
She Turns Glamorous After Marriage

In the glimmering world of Hollywood, a rising star named Sarah shines brightly on the silver screen. With each role she takes on, she pushes the boundaries of her talent, striving for perfection in every performance. During the filming of her latest movie, Sarah crosses paths with a charismatic and charming young man who becomes her pillar of support in moments of despair. Their encounters are filled with laughter and joy, but as their connection deepens, they find themselves entangled in a web of love. However, just as their love story unfolds, a twist emerges. Lucius Anderson, a renowned tycoon with a mysterious reputation, enters the scene. Rumored to be gay due to his absence of female companionship despite his wealth and striking looks, Lucius stuns the nation when it is revealed that he has a betrothed wife, whom he married when she was just a toddler. Unbeknownst to Lucius' wife, she has fallen deeply in love with another man. Little does she know that her lover has been paid and sent to watch her every move, toying with her emotions for ulterior motives. As their love triangle intensifies, the consequences of their actions loom large. In this gripping novel, emotions run high and hearts are shattered. The country watches in awe as this complex tale of love, betrayal, and hidden agendas unfolds. Will Sarah reciprocate the love of her devoted admirer? Can Lucius' wife find happiness despite the tangled web of her marriage? And what will be the ultimate price for those who have caused irreparable damage to her heart? Prepare yourself for a slow-burning journey into the world of fame, passion, and heartache. This is not your ordinary fictional novel, but a captivating story set against the backdrop of the acting world and a love triangle that will keep you turning the pages. Take a chance on this novel, dear readers, and be prepared to be swept away into a world where the spotlight shines on both the stage and the heart.

Okwuma · แฟนตาซี
79 Chs


Eva gripped the window edge as the bus twisted and turned along the narrow, winding road. The familiar landscape of her hometown rose to meet her, but it felt strange and unfamiliar.

She was no longer the same person who had left this place so many years ago. As the bus pulled into the station, she saw the faces of the townspeople she had once known.

Some looked at her with pity, others with suspicion. She knew that returning home would be difficult, but she had no choice. With a heavy heart, she gathered her things and stepped off the bus.

As Eva made her way through the town, she was struck by how much had changed. The old shops and businesses were gone, replaced by new chain stores and restaurants. Even the faces of the people were different. Where once she had known everyone, now she recognized only a few familiar faces.

Her old home, a small bungalow on the outskirts of the town, was the only place that felt unchanged. But as she approached the front door, she felt a wave of grief wash over her.

The front door creaked open, and Eva stepped inside. The familiar scent of her mother's homemade cookies filled the air, but it only made her feel more homesick. The house was silent except for the ticking of the old grandfather clock in the corner.

Suddenly, a loud crash came from the kitchen. Eva froze, her heart pounding in her chest. Slowly, she crept toward the sound. She peered around the corner and saw a plate shattered on the floor, and a shadowy figure standing in the corner.

As the shadowy figure turned to face Eva her breath got caught in her throat as She recognized the figure. It was Eva's mother but she was different… Her skin was pale and waxy, and her eyes were completely black.

As the figure moved towards Eva, she backed away, her heart racing. She tried to scream but no words came out. The figure drew closer, its hand reaching for her, just as Eva felt the cold touch of its skin, she jolted awake back in her home, safe and sound, It had all been a nightmare.

As Eva sat up in bed She could still feel the terror of the nightmare. But as she looked around the room Eva felt a sense of relief."It was just a dream " Eva told herself

But as She got up to go to the bathroom, Eva noticed something strange. In the mirror, her eyes were completely black. Eva gasped out, shocked by her looks, her heart pounding in her chest as she reached up to touch her eyes, but they felt normal

She blinked a few times and her eyes returned to their normal color.

"I must have imagined it," Eva thought.