
Sharpshooter of Roya Online

It was an ominous day... it truly was. Heavy rain, dark clouds, thunder raging through the sky a young man ran for his life as he was chased by many people. Shots were fired. "You have nowhere to run now do you? you f**ker." After running for two hours the young man had come to a dead end. *bang* *bang* Shots were fired as the young boy's buddy was pierced by many bullets he fell to the ground. Eyes filled with nothing but hatred and regret. "Even if I die I will haunt you forever," said the young boy as he drew his last breath before dying. He only wanted to humiliate and destroy the man who put his mother through depression the man in question was his father that abandoned the family why? "Because I'm a pro gamer I don't have time to raise a kid" saying that the sorry excuse of a father left the family. The young boy was loathed by his depressed mother. He played the game Roya online just to become the best and humiliate his father who was hailed as a once-in-a-century genius but failed... His father ruthlessly ordered his man to kill him. Mr.Cyrus? Mr.Cyrus? Are my lessons boring to the point that you are sleeping? What? the young man was back in his high school days 10 years back in the past? Now confused as to what had happened the young man made a promise: If I have really come to the past and this is not some vile dream after my death. I will destroy that bastard's company and raise it to the ground.

Miyuki_Cat · เกม
14 Chs

A beautiful surprise

Cyrus reached the noble district or the second ring, Cyrus went towards the gate to enter, Normally you would need a sort of recommendation letter or some sort of status to enter the second ring of the capital.

Even though Cyrus had the recommendation later from the village chief from Krenapal village he didn't need to use it as his current title as an Apostle was more than enough to qualify him to even enter the Third ring which is where the king's castle is located at.

After entering the second ring Cyrus told one of the Guards to guide him to the Dronuya family's residence.

Without hesitation, the guard nodded and escorted Cyrus after all how many Apostles one can see in their life?

On the way, the Guard and Cyrus made many small talks and shared some of their memories with each other the guard was really a cool guy and Cyrus liked this type of person, humble, cool, and friendly.

When they reached the Dronuya household Cyrus didn't have money to give to the guy so he decided to do something to save himself from embarrassment and he said.

"May the benevolent Sakrifa bless you and your path"

Golden light enveloped the guy and a message popped up.

*Congratulations for discovering one of the hidden futures of an apostle*


[Can only be used on NPCs up to 10 blessings a day.

Effect: 75% XP Boost for 12 hours 25% stat boost for 12 hours

Note: When used on an individual that individual cannot receive the blessing for 30 days]

Cyrus couldn't muster anything to say other than "wtf". this is too overpowered 75%XP boost is something that can't be easily gained even legendary XP boost potions only give a 40% XP boost and their Price is extremely high due to how rare they are and even if you can afford and use one, the longest period that the boost can last is at most 7 hours.

Yet Cyrus now blessed a guy giving him a 75% boost for 12 hours.

The NPC himself was shocked he looked at one of the guards guarding the entrance of the Dronuya household and said: "Tell boss I'm sick I can't work anymore today I have to go home and rest."

The Guard guarding the mansion said: "Boss will fire you from the job if you leave without any valid reason."

The blessed Guard replied: "Fuck boss this blessing tastes like promotion"

He then took off running towards the nearest level 250 Dungeon.

What was Cyrus doing now? He was chanting "May the benevolent Sakrifa bless me" over and over however every time a message would pop up saying "You cannot bless yourself"

Cyrus just sat there trying to calm down and relax a bit and all he could think of was "why I can't bless myself? Fucking useless ability"

Seeing as he couldn't do anything about it Cyrus walked towards the mansion he just wanted to get done with this quest and go home.

The guard had already informed the Duke that the Apostle of Sakrifa is paying a visit to them.

The maids had already prepared the finest tea and the duke himself wore his best attire and wait at the door to greet Cyrus.

Cyrus reached the Mansion and he was fascinated by how big and gorgeous the design was.

It was evident that only the finest materials were used when constructing this huge mansion.

