
Shinigami in Strawhats Pirate

Rewrite: A worker with a life he is happy to live. But unfortunately he died because of an earthquake.

KochoKanae · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs

Chapter 8

"Hey! Where are you going, Mohmoo? Hey, Mohmoo, come back!" Hachi shouted at Mohmoo who waved his hand. Arlong calmly looked at Mohmoo's retreating form.

"Gone so soon? Too bad." He says shaded eyes. Mohmoo froze with a light sweat.

"But I guess if you want to run away, then who am I to stop you." He said with a bloodthirsty grin, "Alright, carry on." He's done. Mohmoo suddenly got up the courage to start swimming back towards Luffy with a bunch of fishmen attacking them as well.

"RAAWRR" Mohmoo roared in quickly as Usopp shouted.

"Jesus, this is coming right for us." Zoro opened his sword lightly. Candice licked her lips with a big grin and sparks started to come out of her hand, and Sanji smirked, Yuuji and Bambietta knew that Candice had had enough, so they kept quiet.

"AAAAHHH! Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Usopp continued to scream as Mohmoo and the fishmen approached.

"You are all mine, you big stupid cow." Luffy said while clenching his fist. He stamped his feet on the ground up to the ankles.

"Looks like Luffy has a plan... For once." Sanji said while looking at Luffy. Zoro raised his hand to his chin.

"We'll see I have a bad feeling about this." He just said,

"What did he do?" A fisherman wondered what the man had planned.

"Who cares, let's catch him!" Another one shouted. They started attacking Luffy again. Luffy spun a few times then stretched his hand to the horns of the now crying Mohmoo.

"Her arms outstretched!" Hachi said with wide eyes and jaw dropped. Arlong looked amazed.

"He must have a devil fruit power." he exclaimed,

"Let's catch him." Luffy pulled his body back preparing to make his move. Sanji, Zoro, and Usopp's eyes widened, Yuuji and the two who saw this immediately moved places.

"Let's get out of here!" Zoro exclaimed,

"Wait what is he doing?" he asked,

"I don't know, but it's not good." Zoro answered pushing Sanji back. They all started running outside.

"Time for something new!" he shouted,

"Gomu Gomu no...Pinch!" He starts spinning destroying the roof of the Arlong building, and killing all the fishmen. He then procided to throw Mohmoo out of Arlong park and into the sea a few yards out.

"Okay Arlong, I didn't come here to play your game." Luffy said panting a bit with his hands on his knees.

"I came here to kick your ass so come on!" He shouted turning around and pointing at Arlong.

Arlong just sat with his eyes closed. "Oh, I will." He said with a dark grin. He stared at Luffy. "Actually... I just thought of the most painful way to kill you." he said calmly.

"That is the worst plan ever." Sanji shouted at Luffy while lightly kicking his head.

"Yes, are you trying to kill us?" Usopp shouted at Luffy. nervous,

"Uh-oh." he says,

"Oi green head" said Bambietta beside Yuuji. Zoro turned to Bambietta with a tick on his head. "Your captain could be a genius..Or an idiot."

Zoro covered his face then sighed. "Sometimes I wonder myself." he says.

"I can't believe someone is strong enough to lift that beast." exclaimed the doctor,

"That kid is amazing." Genzo said in awe of what Luffy had just accomplished. "It seems the gods themselves are fighting."

Luffy continued to fidget. "What are you doing now?" Usopp shouted/asked,

"Are you trying to break something else?"

Hachi knelt down and stared at the fishman at his feet. "How dare you hurt our brothers." he exclaimed,

"Well, looks like we have to fight." Kuroobi said seriously looking at Yuuji.

"Yes, we showed the differences between our species." Chu exclaimed

"Hey, you." said Kuroobi to Yuuji. but got no answer. "Hey!" No answer. "HEY STOP IGNORING ME!" Yuuji looked at him.

"Hmm? Did you say something?" he asked with a plank look.

Bambietta, Candice, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and Luffy chuckled. Kuroobi got a tick on his head.

"Who are you?" He asked while holding back his anger.

"Itadori Yuuji." Yuuji replied. Arlong, Hachi, Kuroobi, and Chu's eyes widened.

