
Sharpshooter of Roya Online

It was an ominous day... it truly was. Heavy rain, dark clouds, thunder raging through the sky a young man ran for his life as he was chased by many people. Shots were fired. "You have nowhere to run now do you? you f**ker." After running for two hours the young man had come to a dead end. *bang* *bang* Shots were fired as the young boy's buddy was pierced by many bullets he fell to the ground. Eyes filled with nothing but hatred and regret. "Even if I die I will haunt you forever," said the young boy as he drew his last breath before dying. He only wanted to humiliate and destroy the man who put his mother through depression the man in question was his father that abandoned the family why? "Because I'm a pro gamer I don't have time to raise a kid" saying that the sorry excuse of a father left the family. The young boy was loathed by his depressed mother. He played the game Roya online just to become the best and humiliate his father who was hailed as a once-in-a-century genius but failed... His father ruthlessly ordered his man to kill him. Mr.Cyrus? Mr.Cyrus? Are my lessons boring to the point that you are sleeping? What? the young man was back in his high school days 10 years back in the past? Now confused as to what had happened the young man made a promise: If I have really come to the past and this is not some vile dream after my death. I will destroy that bastard's company and raise it to the ground.

Miyuki_Cat · เกม
14 Chs

A big surprise

Cyrus right now was in a good spot, sure he was lacking in level but one other thing people didn't know was the importance of in-game Money you could buy coins with real-world currency but they would be limited and couldn't be used in every place.

some high-ranking shops selling high-tier stuff or Auction houses didn't accept any money bought with real-world currency only the money farmed through farming clearing quests and trading.

Cyrus would be behind in the first month or so lacking behind the majority but after the first month when the auction houses opened then Cyrus would have an advantage that none of the other players could have and that would be wealth.

Cyrus had divided his early-game stage into 3 sections.

First, Leveling till he ran out of mana.

Second, butchering bunnies till he ran out of stamina.

Third, raising his affinity with the villagers by doing odd jobs.

One thing is worth noting, when you ran out of stamina and mana you wouldn't suffer from anything inside the safe zones however, outside you would feel the fatigue and be considerably weakened so doing voluntary works and odd jobs weren't taxing on stamina and instead of sitting around till he recovered he could gain other advantages that normal players would ignore to only regret in mid-game stages.

Cyrus already had raised his affinity with the Butcher, the people of Alchemist guild, and the blacksmith of Krenapal village.

6 days went by fast Cyrus now had 95% affinity with the people of Krenapal village the difference was really evident as NPCs tend to ignore other players but when they saw Cyrus they would greet him and casually chat with him as if Cyrus was a resident of Krenapal for decades.

This naturally was met with many outraged players. many tried to do their quest, buying and selling stuff through Cyrus some even went as far as to threaten to kill him to level one.

But Cyrus didn't even give a flying fuck about them.

Cyrus Butchered the last batch of the rabbits and moved towards the alchemist guild to sell the products.

As soon as Cyrus entered the guild he was greeted by an enthusiastic receptionist.

"Hi, Mr.Cyrus another batch of rabbit organs?" she tried to do her best to look as pleasing as possible she even had used her treasured perfume to leave a positive expression on Cyrus.

Cyrus politely replied, "Yes Ms.Veronica another batch of rabbit organs... your perfume smells really good and pleasing is it Cherry blossom?"

"oh... Yes, it's Cherry blossom" said Veronica as she slightly blushed and was happy that Cyrus had noticed her Perfume.

"Mr.Cyrus Are you free this afternoon?" said Veronica while nervously twirling her fingers under the table trying to calm herself down.

Now another thing is worth mentioning that we didn't mention before and that's how Cyrus looks.

Cyrus has an above-average height of 190cm he has mild dark skin as his origins are from the middle east and his black hair is accompanied by his pitch-black eyes enhancing his looks. If one were to describe Cyrus's looks they would definitely describe him as a natural-born prince his face has that classy look that even if he were to dress like a beggar his looks would definitely make you feel like it must be a new fashion trend or something.

Being a martial artist in real-life also adds to his natural charm as his body is ripped not over muscular but with refined and tuned muscles.

To top it all off, his in-game race being an Elf definitely has its own effects as Elfs have the highest charm among the races but if you are going to ask what about succubuses and incubuses well, the answer is simple they are characters made to please someones sexual interest while elves are considered handsome and pretty.

Cyrus liked Veronica as she was pretty and her innocent looks enhanced her charms.

But Cyrus had to regretfully and bitterly decline her offer as he had many things to do.

Veronica looked down as she was hoping to go on a date with Cyrus.

Cyrus took out a bracelet that he had gotten from an old lady when he helped her.

It was a golden bracelet with flower patterns it was really neat and beautiful the craftsmanship could be described as borderline perfect.

Cyrus handed the Bracelet to Veronica and thanked her for helping him during his stay in the village as he said farewells to Veronica and left.

Veronica's face was as red as a tomato and she was feeling mixed emotions as she held the bracelet one of the receptionists start teasing her.

After calming down she decided to keep this bracelet as her family heirloom while deep down hoping Cyrus would return to the Krenapal village.

Cyrus didn't have time to spare and get into relationships with every single female he saw while Veronica was perfect in every aspect whether it was looks or proportions he had goals to achieve.

Cyrus made his way toward a house that the village chief directed him to in order to complete his last mission and gain 100% affinity with the people of Krenapal village.

Cyrus knocked on the door expecting some elderly woman to open the door surprisingly a feeble little girl opened the door she was at most 12 years old.