Duke walked forward and greeted Cyrus, Cyrus politely greeted back and both men walked inside.

After sitting down in the living room and having some tea which tasted heavenly Cyrus got down to business and said: "My God Sakrifa has given me a mission to cure the young miss of Dronuya Household."

Upon saying this the carefree duke got extremely serious after all they had been trying and reaching out to the best and most talented healers, physicians, and every single living being that could use some sort of healing magic but no one could heal the young miss of Dronuya household and it was said that she would die upon reaching her 26th birthday.

Cyrus was 17 years old if one couldn't see his title right above his head they would call him a fraud and would punish him as hard as they could.

Let alone his age his outfit was more outrageous.

Cheap western-style outfit if one didn't know his title as an apostle they would think he is some sort of cowboy wannabe with zero amount of etiquette and respect.

Duke let out an audible sigh and said: "Young man although you are an Apostle it does not mean that I would go easy on you if any farm befalls my little daughter."

Cyrus looked at the duke and said: " Dear duke although you are only one rank below the king it does not mean that I would sit here and let you make empty threats I have been given a mission by my god, I have done the first part and now I'm here to do the last after I cure your young miss I will leave if you don't respect me as an Apostle at least show some respect towards my god."

Duke looked like he would chew Cyrus's head off while Cyrus looked as if he couldn't give the slightest fuck about the duke.

Duke got up and start leading the way towards his Daughter's room.

Cyrus was fascinated by how beautiful the interior was but he didn't show any form of excitement or fascination on his face.

Duke knocked on a big double door that was handmade the carvings looked as if at any given moment they could come to life.

From within the most gentle and soothing voice that Cyrus had ever heard replied: "yes?"

"Dear Daughter I have brought the apostle of benevolent god Sakrifa with me he says he has the means to cure your illness may we come in?"

"Yes, father pls do come in."

Duke opened the door, and the next scene that Cyrus saw was something that he would never imagine being able to see.

A young female around 20 years old sat on her bed next to a big window gazing at the flowers outside of her room.

Sun shone on her beautiful purple silky hair that reached all the way down to her waist.

Her gorgeous Icy gray eyes looked as if they could pierce through the secrets of the world yet harbored all the sadness in the world.

Her face was so captivating that it seemed as if the world's best and most talented Sculpture had spent decades upon decades carving it.

The young girl looked at Cyrus with eyes filled with all sorts of emotions.

Hope, doubt, anticipation, etc...

Cyrus was brought out of his daze upon hearing the gentle voice of Agatha.

"Welcome dear Apostle, thank you for spending your precious time to visit our household, I do apologize for not being able to personally greet you, my lord, due to my illness I have been bedridden for quite a while."

"Pls do not say such things Ms.Agatha I'm but a humble servant of my god Sakrifa."

Cyrus got closer to Agatha and took out the ten thousand cure Elixir and handed it to Agatha.

Upon inspecting and seeing what the potion was Agatha was speechless and she couldn't bring herself to say anything.

"Now that I have done my mission I shall take my leave as I have other missions to do for my God."

"Wait pls my lord"

said Agatha with a flustered voice.

Cyrus turned around and could see that Agatha had a very confusing expression on her face she should be on cloud nine as she has now gained the cure for her Illness that was said to be incurable yet she looked as if she had many things to say.

"My lord, I made a promise to myself that the day someone cures me I would marry that person... however I'm awfully aware that I'm not worthy of marrying someone of your caliber but pls let me serve you for the rest of my life whether it's as a servant or anything else as long as it's something that my lord Cyrus wants I would be glad to do so."

"Agatha I know how much this illness has hurt you my daughter and I know how much this Elixir is worth but pls don't worry I have various things of equal value to present to Lord Cyrus."

Morris Dronuya said as he tried to change the topic after all Agatha was his most precious treasure and now that she finally had a cure for her incurable diseases he wanted to at least be able to protect her and give her much-deserved freedom.

