
Sharpshooter of Roya Online

It was an ominous day... it truly was. Heavy rain, dark clouds, thunder raging through the sky a young man ran for his life as he was chased by many people. Shots were fired. "You have nowhere to run now do you? you f**ker." After running for two hours the young man had come to a dead end. *bang* *bang* Shots were fired as the young boy's buddy was pierced by many bullets he fell to the ground. Eyes filled with nothing but hatred and regret. "Even if I die I will haunt you forever," said the young boy as he drew his last breath before dying. He only wanted to humiliate and destroy the man who put his mother through depression the man in question was his father that abandoned the family why? "Because I'm a pro gamer I don't have time to raise a kid" saying that the sorry excuse of a father left the family. The young boy was loathed by his depressed mother. He played the game Roya online just to become the best and humiliate his father who was hailed as a once-in-a-century genius but failed... His father ruthlessly ordered his man to kill him. Mr.Cyrus? Mr.Cyrus? Are my lessons boring to the point that you are sleeping? What? the young man was back in his high school days 10 years back in the past? Now confused as to what had happened the young man made a promise: If I have really come to the past and this is not some vile dream after my death. I will destroy that bastard's company and raise it to the ground.

Miyuki_Cat · Games
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14 Chs

First day of Roya Online

Matthew: Ladies and Gentlemen as you all know we always keep the best for the last well as for reason, of course for more viewership and money anyway now I'm holding a letter that's been sent to me from the man the legend the Genius who at only 17 years old trashed several professional MMA fighters in the octagon.

as you guessed, it's Cyrus Shahmanesh the son of prodigy Johnatan Aaron.

You are wondering why the last name is Shahmanesh instead of Aaron? well, it's because when Cyrus was a newborn kid Johnatan left the family saying "I can't be bothered raising a kid I'm a professional gamer".

and this letter is a response to Johnatan's arrogant remark that his genes although superior do not guarantee talent, so now that I have wasted enough time to get full money from the ad revenue I'm going to read the letter without wasting any more time.

"Dear busybody Matthew my name is Cyrus Shahmanesh the proud grandson of the legend himself Benjamin Shahmanesh.

If you were to ask me what I hate the most about myself I would say the fact that half of my genes come from a lowlife bastard who can't even pull out.

If you ask what I love the most about myself I would say the fact that I was fortunate enough to be born inside the Shahmanesh household.

Since you asked me for a response here is my response:

From a man who is actually somewhat talented in real life to a lowlife who only has a mediocre gaming talent. instead of going around acting high and mighty and giving your professional opinion on things that you don't even understand you should stick to playing video games and shut your mouth after all whenever you opened your mouth and made your expert remarks regarding various different things we all know how they ended up A CATASTROPHE.

From the Atlas Capsules that your company made well, we all know how they all ended up spoiler alert 70% of them exploded killing 35k gamers, we are not gonna forget your professional E-sport team that all mysteriously disappeared what happened to the 20 men team? still to this day, no one knows.

The terrorist attack that happened due to the lack of security during one of the events hosted by your company, or the time that you made your expert remarks and invested in stocks ran by scammers and almost went broke, honestly if I were you I would kowtow 1000 times to your expert team that saved your ass.

If I were to continue this letter would turn to a novel instead so I will let the people research and see all the mess you made MR.PRODIGY.

How are your lovers that underwent abortion surgery?

If you can't pull out then use condoms it's not that deep man.

Just go stick to playing games and don't chat shit about people who are way more talented than you. you fuck face."

HUFF WOW jeez I don't know what to say but man calling me a busybody, that hurt you know? I just love drama and money.

Now ladies and gentlemen this is the end of our today's program there is only 1 day left to Roya Online's launch so your sexy and handsome host will excuse himself and go play some games.

The backlash of the letter was way greater than what many people imagined Atlas Company run by Johnathan lost a 12% value overnight when people remembered past blunders of Johnathan they became skeptical about the future of the company, and to top it off he became a worldwide meme as many people hated him due to his arrogance the thread of #use_condoms became really popular making many memes about Johnatan.


27th of May 2202, Official launch of Roya Online.

Cyrus had finally made decisions and finalized his plans about how he would move in the game.


Cyrus laid down in his capsule looking at the countdown.









Welcome to Roya Online.

Operator 563: Pls cho----

Cyrus: Nickname: Cyrus Shahmanesh

Race: Elf

keep the appearance the same as real-life

class: Gunner

Operator 563: Pls let me do m-----

Cyrus: SKIP

Kingdom Flikrat, Starting village Krenapal.

Operator 563: Do you wa----

Cyrus: SKIP Respawn me mother fucker I don't have time.

Operator 563: Sor-

Cyrus: SKIP

[Spawning in the Krenapal village (10sc)]

Welcome to our humble village dear adventurers.

The village chief welcomed the players while everyone stood there listening to the chief Cyrus checked his Status window to see if everything was the same as he remembered.


Name: Cyrus Shahamanesh

Race: Elf

Title: ------

Class: Gunner

Level: (1) 0/1000 XP

HP: 100/100 MANA: 20/20 Stamina: 50/50

STR: 1 AGI: 4 DEX: 3

INT: 1 WIS: 1 VIT: 1

DEF: 1

Luck:? Charisma:?

Undistributed attribute points: 0

Active skill: -----

Passive skill: -----

Money: 5 silver coins


Everything was the same as before.

