

Become mine and I will make sure they beg on their knees for your mercy and pity I love you despite your flows and red flags

Ta_Sha_6022 · LGBT+
18 Chs

Chapter 4of100

Kourtney was exhausted when she got back home, earlier when she left Stuart's office, she got a call from an unknown number saying the person would like to meet up with her, at first she didn't want to go but when he said he knew Stuart and would like to talk business, Kourtney called Stuart to confirm and once he told her he could be trusted, she agreed to meet up with the person, Stuart actually arranged him as her manager, when she was done with the paper work and other details, she drove back home," welcome back Mrs Levant." Talia greeted helping her with her bag and shoes," where is mother and father?" Kourtney asked," in the backyard with Miss Samantha." Talia said, it was almost brunch time, Kourtney went upstairs to freshen up, she was about to go to her room when she remembered she asked William to shift all her stuff to Stuart's room, she stared at the closed thick door and wondered if she should go inside or not, after a few thoughts, she just decided to freshen up from her old room before going back downstairs," you're back already?" Mr Levant asked when he saw her approaching the dining room," yes, I only had a few paper works to take care of." Kourtney said taking a seat," where are my manners, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Samantha Dheka, Stuart's childhood friend, and his fiancee..well was his fiancee, till you broke the shocking news of your marriage." Samantha gave a faint smile, but Kourtney could tell it was fake, painful and jealousy, she had no idea Samantha was the girl Stuart was talking about who his parents wanted him to marry, not to mention they have been childhood best friends till now, she now understood why Stuart's mother didn't like her, she already promised Samantha to her son, and finding out that he was already married to someone else who definitely piss her off, Kourtney gave a slight smile pretending all is well," Nice to meet you, I'm sorry that your engagement was cut short, Stuart never mentioned anything of that." Kourtney said calmly, Mr Levant stared at both of the ladies and could sense tension between them," I think we should eat before the food gets cold." he said, they all ate in silence, after brunch, Kourtney continued her paperwork. it was nearly Dawn, Stuart continued handling meetings after meetings, after attending the last meeting with the board directors, he went back to his office leaning in his seat, after a few minutes, his phone rang, swiping the screen he answered," Sir I have news on Miss Grenade's Case." a man's voice spoke on the other side," Stuart didn't say a word, he hanged up standing up, he drove to the coffee house downtown, Stuart went inside and saw a man seated in a far corner, he approached him and sat down," speak." Stuart said calmly, the man brought out a black laptop facing it towards Stuart showing him proof while he explained," as I was going through the internet, I came across a twit of Mike Fred, who is also miss Grenade's Ex boyfriend, I went through his Media and asked one of my men to get into his account, it seemed he was in contact with two men talking to them about Miss Grenade, but I'm not sure quite what they were planning cause the conversation was cut short, he must have called them, I continued going through and came across this number right here 75******63." the man should Stuart the number," I used his number to get in and found a conversation with Miss Grenade." the man opened a conversation for Stuart to read, Mike was complaining to Kourtney that even if they have been dating since high school they still haven't become one, Kourtney wanted to wait till they get married but he wasn't having it, he tried convincing her so many times, he begged and begged but Kourtney stood her ground, he got tired and decided to break up with her on her 23rd birthday a few days ago, I'm still not quite sure how he is connected to this, but I was able to locate the other two men's location." he said giving Stuart a piece of paper, Stuart took the piece of paper and put it inside his pocket," continue investigating him, I will pay a little visit to these two men tomorrow morning." Stuart said standing up and left, it was 11 O'clock when he arrived home, he got out of the car going inside, as he was passing through the living room about to go upstairs, he saw a little figure sleeping on the couch, she was wearing her heavy clothes from this morning, Stuart approached her, carefully gathering Kourtney in his arms and took her upstairs to his room, he laid her down covering her with the sheets before going to the bathroom to freshen up, after freshening up, he laid down to the other side of the bed switching off the bedside lights.

