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Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhao Youyue finished reading "Ya Jing's""Bakuman" in a single breath. Something caught her curiosity. As she read through the script, she found some written word errors. But these errors had been amended by someone else. Compared to the handwriting in the notebook, the handwriting of one who revised the errors was more of a girl's slender and diminutive.

Although Zhao Youyue had spent more time reading online literature than traditional literature, she was still an experienced reader, regardless. She was familiar with the writing differences between male and female writers.

In general, the writing style of male writers was boisterous and rough, to put lightly. To be blunter, they were horrible writers, their depictions of details were unacceptable, their descriptions of emotional feelings were even more awkward. Readers could immediately tell that they were single dogs, at a glance.