
Sharpshooter of Roya Online

It was an ominous day... it truly was. Heavy rain, dark clouds, thunder raging through the sky a young man ran for his life as he was chased by many people. Shots were fired. "You have nowhere to run now do you? you f**ker." After running for two hours the young man had come to a dead end. *bang* *bang* Shots were fired as the young boy's buddy was pierced by many bullets he fell to the ground. Eyes filled with nothing but hatred and regret. "Even if I die I will haunt you forever," said the young boy as he drew his last breath before dying. He only wanted to humiliate and destroy the man who put his mother through depression the man in question was his father that abandoned the family why? "Because I'm a pro gamer I don't have time to raise a kid" saying that the sorry excuse of a father left the family. The young boy was loathed by his depressed mother. He played the game Roya online just to become the best and humiliate his father who was hailed as a once-in-a-century genius but failed... His father ruthlessly ordered his man to kill him. Mr.Cyrus? Mr.Cyrus? Are my lessons boring to the point that you are sleeping? What? the young man was back in his high school days 10 years back in the past? Now confused as to what had happened the young man made a promise: If I have really come to the past and this is not some vile dream after my death. I will destroy that bastard's company and raise it to the ground.

Miyuki_Cat · Games
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14 Chs

Roya Online Class explanation

Cyrus got ready to take his leave and as he was leaving the mansion Mrs.Dronuya called out to him.

"Mr.Cyrus pls accept this humble gift from"

She extended a chest towards Cyrus, Cyrus looked at the chest and frowned but didn't show any visual dissatisfaction and said: "Dear Mrs.Dronuya I'm but a humble servant of Sakrifa I do not require any worldly wealth, Ty for your offer and may the Benevolent Sakrifa bless you"

Golden light enveloped Mrs.Dronuya, she looked at Cyrus with eyes full of different emotions she then went inside the mansion, while Cyrus couldn't do anything but frown at how Mrs.Dronuya looked down on him.

"Why didn't you accept the money that was 10 Royal coins you know?"

"What a fucking joke that's just a measly 10 Royal coins she is thoroughly looking down on me and my capabilities the elixir that I gave them was worth more than a Million Royal coins I wish I could have sold it.

"Then what are you going to do? there is no denying it that you are currently a poor fucker and with the wedding coming up you need some money to buy clothes throw a wedding worthy of an Apostle and much more you know?"

"Sigh... although making money is not Easy I have my ways just wait and I will make enough to Shut this fuckers up."

Sakrifa wanted to poke more fun at Cyrus but he decided to keep it for later and see how Cyrus can make enough money for a royal-level wedding it would be amusing.

Cyrus made his way back to the guild district and went inside.

There he saw Marilee who was earnestly training Fluffy to do basic and advanced tasks for her.

All the negative emotions of Cyrus dispersed as he took in the sight of a cute little girl trying her best to tell a cute little bunny to roll around, the confused little bunny tried its best to do so but kept failing.

Cyrus called out to Marilee and she immediately run towards him and gave him a hug, every worry of Cyrus ceased to exist as he carried Marilee to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Thankfully when he upgraded the Guild, Kitchen became self-sufficient as it refilled all the used food ingredients for free.

Cyrus had a lot of experience cooking and baking as he had done it a lot in both real life and in-game to satisfy certain entities but that story is for another time, Cyrus doesn't like to talk about the time when he was forced to become the maid of a Queen she had some weird preferences and Cyrus was right in her criteria it wasn't a fun time for Cyrus but oh boy she did enjoy it a lot.

Cyrus made some light food for Marilee as he was planning to bake a strawberry cake for her for dessert.

After Marilee started eating the cake 3 people couldn't take their eyes off the cute little Marilee eating the cake.

Sakrifa and Delara were in a daze just watching her eat a whole plate of cake, Sakrifa nodded in satisfaction and noted it down to make a monthly mission for Cyrus to bake various different cakes for Marilee, Delara looked at the scene with many desires she wanted to be the one to bake her the cake and dote on her for the rest of her life but the circumstances didn't allow her to do so.

Cyrus though was recording the scene to watch it whenever he encountered people like Mrs.Dronuya.

at this point, if it wasn't clear already then we have to say that Cyrus has a very strong Sister complex thanks to spending time with Dorcey and seeing Marilee he couldn't help but compare the two in terms of cuteness.

Marilee won by a little bit of difference.

Cyrus only sighed thinking why can't Dorcey also act like Marilee around him.

The night went by quickly as Cyrus was happy that he had proposed to Delara to take care of Marilee.


In Roya Online if you chose a certain class it does not mean you are bound by it.

For example, if you chose tank as your class each time you leveled up you would gain more Defence stats and health, While mage class would receive more INT and WIS.

Of course, some classes had similar stat gains upon level up Gunner and Assassin were similar in stat gains but a bit different while Gunners tilted more towards Dex and agility, Assassins tilted more towards damage and agility.

But the difference would always be around 80 attribute point difference and now Cyrus thanks to his Race change had closed that gap.

Right now Cyrus had gained a 20 attribute point bonus on all of his Status points, Each player had the same 7 stats. being:


Right now Cyrus had gained a whopping +20 on all of them 140 attribute points in total.