the next morning, Kourtney fluttered her eyes open slowly and was unfamiliar with her surrounding, she lifted her body up scanning her surrounding, the room was much huger than her room, the ceiling was white with a beautiful chandelier, the walls were gray, the bed board was black including the pillows, sheets and blankets, there was a black leather couch to the left side of the room and a veranda that over looked the backyard outside, the floor was made out of pure white marble, Kourtney was now by the texture of the room, it was cold, isolated and carried dark Aura, she could hear drops of water pouring down in the bathroom, as she was trying to process her surrounding and everything, the door to the bathroom swing open and Stuart emerge from the entrance with only a small white towel wrapped around his waist, revealing his upper perfect, well built broad body, with six sexy abs as drops of water dripped from his wet hair, strolling down his chest to his flat sexy stomach and disappeared in the towel, Kourtney was dumpstruck, not knowing whether to look away or not, she was unable to move her body, her eyes unable to look away, Stuart approached her slowly, step by step, each step made her heart skip a beat, it was like she was paralyzed to the ground, Stuart leaned over and touched her chin, Kourtney shivered by his cold touch, her body was so hot that his single touch made her Cool down," are you okay?" she heard him ask," you're sweating, and your body is warm." Stuart added, Kourtney could hear worry and concern in his deep sexy voice, Kourtney's eyes drifted to his wet sweet lips, her breath shallow, Stuart gave a slight smile noticing her eyes on his lips, he wanted to take the lead but held back, he didn't want to scare her away, instead he will let her come to him," you should freshen up, there is some clean towels and robes in the bathroom." he said standing up, when Kourtney held in his wrist, she to didn't know why she stopped him from walking away, her mind and body was telling her not to let him go but her heart was telling her to wait a little while longer, Stuart looked back at her with a questioning raised brow," Uhm..are.. are you going somewhere today?" Kourtney followed her heart instead," I have some work to do." Stuart said simply," but it's a weekend, can't you stay back home? your parents are here remember, there are many workers at the office I'm sure they can handle things." Kourtney said," I'm not going to the office, I have some personal work to take care of, I'll be back soon, I promise." Stuart said, Kourtney stood up heading to bathroom, she took a bath and went back to the room wrapped in a small white towel, Stuart already dressed up in a black suit, a black silk shirt and a black tie, he went all black, every dressing he made said nothing but business, always ready to make deals, Stuart gazed up to Kourtney scanning every inch of her perfect half naked body, her smooth thighs and legs, her smooth gorgeous shoulders and arms, everything about her was perfect, as if the earth just decided to sit down and create this beautiful magnificent creature through sands of gold, Kourtney tightened her hold on the towel, her cheeks burning a bright red not knowing where to look or go, Stuart snapped out of his daze clearing his throat," I'll be waiting downstairs." he said before leaving the room, Kourtney took a breath of relief going to the dressing mirror, she moisturized her skin, going to the dressing room and picked out a pair of blue jeans and a simple black t-shirt, she dried her hair and tied it into a ponytail before going back downstairs," Good morning Mrs Levant?" Kate and Talia greeted," good morning?" Kourtney smiled back, William gave her a slight warm smile, Talia served them breakfast, toast, vegetable salads, mixed fruit salad, scribbled eggs, orange juice, coffee and bacon, Stuart just took a cup of coffee and was about to leave, when Kourtney stopped him," you had nothing to eat last night, at least have some toast and bacon." she said," thanks, but I intend keeping my body physic." Stuart said simply," that's why I added vegetable salads and fruit salad to the Menu." Kourtney took the bowl salads and served him," Kate, please bring me the vegetable soup." Kourtney said, Kate went to the kitchen and brought a bowl of warm vegetable soup, Stuart gave a slight smile that disappeared in an instant, after finishing up he finally stood up to leave, Kourtney escorted him to the door," come back home soon." she said staring into his dark shinny eyes, Stuart placed a soft kiss on her forehead before leaving, Kourtney widened her eyes slightly, she did not see that coming, his lips were slightly cold but warmed up her entire body, she touched her forehead as she watched his car accelerate away, after a few minutes Stuart's parents descended the stairs and Samantha followed behind after a few seconds," good morning, father, mother, and Samantha?" Kourtney greeted," good morning my dear." Mr Levant smiled," where is Stuart?" Madam Levant asked," he had some work to do, so he left early." Kourtney answered," Work? on s Saturday morning?" she raised a brow," well yes, but you do not worry, he will be back soon." Kourtney said," how disappointing, if I didn't knew Stu better, I would say he was avoiding me, but no.. for him work always comes first, even for his own wife." Samantha said calmly, but her last words were sarcastic and teasing, but Kourtney wasn't going to be enraged by her this morning," I think we should all have breakfast before it gets cold." Kourtney said simply," good idea I'm starving." Mr Levant said going to take a seat.

