
Shadowbound Conquest

In an attempt to regain a regular life after a horrible past, a young man finds himself thrown into a world full of magic and extraordinary powers. Unfortunately, disaster still haunts him when he realizes that magic does not exist in him. Weakness is unacceptable in this harsh environment, and catastrophes that remind him of the past happen and spark a brutal journey of revenge. Forced into the darkness by destiny, he starts on a journey of revenge that makes him hunted around the world. The journey ends in conquering, whether he conquers the enemy, or the enemy conquers him. A war between light and darkness develops, challenging the strength of character and the limits of a given destiny. Can he, who merely wants a normal life, take vengeance with his power, knowledge, wealth, and life? Can he accomplish victory despite having to fight enemies without losing himself in a dark game full of malicious intrigue? ***** [A/N: The cover is mine, it's original.] Find official illustrations for my novels here: https://linktr.ee/FictionFalcon

Fiction_Falcon · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

The Beginning (Part 6)

Amel had arrived after finishing her meeting, and because I was too tired to argue with her, I moved away from Avia and sat next to Alex. The food also arrived not long after, with a variety of food and drink menus that looked very tempting and luxurious. We started eating the food even though the atmosphere somehow felt a little awkward, so I signaled Avia to start a conversation with Amel.

"So, how is the meeting going, Amel?"

"It went well and smoothly, even though there were various unreasonable arguments, but I was able to silence them all. I'll give you the results of the meeting after we finish eating, sis."

She spoke in a friendly tone to her cousin. What if I try to join in this conversation?

"You can defeat those fucking people, that's fantastic. Amel, I believe you're capable of taking on the role of director."

"Of course, I'm used to dealing with people who are more annoying than them, they're nothing compared to you. Also, don't call me that, we're not that close, bastard."

Whaaat?, She changed her expression so quickly. How much hatred did she have for me? And because of that answer, the scumbag next to me laughed at me.

"Ahaha, Miss Amel, you are an interesting woman for daring to talk to this guy like that."

"He's just a fucking guy who sticks to my sister. Ahh, that's true, sis. What was the conversation you had with him earlier? Do I need to write it down for you?"

"Ahhh, that's..."

Avia looked at me, her expression asking whether to tell her cousin or not, so I nodded my head in agreement, after all, one more person didn't really change anything.

 "I'm going to warn you that this might come as a shock, so please try not to lose your control and stay focused until the end. What happened was..."

So Avia explained everything to Amel, with disbelief, shock, and confusion visible on her face. She gave us multiple looks as well, but she remained silent and merely listened. After a ten-minute explanation full with surprises and twists, Amel was silent the entire time.

"Amel, are you all right?"

"Wh...what should we do, sister? Will we simply remain in this situation and do nothing? Don't we need to prepare ourselves or take whatever action is necessary if this news is accurate?"

"Amel, please calm down. We have also been discussing it, but all we can do is wait. My father told me he had sent many ships to bring everyone here when I phoned him. I had to call him because if we go through the entire procedure, it will take a long time. The ship is scheduled to get here in seven hours, so let's hope nothing happens in that time."

Huh? Did she already do that? But when did she do it?

"Hold on, when did you do that, Avia?"

"I contacted him after I finished ordering food, I said there would be a big disaster here, and he immediately believed it, he has even sent the ship now."

"That's right, your father has always been very protective and trusting of his beloved daughter, not even saying anything and immediately taking action."

"Of course my uncle cares very much about my sister, if he finds out you're having a relationship with his daughter, I'm sure you would have been chopped up and become fish food long ago."

Why does she have so much pride in that? Even his daughter didn't say anything.

"Yes, I think I should thank Amel for keeping our relationship a secret, as expected, you really care about me."

"You're such an overconfident bastard. I'm doing this for my sister, not for you, Say it again, and I'll beat you up."

"Okay, whatever it is, I'll repay you later. All right, I'm finished now. Thank you for the food, Avia. I'll get out of here, there's still someone I have to meet."

"Okay, I also have to contact the principal, I think he should know too."

"Sure, Avia, do what you believe is right. And you, what will you do at this time?

I can't leave this guy here and have to be as far away from him as possible, or the problems that are coming are getting worse.

"Me? I still have places to explore in this academy, so why don't we go together?"

"In your dream, you can go for a walk alone, and I'm going to the student council room, so don't follow me or come there, there's always trouble if I get too close to you."

I'd like to open the door when the unpleasant feeling pops up, it's just a glimpse but very clear, as I've felt before when I was on a mission. And based on my experience, something will happen here. Is this the time that the magic phenomenon will appear?

"Hey, do you guys feel someth…"


There is a recognized vibration, even if it is not very strong.

"Evan, do you feel it?"

I went over to Avia and held her hand because she seemed worried about the sensations she had felt before. After that, she began to calm down again.

"It looks like we don't have time to wait for the ship to arrive, I feel like something's going to happen."

Even Alex said that it was already a certainty that the magic phenomenon would start now, and it wouldn't take long for something to happen. This is because of the fact that two blue-shining pillars of light that abruptly appear high in the sky may be seen from this room. Their placement indicates that they are from 1-C and 3-K.

The director's room has windows all around it, allowing us to see the entire school environment. After that, three more blue pillars appear in various spots. But it wasn't the end of everything. The panic arose from seeing people running and sirens all over the school ringing. The vibration felt getting stronger, and five new red pillars of light appeared. It was like a fire that burned everything. We can now see the mayhem escalating. Students are either trampled by others or staff and teachers attempt to calm them down.

There are several parts of the school building that look cracked, even though it was designed to withstand the strongest shocks and will not collapse. Although they appeared overburdened and had little effect, school security also attempted to evacuate students to the safest location on the campus.