"So what is one of, no, the three 'strongest' bounty hunters in East Blue doing here?" Arlong asked "Here to try and take my prize? as if any human could beat me." he scoffed.

Bambietta snorted "No, why should I chase someone weak." she replied. Arlong saw red that some humans thought he was weak.

"I'm only here because I can't stand trash like you acting like nobles living in a dump." Yuuji said glaring at Arlong.

"Easy sir." Kuroobi said while looking at Arlong.

"Yes, if you lose your temper with these weaklings, you are liable to destroy the entire chu garden." Chu said with his hands on his waist looking at Yuuji, Bambietta and Candice.

"Please let us kill these weaklings." Hachi exclaimed as he raised his hand in the air. Arlong put his hand on his chin.

"All right, please." he said reassuringly.

"Hey guys? I have something to tell you." Luffy said from his spot. Hachi took a deep breath and his stomach grew.

Zoro looked confused. "Huh? What's that octopus doing?" he asked

Sanji took out his cigarette, and smiled. "You know, octopus is good thinly sliced, and pickled." He said while looking at Hachi. "Add water, and peppers, you have a great snack while drinking." He's done. Luffy waved his hand in front of Sanji's face

"Hey listen, I'm really in trouble here." Luffy said hoping to get people's attention.

"Take this, TakoHachi Black!!." Zoro, and Sanji's eyes widened. Hachi spits ink at Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Yuuji. Everyone except Luffy dodged being hit by the ink. Zoro looked at Luffy from his spot on the ground.

"You idiot why are you just standing there?" he asked.

"AAHHH! I can't see!" Luffy screamed covering his eyes.

Hachi walked to the rubble that Luffy made earlier. "Now to finish you off." He said as he picked up a piece of the roof.

Usopp hiding behind a pillar shouted, "Let's get out of there Luffy!" Luffy tries to pull his leg.

"Yeah that's the problem, I can't run, I can't even walk." He said as Hachi walked towards him. "What?" Yuuji said dumbfounded.

"My feet are a bit... Stuck." Luffy said still trying to pull his leg out.

"What but you were the first to put it on the ground!" Usopp shouted back.

Zoro covered his face.

"Always think ahead, don't you, Luffy?" He asked quietly embarrassed for his captain. Sanji just sighed.

"Takohachi black on the Rock!!" shouted Hachi while throwing the roof. Luffy finally got the ink out of his eyes wide eyed. The roof hit Luffy, Arlong and the others looked up with a smirk.


The roof cracked into small pieces. Hachi looked bewildered.

"WHAA..." he cried. Yuuji stood in the middle of a fist raised in the air.

"Woah that's so cool, Yuuji you should join my crew!" Luffy said arms raised excitedly. Yuuji looked back at Luffy.

"We'll talk about it when this is over, okay?" Yuuji asked,

"Okay." answered with a big smile. Bambietta looked at Sanji and Zoro. "You choose enough character for your captain." She said to them,

"Yeah, he really is an idiot." Zoro said

"Luffy.. Hey, come on." Usopp said a little angry with Zoro's opinion about Luffy.

"But the truth is, our idiot captain is way better than a gang preying on a woman." Sanji said calmly looking at the fishmen.

"A woman?" Kuroobi sneered. "You mean to tell me you rushed to your death for a lousy girl?" He asked while crossing his arms looking at Sanji.

"I think that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Sanji glared at him.

"Lousy girl?" Sanji asked while walking beside Yuuji. He took his cigarette, took it out and threw away the ashes.

"You insult Nami once and you will go from fishman, to stick fish understand?" he said pointing at Kuroobi.

"I'm sure you have some skills for a human but the knight of the fake pirate stitch." Kuroobi said while looking at Sanji.

"I'm very good at what I do, and I can assure you there's nothing fake about my desire to help beautiful women in need." Sanji said while glaring at Kuroobi.

"Yuuji let me handle this trash." he said to Yuuji.

Yuuji stared at him. "Alright, it's your crew's fight, I'll try to avoid it if I can, but, No promises." Yuuji answered while stepping aside.