In a shady bar downtown, William and two other men in Black entered the bar, this place was known for it's bad behavior, shady deals and bad guys with ill intensions come here, William called out to a young woman using his two fingers," how may I be any of use to you handsome?" she gave a seductive smile, William whispered some words in her ear and brought out a stash of cash in his jacket pocket before leaving the place, the woman took it, and approached the two men sitting on the far corner of the bar," hello there boys, would you like a free ride? I'm all yours." she smiled sexily, the two men shared a dirty look before standing, the woman led the way leaving the bar and went to the motel across the street, she led them to the room upstairs, she stayed behind a little and once they were inside, she locked the door behind and ran away," hey what the hell are you doing?" they banged the door," I prefer silence." a deep deadly and dark voice spoke from behind, the two men turned around and saw a tall charmingly man sited in a far corner, they knew who he was and the power he holds on the palm of his hands, what they did not understand is what they did wrong? the first man swallowed hard before speaking," we..do.. do not understand anything Mr Levant, did we wrong you in any way?" he asked trembling, Stuart stood up approaching them step by step," not me, but someone close to me, someone precious to me." he said to them, but they looked clueless and lost, Stuart sighed before punching one across the face, the man groaned painfully touching his face," 4th August, in New Orleans, remember that night? you took a young woman's innocence, ruiled her entire life, her career and reputation, does that ring a bell." Stuart grabbed the other man's neck," please don't kill us, we..we were only following orders." Yet you found pleasure in it." Stuart tightened his hold," I will tell you the man's name if you please spare us." the other side frightened for his friend's life, Stuart finally loosened his hold," speak." he commanded," it..it was a man very close to her, Miss Kourtney never agreed to sleep with him, she wasn't ready yet and our boss was sick of her excuses, so he payed us to kidnap her that night and take her to an abandoned warehouse in the south, he slept her first before giving her to us." he explained, Stuart got enraged even more, he beat them up badly till they begged for their lives, when he got all his rage out, he called for two of his men," make sure you cut off the thing that caused pain against my little angry bird." Stuart ordered," yes Sir." No.. please take pity on us Sir, you can punish us in anyway but cutting off the only thing that makes us men." they pleaded, but Stuart ignored their cry and left the room with William, he could hear screams and cry through the corridors as he descended the stairs hopping into the car and drove back home, he arrived back home early, just as he had promised," Stuart!" Kourtney whispered his name worriedly when she noticed stains of blood on his knuckles and jacket, she rushed over to him to take a look," what happened to you? are you okay? are you hurt? were you in an accident? please say something." Kourtney asked question after question while holding his hand in hers, she didn't understand why she suddenly felt scared and over protected over him, she felt a feeling of worry which made her stomach turn," I'm alright, it's not my blood." he told her calmly pulling his hand away and started walking towards the stairs, Kourtney frowned turning to his direction, she couldn't believe this man, here she was, looking like a fool for caring and being worried about him, and he doesn't even think of giving her an explanation, Kourtney followed behind grabbing his arm stopping him," that's it? don't you think you owe me an explanation.?" Stuart sighed looking at her with blank, cold eyes, those beautiful dark eyes that showed no emotions or affection," I went to deal with personal work, I have handled it, and I'm back as I promised, now if you excuse me I would like to go freshen up." he said coldly, but his voice was low and soft, Kourtney released his arm, once Stuart disappeared upstairs, Kourtney grabbed the car keys and left the house, she wasn't to familiar with New York so she used Google maps to find a quiet reserved restaurant, she really missed Cassy a lot and wished she was really here, Kourtney pulled over, she tapped her screen to make a call, within a second it got connected," Kourtney, I was waiting for your call, finally." Cassy said from the other side," Cassy, can you come to New York City? honestly I miss you, I have no friends here, and I will need my Assistant back, I have decided to continue my career right here in New York City, please get here." Kourtney said," I will be there first thing tomorrow." Cassy said, Kourtney hang up getting out of the car, she went inside the restaurant, everywhere she went she drew attention and attraction, a waiter approached her with a warm smile," your table is right this way miss Grenade." he led her to her table in a private sector, shortly after, a man walked in, it was her new manager," Mrs Levant." he greeted," Kourtney is fine." she said," Rob right?" she asked," yes." he nodded handing her a piece of document," there is a contest for the hot girl summer in two weeks time, the hot girl summer magazine is looking for a young, fresh beautiful face, and you have that Kourtney, if you get this contract you will boost your career and get your fans back, just sign here and I will take care of the rest." he handed her a pen, Kourtney took the pen, she needed to get back on her feet and this was the perfect opportunity, without thinking of it twice she signed the papers," great, I'll stay in contact..see you soon." he said before leaving, Kourtney stayed at the restaurant for another hour just to pass time on her phone.

