
Short Haikyuu fanfics

So, I found myself wanting to make people sad by writing sad Haikyuu shorts on discord, so here it is!

ElephantPoo · อื่นๆ
4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Kuroken

Slowly, Kuroo's thin red blood streamed down his plain white t-shirt. "Kuroo?" Kenma looked at him painfully, his voice cracking. "H-hey I know you're strong... Won't you get through this..." He grabbed onto Kuroo's hand, intertwining their fingers. "For me?" As much as he tried, he couldn't help but break out into a sob. He tightened his grip on the boy's hand fearing that if he let go it's be over. "H-hey.. This isn't funny Kuroo... Won't you respond?.." The black haired boy turned his head towards the boy by his side, trying to say his last words but in the end could only let out small sounds. He motioned for Kenma to bend down and show him the top of his head and all the boy could do was comply. Every tear fell onto the boy now bleeding out, the boy he considered his best friend, and the boy that he never had the courage to tell him his feelings. Suddenly, he felt the warmth of the boy's hand. He kept trying to say something that sounded like "I'm fine" But really, this just made Kenma's heart throb even more. "Why is he so blatantly lying? Has he done this before and I just didn't notice..? I'm really horrible aren't I. Kuroo deserves the world, I of all people know that, yet I burdened him with my problems and selfishly kept him to myself." His sobs grew louder and louder. Why was he so weak? He didn't deserve the boy who now was laying there bleeding out in front of him as his life slowly drained out. "P—lease don't go.." He wanted to scream but he couldn't. He wanted to call for help but he couldn't. It was then in that moment that he realized he was useless. He had always depended on Kuroo and now when Kuroo needed him the most he couldn't do a thing. He looked back at the boy, his body lifeless and frozen. Was he really gone... Before he could even tell the boy his feelings, he was gone. It felt like Kenma's world crashed down on him. All he could do was sob and repeatedly yell out "I love you I'm sorry!" He faced the boy eye to eye, and leaned down giving him a soft kiss, the black haired boy's eyes opened for one last time, "I love you too.."

Loll this one is a bit longer! I think that the next chapter will be an unrequited love DaiSuga if I find the inspiration to do it.

ElephantPoocreators' thoughts