Usopp tried to get Luffy out of the ground by pulling him.

"Good job, but I'm still stuck." Luffy said uninterested.

"They're still trapped?" Usopp asked.

"Yeah! We could pull all day and they'd still be stuck." Luffy said while picking his nose with his pinkie.

"Well, are you even trying at all or do you want to stay stuck?" Usopp asked/shouted at Luffy.

Hachi stared at them. "Didn't anyone tell you the penalty for playing at Arlong park is..." He said picking up another piece of roof.

"DEAD!" He is screaming,

"Let go, let go." Usopp said trying to run with Luffy under his arm. Hachi was about to throw the roof at them until Zoro stopped him.

"Yo octopus." He said while pointing his sword at Hachi. "They're busy right now... Why don't you invite me?" he asked seriously. Hachi stared at Zoro for a moment.

"Oohh your Zoro... I forgot." Hachi said.

He then dropped the roof with the intention of destroying Zoro in one shot. Zoro dodged by jumping into the air several meters away facing forward.

"You won't get away with tricking me!" He is screaming. Zoro stared back at him. "And how dare you brutally kill all my brothers." He said while glaring at Zoro.

"Oh that, that's old news I don't care what reason you have for killing me." Zoro said now turning to look at Hachi. "The tables have turned." He said as he drew his sword from its scabbard. "I'm not a hunter anymore, you weirdo fish."

"Yes, tell him Zoro." Usopp said while wiping the sweat off his forehead with his free hand.

"That octopus is yours, great." He said with a thumbs up... With his hand holding Luffy.

"Luffy!" Usopp exclaimed seeing Luffy fly back, hitting Chu making him fall to the ground.

"Hey, I'm back." Luffy said while swinging back and forth a bit. Chu jumped and glared at Usopp.

"Oh, your death." He said, "Oh, shit!" Usopp said while crying a little.

"I see now you must want me to kill you." Chu said as he started walking towards Usopp. Usopp seeing this headed straight for the gate with Chu coming behind him. Chu stopped at the gate looking at all the villagers.

"Hey you all from Cocoyasi." he said while looking at the villagers. "Judging by all the weapons, that must mean mutiny." he said thoughtfully. "Well, I guess we should make... An example of all of you." He said watching Nojiko. "I thought we'd start with you Noji..." That was as far as he went before Yuuji's fist hit him in the face and Bambietta laughed.

"Now ... I said I will not fight." Yuuji said looking at Chu. "But threatening people that have nothing to do with this fight... That's something I won't just sit by and watch." he said, "Oi Usopp?" He asked while looking at Usopp who took out his slingshot and was ready to shoot Chu.

"Yes" He answered by lowering his catapult.

"You don't mind me taking your opponent?" Yuuji asked.

"No" Usopp replied "Even you can fight on behalf of Captain Usopp!" Usopp shouted while striking a pose.

"Rrright." Yuuji fell silent. "Now where are we?" He asked while looking at Chu who was now starting to have a bruise on his cheek, he spat out a bit of blood and glared at Yuuji.

"That's good, I'll give you that but it's going to take a lot more than that to.." He is interrupted by Yuuji's leg kicking him into the water. Chu looked at the water before drinking it and shooting it out like a bullet. Yuuji easily dodged it.

"Wow, you're slow." Yuuji said before disappearing from his sight. Chu looked around for a moment before he felt an intense pain radiate from his back. Yuuji was now standing in Chu's place with his legs spread out.

"Why you bastard." Chu exclaimed before firing several shots at Yuuji who dodged them all.

The villagers stared at Yuuji in disbelief "Who is this guy?" Genzo asked. "He didn't even try"

Johnny saw them." 'Cursed blade' Itadori Yuuji he's one if not the strongest man in all of East Blue" He said to Genzo.

"He defeated a much stronger pirate than Arlong, he can handle this." Yosaku finished.

"You have done?" Yuuji asked with a bored look. Chu had a tick before he glared at Yuuji.

"Why...Why are you fighting for them?" Chu asked a little out of breath,

"Why?" Yuuji asked in disbelief what he was hearing. "Because I'm strong enough to ensure someone like Arlong is taken down." He answered before appearing beside Chu and hitting him against the wall beside the gate. He appeared beside Chu and banged his head several times against the wall before throwing him back a few feet.

