
Short Haikyuu fanfics

So, I found myself wanting to make people sad by writing sad Haikyuu shorts on discord, so here it is!

ElephantPoo · Others
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 - Daisuga

One starry night after practice Sugawara had decided to stay over at Daichi's home. It was as if ever since they met Suga had been head over heels. Every little moment and soft smiles set his heart ablaze. "Suga?" Daichi called out, waving his hand over the boy's eyes a few times, "We arrived!" Suga snapped out of his thoughts, snapping his head towards his first love. He smiled warmly, letting Daichi hold the door open for him as he stepped inside. He took off his shoes and left them at the door, slowly walking up the stairs to Daichi's bedroom, the brown haired boy following right behind him. Suga's heart was pounding and he noticed all of his surroundings, even the slightest creaks in the wooden steps to the scent of a Daichi who had just come from practice. He'd give anything to be able to have this every day. Today, he wanted to confirm Daichi's sexuality, he didn't want to ruin the friendship they had because of his stupid feelings. At last, they arrived at Daichi's room door, walking in and sitting on his bed. Daichi made small talk while preparing himself for a bath while Suga sat on his bed twiddling his fingers. "What's wrong Suga?" Daichi asked softly, concerned why his beloved friend was so quiet today. "Hey Daichi, can I ask you something..?" Taken aback, Daichi of course agreed and sat next to the boy on his bed. "Do you think.. Would you ever date me?" Daichi looked shocked which worried Suga but all of a sudden the brown haired boy gave him the warmest smile making his heart flutter. "Suga, you're perfect. If you were a woman I'd definitely be head over heels for you." Suga felt pain pierce through his heart. He was blushing because of those words but now he knew the boy whom he loved would never love him back. Feeling the tears welling up in his eyes, he rushed Daichi to go and take a shower. As soon as he heard the small click of the bathroom door, Suga's eyes glistened as he burst out into tears. Why wasn't he born as a female? Maybe then Daichi would love him. His sobs echoed throughout the room, not knowing Daichi was standing with his ear on the door. Daichi's heart weighed down, he knew Suga liked him and hated having to hurt his friend so deeply.

This story is a little bit different hehe. Instead of death I decided to do unrequited love for this couple. I hope you enjoyed!!<33

ElephantPoocreators' thoughts