

In the wild world of old-school mafia survival, where the big shots ruled the roost and the government played cozy with the fallen bigwigs or the weaker links... A powerhouse mafia clan with Vixen and her crew: Isabella, Raven, and Seraphina. But here’s the twisted rub—these girls were victims of their own father, Vito Moretti's incеstuous sexual behavior, Vito Morеtti, a man who didn't give a damn about family boundaries. So, Vixen, the rebel, decides it’s payback time. She discovers this whole hidden society thriving within the mafia, and guess what? She dives right in, dead set on climbing the ranks and tearing down her own family's criminal kingdom. But dang, just when Vixen’s about to spill all her family’s darkest secrets to the world, cue the dramatic entrance of a mysterious figure from the shadows - some creepy villain Hold onto your hats, 'cause here’s the gut punch: her father’s twisted actions were all part of someone else’s sick game plan, a puppet master pulling strings in the shadows with their own perverse agenda. And bam! They drop this bombshell about having some secret weapon that could turn Vixen's world upside down. Cue the creepy smile and the ominous whisper, "Hey, remember, revenge always comes with a price." Drama, suspense, and plot twists—this tale's got 'em all!

DaoistYjFEDm · สมัยใหม่
92 Chs

A Network of Sleeper Cells

Guiseppe winced as he clutched his chest, the pain from that sniper shot still throbbing like a bitch.

"Goddamn sniper!" he yelled, the sound echoing around Vito's huge mansion grounds. He slammed a fist into the wall in frustration. "What the hell was that gun?" His breaths were like a steam engine, eyes lit up with a combo of fury and pain.

Suddenly, a guard strolled in. "Boss, Lord Vito needs you."

Guiseppe took a deep breath, putting on a stoic face as he followed the guard. "Time to deal with the boss man."

In Vito's secret chamber, Vito's icy stare pinned Guiseppe in place the moment he entered, freezing Guiseppe in his tracks. "Explain?" Vito demanded, his voice like ice slicing through the tension-laden air.

Guiseppe quickly recapped the ambush - the deal gone south, total chaos. Vito just listened, face unreadable as a stone.

"And Corleone?" he growled like a grizzly bear demanding answers.

Guiseppe hesitated. "We can't reach him. Chances are he's dead."

Vito's eyes sparked dangerously. "Then we find the killer."

Guiseppe held up the twisted bullet he'd pulled from his vest. "This was no ordinary piece. A Deadshot Elite - military grade, boss. Had to be a pro."

The wheels turned fast in Vito's head. Someone wanted both sides screwed. "Dig deep in that warehouse. Any clues, I want to see them. We need to find out who's playing this game."

Morning light filtered into the bombed-out warehouse, the damage damn impressive. Guiseppe kicked a charred beam out of his way, surveying the ruins, with his detective hat on.

"C4 explosives. This was no amateur job." He clenched his jaw. "There's more going on here than just a blood feud." Guiseppe muttered, like he'd just cracked the Da Vinci Code. The mess around them screamed, "We've got ourselves a bigger problem!"

Sunlight played peekaboo through the leaves, hitting the forest floor like a spotlight. Vixen's heart hammered as she and Nico slipped through the forest, loaded guns pressing into their sides, their fingers twitched, itching for action.

Nico was silent as a ghost beside her, eyes constantly scanning for threats, couldn't hide the worry in his eyes.

They hurried back to their secret bunker, both looking a little worse for wear after that brutal training session.

Vixen's mind churned with plans and schemes to get him out of his mood. But one distracting thought kept nagging at her - what did Nico really think about her?

Before she could obsess over it, Nico, Mr. Mute since the mission from hell, finally spoke up grimly, taping his swollen knuckles.

"This goes way beyond usual family grudges, Vix. Big players are pulling strings in the underworld. Something major's going on."

Vixen leaned forward, intrigued. "Go on..."

Nico hesitated. "Rumors point to some kind of crime syndicate, a bunch of kick-ass women. Ruthless. They probably staged this whole thing."

Vixen's eyes nearly rolled into another dimension, "an all-female mob? " Vixen casually voiced

But Nico was dead serious, he nodded gravely. "They play rough," he warned. "And the mafia families are just the chess pieces they're toying with."

A chill went through Vixen. Just how deep did this rabbit hole go?

Vito's study looked like a storm was brewing inside him, and not the cozy fireplace kind. The phone buzzed, "powerful women.." They left a tag behind from their vantage point, Guiseppe's words hit him like a gut punch.

"Powerful women in the game?" Vito's eyes practically caught fire. "Impossible," yet the proof was piling up.

"There's more too. I found Corleone, dead as hell. Searched him up and down, but all I got was his phone," Guiseppe continued with his findings.

"Back to base, now!" Vito barked. This whole situation was spiraling out of control.

Phone dropped, just then the study door creaked open and Vito froze in disbelief as Isabella, looking like she'd seen a ghost, waltzed in, blood-stained gown from bruises. The room felt like it was holding its breath, her presence hitting like a plot twist in a horror movie.

"How'd you sneak in?" Vito spat out, part disbelief, part rage.

Isabella held his glare. "Don't pretend you care." Isabella shot back. The blood on her gown screamed horrors she'd faced the night before. "It's been a year since Vixen disappeared. You haven't given a damn about your own daughter." Her voice shook with fury. "Are we just playthings alone?"

Vito's face went through a gymnastics routine of rage and surprise. "Leave, now," he commanded, trying to be all composed.

But Isabella wasn't having it. She'd skipped the spa day, carrying the weight of unthinkable violation. "You think you can keep silencing me? Not anymore."

Before she could say more, Vito snapped. He fired a warning shot by her head, the blast echoing through the room.

Isabella's face a mix of fear and survival instinct as she bolted out of the study like her life depended on it. And maybe it did. Vito was left fuming, his empire threatened from all sides.

Vito leaned back in his leather chair, surrounded by swirling cigar smoke as he tapped his fingers on the mahogany desk. Guiseppe stood dutifully nearby, cradling Corleone's cell phone.

"Get that to the geeks. My black hats may got to figure out anything at all from his socials, call logs, messages, just anything and everything that could be damn helpful," Vito ordered in his gravelly tone.

Guiseppe nodded and headed off.

Down in the hacker den, the phone landed with a thump. Screens flickered with code as the keyboard clacking kicked into high gear. The room buzzed with anticipation.

As the hackers dug into the digital abyss, a nasty truth emerged - the damning intercepted call between Vicenzo and Corleone, reveals Nico's poker game sabotage.

Vito's hand clenched the armrest tightly as he listened, eyes narrowing.

The deal that got Corleone killed...Vicenzo set that up, not him." The revelation hung heavily in the air.

Rage simmered in Vito's chest. "Son of a bitch!" he growled, cutting through the silence. "You brought this on yourself. R.I.P! This is what comes for trying to outsmart me."

Guiseppe kept his face neutral, but his mind spun.

Vito scowled over at him. "Missed a few variables. Go find Nico – Vicenzo's wild child. Dude's always got a trick up his sleeve."

Guiseppe nodded, though he looked uncertain. Maybe the kid could help navigate this crazy mafia chess game.

Vito's mind, swirling with all sorts of evil plans. He's not gonna be a pawn in this mafia circus nor would he go gently.