She had a really cute and innocent face. her light blue hair extended to her shoulder and her eyes were light blue in color giving her a fantasy look.

"What do you want mister?" said the little girl while almost closing the door only leaving a small gap to see the person who knocked on the door.

Cyrus felt like he had seen this little girl somewhere but couldn't really put his finger on the memory relating to this little girl.

"Hi, little sister the village chief send me here saying you had a quest that needed to be complete" Cyrus said with a calm and gentle voice. after having to deal with many little Cousins Cyrus knew how to start a conversation without scaring kids.

"I'm sorry Mister but I don't have anything to give you as a reward and all the other Misters that came to my home left saying my quest was trash" she said with a sad expression a little tear coming down from her left eye as she was genuinely sad.

After seeing her saddened face Cyrus genuinely wanted to go and slaughter all of this fucking players that only wanted benefits out of everything they did as he cursed inwardly.

"It's okay I'm not doing this for the reward I'm doing this as I owe a favour to the old man" Cyrus said not wanting to look like a creep and saying things like no worry this uncle will do anything you want for free or this uncle helps people in the name of Justice.

After saying so a window popped up in front of Cyrus describing the quest.

[ Quest: Help an aspiring tamer rank: F Rewards: none ]

{Capture a cute little Rabbit pup and give it to Marilee. she is aspiring to become a tamer like her late father.}

Cyrus was left speechless, this... he know exactly what this quest was.

Now everything felt in place her light blue hair and blue eyes her innocent face he know who she was.

Cyrus calmed his emotions down and said:

"Mission accepted Cyrus the adventurer ready for duty little customer just wait right here this handsome adventurer will bring you the cutest the most beautiful rabbit pup of them all"

Marilee felt really happy and said, "yay someone accepted my quest ty Mister Cyrus."

Cyrus didn't waste any more time and went towards the beginner field as Marilee could become a very important trump card against a certain powerful entity.

Cyrus now knew why one accepted this quest and that was because rabbit pups were fast and troublesome to catch on top of that the rabbit pup had to be captured unharmed.

Cyrus remembered the first guy that this quest and shared it on the forum. he was a guy that had 7 younger siblings and when he saw the sad expression of Marilee he decided to capture the rabbit pup no matter what and had tried for 7 days till he was finally able to capture the rabbit and give it to Marilee.

The guy didn't receive any rewards but that little push helped little Marilee to develop her skills as she was really talented and became a prominent figure but that wasn't important at all, what was important was the fact that who Marilee's mother was.

And Cyrus knew that one way or another he would clash with the overprotective mother that everyone including Marilee thought was dead.

Not wasting any time Cyrus came up with a plan to capture the rabbit pup it was simple he would chase the rabbit and shot bullets to narrow its escape path till it was cornered then he would capture the rabbit.

Cyrus found his target a fluffy white rabbit with a cute white horn on top of its head its black eyes were really cute and beautiful giving it a majestic look.

Cyrus initiated his plan and everything went without a hitch after shooting 20 bullets he was able to corner the rabbit without harming it and capture it.

Cyrus made his way back to the village shortly after he reached Marilee's house and knocked on the door.

Marilee opened the door and was greeted by a fluffy little rabbit looking at her. her heart melt on the spot and she was in a daze just looking at this fluffy little furball.

Cyrus tilted his head showing himself to Marilee and said" Surprise, Surprise the cool handsome adventurer Cyrus is back with the cutest the most beautiful and majestic rabbit of them all"

Marilee was really excited she took the rabbit away from Cyrus and danced happily. while thanking Cyrus over and over.

[Quest complete

Completion rank: 100/100]

[Affinity with villagers is now maxed. from now on you will receive a 20% discount on every purchase you make in Krenapal village]

As Cyrus got up to leave Marilee took out a little butterfly origami and gave it to Cyrus.

Cyrus looked at Marilee and know that she was trying her best to give something back to Cyrus for his help.

Cyrus said "Oh my god a cute pink butterfly thank you butterfly is my favorite animal I will make sure to hang it on my gun it will be a beautiful charm" Cyrus then hung the butterfly onto his weapon.

[Attachment Equipped.

Pink Butterfly ( accessory ) rank: ???

A butterfly origami made by a cute little girl.]

Cyrus was surprised he had never seen an item with (?) marks as a rating as Cyrus was thinking about what it might be he was snapped out of his thoughts by Marilee.

"Mister ty for helping me. do you... do you know how I can make a contract with my rabbit?" Marilee said as she was embarrassed for asking too much from a stranger while she didn't have anything to give as a reward.

Cyrus sighed as his heart was melted by the cute expression of Marilee trying to act like a responsible adult her slightly red face was enough to melt the heart of the most stone-cold assassins and give them a sense of most protect at all cost.

Cyrus went inside the house and explained everything regarding making a contract as it was common knowledge for players in the mid-game stage, while not many knew how in the mid-game having a bond monster would greatly help one on their adventure it was a must-have thing, but at this stage, not many knew and NPCs of a beginner village were no exception.

Cyrus patiently explained everything while Marilee took notes writing everything in her diary.

After two hours of explanation, Cyrus left her home and waved her goodbye now it was time for Cyrus to prepare himself and move forward to achieve his goals.

Unknowingly Cyrus had attracted the attention of the overprotective mother earlier than he had anticipated while it wasn't necessarily a bad thing it was definitely not good either.

[A/N: Cyrus's favorite animal is not butterfly he just said it to make Marilee feel happy.}