Normally a gunner also needed to distribute attribute points on WIS and INT in order to balance the mana regeneration with the mana cost of the reload to null it.

But with the high mana regeneration rate gained from his race change, Cyrus now didn't need to put any points in both WIS and INT.

Right now Cyrus had the chance to become a versatile Gunner meaning he could use the skills and moves of Assassins near perfection.

In his past life, Cyrus was trained by Erik on how to become a perfect Assassin the only thing preventing him to become A capable Assassin on the same level as Marcus who was the #1 Assassin worldwide was the Attribute point distribution of his Gunner class, but if you were to ask the players that had to face him during his time in Roya Online they would tell you one thing about him:

"A fucking menace a bastard so hard to deal with that one would rather go up north and become the maid of the Saeko the ice-cold Queen."

The reason why Cyrus was able to rise to the top even though he started the game 2 years later than all (6 in-game years) was that he was a well-trained CQC fighter in real life and due to the lack of knowledge he had about video games, he gained an advantage that all the others overlooked due their subconscious knowledge that if you choose a class in-game then you were stuck with it for the rest of your life and using skills and weapons of other class was impossible.

Roya Online was a super realistic game just because your class was something it didn't mean you had to do everything that suited that class.

Cyrus didn't care about the Swordsmens who rushed to him to engage in CQC with him he just simply embraced them and accepted their challenge and fought them in CQC he sure died a lot doing so but as time passed he became more adept and more capable to the point that most players avoided fighting him 1 vs 1.

Cyrus broadened the horizon of many players and they all started doing weird shit and just called it OFF META style, they would choose random classes then do the opposite of what the class was intended for and they would most of the time get unique hidden classes.

This definitely made many love him but also many despised him for being the reason that this many troublesome classes had popped up over time.

Sharpshooter was a higher version of Gunner but if you played like Cyrus while having Sharpshooter as your class you would gain a special class that was overpowered.

But unfortunately, Cyrus wasn't the guy with that class even though he was the inventor of OFF META it was a polish guy that idolized Cyrus and through some lucky encounter became Sharpshooter then he became one of the top players utilizing the style of Cyrus.


Cyrus couldn't help but wonder what is that Polish guy up to. Even though the Polish guy became way stronger than Cyrus, Cyrus didn't harbor any hate for him in fact he thought him many things about how to become better at what he was doing.

As Cyrus was thinking about these things he reached the entrance of Belasora tower.

Belasora tower was a special tower that existed in all of the Kingdoms and Empires around the world all the 10 continents had many Belasora towers.

These Towers were made to help people gain class skills after reaching different Thresholds.

Level 15, 50, 120, 225, and so on.

Every time players or NPCs reached these Thresholds they would be able to receive their Class skills however there was also a hidden side to these towers.

If you had some sort of proof from Powerfull NPCs that had hidden classes you would be able to take the test to receive either a hidden version of your class or a higher version of it.

Of course, if you somehow through a lucky encounter found an Item or some entity that could grant you a class directly then you didn't have to go and bother taking the test.

Right now thanks to the arrangements made by Delara based on their deals Cyrus had one chance at taking the Sharpshooter class test if he failed he had to find another way to upgrade the class.


Cyrus let out a sigh took a deep breath and got ready to enter the tower.

Surprisingly there were many players inside the tower wondering around, after all, if you showed a 200-floor tall tower to gamers whether you said what it was for or not they would rush to it to find out themselves.

Cyrus hopped on the elevator and chose the 25th floor where Gunner's class section was located at.

After arriving Cyrus could only see 3 NPCs inside unlike other floors with many players and various different NPCs.

Cyrus sighed and moved forward it was thanks to him in his past life that people cared about the gunner class and the population of the Gunner class rose a lot, but now he would probably be the only Gunner in the capital even though he told his uncles how the class worked.

After all, even though the game System showed Gunner class, as maxed difficulty at 10, the real difficulty was 25 which was revealed later due to consent analysis of many people and clarification from the company.

It was just impossible to play, even after 6 in-game years when Cyrus joined there were only around a few thousand Gunners which were all useless and none of the guilds accepted them.

Cyrus walked up to the NPC who was in control of the Gunner class and politely greeted him.

The instructor was dumbfounded as an Adventurer was able to reach the tower so fast after all even though NPCs were born with mana in their blood even they had difficulty becoming proficient Gunners and that was precisely why there were way more Archers than Gunners.

The Instructor raised an Eyebrow and looked at Cyrus with amusement nodding his head.

A Gunner who was Able to become an Apostle in just 8 days from when the gates were opened? now that's some talented or lucky bastard or maybe a talented lucky bastard.

The Instructor was waiting for Cyrus to ask about some minor Class skills after all level 15 was a level where you could only gain low-tier class skills the higher your level was the higher the tier of the skills one could gain.

To the Surprise of the Instructor, Cyrus asked for a class upgrade.

The Instructor was dumbfounded and as he was going to ask him for some sort of proof the crystal tablet in front of him shone brightly and one simple word appeared.


The Instructor first was baffled at why the Crystal tablet of the All-Mother had litten up for just a level 15 adventurer, but he then Understood a man becoming an Apostle at only 15 levels wouldn't be a simple person.

The Instructor guided Cyrus towards the elevator and took him to the last floor where every test was taken.