The reason why Cyrus did something as stupid as using his IRL name in-game was simple even if he became the enemy of the strongest and best players in-game they wouldn't have the guts to touch him in real life whether they were presidents of a country or the most notorious underground organization.

And the reason behind choosing Elf as his race was quite simple it was because Elves had more Growth potential in range classes such as Gunner, Archer, Ranger, Rogue, etc...

Every race in Roya Online had its own specific attribute and affinities the most balanced race would be humans since you could choose all of the classes although it had its own problems, for example, a Dwarf would become a way better blacksmith than a human or an Elf would become a way better Archer than a human but other then race-specific occupations Humans would become better than other races.

And since Cyrus aimed to become the strongest Gunner he needed to choose elves as later on in the world tournaments, most of the participants would be from classes such as Swordsmen and Assassin which would easily counter Gunner however Cyrus wanted to win the tournament against all odds and prove to everyone that he is a way better player than his bastard father John.

After gaining the reputation of being the best player and having the backing of the Shahmanesh family he would establish his own gaming company and take over Roya Online he would then slowly initiate his plan to take revenge on his father taking everything away from him both in real life and in-game.

After Cyrus confirmed everything is as he remembered, his plan was simple.

Gunner class had a big flaw and that was you needed to reload your gun by directly injecting mana into it the guns in Roya Online didn't have any sort of ammunition like their counterparts in real life, they were fantasy-looking guns that were mana operated.

And in Roya Online you had to manually use mana, unlike other games where you would just think of the skill and it would activate, this was something that needed time and talent, Cyrus however, thanks to his Reincarnation didn't have to spend time learning how to control mana and utilize it.

As Gunner class, you would first unlock a pistol that was 33 CM long this pistol held 6 bullets at a time and it needed 4 seconds to reload (depending on the user's control over mana the duration would shorten significantly for Cyrus it was only 1 second as he had perfect control over mana) each reload would cost 4 mana meaning that Cyrus could reload the pistol 5 times.

in total with the bullets that already came with the gun Cyrus would have a total of 36 bullets.

Compared to other classes Gunner's early game could be considered borderline trash as when they ran out of bullets they wouldn't be able to kill any more monsters while other players from other classes could go on as long as they wanted.

And Cyrus would be an anomaly in the category of Gunners since other Gunners couldn't shoot more than 6 bullets that came with the gun before just sitting down and thinking how the fuck can we progress.

Cyrus choose the Krenapal village due to the fact that he could use the time he needed to rest and regenerate mana to do business and make money.

The first step of Cyrus in Roya Online was to visit the local General store.

From there he bought a Butcher knife using all the money he had, he then moved towards the plane where the beginner monsters spawned.

The monsters in the beginner zone of the Krenapal village were Horned rabbits. each rabbit needed 3 shots to be killed. in total Cyrus could kill 12 rabbits before running out of bullets.

Using his 10 years of Experience Cyrus didn't waste a single bullet and killed 12 rabbits because if he fucked up there he would be screwed losing a lot of time.

Cyrus slowly made his way towards the jungle where there wasn't a single player.

He then took out the rabbits 1 by 1 and manually butchered them.

if one were to sell the rabbit corpse to the butcher they would only get 20 bronze coins however if you processed the rabbit and sold the pelt and horn to the blacksmith, Organs to the Alchemist Guild, and meat to the butcher you would make 1 silver coins five times the normal.


[Congratulations you have gained a new skill]

|{Dismantle. grade:(f)}:

A necessary skill for adventurers by using this skill you can automatically process the monsters the higher the skills grade the higher the level of monsters you can process currently can process level 1 to 6 monsters.

Cooldown: -----

-1 stamina upon usage.|


this was precisely why Cyrus needed 12 rabbits and why he choose Krenapal village other villages had different beginner monsters which even if you processed you would at most make 50 bronze coins half the amount you would gain from horned rabbits.

Cyrus sold all the rabbit parts and made 12 silver coins.

Cyrus then went back to the beginner's plane and set up his trading station.

[Buying Horned rabbits 25 bronze coins each]


"Is this player crazy or something? why doesn't he just hunt the rabbits himself"

"Maybe he is a production class or something with 0 combat prowess"

"Well, who cares he buys the rabbits 5 coins higher than the butcher and we don't need to go all the way back to the village it will increase our hunting time and profit"

"Someone check if it's a scam or something"


Several players discussed what Cyrus was doing among themselves while one of them went towards Cyrus and talked to him.

Cool daddy 69: Yo, you really buying rabbits?

Cyrus: yeah need them to increase my class level I'm a chef.

Cool daddy 69: I have 10 can you buy them all?

Cyrus: Yeah sure, accept the trade request.

Cool daddy 69: Holy shit this trading system is cool its scam proof.


if the trades contents are as discussed choose [YES] to proceed if the contents are not the same as discussed pls choose [NO]

Cool daddy 69: [YES]

Cool daddy 69: AYE bros it's legit I got 250 bronze coins.

after the confirmation of Cool daddy 69, all the players rushed to Cyrus to sell their horned rabbits.


After buying 48 rabbits Cyrus disappeared into the jungle.

After processing the rabbits and selling them he had already recovered all of his mana.

Cyrus decided to do this cycle for the next 6 in-game days or 2 real-world days.

(3/1 ratio)

After that he would look at his state if he had enough money to buy all the necessary materials he would then make his way to the closest dungeon to clear it for levels.