

Become mine and I will make sure they beg on their knees for your mercy and pity I love you despite your flows and red flags

Ta_Sha_6022 · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 5of100 Honeymoon

The next morning Kourtney opened her eyes, the bright light hit her eyes which made her face frown, but it instantly disappeared when the bright light was blocked from her face," Good morning angry bird?" Stuart teased her early in the morning, Kourtney lifted her body up glaring at him," don't call me that." she said rolling her eyes, getting out of bed, she noticed travel bags at a far corner of the room before staring at Stuart questioningly," are you going somewhere?" she asked," we are going for our honeymoon." Stuart said calmly," honeymoon? only couples who are truly married and love each other go for a honeymoon, not us." Kourtney argued," who said we are not married?" Stuart raised a brow, Kourtney creased her brows, he was playing mind games with her," I have a photoshoot competition coming up this week, I can't just leave.. besides I'm supposed to pick up my assistant at the airport this morning." Kourtney said," I already took care of that, I had William to talk to the company and since I'm investing in their company, I had it shifted to the next two weeks, and don't worry about your friend, William will pick her up and look after her till your return, we will be leaving in ten minutes, get ready." Stuart said walking out of the room, Kourtney had no words, before she could process everything that he just said, he was already gone, with no choice, she went to take a warm bath, after her bath, she wore a beautiful white loss dress that reached her knees and a thin white belt, with white high heels, her long dark hair was left loss behind her, Kourtney went downstairs to find everyone seated around the dining table," good morning everyone?" she greeted when she got near," good morning." Mr and madam Levant greeted back, Kate served breakfast to everyone, after breakfast the family sent them off," remember to bring us good news child." Mr Levant smiled, Kourtney felt shy and embarrassed," I'll see you in a few weeks father." Kourtney said before hopping into the car," I leave my wife's guest into your hands William, Take care of her." Stuart said before driving off," where are we going anyway?" Kourtney asked," it's a surprise." Stuart said calmly, reaching the airport, they boarded a private helicopter," are you sure you know how to drive this thing?" Kourtney asked, she has never flew in a helicopter before, for that matter Stuart was the one driving it, she so terribly afraid," I took some classes when I was 18, I think I still got it." he said simply," you think." Kourtney repeated putting on her seat belt, Stuart pressed some buttons and the helicopter began going up into the sky, the view was amazing and beautiful, the ocean and trees were just wonderful, after a flying in the air for a really long time, Kourtney could see a small island, the helicopter landed a few inches away, Stuart helped Kourtney out of the helicopter, before taking the bags out," what is this place?" Kourtney asked looking around, it was a very beautiful, peaceful and calm place," I bought this island a year ago, and built a house house here, I only came here once, just to get away from work and stuff." he said leading the way, Kourtney followed behind, her mouth dropped when they approached the house, it was made out of pure Glass, bulletproof glass, there was no wood or brick, but glass only, including the roof, Kourtney could see the stairs going upstairs from the outside," it's.. it's made out of glass?" she said looking at Stuart Shockley, Stuart opened the glass door for her, Kourtney stepped inside, and was once again astonished, it had a beautiful diamoned chandelier, the floor was made out of pure white marble, including the stairs, the kitchen and living room was just amazing, it had a pool in the back and a hot tub in the other room close to the living room, the garden was just breathtaking over looking the blue ocean," it's really beautiful out here, so there's only the two of us on this Island?" she asked," yes." Stuart answered, taking their bags upstairs, Kourtney took off her high heels falling on the white couch, it was so comfortable and she just wanted to relax a little.

At the airport of New York, Cassy was waiting patiently for Kourtney to pick her up, but she was no where to be seen, she's been waiting for over ten minutes now, she tried reaching her phone but it got disconnected, as she was waiting there like a lost puppy, a black BMW pulled over, and a tall good-looking man stepped out of the car approaching her, Cassy knew him, he was Stuart Levant's trusted man, but what she did not understand is why he was approaching her, or was there another person behind her, Cassy looked behind her but saw no one, so he was definitely approaching her," Miss Cassy?" he said her name, his voice was as smooth as the cold sea at night that sent chills under her spine," Uhm..yes, that's me." Cassy nodded," I'm William, unfortunately miss Kourtney couldn't be here to welcome your arrival, she had to travel for her honeymoon, but I will be taking you with me to the Levant's residents, by Mr Levant's request." William told her," I'm sorry but, I don't understand how all this has to do with Kourtney." Cassy asked," Miss Kourtney is Mr Levant's Wife, they're married." William said simply, Cassy widened her eyes slightly, she could not believe that Kourtney married the richest and intimidating man in the entire world, the one and only Stuart Levant," how did they meet? how did they turn out to get married? how is all this even possible?" All these questions kept running in her mind like crazy, and the only person who can answer them is Kourtney herself, Cassy quietly got into the car staring outside the window lost in her own thoughts.