"Avia, use the loudspeaker and announce to immediately gather in the open field, order the staff, teachers, and other children to remain calm and follow procedures as we have trained together for emergencies."

"Okay, Evan, I will do it."

Avia follows my advice, despite the fact that they are the ones who are usually arrogant because they were selected as the most important, but facing all this, they look the same as ordinary people. Even though the situation is still messy, this is better than before. It's only three minutes, but it could cause this much panic.

"Come, we also have to gather together, and it seems like it's not a circle summoning creatures from another world here, but instead there are some people who have been transported to another world."

As we were about to leave, shaking once again was felt, this was even stronger than before, and several buildings were destroyed. I saw two golden pillars appear in the field where everyone was gathered, but it was too late to see who was summoned because it was too bright to see inside.

I grabbed Avia's hand, but suddenly my body felt hit by something hard. I was thrown against the wall near the door, and when I saw what was happening behind me, I saw three golden pillars of light covering the three of them. I got up and ran, trying to grab Avia, it appears that something has put up a barrier to keep out those who are not chosen. It did not work, even though I hit it till my hands bled.

I saw the panic in Avia's face, she cried and said something, but I couldn't hear anything, and neither did Amel. She tried to get out to be close to her sister, but it was all in vain. Alex is not saying anything while observing this, his face has no expression, as if what's happening has no effect on him.

After that, the golden light got stronger, so I couldn't see anything and had to close my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, nothing could be seen, The three of them had vanished, leaving no trace behind, as if they had never existed before.

I don't know what to do, just sit quietly on the floor full of cracks. I'm trying to stand, but my body is too weak, maybe because of the adrenaline I've drawn out, so I had to drag my body so I could sit on the sofa that I used to hug Avia a few minutes ago.

 I realized that everything transpired far too quickly. I checked my phone and saw that it had just been 7 minutes from the initial blue pillar to the disappearance of the golden pillar. That happened too quickly for anyone to react.

I've been browsing the internet, and these situations have been reported by somebody. A variety of images and videos showing various light pillars rising were posted. The varied responses can also be seen in the comments on these posts.

[Ring Ring Ring]

I got a phone call from her, as if she was already aware of what was going on here, and when I answered, I heard a panicked voice seeking what I was doing.

[Master? Master? are you all right?]

[Althea, I'm fine, just a few scratches and minor wounds appeared. What do you think about this incident?

[I knew it was summoning magic because of the shape of the light pillar, which led me to believe it was from my world, master.]

[But why are the colors different?]

[I forgot to mention this in your lesson earlier, but the color of the summoning circle changes according to the talent of the summoned, master. In short, there are five colors: yellow, green, blue, red, and gold. Yellow is the lowest talent and gold is the most talented. According to my estimates, the world where I come from is in great danger, so they call up to 15 people, master.]

[So in the end, the one who was summoned was forced to become a hero. Huh, how troublesome! Can you make a reverse summons to that world?]

[The project I am working on has only reached 37% of completion, Master. It is extremely challenging to achieve because there is no magic energy here. but if I can analyze the summon traces there, I think it could speed up the success of this project, master]

[You need to visit this location and investigate what happened. To avoid making things tough for yourself, make sure you pose as someone in an authoritative position. In addition, Alex has taken a magic energy detection gadget. Because of this, we also know that there will be summonses, so be sure to conceal yourself well. Althea]

[Yes sir. I will carry out all your orders. I will come there as soon as possible.]


What? Why is there a vibration again? Isn't it all over?

[Althea, listen to me. I feel the vibration again, it seems like a summons will appear]

[What, how is that possible? Since summoning uses a significant amount of energy, it must be done in order from lowest to highest talent and cannot be repeated once completed.]

[I don't know, but Althea, is there a purple circle?]

[No, there is no such thing, do you see the purple circle, sir?]

[Yes, I saw it, it appeared under my feet, it seems I will also be summoned.]

[What, wait, master? maste..]

The light brightened up just like it had before, but now that I was inside of it, I felt queasy as though my stomach were about to burst. My thinking stopped, my sight became dark, I felt as though my body was floating, I didn't know up and down, I was out of breath, and all I could hear were a few faint sounds....


In a gray world where nothing is visible, like an endless emptiness, a figure appeared, an unconscious man floating in this empty world.

The calm world without anything suddenly became turbulent, various sounds were heard, making the room become noisy, various movie-like scenes also appeared around this man's body, decorating this previously empty world.

Then all of this disappears after a gorgeous fugure appears and the holy light falls over this gloomy world. If people saw her, they would immediately bow down and feel as if in front of them was a god, even if they did not know the existence of the god.

[Finally, I met you again, my love.]

She speaks in an unknown language, but surely she speaks to an unconscious person.

[I won't let you suffer like you did in your first life.]

[Your destiny will always be yours, and mine will be connected to yours.]

[I can't be with you now, but I will in the future, my love.]

[Accept my blessings and love. I wish happiness always be with you]

After the mysterious figure disappeared, the world turned gray again, and a mysterious voice resounded in this world.

[System Activation]... [Initialization Process Started]

[Energy Exchange Starts]... [Error]...

[Energy Mismatch]... [Retry]...

[Error]... [Soul Analysis]...

[Soul Too Strong]... [Process Failure]...

[Requires adjustment]... [Revaluation Strategy]... [Upgrade to the Highest System]...

[Soul Power Increase Detected]...

[Needs for Adaptation]... [Execute Hibernation]...

[Calculating Hibernation Time]... [121140480 Seconds]...

[System hibernation in 3...2...1]...

The floating body gradually vanished once the sound faded, who knows where his body would be taken? Finally, this world became quiet again, with nothing, no one, and only gray visible wherever you looked.