

In the wild world of old-school mafia survival, where the big shots ruled the roost and the government played cozy with the fallen bigwigs or the weaker links... A powerhouse mafia clan with Vixen and her crew: Isabella, Raven, and Seraphina. But here’s the twisted rub—these girls were victims of their own father, Vito Moretti's incеstuous sexual behavior, Vito Morеtti, a man who didn't give a damn about family boundaries. So, Vixen, the rebel, decides it’s payback time. She discovers this whole hidden society thriving within the mafia, and guess what? She dives right in, dead set on climbing the ranks and tearing down her own family's criminal kingdom. But dang, just when Vixen’s about to spill all her family’s darkest secrets to the world, cue the dramatic entrance of a mysterious figure from the shadows - some creepy villain Hold onto your hats, 'cause here’s the gut punch: her father’s twisted actions were all part of someone else’s sick game plan, a puppet master pulling strings in the shadows with their own perverse agenda. And bam! They drop this bombshell about having some secret weapon that could turn Vixen's world upside down. Cue the creepy smile and the ominous whisper, "Hey, remember, revenge always comes with a price." Drama, suspense, and plot twists—this tale's got 'em all!

DaoistYjFEDm · Urban
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

Deceptive Intelligence

A tense, uneasy feeling filled the hidden bunker as Vixen sank into a chair, focused intently on decoding any communications that might point to their next mission. Suddenly, a beep interrupted the tension and her piercing blue eyes scanned the decrypted details sharply.

As she worked to unravel the coded messages, her face tensed with a dawning alarm.

Nearby, Nico stood with his muscular arms crossed, brooding deeply as his keen mind turned over strategic options, calculating their best move. Vixen's urgent voice broke his concentration.

"We've gotta hustle on this latest intel," she said gravely, swiveling to face Nico with worried blue eyes conveying the gravity of the news.

"Somehow Corleone survived. He's meeting up with Vito to seal the arms deal, and now the slimeball's trying to buy even more firepower - real advanced weaponry this time. Prototype guns with crazy new bleeding-edge tech."

She tapped rapidly at the keyboard, continuing. "This ain't just about stockpiling arms; it's about them gaining a wicked tactical advantage."

Nico's eyebrows tried to escape to his hairline. The stakes had just soared. Thwarting the arms trade itself had already been priority number one.

But now, preventing extraordinarily lethal weapons from reaching the hands of remorseless criminals had become mission critical as well. Where on earth was Vito getting his mitts on such advanced hardware?

With deepening unease, Nico demanded sharply, "Where are these crooks planning the exchange?"

"A villa right outside the city limits. Tomorrow at four o'clock," Vixen replied straightaway, all confidence. Her eyes practically screamed, "Let's gear up and kick some butt."

Nico's mouth twisted, suspicions rising within him. "No way, it's too risky. You're sitting this one out; I'm going solo."

Vixen flashed him an incredulous look, but Nico stood firm in forbidding her from potential danger."

Vixen's eyes flashed like fireworks on the Fourth of July, but Nico stood firm in forbidding her from potential danger.

High noon the next day. Nico was already there, casing the lavish villa grounds while his mind raced through the mission details.

He slipped a hand inside his sharp suit, retrieving some fancy high-tech gizmo. It unfolded into a 3D holographic map displaying the layout, potential escape routes, and prime lookout points.

Nico adjusted his earpiece to tune into Vixen's real-time intel based on the decrypted phone logs.

"Psst, Nico," her voice whispered, "there's a secret underground tunnel from the villa to the shore. It's not on any blueprints - I hacked their security system. Could be your ticket outta there if things go south."

Nico gave an almost unseen nod, mentally noting the useful intel. He then activated a mini stealth drone from his pocket, sending it buzzing off to scan for any hidden threats or extra security. The footage streamed live to his wrist communicator.

Satisfied with the recon, gadgets holstered, his sharp tactical mind calculating how much time he'd have for the job. He's got to swoop in, do the deed, and vanish like a phantom before Vito's goons catch wind of the deception.

Unbeknownst to Nico, Vito's men were already lying in wait, having stealthily encircled the meeting point disguised as ordinary townspeople. The trap was set flawlessly, per Guiseppe's cunning orchestration.

**Intelligence played: Guiseppe, Vito's aide, had staged a phony call yesterday using voice cloning tech to mimic the deceased Don Corleone. It was bait to lure any eavesdropping enemies into a compromising position.**

Nico slipped into the bushes, scoping for any sign of Corleone's arrival. But the only vehicles rolling up were unmarked mafia rides. Nico's jaw tightened. Something smells fishy here.