Before Cyrus was able to say anything a voice in his head said: "She is quite interesting this man is not her father and her mother that is coming towards this room is also not her mother, she is most likely adopted however, She is not a human either it's really interesting."

Cyrus was startled as he could recognize this voice it was the voice of Sakrifa.

Sakrifa continued.

"No matter what you should get her, her race is something that shouldn't exist in this realm her sickness is also due to the fact that her powers have been sealed. Once she becomes yours I can tell you a method to undone her seal, then you will realize how valuable she is."

Hearing this from a pinnacle existence such as Sakrifa Cyrus knew what he meant, if it's something a being such as Sakrifa say is valuable it means that everything that Cyrus knows as valuable is worthless compared to her.

Cyrus said: "Pls do not jest, Ms.Agatha, in compression to your beauty alone I would be the one considered Unworthy. and Mr.Morris I do not need any rewards as one loot at Ms.Agatha's face is equal to a mountain of treasure."

Although Cyrus was influenced by what Sakrifa had said, the things that he said now were not one bit lie and Agatha could see it with her eyes being one part of her power.

The feeling that Cyrus got from Agatha's Eyes about being able to pierce through the secrets of the world was not far off from the truth.

However, what many didn't know was how greedy and possessive Agatha could become, she had Always put on a facade of a good girl on and nobody had noticed her true feelings, While she wasn't someone evil that would do anything to intentionally harm people, she had this feeling that anything that shines a little brighter than other things belongs to her and if an adventurer at only level 15 was able to both become an Apostle and acquire a ten thousand Elixir, it meant that this person had either otherworldly luck or was a prodigy among prodigies.

Although Cyrus himself hadn't noticed it his hair, eyes, muscles, and face had all been changed after his race changed.

He looked more charming his hair had become white his eyes had turned from black to blue and his muscles were more toned and refined.

To Agatha, Cyrus looked like a piece of diamond that should be acquired by her no matter what.

Agatha then started talking: "If my lord Cyrus says that I'm worth so much then I would like to ask whether my lord Cyrus would want to marry someone like me."

I mean if you put a man in the room with the world's most beautiful woman and that woman said they wanted to marry them that man had to either be blind to not realize the beauty or interested in the same sex, not the opposite to not accept the offer. the others would definitely accept the offer without batting an eye, especially now that Cyrus knew she was an existence valuable enough to pique the interest of a god.

Morris was trying his best to change the topic but both parties had ulterior motives, One wanted to get her hands on this fat piece of gem in front of her, the other wanted to just undo her seal and satisfy his gamer curiosity and see why would she pique the interest of a god.

Cyrus said: "Ms.Agatha for me It's a really good and tempting offer as every men's ultimate goal is to marry a beautiful wife, however, you should also know that marrying an adventurer is not the same as marrying the people of your world."

"Yes, I'm aware that marrying an adventurer means being bound to them until they divorce you or give you a valid reason to divorce them, and cheating on the adventurer will lead to being punished by the All-Mother.

At this point, Agatha's mother had come into the room and said:

"Then the marriage shall happen in 8 days from now if my dear Daughter Agatha has decided to marry Lord Cyrus then I and my husband don't have any reason to stop her."

Her demeanor was more arrogant than a mother who loved her child and she looked at Cyrus with disdainful eyes as if he was some sort of filth.

Of course, her attitude ticked off Cyrus but he remained calm as he didn't want to upset Agatha right now all he wanted to do was to find out Agatha's secret who was she?

Cyrus said: Now then that the date of marriage is decided by Mrs.Dronuya then I shall take my leave as my little sister is all alone.

Agatha got sad about Cyrus leaving so soon but she calmed down and didn't want to seem clingy and leave a bad impression on Cyrus.

"Ms.Agatha pls drink the Elixir and recover during the upcoming 8 days and in the meantime, I shall attend to some of my personal businesses."

"Take care Mr.Cyrus and once again thank you for gracing our family by visiting us and thank you for saving my life."