
She’s Mine To Claim

Amara, a healer finds herself entangled with the High Lord Amoux against her will. After losing her powers while saving his mate she is. Ultimately killed by him. Reincarnated near three brothers afflicted by a curse Amara unintentionally becomes their companion. Through her foresight and selfless acts she earns their loyalty. Just as she recollects her past. Convinces them of her ability to break their curse her ex partner resurfaces and threatens to harm the brothers pack unless she surrenders. Afflicted by an ailment sapping her vitality at the hands of the triplets mother Amara warns them of impending betrayal before succumbing.

Ola_Blinks · Fantasy
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Chapter 3

Amara and the triplets set out to find Kaelan. They knew it wouldn't be an easy task, as Kaelan was known for his elusive nature and skill in evading capture.

Their search led them to the seedy underbelly of the city, where they questioned informants and gathered any information they could about Kaelan's whereabouts. It was a dangerous world, filled with deceit and treachery, but Amara was determined to see it through.

After days of relentless searching, they finally received a tip that Kaelan was holed up in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. They wasted no time in putting their plan into action.

Under the cover of darkness, Amara and the triplets made their way to the warehouse. Boros accompanied them, ensuring their protection every step of the way. The air was thick with tension as they approached their destination.

As they cautiously entered the warehouse, all their senses were on high alert. The space was dimly lit, with crates stacked haphazardly throughout. It was eerily quiet, save for the sound of rodents scurrying in the distance.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the warehouse, sending shivers down their spines. "I've been expecting you," it taunted.

Kaelan emerged from behind a stack of crates, his face concealed by a mask. He exuded an air of danger and confidence that sent chills down Amara's spine.

Leoforn stepped forward, his voice laced with authority. "Who hired you to attack us?" he demanded.

Kaelan chuckled darkly. "Ah, so that's what this is about," he mused. "I'm afraid I can't reveal my clients."

Damion's jaw clenched in frustration. "You will tell us," he stated firmly.

Kaelan's demeanor shifted slightly as he regarded Damion. "And why should I?" he challenged.

Amara could sense the tension mounting, and she knew they needed to take control of the situation. She stepped forward, her voice steady and resolute.

"Because if you don't," she began, locking eyes with Kaelan, "we'll make sure you spend the rest of your life behind bars."

Kaelan's gaze narrowed, his mask of confidence slipping slightly. He could see the determination in Amara's eyes, and he knew that she wasn't one to be trifled with.

A moment of silence hung in the air as Kaelan considered their words. Then, with a sigh, he relented.

"Fine," he said begrudgingly. "But you won't like what you find."

As Kaelan began to reveal the identity of his clients, Amara couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. They were finally getting closer to uncovering the truth and putting an end to this orchestrated chaos.

But just as Kaelan was about to disclose everything, a loud crash interrupted their conversation. The warehouse door swung open, revealing a group of masked figures armed with weapons.

It was clear that someone had tipped off Kaelan's clients about their location. Amara's heart raced as she realized they were now caught in a deadly trap.

The masked figures advanced towards them, their intentions clear. They wanted Amara and the triplets dead at any cost.

Boros quickly moved into action, engaging the attackers and providing cover for Amara and the triplets. But it was clear that they were outnumbered and outmatched.

Amidst the chaos, Amara fought alongside the triplets with all her might. She felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins as she defended herself against her assailants. The bond between them grew stronger with every passing moment.

Leoforn's axe whirled through the air, striking down anyone who dared to come near. Damion's fists were a blur of motion as he incapacitated their attackers with precision and strength. Balrion's sword danced gracefully in his hands, deflecting blows and delivering swift counterattacks.

But no matter how hard they fought, more and more masked figures seemed to emerge from the shadows. It was becoming clear that they were fighting a losing battle.

Determined not to let their enemies succeed, Amara's mind raced as she searched for a way out of this dire situation. Then she spotted it—a narrow passage leading to the back of the warehouse.

"Follow me!" she shouted above the din of battle, gesturing towards the passage. Without hesitation, they fought their way towards it, desperately trying to create an opening amidst the chaos.

Finally, they managed to break free and fled into the darkness of the night. Their bodies were bruised and battered from the intense fight, but their spirits remained unbroken.

As they regrouped in a nearby alleyway, Amara realized that their task had just become even more dangerous. Not only did they need to find out who hired Kaelan, but now they also had to contend with a mysterious group of masked attackers who wanted them all dead.

The stakes were higher than ever before, but so was their determination. They knew that they couldn't give up now—that they had to keep fighting—for themselves and for each other.

Amara's heart pounded in her chest as she led the triplets through the dimly lit alleyway. Every instinct told her to keep running, to put as much distance between them and their attackers as possible.

But she knew they couldn't afford to be reckless. They needed a plan, a way to regroup and figure out their next move. Slowing her pace, she glanced over her shoulder to ensure they hadn't been followed.

Balrion's chest heaved as he caught his breath, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. "Are we... safe here?" he asked between gasps.

Amara nodded, leaning against the rough brick wall for support. "For now," she replied, her voice strained with exhaustion. "But we can't stay here long."

Leoforn's brow furrowed in concern as he surveyed the damage from their earlier encounter. Bruises and cuts marred their bodies, evidence of the fierce battle they had fought. "We need to find a place to rest and tend to our wounds," he suggested.

Damion clenched his fists, frustration etched on his face. "And then what?" he demanded. "We're no closer to finding out who's behind all of this."

Amara could feel the weight of Damion's words hanging heavily in the air. He was right—they were still in the dark about their mysterious enemies and their ultimate motive.

Boros stepped forward, his voice steady and calm as he addressed the group. "We need information," he stated firmly. "And I think I know just where to find it."

Curiosity flickered in Amara's eyes as she regarded Boros. She could sense that he had something important to share.

"There's a bar not far from here," Boros began, his gaze locked with hers. "It's a known meeting spot for underground mercenaries like Kaelan. If anyone has information, it's them."

A spark of hope ignited within Amara as she considered Boros' suggestion. It was a risky move, but they were running out of options.

"Alright," she agreed, her voice filled with determination. "Let's go and see what we can find out."

The group moved quickly through the shadows, their bodies still aching from the previous fight. As they approached the dimly lit bar, the sound of rowdy laughter and clinking glasses filled the night air.

Amara's heart raced with anticipation as they stepped inside. The atmosphere was heavy with smoke and the scent of alcohol, and the patrons eyed them warily as they made their way to an empty table in the corner.

Taking a seat, Amara scanned the room for any familiar faces. She knew that gaining the trust of these mercenaries wouldn't be easy, but they had no other choice.