
She’s Mine To Claim

Amara, a healer finds herself entangled with the High Lord Amoux against her will. After losing her powers while saving his mate she is. Ultimately killed by him. Reincarnated near three brothers afflicted by a curse Amara unintentionally becomes their companion. Through her foresight and selfless acts she earns their loyalty. Just as she recollects her past. Convinces them of her ability to break their curse her ex partner resurfaces and threatens to harm the brothers pack unless she surrenders. Afflicted by an ailment sapping her vitality at the hands of the triplets mother Amara warns them of impending betrayal before succumbing.

Ola_Blinks · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 2

Balrion took her hand gently in his, his touch comforting yet unfamiliar. "Rest now," he whispered. "We'll be here when you wake up."

As Amara closed her eyes and let sleep claim her once more, fragments of memories floated to the surface - a cruel mate who used her for her powers, a pack that turned against her, a desperate attempt to escape. And now, a new life intertwined with the triplets and the responsibility that came with it.

When she woke again, the room was bathed in warm sunlight. She sat up slowly, wincing at the soreness in her chest. The wound had been tended to, but it would take time to fully heal.

Boros entered the room, a tray of food in his hands. "Ah, you're awake," he said with a smile. "The triplets will be pleased."

Amara nodded gratefully as Boros set the tray on her lap. Her appetite had returned, and she devoured the meal hungrily.

Once she had finished eating, Amara took a moment to collect her thoughts. She couldn't hide in this room forever. It was time to face the triplets and discuss what had happened.

As she stepped into the grand hall, all three brothers turned their attention towards her. Their faces were filled with concern and something else that Amara couldn't quite place.

Balrion stood from his seat and approached her slowly. "How are you feeling?" he asked quietly.

"Better," Amara replied, meeting his gaze. There was a newfound connection between them, forged by the events of last night.

Leoforn and Damion joined their brother's side, their expressions serious. "We owe you our lives," Leoforn said sincerely.

Amara shook her head. "I did what anyone would have done," she said modestly. But deep down, she knew that it wasn't true. Not everyone would risk their own life for others, especially not for strangers like herself.

Damion reached out and took her hand gently in his own. "You are more than we ever could have hoped for," he said earnestly.

There was an intensity in Damion's eyes that sent a shiver down Amara's spine. She had been drawn to him from the moment they first met, but now there was something more—a connection that went beyond words.

Leoforn cleared his throat, breaking the tension in the room. "We need to discuss what happened last night," he said, his tone business-like.

Amara nodded, her mind focusing on the task at hand. "Who were those masked attackers?" she asked, her voice laced with determination.

Boros stepped forward, a small notebook in his hands. "Based on their attire and fighting style, I believe they were mercenaries," he explained. "Unfortunately, I couldn't identify who hired them."

Amara frowned. It seemed like someone wanted to prevent the triplets' mating ceremony from taking place. But why? And who would go to such lengths to ensure their failure?

"We need to find out who is behind this," Balrion said firmly. "And we need to make sure that they can't try again."

The triplets exchanged a determined look before turning their attention back to Amara. "Will you help us?" Leoforn asked, his voice filled with hope.

Amara didn't hesitate. These men—despite their initial skepticism and doubts—had shown her kindness and trust when she needed it the most. She owed them not only her life but also her loyalty.

"Yes," she said with unwavering resolve. "I will do whatever it takes."

As the words left Amara's lips, she could see the relief in the triplets' eyes. They had been through so much, and now they knew they could count on her to help them navigate this dangerous situation.

Balrion stepped forward and took her hand in his, his touch both comforting and electrifying. "Thank you," he said sincerely, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Leoforn and Damion moved closer as well, their expressions filled with gratitude. It was clear that the bond between them was growing stronger by the day, and Amara couldn't deny the pull she felt towards each of them.

Boros, who had been observing quietly from the side, cleared his throat to get their attention. "I suggest we strengthen our security measures," he said thoughtfully. "We need to ensure that nothing like this can happen again."

The triplets nodded in agreement while Amara considered Boros's suggestion. It made sense—tightening security would be crucial in order to protect not only themselves but also their burgeoning relationship.

"Let's start by investigating any potential leads," Damion suggested, his voice steady and determined. "We need to find out who would want to sabotage our mating ceremony."

Amara glanced around at the faces of those gathered in the grand hall—three brothers who had become so important to her in such a short period of time. She couldn't let anything or anyone come between them.

"I'll do some digging," she said resolutely, meeting each triplet's gaze in turn. "We'll get to the bottom of this."

The triplets exchanged a look that was equal parts grateful and relieved. They knew that having Amara on their side increased their chances of uncovering the truth and putting an end to whoever was behind these attacks.

As they began discussing their plan in more detail, Amara found herself drawn closer to the triplets, both physically and emotionally. The events of the previous night had only solidified the connection that was forming between them.

Balrion's hand remained clasped with hers, his touch providing a sense of grounding amidst the chaos. Leoforn's steady presence offered reassurance, while Damion's unwavering determination ignited a fire within her. They were a formidable team, and together, they would overcome any obstacles that stood in their way.

In the days that followed, Amara threw herself into the task of investigating potential leads. With Boros's assistance, she delved into the underworld of mercenaries and spies, determined to uncover any information that could lead them to those responsible.

It wasn't long before she discovered a name—a notorious mercenary leader known as Kaelan. Rumor had it that he took on high-paying jobs without question, making him the perfect candidate for someone looking to disrupt the triplets' mating ceremony.

Armed with this knowledge, Amara shared her findings with the triplets and Boros. The atmosphere in the room grew tense as they realized just how dangerous their adversary was.

"We need to find Kaelan and make him talk," Leoforn said firmly. "He must know who hired him."

Damion nodded in agreement, his jaw set with determination. "We can't afford to let this go unpunished," he added.

Balrion squeezed Amara's hand reassuringly. "We'll get through this together," he said softly, his gaze filled with unwavering support.

Amara nodded, drawing strength from their united front. She knew that this journey wouldn't be easy or without risks, but she also knew that they were all prepared to face whatever came their way—for each other.