Before he can do a Scooby-Doo "ruh-roh," Vito's heavily armed thugs swarmed his hiding spot, gats drawn on him from all angles. Adrenaline pumped through Nico's veins, but his poker face deserves an award. Luckily, he'd come prepared.

As Vito's goons close in, Nico's inner MacGyver kicks in. He casually activated a smoke bomb from his belt.

The area instantly went foggy as hell. In the confusion, Nico quickly shot off a grappling hook and jetted up the villa wall.

On the rooftop, obscured by the smoke, Nico strapped on an oxygen mask. The chaos below played out like a choreographed dance. Nico's senses stayed razor sharp as he scoped the freaked-out henchmen firing blind below.

With a precise leap, Nico landed without a sound on the next building over to get a bird's eye take on things. The whole cityscape stretched out before him. He had to ghost, and fast.

Time to dash. He vaulted to the next roof, sprinting full speed towards the shoreline and that secret escape tunnel, ready to disappear like a phantom. His mind raced, knowing Vixen would give him major lip for ignoring her instructions if he made it back alive.

Vito slammed his fist as the bad news rolled in—Nico had somehow jetted from their trap. The hunt was officially on. "I want that punk found! Tear the city apart brick by brick if you have to! Just bring him to me!"

Guiseppe nodded grimly. They'd turned the streets into a gauntlet, and escape seemed impossible even for someone as slippery as Nico. Nobody evaded the Boss for long.

Under the black water, Nico kicked smoothly along in his silent aquatic shoes, silently saying, "Adiós, suckers!" Putting distance between himself and the shoreline.

Breaking the surface with a gasp, Nico quickly threw his mask back on. He was far from free yet. Vito's attack dogs would keep coming, certainly.

Back at their hidden bunkers, Vixen anxiously awaited any sign of Nico's return. As she worked to decode intercepted mafia chatter, tension made her fingers shaky.

Suddenly, beep! Nico's emergency message pops up, and Vixen's heart goes on a rollercoaster.

"Compromised. Went dark. Don't wait for me. Stay safe!"

Jaw set with determination, Vixen prepped to roll. She knew Nico too well - he was careful to a fault. If he said not to linger, he meant business. In a blur of motion, she hits the panic button, erasing their digital footprints from the bunker.

No time for sentimentality; she packed heat and extra ammo, like she's packing for a surprise vacation, Vixen's ready for whatever's in store.

Meanwhile, Nico wove through dim alleys, cutting a zig-zag escape path towards their underground headquarters. Survival instincts drove him on against exhaustion, senses wired for any incoming threats.

Still seething from Nico jetting on them, Vito demands answers in an emergency meeting with his crew. "No way that punk pulled this off solo. He's got help sneaking away. I want his partner-in-crime, found as well!"

At Vito's command, his goons swarm the streets unleashing pure chaos trying to run Nico to ground. The whole city becomes a war zone overnight. It's like a mobster version of Grand Theft Auto out there.

Formerly bustling blocks morph into gauntlets of danger. Dark alleys and crowded markets switch from vibrant public spaces to hostile hunting grounds practically overnight, every corner potentially hiding this most elusive prey.

Mob enforcers armed to the teeth with enough firepower for a small army patrol the streets relentlessly searching for their mark.

Civilians played it smart, ducking indoors like it's the zombie apocalypse. Nobody wants to accidentally photobomb a mobster shootout.

Sirens wail as law enforcement responds to the rapidly devolving situation, quickly tangled up in Vito's destructive web. But the mob boss and his crew of ruthless mercenaries have no intention of sharing their high value target. A tense "cooperation" emerges between cops and robbers with both trying to trip the other up.

Tension continues escalating as a flood of misinformation hits the streets - false sightings, conflicting reports, misdirecting resources. Like a ghost in the night Nico slips through the gaps, escaping detection yet again while the frustrated goons chase their tails.

It's a manhunt turned hide-and-seek turned mental gymnastics.

Surveillance cameras whir to life, tracking Nico's every move. The whole technological grid becomes both an asset and achilles heel. Wise to the all-seeing electronic eyes monitoring him, Nico masterfully exploits blind spots and sticks to the shadows like his life depends on it - which it surely does.

The urban landscape transforms into a concrete parkour playground for Nico's extreme escape tactics. Daring leaps between buildings, disappearing acts into narrow side streets - he leaves pursuers scratching their heads, wondering if they're chasing a dude or a superhero.

Vito's on a warpath, turning every lead into a full-blown investigation. Nobody rests until Nico's got.

The chase's got wild, Nico hotwires some broken-down pickup and hits the gas hard onto a dirt road to nowhere.

Only thought on his mind: keep moving and stay invisible so Vixen doesn't get wrapped up in Vito's vengeance too.

He embraces the role of the hunted, weaving through chaos like a boss.

The chase continues...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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