"I will defeat you with my strongest attack." Chu said running into the water. Yuuji appeared before him grabbing his head with both hands and bumping it against his knee. Chu now in a daze turned his back to Yuuji holding his head in pain.

"What a waste.." He was pulled around only to see Yuuji already in the air in a horizontal position. Yuuji grabbed his head with his right hand and descended to the ground.

Chu after hitting the ground face first rolled onto his back staring at Yuuji. "W-what are you?" he asked fearfully.

Yuuji looked at him with a sharp gaze before lifting his foot. "Your worst nightmare." He said clearly before lowering his foot into Chu's face making a sizeable hole.

"Hey Usopp How are you?" He asked Usopp who now had his jaw dropped. He quickly gathered his stance, "Yes now a proper fight for one of my underlings" said Usopp. Yuuji and the others were just sweating.

"Yes yes.." Yuuji stopped seeing Arlong holding Luffy by his head leg which was still wrapped in rock, about to throw him into the water. "You've got to be kidding, Candice" Candice nodded before running up to them.

"Stupid." Arlong said with Luffy's hand on his mouth.

"Ouch." Luffy said painfully before biting Arlong on the arm. Just before Arlong threw him into the sea, Yuuji and Candice came over and Candice kicked him hard in the stomach. Arlong flew towards the wall and hit it hard. when the dust settled, Hachi and Kuroobi wished Arlong well but instead they saw him on the ground holding his stomach, coughing with a lot of blood coming out of his mouth.

"Are you okay Luffy?" Yuuji asked while looking at Luffy who landed on his feet. "Yeah, thanks, I thought I was dead in there." Luffy replied,

"How dare you..." Whatever Hachi, and Kuroobi said, died in their mouths when they saw Yuuji..or rather what was behind Yuuji. Yuuji glared at him with Gillian who had a very sharp blank stare behind him, The creature glared at them and showed a cero that was about to shoot, the pressure Kuroobi and Hachi felt continued to increase and their body weight seemed to be 2 times heavier.

"Shut up." Yuuji plainly said "I know you are all pirates and all but doing what Arlong is going to do is just the coward's escape." He returned to Luffy, the Hollow that was behind him who is now gone.

"Don't move Luffy." Yuuji said before raising his hand and bringing it to the rock around Luffy's feet and crushing it. Luffy got up and stretched his legs.

"Thank you, now I can kick Arlong's ass!" Luffy shouted and started walking towards Arlong until Yuuji stopped him.

"Wait." He said, "Candice kinda hit him, let him get a second wind first." He said before looking at Hachi, and Kuroobi. "Also, Sanji, and Zoro have to take out the trash first, so let them finish before you fight." He said pulling Luffy towards the gate.

"Okay." Luffy said sadly because he had to prolong the fight.

"Wait." Yuuji said stopping before the water. "You have to wash the ink off you so it doesn't get in your way." He said before taking Luffy's arm and dipping it into the water for a moment.

"Man now I feel weak." Luffy said from his place on Yuuji's shoulder as they came to the gate and sat down.

"Yes, now rest for your fight." Usopp said standing by the gate with the other villagers.

Arlong wiped the blood from his mouth looking at Candice with slight fright. "What's wrong with that woman?" he asked,

"Hey Kalamari, let's fight." Zoro said while holding the sword in his left hand. Hachi overcame his fear of Yuuji and the two girls beside him and looked at Zoro.

"Bring it." He just said, "You take the fish." Zoro said to Sanji who was smoking his cigarette.

"And you sliced the octopus." Sanji said while blowing smoke.

They both ran towards the fishman. "I'll finish this in five seconds." Zoro said as he raised his sword,

"I'll finish this in three." Sanji said while running beside Zoro.

"Why are you rushing to your death." Kuroobi said while blocking a kick from Sanji.

"TakoHachi Black!!" Hachi shot more ink at Zoro who dodged it and dropped his sword.

'I will not lose the battle again' Zoro thought, the villagers watched the fight with bated breath.