when Stuart finished freshening up,he went downstairs but could not see Kourtney around," Stu!" Samantha hopped up and down excitedly running to him and embraced him in a hug," I missed you so much." she said with a big smile, Stuart pulled back creating some space between them," sorry, I forgot you were married for a second there." Samantha said with a faint smile," and I expect to stay within your limits." Stuart said calmly, Samantha felt like tearing up, he was being so cold and distant towards her," you.. you -

before she could even construct her full sentence, she saw Kourtney walking towards them, Stuart's eyes drifted towards her direction, without any words to them, she went straight upstairs pretending as though she saw no one, going up straight to her room, Stuart was about to go after Kourtney when a woman's voice called out to him," Stuart!" Stuart stopped in his trucks looking back," if you're not working then you're running after that so called wife of yours, don't even have time to see your own mother I see." madam Levant said simply," the fact that you appeared in my house without notice, does not please me." Stuart said calmly, madam Levant sneered," you didn't mention anything about you getting married, don't you think it's necessary to inform your parents about something very important? like marriage." she asked," I just got married, and your presence here isn't welcome madam Levant, see to it that you leave my house as soon as possible." Stuart said coldly, his voice emotionless and dark, he turned around and went upstairs to his room," Stuart has always been so cold, but now that his married, he has become much more colder Aunt." Samantha said sadly," that's my son for you, hope you're not planning on giving up on him just because he has that woman?"

" of course not, I will never give up on Stuart, never." Samantha said with grit teeth, upstairs, Kourtney sat on her laptop pretending as though Stuart's eyes were not on her, she was ignoring him completely, and since Stuart had nothing to do apart from work, he ignored all the calls and kept staring at her the entire time, his presence started to annoy her now," don't you have better things to do, Mr Levant?" she finally spoke with creased eyebrows, Stuart was about to speak when his phone rang, seeing the number on his screen, he tapped it to pick up to hear what the person had to say on the other side, he hang up putting his phone in his pocket," I have some work to take care of." he said before leaving in a hurry, Kourtney could only sigh leaning back in bed, that she didn't realize when she fell asleep because of the long day she had, by the time she woke up it was already sun down, she got up heading to the bathroom to take a shower, after freshening up, she got into a simple comfortable casual blue dress before going downstairs, the family was already seated by dinner table," that's a face I haven't seen the entire day." Mr Levant gave a slight smile," evening father, mother." Kourtney greeted," it seems the husband and wife are always busy, do you even spend time together?" madam Levant raised a questioning brow," what type of question is that Ellie? of course they do spend time together privately, and a little grandchild will be proof of it." Mr Levant smiled, Kourtney and Samantha almost choked on their drinks," they are not even a real couple, how can they have a child together?" Kourtney thought, while Samantha was also lost in her confusing mind," if Kourtney gives birth to Stuart's baby, it will be impossible for her to come in between them." she told herself," enough dear, can't you see you're making her uncomfortable, they are still a newlywed couple, they don't have to rush things, a child could follow later." madam Levant said calmly, after dinner, everyone retired to their rooms, like every night, Kourtney stayed back in the living room waiting for Stuart and this time around she did not fall asleep, after a long time Stuart finally arrived back home with William, when he saw Kourtney sitting on the couch waiting for him so late at night, he frowned slightly approaching her, while William went straight to his room," it's late, you need to take your rest." Stuart said simply forwarding his hand for her to take," I will warm your food up, it will only take five minutes." Kourtney said standing up on her own, but Stuart stopped her," I'm not hungry, I need rest instead." Stuart said, but Kourtney completely ignored him, she went to the kitchen and warmed his food, Stuart ate in silence while Kourtney sat there waiting in silence, after dinner, she took the plates back to the kitchen and cleaned them before going back to her room, Stuart followed behind in silence, they were both not speaking and this silence was destroying him inside, he got so used to hearing her beautiful voice even though she is always angry and annoyed with him, Kourtney was getting ready for bed about to lay down when Stuart spoke," I found the people who dared touch you." he said calmly, Kourtney paused looking at Stuart with her bright gray eyes," they were paid by someone who was really close to you, someone you dedicated your whole life to, and he ended up taking you for granted, I made sure the two men suffered a greater pain, and they will continue to suffer till they beg for death." Stuart said with a sting of anger in his voice, Kourtney could not believe what she was hearing right now, how? how can Mike do this to her? she was so nice to him, she gave all her love and heart to him, wasn't that enough?" she asked herself, tears streamed out of her eyes, she could not help it but cry, even Stuart did not stop her from crying, he needed her to get it out, to get all the emotions of anger, regret and stupidity that she was feeling right now, after crying for a while, Kourtney felt numb and weak, her eyes felt heavy and could no longer stay open, Stuart helped her settle down in bed and covered her with the blanket, he removed some strains of hair hanging on her face and tucked it behind her ear, he went to freshen up, after a cold shower, he wore his black sweats and a gray t-shirt before going to sleep.