

What hurts more is seeing your enemies having a life of peace. Mei Xia was a person who hated to see such. Having revenge wasn't that simple, but persistent made her victory. What's harder than having a revenge is being betrayed by your own sister because she found out you had fallen in love with her love. Anyone would do anything to have their lover.

favour_omoregbe_4429 · สมัยใหม่
33 Chs


The news broke in as it was announced that the hospital's mortuary had caught fire.

'.What!!'.Xiabo and Lei took in the shock.

'.How on earth?!'.

'.We are investigating the case!'.The mortuary attendant and others tried to calm the people who caused commotion at the entrance.

'.What's going on here?'.Xiabo asks the mortuary attendant.

'.We have no idea what happened.

'.How come the mortuary caught fire?'.She asked.

'.It was in the middle of the night..'.

'.This doesn't seem right.

'.[Sighs]'.She walks back Into the car.

'.Drive!'.She said to the driver.

Lei Wuije sat at the office panicking. He was endlessly waiting for Xiabo.

'.What happened?!'.He asks as she walks in, throwing her bag at the seat.

'.What happened?'.

'.Like you heard....the mortuary was set ablaze!'.

'.You didn't order that did you?'.

'.Why would I?....she's gone....what's the need of going further?

'.[Sighs].....'.He walks back to his seat.

'.Besides, why are you so concerned?'.

'.The paparazzi need more answers. He turns his head away.

'.Are you feeling guilty?'.She walks to him.

'.Shouldn't you?....she was your best friend'.

'.Of course, she was then.....not until I met you. She places her hand on his jaw.


Ba Lin walked into the office, brought in files, and gave them to his boss.

'.These are some requests made. He handed them to him.

'.I heard that Mei Lien is dead'.

'.[Sighs].....yes...she is...'.

'.What on earth caused her death?'.He asked.

'.According to the news told....she was killed in an accident.


'.Boss,.....Miss Lien was a good person she was kind and cute, unfortunately, she died.


'.Boss.....are you...okay?'.He asks.

'.How is Lei company lately?'.

'It seems to be running well even after the death of Miss Lien'.

'.Any meetings today?'.

'.You adjourned all meetings...when you found out that Miss Lien was at the hospital '.

'.Reschedule my meetings for tomorrow.

'.Yes sir!'.

'.You can go out now.

'.Okay'.He walks out of the office.


Lu Xingchen the CEO of the future group company. The best architecture and design company. It was a top company when it came to architecture and design.

The Lei company was under Future Group company. It was a little company managed by Lei Wuije.

A lady covering her face with a veil sat there at the cafe. Someone seems to be delivering some information to her.

'.I did all the research you asked'.


'.Boss....if you are gonna play being someone else...it's gonna be hard.

'.Just deal with your work and let me deal with my problem'.


'.How is my mom and sister?'.

'.As you instructed they have been moved to your house'.

'.Not bad!....make sure no harm comes in contact with them.

'.The men are on watch.

'.While you do so make sure to protect yourself....losing you would be a loss'.

'.Thanks for caring, Boss.

'.You may leave.

'.Ok!'. He walks away.

'.[It's time to unfold a thousands of mystery!]'.

She smirked.

In the living room, there sat a woman, she seemed calm as she read the magazine. Even though calm you could still feel the gaze she had.

'. Mom!!'.

'. Could you show some respect, I am your mother. She turned to her daughter who sat with her holding her hand.

'.I am sorry Mom'.

'. What do you need?'.

'. Mom..how did you know I needed something?'. She asked smiling towards her.

'.The only time my name gets two or more exclamation marks....it's always about something.

'. You sure know your daughter'.

'. Say it!'.

'. Mom....my friends got a designer bag, it's amazing!'.

'. A designer bag?'.

'. Yes!'. She nodded.

'. Don't tell me you want it?'.

'. Of course, I do!...why does she only get to have amazing designers?!'.

'. Then get a different designer which is rare!'.

'. I knew you would say that....but am in lack of something important!'.

'. What is it?'.

'. I need....some.....money'. She slowly said as she stared at her mother.

'...'. Her mom turns back to her magazine, ignoring her.

'. Mom!!'.

'. Yuayua!...'.

'. But mom.....!'.

'.No, but darling.....you keep getting designers, but have you thought of gaining your grandpa's trust?'.

'.[Not this again!!]'.

'. When you become Grandpa's favorite, then everything is possible.

'. I am the granddaughter of a wealthy family, but I get to beg for money!.... unacceptable!!'.

'.[Sighs].....in no time you might even go out if you do not do the needful'.

'. But mom, why do I have to do this?'.

'. Your brother is trying so hard to gain Grandpa's trust, so he would be given the largest shares in the company and if you also try so.....you might never come asking me for money.

'.[scoffs]...j thought as much.

'. You should do so before the mistress bastard returns'. She smiled at her.

'. Nor to worry....am ready to do anything as long as the mistress bastard is among'. She smiled back at her mother.

'. What are you guys gossiping about?'. Mr. Ài an old man in a wheelchair comes in as he is brought in by Mrs. Bai the housekeeper.

'. Grandpa!'. Yuayua walks to her grandpa she squats.

'. Yuayua what are you guys talking about?".

'. Grandpa nothing much just women talks'. She fakes a smile.

'.[Smiles].....be a good girl.

'. Um!'. She nodded.

'. You go In I have something to discuss with your mother.

'. Grandpa I want to ask for something before I leave. She mimicked a baby tone.

'.[ Smiles]....go on. He pats her hair.

'. Grandpa I need some money'.

'. Money?....'.

'. Um!'. She nodded as she blinked cutely.

'. Why is my little girl asking for money when I have lots of money?'.

'. Mom refuses to give me.

'. Tell my secretary how much you need and it will be transferred to you.

'. Grandpa!!'. She smiled.

'. Yes!'. He smiled at her.

'. You are the best Grandpa!'. She hugs him.

'.....Gently!....'. He said.

'.....I am sorry!...'.

'. Now go'.

'. Okay!!'. She jumped and ran away happily.

'....[sighs]'. He pulled his wheelchair towards her.

'. Grandpa'.

'. It's been a long time since we spoke to each other.

'.[scoffs]...I am the least on your mind'.

'. That's because I do not have to worry about you and as the lady of the house.

'. You don't have to.

'. I just wanted to have a father and daughter talk'.

'. Grandpa, I am not your daughter....'.

'. Daughter-in-law I know. He cut in.

'. Grandpa I was never accepted by you so you do not have to worry about our relationship'. She stood up.

'. After my son died you should understand that I felt the same way as you did'.

'.Grandpa you don't need to explain.....it's all in the past now'.

'. I am happy you know I have never liked you, you made a lot of things go wrong when you walked through that door.....even my son died'.

'. Whatever killed your son wasn't my fault!!, he just couldn't get over that stupid love he had for his mistress!!!'.

'. We both know who is at fault.

'. I do not know!!'. She walks away.