I won't. It's ok," He didn't buy my lies but tried to divert my mind. "Come on, let's have our lunch." "Ok." With that, we made it to the kitchen area. That old bastard scared the shit out of me. I am not able to digest the fact that he attacked me without caring about anything in the daytime when everyone was around. Damn, he got some guts.

It was evening, and only I and David were at the restaurant finishing the remaining work. "My boyfriend is waiting for me at the pub; I have to go. Gray, will you be, okay? If you want, I can wait." "Don't treat me as fragile, please; I am okay. Go; hardly it will take another few minutes; even I will get going." "OK, then be careful; call me anytime, ok." "Yes, yes, get going." "Ok, then, bye, take care." "Have a blast at the pub." "You know I will; bye, Gray." "Bye."

I started cleaning the tables. When I was done with that, I started wiping the floor and I heard the door cracking, someone entered, and I fucking remembered that I locked it when David left. What the hell? I was about to scold the person when I saw that old bastard again with a vicious smile on his face. I was dumbstruck. He was old, much older, and he couldn't do any harm to me, but still, I was scared, and I am fucking 26 years old.

He lit his cigarette and was watching me. Still, that vicious smile had not left his face. "You better get the hell out before I call the cops." "Well, common, do you think I will be scared? I will be frequently visiting the prison; one more time, I don't mind at all. Your threats won't work on me. Trust me, young man." "Get out, and I fucking mean it." "You have kept your cell on the charging, to get that, you need to pass me. So, we weren't able to finish what I started. It was a one-time thing you could have given in, right? See, from the time I left, the restaurant was waiting for the perfect time, which I got now. You made me go through so much, and I am old. Do you think it's fair?" He started walking, only making me freak out.

Immediately, I started shouting, and I got a chuckle in response. He didn't panic; his steps were slow, and study. The more astonishing thing was that he was so calm. I was still shouting, and I was not seeing anyone from afar. "I don't care about ending up in jail, but after I am done with you, brat, everything would be easy if you fucking agreed in the first place." I started running but within no time, he locked me and immediately he closed my mouth. His other hand was working on my belt; this is fucking not happening, no, no. Again, the front door was opened, and he gave a pause to his act. We both turned to see the intruder; there were two bulky guys.

These guys came along with this old hag, but the facial expression gave a different meaning. "Who the hell are you idiots? How the fuck did you enter? It was locked. The diner is closed, and we are fucking busy. Get the hell out." "Of course, old man, we need to take you along with us. We want to consider your age and try our best not to lay hands on you, but considering your shitty doing, trust us, we want to beat you to the death." "Are you both done? Now get the fuck out. I paid him." I wanted to protest, but still, his hand was strong in my mouth.

The next thing I knew, the old bastard was on the ground, bleeding. It took only a fraction of a second, or so. Who the hell were these guys? "Are you ok?" I was still too shocked to respond to anything. "Are you ok, Mr.?" "Yeah, yeah, I am fine. Th…. Thank you so much. He, he, told lies." "We know, no worries. We will take care of him. Do you want a ride?" "No, no, I can go by myself." "Are you sure? You are still shocked. We can give you a ride, no problem for us." "No, no, I don't think it's necessary. I can manage." "Well, then take care of yourself, and we will take care of this bastard." "Thank you so much." "Anytime, Goodbye." I just nodded my head in response. What the hell just happened? Today was a fucking lucky day; I didn't stay one more second by grabbing my things and locking the door I made my way to the apartment.

I entered my floor, and one more bastard was waiting near the door. I don't want to deal with two rapists at a time. Fucking showing his face after committing such a crime, he fucking got some nerve.

I didn't acknowledge his presence and started unlocking the door, but my hands were shaking. "Are you ok?" "Fuck off from my sight, I mean it. Don't tempt me to throw you out of the building." "Why are you shaking?" "I am not," "Clearly, you are. Give me the keys." "Hell no, get the fuck out of my site." "Your hands are shaking; give me the goddam keys." With that, he snatched the keys from my hands.

He unlocked the door. I went and sat on the couch, still a bit shaking. Joshua poured water for me. I gulped it down. "Get out. I need to be alone." "Are you ok?" "Whatever, why the fuck do you want? Get the hell out of my flat." "Calm down; once you are stable, I will get going." "Your presence is only making it worse; can't you understand?" "Relax, will you? Give a break to everything; just breathe for a few seconds." I was staring at him, and he was staring back, and I averted my eyes.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes. I felt much better. "Had your dinner? Shall I prepare something for you?" "Get out, I mean it." "Are you ok?" "Please get the hell out. I want to be alone." "OK." He was out of my flat, finally.

Rape is rape, right? How the hell am I not able to hold the same anger on this bastard that I am feeling for that old hag? That old hag only tired; I am feeling like doing every goddam thing, even murdering, but this bastard fucking did rape me, and I am not holding the same grudges. I faced him for at least 10 minutes, and the rage that erupted when I saw him vanished. What the fuck is this? How the hell is this even possible? Did this imply that I forgave him? No, fucking no. Nothing is making sense.

My cell started ringing, "Yes." "What needs to be done with this old bastard?" "Killing, which is suitable considering the thing he was going to do," "He is fucking old; I don't think it's required." "Cut his balls and throw him somewhere far. He should never think of coming back to this city again." "Got it. It will be done." "OK."

How the hell did he survive for five years? He was fucking old bastard, and still, now he has not learned how to defend himself, like in the same old days, typical. I can't let him continue this way need to do something about it.